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What's wrong with homosexualtiy?

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Originally posted by BDas:

Dear Maitreya,


It appears you do not agree with this point:


(Those persons who cannot be celibate are advised to avoid promiscuity and make a commitment with a single partner.)


When applied to a heterosexual commitment[marriage]it is the grhastha-ashrama.


Krishna says:...I am sex life which is not contrary to religous principles,O lord of the Bharatas.[Arjuna]Bg 7.11


...sex life, according to religious principles[dharma].should be for the propagation of children, not otherwise.The responsibility of parents is then to make their offspring Krishna conscious.Purport.

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Dear JN,


I don't think I said anywhere that any type of sex outside of religious principals was not sinful. I only said that in the spirit of Mahaprabhu we should encourage everyone to practice KC regardless of their present lifestyle.


Nitai went door to door and didn't consider who was qualified or not. He encouraged all to chant Hare Krishna and worship Mahaprabhu.


I don't think it is a stretch to think that Nitai would do the same in the gay section of SF.


BD:I could go on here about how you promote books contrary to the principals of Gaudiya vedanta on the website you named after Bhaktivedanta.


JN:I don't have a website named after bhaktivedanta. There is a website on Hinduism, by the name IndiaDivine. It is an online reference library on Hinduism and Vedic philosophy. In a library you will find references from all schools of philosophy. You have been taught that every thing must be used for "converting" people, but that isn't how I was taught. A library is meant to provide complete knowledge on a subject, not to convert people to a particular view.


BD: This is an obvious attempt to rationalize your way of adjusting the teachings to suit your own conception of preaching.


I believe you are entitled to your own idea of how to present KC. And I am entitled to my way also.


JN: But I do not change the teachings of my gurus and say, "You eat beef? That's fine. It is actually superior to being vegetarian. In the ancient times the Rishis ate beef. And in a secret unrecorded conversation Srila Prabhupada told me to eat beaf."


BD:Where did all this come from. I never said to eat meat or that sex outside of religious principals was not sinful.


But if you want to talk about meat eating; Srila Bhaktisiddanta said that he was prepared to serve meat in order to bring people in to hear the teachings of Mahaprabhu.


In that spirit I would be prepared to perform the wedding ceremonies myself if I thought that it would bring the homosexual community in SF to the feet of Mahaprabhu.


And whatever sin that may be incured I am willing to let it fall on my own head.


JN:A disciple must repeat the instructions of his spiritual master As It Is. At least thats the teachings of Srila Prabhupada, whom I follow.


BD: Prabhupads words are subject to interpretation and proper adjustment according to time and place.


It is clear that you have made your own adjustments regarding the way you try to bring people to Bhakti with your so-called Vedic library approach.


Preaching KC is risky busness.


It is a risk to present mayavadi hinduism as a lead in to Krishna consciousness. But I guess you feel the risk is one you are willing to take.


I am willing to take my own risks to try to give the teachings broader appeal in my own region.


In this regard Srila Sridhar Maharaja writes:


"Our Guru Maharajas movement was revolutionary. He would accept anyone who had the least attraction for Krishna consciousness and try to help them. In his mission sadhu sanga was provided for everyone. And sadhu sanga is the only valuable thing in this world".(From Follow the Angels.)


Other than that there is the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.


JN: not to the extent of saying homosexuality is not sinful. It is sinful, the scriptures say it is sinful, Srila Prabhupada says it is sinful, and nearly every world religion says it is sinful. Let them chant first and change themselves later through purification. But do not mislead them that their lifestyle is good.


BD:Here again you say that I am saying sex outside of religious principals is not sinful. And that the Homosexual lifestyle is good.


I never said this in even one of my posts.


BD:Yes, I remember things very well. I remember in 1981 we approached the GBC and said all that we want is to remain in Iskcon and be able to have Sridhar Maharaja as our siksa guru.


JN: That was before or after the devotees who received sannyasa-diksha from Srila Prabhupada had their names changed? What did they call it? "Having their sanyassa blessed..." Srila Prabhupada didn't bless them?


BD: This is a big subject. But in general I will stick to the conception of KC and Guru tattva that I learned from a combination of Prabhupada, Sridhar M and Puri M. That conception involves receiving revelation and paying homage to a plurality of Gurus.


And you can stick to your own conception of Prabhupad and Guru tattva or what you learned from the ritvik camp or the GBC.


JN:Welcome does not mean they can change Srila Prabhupada's teachings, and now "homosex is not sinful", "homosex marriage is fine", etc. Why don't you see a difference between the two.


BD: Here again you reply to words I have not said. I do not say homo sex is not sinful or that homosex marriage is fine.


But I say again if I thought that by performing Gay marriages I could bring the homosexual community to the feet of Mahaprabhu than I would perform all the ceremonies myself and let the chips fall where they may.


Hare Krishna, BDas



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And whatever sin that may be incured I am willing to let it fall on my own head.


Dear Brahma das, I admire this attitude immensely. Without such conviction, one is attempting to use God, guru and shastra only to relieve themselves. The desire to take full responsibility, whatever it may entail or even consideration of whether one is capable or not, for delivering all the fallen souls, is indicative of true committment to selfless devotional service birth after birth. Although you never seem to mention Srimati Radharani by name, your heart is obviously one with Hers. Just a matter of time, prabhu...success is already assured. JAI RADHE! valaya

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<h2>Brahma das sez: "In that spirit I would be prepared to perform the wedding ceremonies myself if I thought that it would bring the homosexual community in SF to the feet of Mahaprabhu."</h2>


Thank you bro for confirming your mentality,


And while I'm at it, ask our godbro' and your bud Trip when Vrindaranya didi and him will make it legal.




but happy

now that i distance myself from pasandis



[This message has been edited by rand0M aXiS (edited 09-07-2001).]

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Dear Random,


You say you accept Narayana Maharaja as your siksa guru.


I have a letter in my posession from Srila Narayan Maharaja sent a few weeks ago praising Tripurari Swami and asking for a meeting with him in order to establish better relations between the Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti and Swami Tripurari.


You may not like Swami Tripurari yourself but I do not think your siksa guru would be pleased with your slanderous attitude toward a Vaisnava he has some respect for.


In this and other correspondence Narayana M

says that he has so many followers in name only who he cannot control and have an offencive understanding of Krishna consciousness.


Are you one of those followers?


Previously you admitted that 99% of your posts sounded like envious nonsence. In spite of this I know that at least 1% of the time you are introspective and Krishna conscious.


Try to understand the spirit of my words here.


Please use the introspection and KC that is within you to curb your slanderous mentality. This will be good for you and all concerned.


And if you sincerly try to do this than I promise that if you so desire I will let you kick me in the face if we ever meet in the future.


My heartfelt best wishes go out to you and yours. And I sincerely hope that someday we will find a way to get along.


Hare Krishna, Brahma

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Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaj is surely my siksa guru, as is Srila Sridhara Maharaja, and all vaisnava acaryas.


You say you have letter from Srila Gurudeva.


My reason for enmity about Trip started at the time you and Bhaktisudhir(sp?) went to Navadwip to see Srila Sridhar. At that time I passed thru Chicago, IL, USA, glorifiying Srila Sridhara Maharaj. And I bumped into Trip at the bus station who BLASHEMED GURUDEV. I did what was best, I left the scene, because if I'm gonna go to prison for ripping out a demon's tonge, it wont be in this lifetime.


I had the misfortune to meet Trip again later, and this time he was a "follower" or Srila Sridhardev. He would not recognise me and would not aplogise to me about his comments on srila gurudeva.


I challenge you Brahmdas, speak to Trip and ask him about this.

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"What is wrong with homosexuality?"




26 May, 1975




My Dear Lalitananda dasa,


Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 13rd, 1975 and have noted the contents. I am very sorry that you have taken to homosex. It will not help you advance in your attempt for spiritual life. In fact, it will only hamper your advancement. I do not know why you have taken to such abominable activities. What can I say? Anyway, try to render whatever service you can to Krishna. Even though you are in a very degraded condition Krishna, being pleased with your service attitude, can pick you up from your fallen state. You should stop this homosex immediately. It is illicit sex, otherwise, your chances of advancing in spiritual life are nil. Show Krishna you are serious, if you are.


I hope this meets you in good health.


Your ever well-wisher,


A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

"You should stop this homosex immediately. It is illicit sex, otherwise, your chances of advancing in spiritual life are nil. Show Krishna you are serious, if you are."

(ACBSP, 26/5/75)

I hear what you say, randOM, but you are not even reading Prabhupada's words. See what he defines homosex as: "it is illicit sex". So is sex in a heterosexual relationship where it is not for procreation.


Let's not beat around the bush anymore. We can all agree that sex not meant for procreation is illicit. Now, what do we think about relationships where that desire for sex has been deliberately curtailed and stopped?




PS RandOM, Stop committing Guru aparadha. I would remind you of the fourty-sixth sloka in Srimad Bhagavatam 10.4. You may not like Tripurari Maharaja, and you may have had bad experiences with him... but you don't have to resort to calling him a demon! Why don't you attempt to resolve this issue with him?


Rama Kesava dasa




[This message has been edited by nine9 (edited 09-26-2001).]

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Are you going to do anything about this guy random??

Aren't you supposed to be moderating the forums?


I thought we were having a philosophical discusion. If certain people can't speak without being offensive or lowering the tone then I suggest that you don't let them say a thing.


Dayal Govinda dasa


Random: No one appreciates your crass, low class comments. Keep them to yourself, don't polute all of us with your filth.

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Originally posted by Dayal_Govinda:


Are you going to do anything about this guy random??

Aren't you supposed to be moderating the forums?

Dayal Govinda prabhu,


Just for the record I know JN dasa has limited time available and often only gets online for "15 minutes" a day. So, he might not have seen randOM's comments, yet. I'm not insulted, though. It's like...um, how angry do you get if you get bitten by an itty-bitty insect? Not much. However, it does matter if everyone else is insulted.


Rama Kesava dasa




[This message has been edited by nine9 (edited 09-26-2001).]

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May Srimate Radharani bestow Her kindest blessings on all the assembled devotees. May you all sleep in peace tonight (or have a blessed day if you are in OZ). May Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga eradicate all our misconceptions, misunderstandings, and various angsts and disagreements by the torchlight of knowledge and with the light of the Holy Names. I see everyone here as devotees, and do not wish to offend anyone here, whether I agree with them or not. How many people believe in the Blue Lord, after all?


peace and love,


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Originally posted by JRdd:

May Srimate Radharani bestow Her kindest blessings on all the assembled devotees. May you all sleep in peace tonight (or have a blessed day if you are in OZ). May Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga eradicate all our misconceptions, misunderstandings, and various angsts and disagreements by the torchlight of knowledge and with the light of the Holy Names. I see everyone here as devotees, and do not wish to offend anyone here, whether I agree with them or not. How many people believe in the Blue Lord, after all?


peace and love,


Thanks, prabhu. Sweet dreams!



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Originally posted by rand0M aXiS:

Exuse me, I meant to say F U faggot.

Oh my Krsna...am I seeing things?


Random...making posts like the above is disgraceful.There is no excuse for making such posts.


Srila Prabhupada was once asked by a TV interviewer, "How would I be able to tell a devotee of Krsna?" Srila Prabhupada replied:"He would be a perfect gentleman."


If we are endeavouring to be devotees of Krsna, we should also endeavour to be like perfect gentlemen.




[This message has been edited by leyh (edited 09-07-2001).]

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Originally posted by JRdd:

May Srimate Radharani bestow Her kindest blessings on all the assembled devotees. May you all sleep in peace tonight (or have a blessed day if you are in OZ). May Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga eradicate all our misconceptions, misunderstandings, and various angsts and disagreements by the torchlight of knowledge and with the light of the Holy Names. I see everyone here as devotees, and do not wish to offend anyone here, whether I agree with them or not. How many people believe in the Blue Lord, after all?


peace and love,


What beautiful words...


All Glories to the Blue Lord! Posted Image




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PS RandOM, Stop committing Guru aparadha. I would remind you of the fourty-sixth sloka in Srimad Bhagavatam 10.4. You may not like Tripurari Maharaja, and you may have had bad experiences with him... but you don't have to resort to calling him a demon! Why don't you attempt to resolve this issue with him?

That's the answer that was given when people questioned Bhavananda, Kirtanananda and Hansaduta. Your a frog in the well and need to open your eyes. Those who change the teachings of the acharya are imposters. They will fall down, if they aren't already fallen and concealing it.

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Stop the name calling and look in the mirror. Are you perfect? If not, then work on yourself and stop thinking that you are in a position to judge others.


Give up the false pretense of being a great 'defender of the faith' and stop villifying others. If someone is pretending, Krsna will take care of it. If someone is not, and you go around accusing him - you will certainly be the loser.


How will you please Prabhupada? How will you please Krsna? Certainly not by insulting their confidential devotees. What is the meaning of Guara Bhakta Vrnda? All glories to all the vaishnava devotees of the Lord. We will always be in a safe position if we are humble and recognize Krsna in others. Krsna will not forgive offenses to his confidential servants. For that one will have to beg forgiveness from the one he/she is offending. Please note Durvasa Muni and Ambarisa Maharaja.


Your servant,

Audarya lila dasa

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Mc, you mean "sure, no need to ask", about "If we keep ourselves busy, both when alone and with each other, in engaging in activities related with Krsna consciousness, then isn't that far more conducive for spiritual growth than straining separately (and thus always meditating on) to avoid that which draws us mundanely?"?



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Dear Maitreya,


It appears you do not agree with this point:


(Those persons who cannot be celibate are advised to avoid promiscuity and make a commitment with a single partner.)


M: This is a point of contention. Advised by whom?


BD: This is common sense advised by anyone who wants to see people advance in KC or even just be better human beings.


M: Commitment means marriage.


BD: There are many kinds of commitments. Some couples live together all their lives without ever getting married.


M: Please give an example of a bona fide guru advising homos to become committed to each other as 'man and wife' till death due you part, in sickness and in health etc. That is what commitment entails.


BD: I don’t know any Gaudiya Guru who has gone on record in favor of formal Gay marriage. However personally I am not completely against the idea. Cultural standards will vary and adjust according to the times. The important principal in my opinion is to encourage everyone in Krishna conscious regardless of the culture they are in. Prabhupad did this when he permitted men and women to live together in the temples. Some devotees in India initially found this shocking but now few are shocked.


M: It is your use of the word commitment that bothers me. A back door approach to gain acceptance of homo marriage.


BD: Ok, be bothered. Some people might be bothered by remarks you made about your own promiscuous lifestyle.


The question I have is a promiscuous heterosexual devotee lifestyle better than a committed relationship between two homosexual devotees? I believe the answer is found in each individual situation. Anyone who actually develops Love of God is the best devotee.


M: Do you see what you are saying BDas.I think you do.I think this is a well thought out campaign.


BD: Obviously, I have thought about this issue but campaigning about it has not been my obsession.


M: Actual guru would advise someone in that position to wind down his involvement with homosexuality as soon as possible, not commit to it.


BD: Neither one of us are familiar with the opinions of every “actual” guru. The opinions of Gaudiya gurus vary on issues of relative importance and both Bhaktivinode and BSST taught that we must present KC according to time and place. BSST said that the promotion of the Bhakti ideal requires proper adjustment.


M: Nice try though.


BD: Thanks, maybe I will try again later. Hare Krishna. BDas


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What I do accept is the spirit of trying to include everyone in the KC movement.


Everyone is accepted in the Krishna consciousness movement. Just go to the Sunday Feast. How many varieties of people do you see? Some really far out people show up, and none of them are barred. They can all chant, dance, and take prasadam.


What is not allowed is changing Srila Prabhupada's instructions on religious and irreligious conduct. Anyone can come and take part, but don't try to justify their flaws by changing Srila Prabhupada's teachings. Let them come and chant. I'm don't ask anyone if their homosexual. I join them in the kirtan and bhajan.


We only object when they come out and say, "Homosexuals are superior than others, their more detached, and their lifestyle is perfectly in accordance to religious principles."


For some reason, when we object to these statements we are viewed as homophobes. Its an odd world.


And what I do not accept is the spirit of narrow-minded fanaticism that forced the vast majority of Prabhupads disciples out of Iskcon.


That probably belongs on the "I'm angry at Mr. X because..." thread.


And to think that Homosexuality was not found in Vedic culture is beyond common sense.


You are changing our statements. We are saying homosexuality was not sanctioned by the scriptures, not that it never existed. And remember, the Puranas are generally describing at least the age of Dvapara-yuga, when religious principles are strongly followed. We cannot compare our present degraded culture with theirs. Just because something exists today does not mean it was common then.


We objected to the articel for a number of reasons, one of which is the fact that the word napumsaka does not mean "homosexual". It never has, and even today it doesn't.


Neither does the word nartaka refer to homosexuals. It refers to a dancer. It always has.


We do not accept these distortions. If you, or anyone else wants to prove that these words actually mean "homosexual", go ahead and proove it. But you can't because they factually don't. The article is a lie, plain and simple.


There are many unrecorded conversations with Prabhupad and I was party to a few.


Srila Prabhupada's direct instruction is, unless it is recorded, do not believe what 'Prabhupada said'. Why do you want to disobey this instructions?


We are not arguing that there never was a time when a tape-recorder wasn't running! We are simply repeating Prabhupada's instruction on this matter. If it's not recorded, do not believe it. He himself said there are many people distorting his teachings, claiming that 'Prabhupada said'. One example is this secret unrecorded conversation where Prabhupada supposedly told his disciple to have a homosexual marriage. This is directly against every recorded statement Prabhupada said on the matter.


It amazes me that you will argue in favour of such absurdities.


And if a Gaudiya Guru tries to help and encourage people in the homosexual community to chant Hare Krishna regardless of their lifestyle what is the harm?


Anyone may chant. But Srila Prabhupada has condemned homosexual marriages. He says they are a sign that the Church is irreligious. I agree with him. Any church represntative (or guru) that sanctions them is irreligious according to Srila Prabhupada.


JN: And in the attempt to justify their vices, they distort the teachings of the shastras and spread intentional lies to mislead the devotee community.


BD: Again you have your practical view of the shastras and I have mine.


It is not a question of "view on shastra", it is one of language. Perhaps a further study of sanskrit and you will realize the words napumsaka, nartaka, and tritiya-prakriti never refered to homosexuals. If I say 'jalam' means water, and you say, "no, it actually means potatos!", what can I do? I cannot prove something so simple to you. Language is based on siksha, vyakarana and nirukti. That is something you must yourself know, otherwsie there is no proof I can offer. I can simply say, "You are incorrect, 'napumsaka' does not mean homosexual."


I could go on here about how you promote books contrary to the principals of Gaudiya vedanta on the website you named after Bhaktivedanta.


I don't have a website named after bhaktivedanta. There is a website on Hinduism, by the name IndiaDivine. It is an online reference library on Hinduism and Vedic philosophy. In a library you will find references from all schools of philosophy. You have been taught that every thing must be used for "converting" people, but that isn't how I was taught. A library is meant to provide complete knowledge on a subject, not to convert people to a particular view.


When possible I am sure you try to include Christians, Muslems, Shaktas, Shivites, Aryas, and whoever in your work there in Mysore.


But I do not change the teachings of my gurus and say, "You eat beef? That's fine. It is actually superior to being vegetarian. In the ancient times the Rishis ate beef. And in a secret unrecorded conversation Srila Prabhupada told me to eat beaf."


That is nonsense. A disciple must repeat the instructions of his spiritual master As It Is. At least thats the teachings of Srila Prabhupada, whom I follow.


I live and preach in SF and I try to be inclusive as well. I believe this is in the spirit of Prabhupad and Mahaprabhu. If you disagee well so be it.


I agree, but not to the extent of saying homosexuality is not sinful. It is sinful, the scriptures say it is sinful, Srila Prabhupada says it is sinful, and nearly every world religion says it is sinful. Let them chant first and change themselves later through purification. But do not mislead them that their lifestyle is good.


Yes, I remember things very well. I remember 1981 we approached the GBC and said all that we want is to remain in Iskcon and be able to have Sridhar Maharaja as our siksa guru.


"And that the San Jose Temple is not a part of Iskcon."



That was before or after the devotees who received sannyasa-diksha from Srila Prabhupada had their names changed? What did they call it? "Having their sanyassa blessed..." Srila Prabhupada didn't bless them?


Anyway I have a program here in SF and I chose to be inclusive rather than exclusive.

And the gay or straight devotees who come I simply ask them to chant Hare Krishna and do their best. Everyone is welcome.


You repeatedly distort our stance. Everyone is welcome. Welcome means they can chant, dance, take prasadam, and worship Lord Krishna. Welcome does not mean they can change Srila Prabhupada's teachings, and now "homosex is not sinful", "homosex marriage is fine", etc. Why don't you see a difference between the two.


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BD: I don’t know any Gaudiya Guru who has gone on record in favor of formal Gay marriage. However personally I am not completely against the idea.

But Srila Prabhupada was completely against it. Since I am his follower, I too am completely against it.


Prabhupad did this when he permitted men and women to live together in the temples.

He never allowed them to engage in illicit sex, which is what homosexuality is. Srila Prabhupada only allowed that they live in the same building (not even the same rooms!). How can you compare the two? And you don't think this is changing Srila Prabhupada's teachings? Now homosex, tomorrow meat eating, and the next day intoxication - the self-proclaimed acharya can change things to suit his popularity.


The question I have is a promiscuous heterosexual devotee lifestyle better than a committed relationship between two homosexual devotees?

They are both equally bad. The difference is the homosexuals want to claim the scriptures sanction their nonsense, and they even want gurus to sanction it; whereas the promiscuous heterosexuals understand they have a vice, and aren't proud about it.


BD: Neither one of us are familiar with the opinions of every “actual” guru.

But we are familiar with the opinions of Srila Prabhupada, who is our own acharya. Those claiming to follow him should obey his orders.

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Dear Random axis - BB,


So your problem with Tripurari Swami is that he offended Sridhara Maharaja? How many people do you offend on a daily basis? You claim to have a diksha guru and many siksha gurus but your heart does not appear to have been softended due to their company or instructions.


Tripurari Swami was accepted fully by Sridhara Maharaja and had a very loving relationship with him. I told you before and I will say it again - maybe this time you will listen - wonders never cease - if Tripurari did say something that was offensive about Sridhara Maharaja as you say, do you not think he has dealt with that? He was a leader in Iskcon and the climate was very anti-Sridhara Maharaja if you will recall. So if he was caught up in the propaganda, as most were, until they ventured to hear from Sridhara Maharaja himself is that some great unforgivable offense? One can judge by what one does, says, etc where a person's heart is and what their level of advancement is. You need to move on and start putting into practice some of the wonderful teachings of our acharyas.


I think the potatoes are going to your head. Are you having a relationship with Mr. Potatoe head?


Your servant,

Audarya lila dasa

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