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Very interesting website (Muslims versus Hindus)

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This is a well-written website about the struggle of Hindus against the Muslim onslaught since it began. For those of you interested in that, this is a great website to check out. But just be warned, like many of these "Hindu" websites, the guy is mayavadi, but from what I see so far this is a purely historical piece. So it shouldn't be too harmful so long as you read and scan everything carefully.

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Originally posted by talasiga:

Thank you for the link.

I am curious: what do YOU mean/understand

by "mayavadi" ?

In your own words please

and succinctly (brief, relevant and clear).

I don't understand why you want my definition. Why not make a new thread all about what people define as mayavadi?


But of course I wont say no. I would say that a mayavadi is anyone who follows the instructions and texts of Sri Sankaracharya, with the exception of Bhaja Govindam.



bhaja govindaM


bhajagovindaM bhajagovindaM

govindaM bhajamuuDhamate .

saMpraapte sannihite kaale

nahi nahi rakshati DukR^iJNkaraNe .. 1..




Worship Govinda, worship Govinda, worship Govinda, Oh fool !

Rules of grammar will not save you at the time of your death.


If you want a much better description, read "Vaishnav Vijay" by Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaj.


[This message has been edited by Krsnacandra dasa (edited 10-12-2001).]

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Can someone give some more info on this Hindutva? Is this an organization or a movement of people (or both). I understand its very pro-Hindu but I'd be curious to know some of its background.


A few years back there was a Southern Baptist Convention which said its aim was to target India for mass conversions to Christianity. Shvu posted something along these lines in the World Review section a few days ago (not directly related to Southern Baptists per se). I believe at the time this Hindutva organization then threatened that if the Christians did this then they (Hindutva) would start converting Christians to Hindus. I just shook my head because it was clearly a bluff.


India is the next major target for Christian evangelism. Unfortunately due to past and current discrimination against various castes, Christianity can be an appealing movement for the downtrodden. What solutions are there for India in this regard?



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It is funny to note that even the Christians in India have "castes" based on what their previous caste status was before converting and most won't marry outside their caste. Also their worship remains more or less Hindu, with them offering sandalwood paste, garlands, lamps, etc., to Christ, Mary, and a slew of other "Gods" (mostly saints and various aspects of Mary). Even after converting they still need to see many deities to be satisfied! For example, they will have "Our mother of small pox", "Our mother of wealth", "Our mother of health", etc., and they believe if you worship that deity you will attain that result. On top of that, many even wear vibhuti (ash) on their forhead in the shape of a cross! Isn't this just Hinduism with the names changed?!


Such conversion (whether to Hinduism or Christianity) is very shallow and has no spiritual effect. Though claiming to convert from one faith to the next, they maintain their exploitive natures and have changed nothing but their name.


Faith and worship of the Lord does not require "conversion". No external ritual is needed for the Lord to accept us as His own, for he already accepts all of us as His children: aham bija pradah pita - "I am the father of all living entities."


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Originally posted by Krsnacandra dasa:

.......the guy is mayavadi ........scan everything carefully.



** It is just a strange way to present this mans work. Obviously you think this worthy of posting, but at the same time you are leary of his religious feelings..so you WARN people i.e. "scan everything" like in-bet-ween the lines you could get anthrax poisoning.


These are the very same TYPES of feelings that have caused such hatred between religions of different faiths.

'Don't allow youself to hear their words (or carefully scan them if you do), don't touch them, do not sit in the same place they have, do not allow your eyes to see them and if you do ..jump in a river etc.


This is FUNDAMENTALISM and very scarry no matter WHO it comes from.


The people who harbor such fanatical feelings ALL think.."WE have the absolute truth and the other religions are less than ours"




Posted Image



¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*

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.......the guy is mayavadi ........scan everything carefully.

oh...those mayavadins !


I heeded the warning and didn't browse that web site. If I did, I would have to jump into the nearest river to purify myself, and since it is getting cold here in detroit, I certainly don't wish to jump into any river at this time. It would be very unpleasant.


Thanx for the heads up.





[This message has been edited by shvu (edited 10-15-2001).]

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I have three different anti-virus scanners installed on this computer, but after `scanning carefully` I still was unable to locate this elusive `mayavadi` virus. Of course, being the cautious fellow I am and always eager to follow the advice of advanced devotees on this forum, I immediately called the manufacturers.


Don't worry, prabhus! They have issued a world-wide emergency bulletin and assure me that technicians are giving this the highest possible priority attention. With recent terrorist activity and all, we just can't be too careful these days...HARIBOL!


valaya RR

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Originally posted by valaya:

I have three different anti-virus scanners installed on this computer, but after `scanning carefully` I still was unable to locate this elusive `mayavadi` virus. Of course, being the cautious fellow I am and always eager to follow the advice of advanced devotees on this forum, I immediately called the manufacturers.


Don't worry, prabhus! They have issued a world-wide emergency bulletin and assure me that technicians are giving this the highest possible priority attention. With recent terrorist activity and all, we just can't be too careful these days...HARIBOL!


valaya RR

he he ha ha valayaji....


Again I believe this treatment of (advaita) by referring to it as 'MAYAVAD' is in itself a 'POISON PILL'...


Hatred of anothers religious path is indicitive of FUNDAMENTALISM....the kind of hate which is fueling the current Islamic Jihad.


And I declare this constant defamation of other paths within Sanatan Dharma by supporters of Iskcon/Gaudiya Math is a dangerous mindset which leads to extreme fanatical ways of behaving with others outside their faith.


It does NOT matter WHAT RELIGION ADOPTS a FUNDAMENTALISTIC / fanatical outlook...when ANY ONE OF THEM DOES.............




Posted Image



¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


[This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-15-2001).]

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If you want a much better description (of a mayavadi), read "Vaishnav Vijay" by Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaj.


Actually this book it a plagiarism of Koran. Instead of Satan Mayavadins and Advaitavadins are the forces of evil and for certain Vaisnavas are the forces of haven instead of Islam. The story of these evil’s forces and its doom is narrated therein in a fabulous style, including the point where Sankara is transformed into a Tibetan chips due his misdeeds! Fantastic!!!


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Originally posted by Satyaraja dasa:

If you want a much better description (of a mayavadi), read "Vaishnav Vijay" by Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaj.


Actually this book it a plagiarism of Koran. Instead of Satan Mayavadins and Advaitavadins are the forces of evil and for certain Vaisnavas are the forces of haven instead of Islam. The story of these evil’s forces and its doom is narrated therein in a fabulous style, including the point where Sankara is transformed into a Tibetan chips due his misdeeds! Fantastic!!!



Satya, what the f*** you high on dude..?


Posted Image



¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


[This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 10-15-2001).]

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  • 4 weeks later...

Originally posted by shvu:

oh...those mayavadins !


I heeded the warning and didn't browse that web site. If I did, I would have to jump into the nearest river to purify myself, and since it is getting cold here in detroit, I certainly don't wish to jump into any river at this time. It would be very unpleasant.


Thanx for the heads up.





[This message has been edited by shvu (edited 10-15-2001).]


¸..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- jijaji Posted Image

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


[This message has been edited by jijaji (edited 11-11-2001).]

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