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Srila Prabhupada said... but it wasn't recorded.

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Jahnava Nitai Das

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Originally posted by jijaji:

You will believe what you will. Good Luck sorting through the truth.

Prabhupada also said that Christianity was a lower form of Religion..why cling to it so..?




Me cling to Christianity? You've got the wrong person, dude! LOL!


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As I understand it, Prabhupada distinguished Lord Jesus Christ from Christianity and so-called Christians. His warnings were against religiosity, religion pursued with material motives, and those who practise it. True religion represents an obvious threat to them, as it does to any other materialist, however they believe that God is on their side and are thus more of a potential threat. Witness Moslem fanatics, etc. etc.

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The Christians were OUR greatest enimies" ..of course many will discount this .


The Christians...

There is no connection between Jesus and Christianity. Jesus was a Jew and did not consider himself to be divine, in fact that consideration would have shocked him and he would have considered the type of religion (supersticio) that Paul created to be idolatry, and also his own worst enemy, so it seems that Srila Prabhupada and Jesus were in accordance with the same opinion in their regards to "Christianity."

What is interesting is that the products of modern day scholarship that have led to such conclusions had not developed to the point that these conclusions were as yet attainable when Srila Prabhupada and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati formulated their consideration, they just knew it.

Some reading this thread will have some sentimental attachment to Christianity. Indeed "Blind faith and sentimental attachment" was what Srila Prabhupada described Western religion as. That Christianity As It Is is the greatest curse on human kind and human kinds worst enemy may offend some so sentimentally attached. Neitche once commented that most people would rather die by slow torture even than to be forced to have to think for themselves and that most people woukd rather see the universe destroyed then to let go of their personal opinions.

As to "how" Christianity is our worst enemy has not been touched upon, but if there is anyone beyond idly cuirious as to Srila Prabhupadas meaning, or how to combat its baneful influence....

Hari bol


PS to Jijaji

Random Axis just has some personal problems, he likes to attack people without provocation while at the same time still imagining himself to be some kind of example of what a devotee should be like... what a joke.

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This is an entertaining thread, although some people are stooping to nastiness (I guess the more things change the more they stay the same).


It is not the Gaudiya tradition as it has come down to us for the past five centuries that attacks other faiths (at least as far as I can tell). Although there have been debates internal to the Hindu tradition, I do not recall the Goswamins or Visvanatha or Baladeva mounting hate campaigns against Christianity (or religions similar to it). So some twentieth century sects have engaged in this type of religious elitism. So what? Does that mean we have to do the same? How are we to have some positive influence in a Judeo-Christian culture, if we are unable to peacefully coexist with non-Hindus?


I personally have seen that Christians of various denominations (Catholic, Serbian Otrhodox, Greek Orthodox, Lutheran, Presbyterian, etc.) are basically decent law abiding folk with high moral standards. Although a small percentage are fanatical in disdain for non-Christian faiths, I do not think that is the norm. The matter of idolatry is a sticky point, no doubt. We need to be very clever in addressing that one. We can also point out that the only truly polytheistic religions are found in some African tribes, but outside of those it has been a misnomer over the years.


Certainly there are fanatical Christians that are overzealous in their quest to convert the rest of the world (those incidents in South India where they have smashed family deities are particularly atrocious). Those people need to be dealt with harshly, because if they had their way, we would see the Spanish Inquisition all over again.


Om santi, santi, santih, harih om.


[This message has been edited by Ananga (edited 09-09-2001).]


[This message has been edited by Ananga (edited 09-09-2001).]

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One should also avoid argueing with idiots on a public forum as folks might not know the difference. However Random Axis's attempt to create belief and to manipulate people's attitudes through the use of bald face lies must be refuted. We are tacitly conditioned to accept accusation as proof, rumor as evidence so that once one is accused of something, even by a malicious and evious liar, those who are exsposed to it are contaminated, that is why the shastras state that when the Guru is blasphemed that after one refutes the blasphemer that one still should kill oneself as ones vehicle is hopelessly contaminated. Luckily I am not a Guru or a devotee so there is no need for such an extreme severence, and also I am not without some bhraminical abitities and so I can defend myself. For the time being and in defense I will only say that Random Axis is either mad or that he is a malicious liar. I do not now nor have I evever blamed Srila Prabhupada or any Vaisnava devotee of the Lord for my "condition", which is great by the way. I am one of the most fortunate human beings that I have ever met and one of the most sucessful due to Srila Prabhupadas and Sri Krsnas mercy. I have praised Srila Prabhupada for this many, many times and never even once blamed him for any small misfortune that I have ever encountered due to my own bad karma. So Axis is a loonie or a liar.

PS There is a problem with polarization that sometimes manifests when one sppeds up ones personal evolution by beginning Krsna consciousness. The false ego thing and its manifestations. This may not be obvious for some time until a catalyst befomes involved. Through my insignificant standing in devotional service I suffer from a severe deficit in the ability to inspire some, and what they develop instead is an envy that they give reign to. This introduces enertia into their lives to such an extent that they sometimes loose all grip upon what is good for them. develop leprosy or some other disease or simply die. I wish no misfortune upon Random Axis for his calumny. I wish him only the best.

Hari bol

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Paul preached the acceptance of slavery and the acceptance of a demoniac rule (that of Rome) as well as the idolatrous doctrine that a man was not "as good as God", but that he was God. For this the Church of the Nazarene, of Peter the Apostle and of James, Jesus's brother cast him out. The "Christianity" that Paul preached though the Romans finally appreciated as their greatest tool of repression. That is the "Christianity" that we have today, "Our Greatest Enemy" in Srila Prabhupadas consideration.

But yes we must be careful of others feelings. That of course never stopped us in the early days when we considered all non "Hare Krsnas" be the Christians or whatever to be demons. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur refers to the Institutions of Christianity as "those damned churches" and expounds in regaurd to their evil and pernicious effects, to their slaughter of innocents in considerable detail, so we cannot water down or compromise what we teach although we can certainly be honest and remain non-confrontational in as far as our presentation to the innocents.

When I left the movement and went back to colledge I became acquainted with a young Christian minister and a campus group of born again Christians. Through the knowledge that I had acquired through Krsna consciousness and close attention to my presentation I was able to assist them to a point and attained in the regard of several the consideration that I was the most knowledgeable person on matters of the spirit that they had ever met. I never had to lie to them or to misrepresent myself even once save by ommission of the things that I could not tell them due to their conditioning (because they could not bear them." Finally though I could not resist in consideration of how impoverished they were and showed them a picture of Krsna and told them that Krsna was God. That was it. A non-liberal fundamentalist is nor religious, they are superticious and accept no challenge to the blind faith certitude which satisfies their emotional needs. When they are so challenged even students can behave with all the visciousness of a Mississippi lynch mob. Back then though I was fast and kept my exit paths clear. Even so one takes a chance, I know that you devotees did all of the time. Each and every day. You all gave me a good example which through yours and Krsnas mercy I have been able a time or two to follow. When your movement gets its sea legs I might be able to send some of the ones who upon seeing the picture of Krsna and being told that Krsna is God respond more favorably, with increase of hope and happiness, and with "Of course". Many of them are like that you know, just acheing for love of God, of Krsna. It takes a lot but it rewards alot, more tan can ever be expected, more than can ever be even dreamed of to provide transparency, to be pure. I am not pure prabhu.

Hari bol

Hari bol

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