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Holy Saints of today's India

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I am interested to meet with Spiritually Realized or Holy Saints/Masters/Persons. I recently met with Mata Amritanandamayi and Sri Ramasuratkumar. However, I am sure that there many more genuinely Holy/Spiritually Realized Persons in India. Can the readers give me more information about such Holy Persons, their whereabouts, teachings, etc. ?



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There will be a mukti yajna at Satyaloka monastery which is the abode of the great Indian sage, Sri Sriman Bhagavan. Many (some 15 million globally) refer to him as Kalki as so many have been liberated from suffering, have entered the Golden Age (which is a state of consciousness as well as an astrological event), and in some instances reached total enlightenment at Satyaloka. He does not refer to himself as Kalki, however


For information or to view Sri Sriman Bhagavan's miracle in California, or for more info on the mukti yajna (no charge but travel) see www.skyboom.com.


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There will be a mukti yajna at Satyaloka monastery which is the abode of the great Indian sage, Sri Sriman Bhagavan. Many (some 15 million globally) refer to him as Kalki as so many have been liberated from suffering, have entered the Golden Age (which is a state of consciousness as well as an astrological event), and in some instances reached total enlightenment at Satyaloka. He does not refer to himself as Kalki, however


For information or to view Sri Sriman Bhagavan's miracle in California, or for more info on the mukti yajna (no charge but travel) see www.skyboom.com/ddasa.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Twisted Tricksters in India there may be.

Though None were ever authorized to the Vedic Tree.

All termed Vaishnava are in contempt of the Personal Holy Name

as VISHNU is HE who is inconceivably EVERYWHERE..

not ever profane, to remain for anyone's senses nor half-breed brains.


There are absolutely no Dravidians authorized to Vedic Devotional Service, they are patently offensive, and eventhough they may call HARI, it is only crow calling: "theif, away, nothing remain, theif, jackal drewl, away, away"...


The Holy Name is only Holy if chanted unoffensively, thus the totally offensive absurdities compounded by Gaudiya, and the false brahminizm of Sri Ramanuja nowadays disqualifies anyone from Hari Nama; and the founts of mercy simply do not apply to those who fraudulently imposed damnation by the Holy Name...


So take your Heaps of Hindu Hookers, and herbs and piss in your face fools and seekers of dravidian dog barking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

dear R_Srisan

You seem to have been hurt somehow, your messages are filled with spite, I am sorry but your attitude nagates your ability to understand some very simple truths.the chanting of Holy names is always good, either for the person chanting them,or for those who overhear them. Any other CONCLUSION IS ILLUSION (temporary).

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  • 1 year later...

Originally posted by acramasw:

I am interested to meet with Spiritually Realized or Holy Saints/Masters/Persons. Can the readers give me more information about such Holy Persons, their whereabouts, teachings, etc. ?


Dear Sir

Please keep still, love thy neighbour and utter the truth

(without count)

They will find you





hiding talasiga@hotmail.com



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Ramaswamy asked this question over a year back. The thread itself had died out long since, and now talasiga, you go back into the archives, pullout dead threads and expect people to check the forums regularly, patiently waiting for someone to suddenly come up with new answers?



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Ahhh.... the tyranny of the literal !

Talasiga runs into Shvu

on a dead thread ?


Child, when a thread is stitched

Mr JN Das will LOCK it

Until then the tomb

is open

for resurrections





tyrant talasiga@hotmail.com




[This message has been edited by talasiga (edited 08-18-2001).]

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