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Innovation and its limits in Gaudiya Vaishnavism

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Krishnananda dasa

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It's quite natural to share ones understanding of siddhanta. In the vaisnava sanga it is called Hari katha. The Lord loves it, devotees love it, and it should make the environment a better, happier place to live. But I understand how Prabhupad protected his disciples in the same manner.

Of course I come from a guru who taught the revolutionary concept of 'The land of Gurus.'

All are my guardians.What a wonderful place to live. When will that Life be mine?



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Me too and I see what you mean when you say that whatever it is it's more than I think it is. It really is. Beautiful thing is it I mean They are accessed by going within. right there at your own front heart.


Too love is never rejected, may just seem that way. It may not be recognised, however. But no loss. Love is never lost, the actions of love are never in vain. Love can not be unrequited for love is its own fulfillment.


Best of all, we are never without Love!

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Originally posted by JRdd:

Me too and I see what you mean when you say that whatever it is it's more than I think it is. It really is. Beautiful thing is it I mean They are accessed by going within. right there at your own front heart.


Too love is never rejected, may just seem that way. It may not be recognised, however. But no loss. Love is never lost, the actions of love are never in vain. Love can not be unrequited for love is its own fulfillment.


Best of all, we are never without Love!

Now you're talking my language

By the way is that Troo love?


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Originally posted by Maitreya:

Yes,I leave Oct.1 1:40 am.Hopefully I will get a spark of inspiration.If I can't there then where?Just a drop of the real thing would be nice.



"I Must Run To Vrndavana!"


After the function of sannyasa was finished, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu became mad. "I must run to Vrndavana," He thought. "I have given up all connection with this world. I have no attraction for it. I must run to Vrndavana to exclusively engage Myself in the service of Krsna." In trance. He began to chant a verse from the Srimad-Bhagavatam where Krsna gives a description of sannyasa to Uddhava. This verse was spoken by a tri-dandi-bhiksu, a mendicant. Mahaprabhu quoted this verse, thinking, "I have accepted this garb of a sannyasi for this is favorable to My spiritual life. Now, no one in society has any claim over Me, and I will be able to exclusively devote Myself to the service of Krsna. I am going to Vrndavana with no other engagement or connection with anyone." In this way, in ecstatic madness He began to chant and dance. Kesava Bharati Maharaja embraced Him, and both guru and disciple joined together, chanting and dancing. At that time Mahaprabhu spoke the verse of the brahmana who, in the last stages of his life, took tridandi sannyasa and had to tolerate the torture of society in different forms. He said:


etam sa asthaya paratma-nistham

adhyasitam purvatamair maharsibhih

aham tarisyami duranta-param

tamo mukundanghri-nisevayaiva


"The previous great sages have accepted and shown the path of sannyasa. I have now accepted that very form of life. Now, leaving everything aside, I shall run towards Vrndavana. There, taking the name of Mukunda, Krsna, I shall cross over the ocean of nescience. Crossing over this maya, I shall reach Vrndavana and fully enter the service of Krsna"


The dress of a sannyasi is meant only for an external adjustment, but the real thing is to serve Mukunda. And so, with this verse. He suddenly started towards Vrndavana from Katwa. Near the banks of the Ganges, He entered the jungle thinking, "Now, My duty is to reach Vrndavana as soon as possible and there, in a solitary place, I shall sit and chant and sing the name of Krsna."


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ran towards Vrndavana and entered the jungle before evening. And Nityananda Prabhu, Candrasekhara Acarya, Mukunda Datta, and Jagadananda pursued Him through the jungle. Sometimes while running He would suddenly fall on the ground and begin to cry, "Krsna, Krsna!" Getting up suddenly. He began running—without any apparent direction—to the north, east, west and south.SSM

Gauwa pwemanadi harrriii bol!


Nyyyyyy anyone for a Vrndavan lassi?

There's a place near Bunki Biharis that has xquisite product. Don't miss it, nor BB's dharsan



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Continuous reality:

Wandering in Trance


Sometimes He would run away so swiftly that the devotees could not trace Him, especially in the night, when they would lose Him in the darkness. Then, they would all be disappointed, thinking, "Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, our lord and master, has left us!" But suddenly they would hear Him far away, crying, "Krsna, Krsna, Krsna!" in a piteous, wailing tone. Then they would run in that direction and see that He was lying on the ground, crying,


kahan mora prana natha murali-vadana

kahan karon kahan pan vrajendra-nandana


"Where is my beloved Krsna? I can't tolerate His separation. Where is the Lord of My life, who is playing His flute? What shall I do now? Where should I go to find the son of Maharaja Nanda?" In a piteous, heart-rending tone. He was crying. In a bewildered state, with no consciousness of any particular direction. He would say, "Who are you? I'm going to Vrndavana. Why are you disturbing Me?" After nursing Him, again they began to start towards the west, towards Vrndavana. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued wandering in trance. But the great attraction of His devotees did not allow Him to go towards the west.


Taking advantage of His trance, Nityananda Prabhu somehow coaxingly turned Mahaprabhu's face towards Santipura. It is mentioned in the Caitanya-Bhagavata that beginning from Katwa, they went west until they reached a place near Vakresvara, about six miles northeast of Dubrarajpura, in the district of Birbhum. In Vi-sramatala, on the other side of the Adjai river, there is a place which is observed as the seat of Sri Caitanya. There, they say, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu turned His face from the west towards the east, or from Vrndavana to Santipura.


They wandered throughout the remaining evening, and then another day and night. Finally, on the third day, in the evening. He returned through Kalna to Santipura through the arrangements of Nityananda Prabhu, who appeared before Mahaprabhu in the red cloth of a renunciate. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, although so familiar with him, couldn't recognize Nityananda. He saw a sannyasi before Him and thought, "I am going to Vrndavana, and here is a sannyasi in front of Me." He said, "O Sripada sannyasi, where are You going? I shall go to Vrndavana with You. How far is Vrndavana from here?" Nityananda showed Him the Ganges, near Kalna, saying, "Just see, there is the Yamuna." Mahaprabhu said, "Oh, We have come so near the Yamuna!" Then, He took His bath in the Yamuna, singing this verse:


cid-ananda-bhanoh sada nanda-sunoh

para-prema-patri drava-brahma-gatri

aghanam lavitri jagat-ksema-dhatri

pavitri-kriyan no vapur mitra-putri


"O daughter of the sun: although you have appeared in the form of water, you are most dear to the son of Nanda, who is the spiritual sun. You dispel the sins of all sinners. Please purify this mortal body." (Kavi Karnapura:Caitanya Candrodaya-nataka 5.13)


Just before Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu arrived there on the banks of the Ganges, Nityananda Prabhu sent Can-drasekhara to inform Advaita Acarya to come. When Mahaprabhu asked Advaita Acarya, "Is that You, Advaita? How did you know I was in Vrndavana?" Advaita Acarya said, "This must be some kind of joke. Wherever You are is Vrndavana. And it is My fortune that You have come here, near the Ganges.Oh, it is the Ganges?"


"Yes." Then, Mahaprabhu, regaining His consciousness of this world, said, "Oh, then it is a conspiracy of Nityananda Prabhu. He has brought Me here to the banks of the Ganges and told Me it is the Yamuna. It is all a hoax! I have fallen prey to His hoax."


Advaita Acarya argued, "No, no, Nityananda Prabhu has not spoken any falsehood. You have really taken bath in the Yamuna. The confluence of the Yamuna and Ganges is in Allahabad, and it is mentioned in sastra that the western side is the Yamuna, and the eastern side is the Ganges. Now You have taken Your bath in the western side, so You have taken Your bath in the Yamuna, according to scripture. So Nityananda Prabhu has not told any lie. Anyway, I have come with this new dress for You. Leave Your wet clothes and accept this new garb. I have also cooked something for You. For three days You have been fasting, and today, as a sannyasi, You must take some charity in My house. I am a poor man," he said with folded palms, "but You must come." They took Him by boat to Santipura, to the house of Advaita Acarya. The next morning Sacidevi came, and Mahaprabhu spent about ten or twelve days there in Santipura performing kirtana.



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What is Vrndavana?


What is Vrndavana proper? It is a stage of consciousness. In different stages of consciousness, there are different subjective realities. Everything springs from the willpower of the Lord. He is the subject, and His potency and sweet will is all subjective. The Lord said, "Let there be light,"—and there was light. He said, "Let there be water,"—and there was water. He said, "Let there be earth,"—and there was earth. If, like a hypnotist, the higher subject wants to make the lower subject see something, he cannot but see that thing. We are all in the subjective, imaginary world, but above imagination is the supersubjective plane of reality. So, Krsna reveals Himself to one who has developed pure consciousness, and in the stage of pure consciousness one can perceive the true nature of subjective reality (sattvam visuddham vasudeva sabditam).


To show us that Vrndavana is everywhere, Mahaprabhu was running here and there in ecstasy. When They met, Advaita Prabhu told Him, "You must be jesting when You say You are going to Vrndavana. Wherever You are—that is Vrndavana. We have that experience. What You say is very peculiar: 'I am going to Vrndavana.' Simply to teach us the value of Vrndavana, You are posing in this way."


The Land of Love


Everything can be compensated only through love. There is a saying that a loving mother thinks that her blind child has beautiful lotus eyes. She is blinded by affection. So, what is mean and low can only be compensated by love—that shines very beautifully. That is prema, or divine love. Through mercy, through pity, through grace, a king can come to play with a boy on the street. Affection can make it possible. The difference between high and low disappears at such a stage.

A Great Tragedy


We must return back to Godhead, back to home. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, "Your home is a beautiful land. You must try for that. Why are you always troubled with the horrors of war, epidemic, earthquake, undesirable disease, stealing, dacoiting, and fighting with so many neighbors? At the bottom of all this is the fact that you have identified yourself with this material world and this body of flesh and blood. You have to retrace your path and go back to your home." That is what is necessary. Our homeland is such a lovely and beautiful and divine place. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sannyasa is all for us, and it is for the purpose of taking us back home, where we can have home comforts, home sweetness. If we have any home-consciousness within, then we must appreciate such a proposal: home sweet home.


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sannyasa. is apparently very cruel to His devotees, and to His family members, but it was meant only to take us to our home. To work out the ecstasy of union, it was necessary for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to show separation from His devotees and relatives. Separation and union are mutually helpful. Mahaprabhu's sannyasa, His renunciation, is a great tragedy of separation.



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