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mystical powers.

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I have read some of your articles on Mystical.


Are these your auto-biographies? Are they real? Pardon my skepticism, but i have trouble believing them. They were fascinating but honestly i was disgusted. Anyway it was an interesting read!


Nice webpage.

Hare Krishna

~SuperCow 64

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These articles are the true stories of one of our Sadhakas when he first attempted to pursue spiritual life. Most of the stories occured nearly thirty years ago in South India. All of the stories are factual. Most of the things described I can still show you, if you happen to come to this part of the world. Not to say that under every rock there are mystical things occuring, but if you know where to look and if you know the proper people you can see these things for your self.


The stories available on this site at present are only a fraction of the occurences. We are currently working on recording the balance. Also, what is available now only deals with the Sadhakas first unguided attempts at so-called spiritual life, which in most cases was nothing more than black magic and the sort (which actually has nothing to do with spiritual life at all). By the mercy and guidance of the Paramatma this Sadhaka found a sat guru and was put onto the proper path towards self-realization. All of the stories, from the Sadhakas first neophite attempts, up to finding his true spiritual master will be put online as we complete the work.

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Thankyou for the reply. I have many questions...


1. What type of mystical abilities do you have?

2. And what is the name of the sadhaka who observed all this?


"Most of the things described I can still show you, if you happen to come to this part of the world."


3. Where are you?


"We are currently working on recording the balance."


4. What do you mean?


5. From where in sastra are these black-magic rites written?


It was very very very interesting reading these articles. They seemed honest. Keep posting more of them!




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"1. What type of mystical abilities do you have?"


I have no such abilities. The line I follow is not interested in such things, as our aim is to become free from the desire to lord over material nature. Those who are siddhi-kami (desirous of mystic perfections) are motivated by their desire to control matter, subtle and gross. Those who are sincerely interested in spiritual life should try their best to become free from such material desires. I have seen many people who belong to other lines that focus on these siddhis. Some of the siddhis are amazing, some are just stupid. Everything from being able to pull chocolate out of the sand (the specialty of one particular sadhu) to being able to change the density of matter. Through various processes of meditation one's mind is expanded and the understandings of matter become much greater. All matter is based on sound, so through sound it can be manipulated. Further more, the physical realm of our experience exists on the subtle mental realm. Those who have conscious access to that realm can know and do things that we would consider to be mystical.


There are mainly eight siddhis described in the scriptures (including the Srimad Bhagavatam 11th Canto). But the siddhis described there are of a much higher order, and require severe discipline to achieve. It is very rare that one will achieve such a perfection. But for every siddhi there is a reflection that is easily attained. The process for attaining these minor siddhis are usually outlined in the Tantra-sastra (please refer to the course on Vedic literature on this site to understand what is Tantra-sastra). The process generally involves doing upasana to a particular deity, who when pleased reveals their form to the Sadhaka. On the way many siddhis naturally develop due to expansion of the consciousness through mantra upasana and meditation. According to the category of devata one worships the result will come either quickly or after a long time, and the result will either be temporary or permanent. If you aim at a low entity, for example a ghost, the result will be quick, but it will be of minimal value. Whereas if your upasana is to a higher divinity, the result will be much more permanent and significant, but it will take much more time to accomplish. The aim of the Sadhaka generally depends on his conditioning within the modes of nature. This is described by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. Besides the eight main siddhis there are many minor siddhis, for example paduka siddhi which enables one to travel to any distant place in a moment. They are sub-categories of the primary eight. Another category of siddhi involves the control of the object of worship. You do not directly acquire a siddhi, but you maintain control over an entity who by nature of their higher existence possess natural powers. This relationship is maintained through your worship to the entity, who receives nourishment from the worship.


Another category of siddhi is that which is attained through yogic meditation. That involves direct expansion of ones consciousness. The result is one's mind becomes like a receiver and many informations will be known automatically.



"3. Where are you?"


We are located in Mysore, in the state of Karnataka in South India.


"We are currently working on recording the balance."

"4. What do you mean?"


We are writing these stories into a book to benefit those who are searching for spiritual life.


5. From where in sastra are these black-magic rites written?


You will find them mostly in the Tantra-sastra, Artharva-Veda, and scattered here and there in other places. Besides scriptural rites, there are many others that are local rites by tradition.



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One point that deserves mentioning:


According to the level of the deity the results are greater and more permanent. But the greater the results the more difficult the process is. As you move up from the lowest levels of worship of ghosts, to yakshas and yakshinis, to minor devatas, the process becomes harder and harder (i.e. there is more sacrifice and sincerity involved). The perfection one achieves by worshipping a ghost cannot be compared to that attained by worshipping someone like Ganesha, but the worship of Ganesha will require more on the part of the Sadhaka. The results will not nearly be as temporary as that attained by worhsipping a ghost or spirit. In the same way, when you go beyond the worhsip of the devatas and you take up the worship of Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the perfection you will achieve will be much greater than anything that is offered within this material world. And more than that, it will be the most permanent (eternal to be precise). But at the same time to attain it will require the most sacrifice and sincerity. From the bottom of the grades of worship up to the top most level (worship of Lord Krishna)there is a direct correspondence between the necessary endeavour for perfection and the permanence of the result.


In regards to worship within the different modes Krishna says:


yajante sattvika devan

yaksa-raksamsi rajasah

pretan bhuta-ganams canye

yajante tamasa janah


“Men in the mode of goodness worship the demigods; those in the mode of passion worship the yakshas and rakshasas; and those in the mode of ignorance worship ghosts and spirits.”


As you progress in the modes, the worship becomes more and more purified, from ignorance to goodness. When you finally transcend the modes by worship of Krishna, the worship is completely transcendental beyond the three modes of material nature.


The long term results are also described by Krishna:


yanti deva-vrata devan

pitrin yanti pitri-vratah

bhutani yanti bhutejya

yanti mad-yajino ‘pi mam


“Those who wroship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship the ancestors go to the ancestors (pitruloka); those who worship ghosts and spirits will take birth among such beings; and those who worship Me will live with Me.”


Sri A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, in his commentary to this verse says:


“Pisaca worship is called “black arts” or “black magic.” There are many men who practice this black art, and they think that it is spiritualism, but such activities are completely materialistic.”


It should be noted that in this verse the first three types of worships are described as a vow (vrata). The worshipper is making a vow to the object of worship in exchange for some material gain. An agreement is being made between the two parties. But in regards to the worship of Krishna it is stated to be devotion (mad-yajinah – My devotees). There is no expectation on the part of the devotees. Their worship is completely unalloyed, without a tinge of desire for material enjoyment.


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fascinating. thankyou for your lengthy replies.

And i have a few more questions for you still...


Agreed, the mystic powers are attained affter much 'upsanas', but they also come naturally has we advance in devotional service and the illusion of maya gradually peels away and we can say reality as it is.


Now i have had personal experience of reading people's thoughts to the point where it competely shocked them. Basically, the third-eye, right in between our eyes, is a place where some very interesting stuff happens although i am unable to exactly ascertain what's going on. If you can talk about that i'd appreciate it.


Also, If you can explain some minor-siddhi's, things that should be attainable through very minimal meditation/postures i'd also appreciate it (no deity worship stuff though).


You state you do not have any mystic powers. Judging from your very expert, lucid replies on reality, i am sure you have some special abilities more than the average guy on the street. If you explain your personal abilities and experiences with it, i'd appreciate it.


Best Regards,



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  • 2 weeks later...

“Through various processes of meditation one's mind is expanded and the understandings of matter become much greater."


Most Westerners think of meditation as only consisting of attempts to clear the mind or some intellectual exercise, they do not think of it as penetrative but as entirely receptive.


"All matter is based on sound, so through sound it can be manipulated."


Sound creates electro-magnetic fields, etc.


"Further more, the physical realm of our experience exists on the subtle mental realm.”


How profound. A single sentence yet its implications are staggering. Everything that we see, the sun, the moon, the entire universe appears before our conscious perception nowhere else except there inside of our own tiny heads. We often mistake what appears thus within our minds eye as empty images, vacant of substance but this is not truly the case. We of the West have been conditioned to think of the physical realm as entirely distinct from the mental realm, the Cartesian split, but the mind is also a material realm, possessed of subtle substance, subtle elements.


“ Those who have conscious access to that realm can know and do things that we would consider to be mystical.


In Western occultism this trance state condition is referred to as semi-comatose lucidity, where one is conscious during the dream state and where dreaming is directed.

Hari bol


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Of course "lite" is a relative term.Aperson in a lite tracnce can be certified dead my a qualified physician, buried, and then dug up and still be in a lite trance by anothers consideration, although the person experiencing this trance is very deep, completely overcome. This is practiced in some of the Carribian countries by the natives as a strong form of social protest, usually against some money grubbing swindler and disruptor of family traditions and violator of the rules of good social behavior.

Hari bol

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  • 2 years later...
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"Now i have had personal experience of reading people's thoughts to the point where it competely shocked them. "



so that is why you are 'asking' us to tell what our thoughts are rathern than reading directly?


some are beginning to read your thoughts here.



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My dear vaisnavas,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


A quick question: people in other faiths i.e. Native Americans, Wiccans, Christians, African tribesmen etc. have been documented to have performed "miracles" really mystic powers. In order to gain these powers one must please the demigods, ghosts, ancestors etc. but, many don't know who the demigods are. So, for example, when a wiccan prays to "the goddess" is he/she actually praying to one of the demigods. We have many nicknames so, when people of other faiths gain these mystical powers are they worshiping the demigods by another name not knowing they are doing so?

Like when Native Americans perform the rain dance are they factually worshiping Lord Indra by another name?


This is a very interesting topic. Thanks. Hari Bol!


Your servant,

Narayani d.d.

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This is pure speculation on my part, but was the mystical experiences section written by Sri Atmatattva Das. In one of his mp3 lectures he said he used to me a mayavadi and in a cave in the Himalayas he considered himself to be God.

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