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The Rape of India

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The Rape of India



The rape of India is done in a model similar to a military model used to invade, occupy, control, or subjugate a population of a given country. Intelligence is considered essential to invading a country; language, religion, culture, etc. are some of the variables considered. Division among the given population is considered essential to gain political control once inside the country. Religion can be the key variable to accomplish this. Division of wealth, social status, ethnic diversity, etc. are also variables that influence division of the population of a given country.


At the present time North India is considered the core target of evangelists in their effort of world evangelism. They justify this to Christians by using derogatory remarks like " 900 million Hindus are spiritual bondage" (Baptist Press 10/99) or "900 million people lost in the hopeless darkness of Hinduism" (Baptist Press 11/99)


North India is a major population and political center. It is also considered the religious hub of India, the most socially deprived, has the lowest literacy rate, having the smallest percentage of Christians in its population as well as having immense research done on the population. The evangelists consider Hindus in North India as being the most accessible target in their plan for world wide evangelism. In addition there is the added incentive of having a Muslim population of 140 million.


The AD2000 movement uses terms such as "spy out the land and its inhabitants" to get an accurate complete picture of opportunities and challenges of India. They have coined the terms PLUG, PREM and NICE to describe their goals and methodology. PLUG refers to the target group. People in every language, urban center and geographic division. PREM refers to the techniques to use. Offering prayer, research must be done and utilized effectively on the target group, an evangelist must be the catalyst to provoke change and action and to encourage ministries and their efforts to convert non Christians. NICE refers to how the work is to be done. Networking, taking initiative when the movement is slowing down, using an evangelist to speed action in evangelizing and to encourage existing groups and cohorts in their efforts to convert people to Christianity. ( www.ad2000.org/uters3.htm)

The Gospel For Christ and The Indian Missionary Association have put together books to help evangelists evangelize India. The evangelists are also using information from The Anthropological Society of India's work on ethno-graphic studies which has been considered essential in facilitating the evangelism efforts. This has been used to such a degree that the diverse language groups of India have been divided into PIN codes. ( These are similar to ZIP codes in the USA that divide the country into mailing districts.) The ability to send evangelists that are familiar to language, culture, etc. greatly facilitates the speed at which evangelism is able to develop and is cost effective since tactics can be formed at the home base which saves costly mistakes in the field.

ad2000 ( www.ad2000.org/uters2.htm )


The Christian Broadcasting Network has a splinter group that is called

The Joshua Project. Their target is 2.2 billion people in 1685 groups that are divided into Affinity Blocks and Gateway Clusters. Affinity groups are groups of people who have bonding of language, religion, politics and culture. Usually there is one culture that is dominate in the block. People clusters are people that are closely related in name or culture so they are clustered together. These groups usually consist of populations of over one million. There goal is to have at least one hundred Christians or more in every group of over 10,000 people.

Joshua Project ( www.ad2000.org/ )


There are too many evangelist groups in India to cover in this article however; I will discuss a few of them to give a picture of how they proliferate.


The Indian Prayer + Fellowship Association has a goal to reach all non Christians to start cell groups. They have contacted over 16,000 houses, made almost 900 home contacts and over 1700 personal contacts. Their goal is to start cell groups than attach a full gospel group or plant a church if needed.

They also supply tracts, literature etc. Indian Prayer And Fellowship Association ( w.geocities.com/athens/troy )


Partners International has the goal of training indigenous people to evangelize others. They are training a Christian who has converted to Christianity every 13 minutes. They claim planting a church every ten hours in Asia and Africa.

( www.partnersintl.org/abou...come.html )



The southern Baptists plan to have 4,700 southern Baptists working with millions of international partners. Their goal is to have 15,000 career missionaries, 50,000 volunteers, and 1,000 southern Baptist college grads every year. The length of service for the college grads is to be two years. ( Baptist Press 11/22/99)


The evangelists strategy for North India includes treating Indian missions and Indian evangelists as equal considering that India has a strong GNP and a growing middle class. Due to the large population base the evangelists strategy includes dividing up the population base into smaller target groups such as women estimated to number 487 million or girls under 15 which is estimated to number 158 million. They plan to use literacy programs o target the illiterate which is estimated to be 48% of the population. They also plan to supply the Indian church with tools such as translators, humanitarian relief, etc. so the churches can become self sustaining and would not need outside assistance. ( www.gem-werc.org/mmrc9812.htm)



The evangelists India outreach teams -hbi ministries international India provide schools, orphanages, medical centers etc. In a six week period outreach teams ministered to 19,000 children and taught Hindu and Muslim students in Christian schools.

( www.gospel.net/hbi/iot/ )


Dr. Houtsma of World Outreach Ministries stated that he has helped train 160,000 national ministers to continue his work when he leaves. He is targeting Jammu, Vyara, Ludhiana, etc. ( www.wo.org/ ) One of the variables in training indigenous missionaries is the decreased cost to support missionaries. A foreign missionary cost at least $66,000 a year to support. Native missionaries cost approximately $600 a year. This greatly decreases the cost of evangelizing. Christian Aid.

( www.christianaid.org/ ) Native missionaries now do 90% of the work in starting churches. These people are more effective in converting people because They understand the language, customs, culture, etc. In addition recent converts are often more zealous in their efforts to convert people to their way of thinking. Hundreds of thousands of zealous converts can also have a sever profound influences on the political system that is in effect.



The reader of this article should be aware of the fact that these students could be influenced toward Christianity by their teachers. In addition orphanages can be the breeding ground for future evangelists. In an orphanage children could be brainwashed and conditioned during school and after school. The children in an orphanage can have their social life controlled after school so they only socialize with evangelists. These children have no family or other people outside of the evangelists to look after their welfare so they can easily be programmed.


It is interesting though sad to see the results that might occur as the evangelists enter their last stage of evangelism in India. You can see considerable backlash against evangelism as stated in the newspapers. Evangelists cry to the politicians, civil right groups and newspapers in the West.


Some questions must be asked though. Do evangelists have the right to disrupt society, culture, religion, and the family of people in other countries? Do people have the right to combat the attack on the culture, etc. of their country?


I would welcome any comments or feedback on this article.


David Kostinchuk





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The Christian Missionaries often target minority populations who have been abused by the Brahmanic society. Its a smart strategy. They go in with their millions of foreign dollars, that go a long way in India, and swoop down into local tribal villages. The caste system which has been so abused is their strong point. On the one hand they might do some good with food relief, clothing, medical attention etc.... The main reason they can thrive is because of money, and the abuses by the religious community in India against other castes. This is unfortunate but inevitable. And they are extremely organized. I have some Mormon co-workers and they tell me straight up that India & China are the big blocks they want. China is too difficult do to because of the communist regime. All of the rest of the world has more or less been christianized. So India is their target. And they plan everything methodically. Like a military strategy. But India is so divided by religion, caste, economics, geography, language and such, that She can't really create a united stand. Its unfortunate, but there isn't much we can do. Certainly the violence against Christian missionaries is not the way to go.



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I don't want to discourage the missionaries, but their conversions at really shallow. If you look at Kerala, where they have succeeded in converting the majority of the population, the Christians there are nothing more than Hindus named "Thomas". They just take Mary and Jesus, instead of Ganesh and Shiva, and build a temple for them. The worship is done according to Hindu customs. They offer deepam, incense, flower garlands, and even vibhuti! Some of them wear a vibhuti cross on their foreheads (pretty confused people). And despite the promise of being free form caste, they maintain their caste identities and only marry within their particular converted Christian caste. Once a caste always a caste I suppose.


Bassically these people are really confused. They certainly aren't Christians. And they really aren't Hindus eaither. But in the game of money and numbers the churches are willing to over look all of these peculiarities in order to claim success in the field.


I believe the pope even made some special concessions for Indian christian in regards to the practices of worship. I can't recall the exact details, it is something I read a long time ago.



[This message has been edited by jndas (edited 05-16-2001).]

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Myself, I like the idea that they are offering incense and garlands to Mary and Jesus.I hope that will spread to Christians world wide.But they also need to add Vishnu-tattva and not keep the Supreme Father and Friend of all so behind the scenes.


The real danger is that impersonalism becomes dragged into the mix.That I see happening here in the USA.


There may lay a great oppurtunity for Indian Vaisnavas.Those newly 'converted'Christians maybe persuaded to add Vishnu to their worship along with Christ and Mary.


Afterall Srila Prabhupada stated that Mary is representitive of Radharani so for her to be garlanded is more than proper.Same with Christ as a Saktyavesa Avatar.They just must add Vishnu more directly.


The preachers themselves may be the last to catch on but the indigenous population would not be hard to convince perhaps.


"Yes worship the Son and Mother, but why neglect the Father" is a question we could put to them.


We can't and should not stop a free flow of ideas.Nothing will be gained if there is some war between the Christian fanatics and the Hindu fanatics.


Better the teachings of Christ than Buddhism or Impersonalism.If one reads the Book of John it is clearly acintyabhedabheda.


Jaya Jaya Yoshua Jaya Jaya Krishna


[This message has been edited by Maitreya (edited 05-16-2001).]

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Myself, I like the idea that they are offering incense and garlands to Mary and Jesus.I hope that will spread to Christians world wide.But they also need to add Vishnu-tattva and not keep the Supreme Father and Friend of all so behind the scenes.


I disagree. Why are they not offering incense and garlands to Mary and Jesus in already existing chirches? Why do they do this only in those places where there are no or very few Christians? This means that the aim of missionaries is to increase the percentage of people who will call themselves as Christians.


The real danger is that impersonalism becomes dragged into the mix.


I did not understand exactly what you are trying to say.


There may lay a great oppurtunity for Indian Vaisnavas.Those newly 'converted'Christians maybe persuaded to add Vishnu to their worship along with Christ and Mary.


Do you really think that this is the aim of missionaries?


Afterall Srila Prabhupada stated that Mary is representitive of Radharani ...

Missionaries are interested in conversion not because they think that Mary is representative of Radharani. As I wrote above, they just want to increase the no. of Christians in the world.


"Yes worship the Son and Mother, but why neglect the Father" is a question we could put to them.


They are making temples of Mary and Jesus. This proves that their aim is not to teach Vishnu tattva. Their method of conversion is very methodical and gradual. It is not possible to change anyone a lot in a short time. So, their way of worship is the same as the way Hindus do worship i.e. by using incense and garlands. Slowly, slowly, they may try to bring bigger change.

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We can't and should not stop a free flow of ideas.


Are the ideas really free flow? Please see in India how the conversion is being done. In my home town, their is a school whose principal is a Christian. Holidays are given in that school on any Christian festival. But no holiday is given on Hindu and Muslim festivals. It can be justified if it is a Christian school. It is not. Just the Principal is a Christian. When the school was registered, then it was given a list of days which had to be declared as holidays. But that is not followed. So, it is illegal also. From time to time money is collected from children in the guise of taking them to some picnic. They are taken to churches and asked to pray there. If some child does not go, then the money is added to his/her school fees. Not only this, very often in classroom, fun is made of lords Ganesha and Hanuman.

This is not hear-say. I have personally talked to some of students there as I know them. Please do not think that the incident I have cited is any exception. Those who convert to Christianity are always given undue advantage by the missionaries.

One day I read that missionaries went to a village. They had a statue of Krishna and another of Jesus. The statue of Krishna was made of metal and that of Jesus was made of wood. Both were submerged in water. The statue of Krishna sank while that of Jesus could float. Then villagers were told that their God (Krishna) could not be actual God because He sank. Is this what we should call as free flow of ideas?

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Originally posted by animesh:

<Quote>Better the teachings of Christ than Buddhism or Impersonalism.</Quote>


Maitreya ji,

This statement can take the discussion out of topic.

Hare Krishna animesh,


What I mean is the teachings of Christ are devotional,whereas Buddhism and Impersonalism are not and therefore they are the real threat.


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animesh, may hope was that the influence from contact with established religious forms would filter into the churchs worldwide and have an uplifting effect on Christian worship.


I have no doubt that you are correct to be suspicious of the leaders of these programs.They are sectarianists to be sure.


In the same way I think contact with Indian religious practice could benefit the Christian church by teaching offerings to God rather than just always thanking Him for what he has given to us,I fear that same contact could infect Christianity with Impersonalist idealogy.The Christian Bible doesnot give a very detailed look at the Person of the Godhead, and so I see them as vulnerable.Not just in India but everywhere.



Your next question, no I do not think the aim of the missionaries is much more then sentimental head counting.On some level they may mean well I suppose.But philosophically they are sure to cause needless discord.


I also know their motives fall short.But rather than oppose the establishing of worship of Mary and Christ, vaisnavas could just teach Vishnu-tattva along with it.In my dreams I would like to see vaisnavas open temples with murtis of Mary, Christ and Vishnu or Krishna and steal the thunder from the missionaries.As I say in my dreams.


Yes they will try to gradually try to extingush knowledge of the transmigrating soul and so many things.This is the danger.And they bring so much capital for schools and charity.They are dangerous in that respect.And of course they are dis-respectfull to others beliefs.


The story you told of the statues of Christ and Krishna reminded me of the communists coming into a poor township and asking everyone to pray to God for bread.No bread would come and then they would come in with trucks of bread and pass it out in the name of the communist party.


Sectarianists always cause trouble wherever they go it seems.


You are there seeing how it plays out.I don't have more than a distant spectators perspective.But in my own life I offer to Christ and Krishna but avoid the local Christians completely.So I understand how you feel.

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And as far as misrepresentation of philosophy, my god! We complain that the gaudiyas misrepresent advaita, and the madhvas misrepresent the gaudiyas, but thats nothing. You should hear how the Christians misrepresent Hinduism. They have no clue at all about any Vedic concept, yet they speak so much about them in their preaching sermons in a derogatory manner. I wont waste anyone's time by going into detail.


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We have a question to our dear members of these forums who are born in Hindu families.


Many Westerns are rejecting Christianism and accepting different sanatana-dharma darsanas. Some are adopting Vaisnavism, some Mayavada, some are becoming saktas, yogis, and even there are so many Buddhists. Most of these people aren't actually simply and illiterate villagers.


Aren't people in India aware of this? What do they think of this? This fact is not noticed by the villagers too?


And who has done a seriously damage to Hindu traditions, Muslin-raj, British-raj or Evangelics? Or it was Hindus themselves?


Evangelics are also spoiling Catholic Church and other traditional Christian orders. Their tactics are the same everywhere. Faith-business. Ordinary populaces are their victims all over, billions of dollars are been raised by some leaders who live like millionaires. Their main purpose is money. Why to believe that Indian villagers are really being converted into Christians by them. What kind of Christians? Were they really Hindus?


Not even the Portuguese could convert many people to Catholicism in 400 years of preaching at Goa and other of their Indian colonies, where conversion was compulsory and fiscalized by inquisition. How can lay Christian missionaries and some fanatics make mass conversion in India without money bargain? Someone in India may also have some profit with this business by now. Try to check the Hindu connection!


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In a state like Tamil Nadu, for a brahmin to be accepted into a good quality university (in the field of engineering), he must have at least 99% marks on his exams. But a Christian (or Muslim), being a minority, can get into the same college with much lower marks. And if you are lucky enough to be an untouchable, you can practically get in without any marks at all. I think there was a similar plan in the U.S. some time ago (but in relation to color, not religion). I don't know if it was actually adopted or just suggested.


This does give a good incentive for people to convert to minority religions. At least for several generations, their family will have an easy time getting higher education (well, maybe it is better to call it as lower advanced education, or higher lower education, since they are academically stupid).


All this does is encourage conversion, and make society full of stupid engineers. Do we really need more software engineers who don't know how to format a floppy?


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Aren't people in India aware of this? What do they think of this? This fact is not noticed by the villagers too?

No, lots of people are not aware of this. Iskcon is something that most people have heard of. But the majority of them have no idea what it is.


And who has done a seriously damage to Hindu traditions, Muslin-raj, British-raj or Evangelics? Or it was Hindus themselves?

Never put the blame on others. To the best of my knoweldge there is nothing excitng about Christianity to the Hindu, for him to convert over. Most people who get converted are those who are financially challenged, as there were certain benefits available by converting. Among basic facilities and religion, the former takes precedence.




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In a state like Tamil Nadu, for a brahmin to be accepted into a good quality university (in the field of engineering), he must have at least 99% marks on his exams. But a Christian (or Muslim), being a minority, can get into the same college with much lower marks. And if you are lucky enough to be an untouchable, you can practically get in without any marks at all.

The reality is that although they get in this way, they do not complete the whole program. They drop out somewhere in between.


Many Biharis and Andhra people, pay heavy capitation fees to get in. The reason is, a engineering degree will get them more dowry. Needless to say they never complete their program. But in their own place they will pass off as engineers.




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The system you refer to is called affirmitive action here.Sorry to hear India has followed along with this most stupid of social plans.It has caused many more problems and solved none.Here it is applied to minority races.To apply it to religious affiliation is even one step further down the path of confusion.


Some years back there was this movie made about a young white man who wanted to get into college but his grades were sub-standard.So he dyed his body black and curled his hair and adopted black urban speech, and of course was accepted into college inspite of his bad grades.


The thought of applying this to religion is just too insane.I imagine some might be buying big crosses to wear around their necks when they seek job or educational oppurtunities.


Maybe even reversable pictures on the wall.Durga on one side and Mother Mary on the other in case of inspections to see if the conversion is a true one.Durga when the relatives visit, Mary for the employers.


I would love to see at least one large and celbrated temple where Christ, Mary and Visnu/Krishna were worshiped side by side.This would show that to accept Christ one needn't reject Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam.Srila Prabhupada was fine with it here and I believe it to be in the spirit of Bhaktivinode Thakur.


Jaya Jesus Jaya Krishna

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The Westerners would be amazed to know that the majority of the Indian population will not know what the word Vaishnava means. If they are asked to define it, they will be at a loss. At best, they will know that it is a religious sect, but not the definition of the word.




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MC says..


I would love to see at least one large and celbrated temple where Christ, Mary and Visnu/Krishna were worshiped side by side.This would show that to accept Christ one needn't reject Bhagavad-gita and Srimad Bhagavatam.Srila Prabhupada was fine with it here and I believe it to be in the spirit of Bhaktivinode Thakur.


>I do not believe that would be in the spirit of Bhaktivinode at all.

Gaura-Gadadhar yes but Mary on a Gaudiya Vaishnava altar at least is total Rasa Bhasa, of course he was respectful and acknowledged various religions, but his intention was not to mix them together.


If you want mixed religion go to Ramakrishna Math or Yoganandas Group ..they are already doin it!


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The thought of applying this to religion is just too insane.I imagine some might be buying big crosses to wear around their necks when they seek job or educational oppurtunities.

In Kerala many brahmins have to change their names so that they can get jobs. I suppose the back lash against the higher castes is because the brahmins exploited the lower castes for hundreds of years.


About the word "vaishnava". In Tamil Nadu it is considered a caste (Iyengar Brahmin caste). Very few view it as a religion. I even once went to the web page www.vaishnava.com (or .org, I forget which one). It turned out to be a gaudiya website. But in the guest book, there were only Tamil Iyengars posting messages saying, "It is nice to see someone has made a site to represent our community." Each and everyone of them was saying the same thing - and they were all Iyengars. I almost laughed.


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Just a quick note on how Christians misrepresent Hinduism. There was an audio tape on this site which I listened to several months ago. It tells how the Seventh Day Adventists were taking Prabhupada's Gita and going to Hindu's saying that "Here is proof, Krsna Himself says he is a demon. So you should reject this demoniac Hinduism". The quote was that of the demons, Krsna is the best of the demons - Prahlad. It was very funny when I first heard it.



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Christ, Mary and Vishnu on the same altar is not rasabhasa.If it exactly fits with the Gaudiya system of worship might be another question, but in spirit it is exactly in tune to Bhaktivinodes vision.


From Vaisnavism, real and apparent:



Real Vaishnavism: The word "Vaishnavism' indicates the normal eternal and natural condition, functions and devotional characteristics of all individual souls in relation to Vishnu, the Supreme, the all-pervading Soul.But an unnatural, unpleasant and regrettable sense has been attributed to the word making one understand by the word, Vaishnava[literally a pure and selfless worshipper of Vishnu] a human form with twelve peculiar signs[Tilak] and dress on, worshipping many gods under the gard of a particular God and hating any other human form who marks himself with different signs, puts on a different dress and worships a different God in a different way and designated by the words'Shaiva', 'Shakta', 'Ganapatya', 'Jaina', 'Buddhist',Mahomedan', 'Christian'etc.[snip]


As the srevice of the master is the fundemental funtion of the servamt,so the service of Vishnu is natural and inherent in jiva and it is called Vaisnvata or Vaishnavism and every jiva is a Vaisnava.


This is why I think it natural for Vishnu Jesus and Mary to be on the same altar.Of course the present so-called Christians will never do it,but some with a deeper vision just might.




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>> I would love to see at least one large and celbrated temple where Christ, Mary and Visnu/Krishna were worshiped side by side.


Visit New Vrindavana, USA. Your Prabhupada was also seated into a velvet trone dressed like a Portuguese Emperor with a crown, scepter, ermine stole and so on. In the altar there were Jesus , Mahaprabhu, Krsna, Radha and everyone else in a fantastic marble temple in the style of a Roman basilica.


You can also read some of Kirtananda's books on Harekrsna's philosophy amalgamated with Christianism, and also have some information on its practical applications such as inquisition and its murders, tortures and so on. What a nightmare!!!


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I think it would be favourable for Christians to include Vishnu in their worship, but for Vaishnava's to include Christ will not be very beneficial. There is nothing wrong with the worship of Christ, but it is important to follow the proper examples set by acharyas. In the case of Christians, they lack proper acharyas, and thus their processes are mostly speculative anyway.


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