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Slander and Humility

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"When you are slandered, and therefore grow disturbed and

sick at heart, it

shows that pride is in you, and that it must be wounded and

driven out


outward dishonor. Therefore do not be irritated by derision,

and do not


malice against those who hate you and slander you, but love

them as your


physicians, whom God has sent you to instruct you and to

teach you


and pray to God for them."


St. John of Kronstadt.



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Thank you Valaya, a very good instruction that we all need to think about and place into action. However, off the topic somewhat but related, if we hear slander of another devotee or of our spiritual guides we are not called to be humble and tolerant. We are called to defend their dignity and present the truth regardless of it's consequences. On another note, no one will do themselves any good or do good to others by being fault finders - especially when it comes to finding fault with devotees - rather we should try to see our own faults and work on them - one of which you have very nicely pointed out for all the gentle readers here may be false pride.


thank you


Your servant,

Audarya lila dasa

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Originally posted by Tarun:

False pride or ahankara is most difficult, most subtle.

Zrila Zridhardev stated something which still makes me chill after 20 yrs:

"One layer of false ego may consume many births..."


Don't you just hate those stubborn stains?!!


Taking offense on behalf of others, who may never have taken offense themselves, as an excuse to exercise our false ego's fighting propensity in the name of truth, justice and even love does not a pure devotee make.


To `defend`, `glorify`, `praise` the acharya's is not the same as actually following them, nor can Sri Guru and Gauranga be deceived by such a show of cheap deception.


Often, knowing from whom/whence it comes, even the casual observer can understand that it is only a hollow mockery of true devotion.



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Thank you for the kick Valaya, you are certainly most correct in your assessment of my fallen nature.


You should note, just for reference sake, that I was paraphrasing what Srila Prabhupada has said regarding humility and also what other great vaishnava's have said. We should be humble ourselves and not be disturbed by those who speak ill of us, but we should always speak out against villification of other devotees, regardless of our fallen nature.


Your servant,

Audarya lila dasa

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Originally posted by Audarya lila:

Thank you for the kick Valaya, you are certainly most correct in your assessment of my fallen nature.


You should note, just for reference sake, that I was paraphrasing what Srila Prabhupada has said regarding humility and also what other great vaishnava's have said. We should be humble ourselves and not be disturbed by those who speak ill of us, but we should always speak out against villification of other devotees, regardless of our fallen nature.


Your servant,

Audarya lila dasa

Prabhu, please don't feel that it was you being addressed! It's not so much a question of whether one speaks out as how. Our tempers must be tempered with self-reflection.


Certainly these situations bring pain to the heart, but such pain can also be a great impetus for the sincere disciple to surrender himself/herself more deeply, knowing that blasphemers are better saved than `destroyed`. JAI SRI RADHE! valaya



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My wholehearted agreement there. I am certainly an offender myself as judged by my own lack of devotion and the fact that tears don't come to my eyes at the recitation of Krsna's name. It's really not so easy, I know. We may speak out, but in doing so we may really be adding fuel to the fire and cause a person more harm than good. Let us all pray for mercy and beg to become specks of dust at the feet of a pure Vaishnava.


Your servant,

Audarya lila dasa

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