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Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna Himself

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Originally posted by jndas:

Gramatically one may interpret the verse to refer to Guaranga, but it isn't the direct meaning of the verse. Certainly it isn't a proof.



This is a translation of Svetasvatara Upanishad 2:12 (Sri Swami Sivananda, "The Principal Upanishads" Divine Life Society, Rishikesh, India):-


When the fivefold quality of Yoga arising from earth, water, fire, air and ether has been produced, then the Yogi is endowed with body made strong by the fire of Yoga and so will not be affected by disease, old age and death.


Please permit Puru Das Adhikary to explain the reference to Mahaprabhu Gauranga in this verse.....




[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 07-02-2001).]

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Here is another translation of Svetasvatara Upanishad 2:12 (by Aurobindo)


'When earth, water fire, air, and akasa arise, that is to say, when the five attributes of the elements,mentioned in the books on yoga, become manifest then the yogi's body becomes purified by the fire of

yoga and he is free from illness, old age, and death.'



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>>> Message about castrating God and transplanting sexual organs deleted. - Jndas

[This message has been edited by jndas (edited 07-02-2001).]


That is your forum and you are the ruler. You can do as you like. But you simply cannot hide the truth! These facts are all public!


[This message has been edited by Satyaraja dasa (edited 07-02-2001).]


No, Satyaraja, that's a mistake. You don't add your 2 cents within a post that has been deleted for violating proper etiquete. You could post a fresh message with your complaint, not mess with a message the administrator has posted as a warning. You can have a few days to think it over, then maybe your posts will be allowed here.


I don't have time to moderate these forums, and I don't want to do it either. So I will appreciate it if everyone does their own part to keep the discussions positive and conforming to what few rules I have asked to be followed.


I don't care what philosophical view anyone has. Everyone is free to make their points and disagree with others. Even atheists are welcome to take part in the discussions. But just follow the very few rules I have mentioned. And don't forget to be civil.



[This message has been edited by jndas (edited 07-02-2001).]

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Oh yeah, I haven't banned your ISP, just removed your posting ability. This way if you're really foolish you can try to do lots of tricky things like open new accounts and continue your postings dispite the warnings. Of course it will be noticed and a permanent ban of the ISPs would be the result. Thats somewhat like how our free will in the material world works.


And this was the third time you violated our policies in a single day. Earlier you had reposted an old message for the fourth time to this thread just after I said don't do it. Maybe the head is a little thick.


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