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I dont know whether all people of this forum are decent or not.

But some of them has been calling me bad names for a long time. They are none other than the SUPERIOR and MOST SATTWIK vaishnavas.

Read the post- "Vishnu-The ultimate aim?"

All I wanted to convey was that I found Devi as the supreme abode in the Devi Bhagavatam,MahaBhagavatam,Devi Suktam,Sri Suktam, Upanishadsetc.She stands much above the trimurtis---Brahma,Vishnu and Rudra.And all deities are Her forms.


Let me show the readers a glimpse of the humiliation I am being subjected to:


Some guest says:


<font color="red"> .....This statement of yours exhibits two things.


1. Total lack of knowledge on Vedas or Sanskrit.

2. Ahankara and total foolishness with silly and rubbish excuses not to accept the truth.


Talk about cheaing tendencies of Shivites like you.


...compose scriptures of falsehood like Devi Bhagavatam etc.,


...Truth always hurts asuras and people following falsehood with imaginary stories from bogus scriptures like devi-bhagavatam etc.


...Bogus stories written by cheater Shaktites in bogus scriptures like devi bhagavatam.


...Nonsense from devi bhagavatam again.


...Again non-sense from devi bhagavatam


...You keep spouting your idiotic nonsense.Even Shankara does not hold such perverse views.


...Typical fool or typical shaktite cheater.


...and about the fake teachings of devi Bhagavatam it is evident that Devi Bhagavatam is false.


...so hello Mr.FAKE,could you please shut up?


...Your satguru and their teachings are also falsehood


...unlike false teachings of advaita and shaktism.


...Dog barking at sun.


...Devi Bhagavatam and the rest are written by fake guys.


</font color>


I am not taught to call someone dog or idiot.

I could not bear the Mother being insulted like this and i told Her.Mother laughed very much when I told this to Her.

I think take-it-easy is Her policy.Why should I blame Her,they are also Her children!


At last, one of them comes in his user id and asks compromise:


<font color="red">

Bhadramoorthi -- I have no hatred towards you and I hope the same from you.We are under the tree of Vedic Religion.


</font color>

I wonder why..

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Dear Bhadramoorthi,


Someone recently even said words like "foolish" and "arrogant" are not words of insult, but mere expressions!!


Probably whoever said "Bogus", "Silly", "asura", thought they were just venting out their frustration and not really insulting!!



Anyway, please don't take things to heart, after all they are just our fellow hindus going to extremes to defend their faith.


In Tamil there is a saying, just spelling out the word fire will not burn your mouth.


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"...Someone recently even said words like "foolish" and "arrogant" are not words of insult, but mere expressions!!


Probably whoever said "Bogus", "Silly", "asura", thought they were just venting out their frustration and not really insulting!!..."



How come you dont feel even after they have accused Shivites as cheats?


I am a common man and i feel sad.


"....Anyway, please don't take things to heart, after all they are just our fellow hindus going to extremes to defend their faith..."


Then why do they have so much superiority complex?

Why they claim theirs to be the most exalted religion?

Their words do proclaim that they are not even better than the tribals.

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Siddhas of ancient times like SivaVakkiar were opposing caste system and other unjust practices. They believed that such materialistic approaches hindered human souls for realizing god.

Do you know the kind of sufferings they have been through over the centuries? Their scriptures were systematically destroyed and they were called atheists and budhists.


One Mr. M.Srinivasa Iyengar in 1914 even went further and called them "mostly plagiarists and impostors" and in addition, "Being eaters of opium & dwellers in the land of dreams, their conceit knew no bounds".


The insults you are facing are nothing compared to what these sages faced.


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But some of them has been calling me bad names for a long time. They are none other than the SUPERIOR and MOST SATTWIK vaishnavas.


I feel sorry for the thing happened to you. But that gives no right to call the poeple who do that as Most sattwik vaishnawas /images/graemlins/smile.gif. What do the Most Sattwik Vaishnawas have got to do here in this forum? hope u understood what i wanted to convey.


Few or may be hand countable are those who could be called as Sattwik Vaishnawas or Sattwik Shaivas...For they are not put into any confusion nor they put others into confusion. when they speak they speak only truth and just the truth and nothing else ......


"Bolo sri sri rahda ramanaki Jai"


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<<<< Few or may be hand countable are those who could be called as Sattwik Vaishnawas or Sattwik Shaivas...For they are not put into any confusion nor they put others into confusion. when they speak they speak only truth and just the truth and nothing else ......>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Yes, "TRUTH" comes in manay faces. Adhi Shankara, Sri Ramalinga swami[ Vallalar], Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa and Sri Satya Sai Baba and more will come i their near future.


Extremeism in religion leads to conflicts and disorder among devotees of same denomination. Where would it end? Hinduism is a way discribing several paths to GOD. Having chosen, one may differ from the other but the aim is the same as the other. But some of them do not accept as such and dispute to show their superiority over the other. If we Hindus keep up with such attitude than we are allowing others to play in our mind and in no time we are questioning our own faith.


I have noticed that in this forum when some of us praise Mother Durga, Lord Shiva or Murugan the Krishnavites start their backlash condemning our belief by saying all others are demigods and that we are stupid fools to follow dieties of low quality. But these people do not realize the real truth behind and I feel sorry for them.








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Someone recently even said words like "foolish" and "arrogant" are not words of insult, but mere expressions!!


If you are referring to me, then allow me to straighten one thing up.


Words like "Foolish" and "arrogant" IS words of insult but it is MILD one considered to using words like Retard, Moron, etc. I NEVER said it is mere expression.


If you accuse someone of lying, it MUST justified. For example, you claim something and when asked for proof of your claims, and you cannot proof it, thus it is justified for me to call you a Liar. Calling someone a Liar when they could explain their statement or when they can proof their claims by giving some resources and source IS insulting.

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vaishnavas are supposed to be hubmler than grass.


those who came from xian faith and learned krishna bhakti

(the HKs) have difficulty understanding this:


- one is free to worship a deva or devi or god the supreme. Krishna does not mind it. he says the fruits they get is actually coming from Him. Krishna even strenghthens their faith thus. he says "don't disturb another in his practice of sadhana."


- bhakti has to be avyabhichAriNi. this is true even if you worship deva or devi or god. therefore a devi worshipper has to think and worship devi as if she is the supreme god.

when the bhaka realizes devi, then from her he will learn who is actually supreme.


the above situation causes arguments within hindus.

the solution is this:


when we hindus talk to the non hindus we ought to say that Gita is our Book. that's all; and we need to understand what gita says - there krishna says he is above devas and devis.

and we should not have any heart burn about it because Krishna the god said so.


when we worship our ishta deva or devi and not Krishna, then we can think of him or her as supreme, but we should always respect all other hindus who worship other deva/devi or god; and we should not try to prove other's deva/devi is not supreme.


the above scheme will keep us the vedic people united. we should not fall victims of any attempts by others to cause a strife within us. we need unity to counter the anti-vedics.


hope it helps.


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I could not bear the Mother being insulted like this and i told Her.Mother laughed very much when I told this to Her.



I am curious. Who is this mother ? Are you talking about Devi Bhagavatam mother or are you hallucinating stuff ?

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- one is free to worship a deva or devi or god the supreme. Krishna does not mind it. he says the fruits they get is actually coming from Him. Krishna even strenghthens their faith thus. he says "don't disturb another in his practice of sadhana."


I remember hearing about the fruits of the actions coming from Him also.


He also said that how a devotee uses the "fruit" of his action (whether in good way or bad way) determines whether he is coming back to Him or not.

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>when we hindus talk to the non hindus we ought to say that Gita is our Book. that's all;<

>we need unity to counter the anti-vedics.<


Whether you like it or not, there are hindus who don't believe in vedas or Gita or even idol worship.

I'm myself a believer of Saiva siddhantha.

However, there are no more "pure" saiva siddhantites as in ancient times. We have now blended with the society at large and have accepted good things from other faiths. But I still believe in the fundamental doctrine that god is love.


Please don't be frightened that such hindus will destroy hinduism, it is far from true.


Infact, I don't think majority of hindus are now vedics, because most hindus don't even know the classification of vedas or what is said in vedas.


Even Brahmins like myself use vedic chants only during rituals and rites without even knowing the meaning of what is said. I'm supposed to be adherent of Sama Veda, but my knowledge of Sama Veda is very very limited only to recital of verses.

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<<< I am curious. Who is this mother ? Are you talking about Devi Bhagavatam mother or are you hallucinating stuff ? >>>>>>>




It is his ability to communicate whereas you have not reach the stage. Ramakrihna did it, was he hallucinating? Why do you think you know more than anybody else? Just by reading the scriptures would not give you direct passport to whoever you believe is GOD. The divine inspiration comes from within you and only with true devotion. Just trying to show you have studied all and that you are an expert would not make one a self realize person. Bear it mind that being sarcastic is a sin too and you have just lost 60 pints for grace.


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therefore a devi worshipper has to think and worship devi as if she is the supreme god.

when the bhaka realizes devi, then from her he will learn who is actually supreme.




Thorn inside sandwich.


what is the use of LEARNING from devi after spending a whole life worshipping her?


What is one supposed to do after your so-called learning?

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<<<<< Ramakrishna wasn't a realized saint. You cannot take his words as pramana. Learn from real acharyas and ignore these 'modern-day' avatars. >>>>>>


This forum sees how stupid you are with your fanatical mind.


Ramakrishna had more to give to this world than your learned acharaya. Self realized persons do not need acharayas and failing to know this only shows that your ignorant of the truth.


Siddharta Gautama did not learn from any acharyas yet became a self realized buddha and has millions of followers. Ramakrishna has been accepted my millions of Hindus as a SAINT. You are nothing but an empty vassel. So go make your noise but none would care.

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did siva says "live with the problems"

and do nothing in the best interest of dharma or rashtra?


True that Nature of Shivatees is to overcome the problem by solving it, not ignoring.


When Veda Vyasa interpreted Shivatees as Tamasic, it means that they live accepting Ignorance mode and overcoming it, NOT allowing it to overcome them.


Ignorance is when you KNOW the problem and do nothing to solve it. This is not Natural, Spiritual or Shivatees ways.

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I can totally understand the state of mind you are in.

One of the Vaishnava fanatics dared to call even adi shankaracharya as fool.they even called ramana maharishi fake etc...

so there is no point in arguing with these guys.

Even in real life, I find vaishnavas the most argumentative people. it need not be about religion, it can be anything.. they have very strong views and stick to it.


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"...But that gives no right to call the poeple who do that as Most sattwik vaishnawas. What do the Most Sattwik Vaishnawas have got to do here in this forum? hope u understood what i wanted to convey..."


It was their claim, that they are sattwik and all Devi worshippers(like myself) are tamasik.


The arguments they fired were only meant to prove that they were most sattwiks and all others are dangerous.I can quote for you some of their arguments.(more are there at the original thread):


<font color="red">

<ul type="square"> [*]This is your ignorant opinion. It is falsehood as this statement is made by you who is finite and full of faults like ahankara, mada, matsarya, loba etc.Vaishnavas would rather depend on Vedas which are apourasheya, beyond faults and not authored by faulty human beings.


[*]When you pay a visit to Srirangam,you can still see in this yuga so many orthodox vaishnvas who lead a life of pure austerities and bhakthi. [*]After all we Vaishnavas believe in peace,love and non violence.It is for this basic three principles we are uncomprimising on any worship lower than that of pure goodness. [*]In the name of trance so many pseudo Devi devotees cheat people and collect money.If you visit Kamaghya in Assam,any kind hearted soul will become terrified.Even few decades before human sacrifice existed. [*]so many genuine acharyas who has lived a life of devotion for this great bhakthi movement will get offended. [*]Vishnu is all attractive and pleasing to everyone.He is full of mercy and always stay in the mode of pure goodness.His devotees know no refuge other than Him and he accepts only veg prasadam and no animal sacrifice and all.Because he is the father of all living entities.( [*]Vishnu devotion is something which the soul must aspire and rightly conclude given the confusing other things.It is because it is indeed it is very very tough to accept Vishnu as supreme than anybody and once accepted he becomes a Vaishhava and slowly his character is perfectionalized. [*]But now only intelligent and humble men can seggregate fact from illusion and judge the greatness among the thrimurthis. [*]no one sacrifices poor innocent animals as a demon symbol to Narasimha.Because we all know Vishnu is the father and unwanteldy he wont continue his anger.But incase of other deities that perfect maturity is not there and something is lagging behind them [*]For those who eat meat and drink wine,if we go and tell about Vishnu they wont listen much. [*]Thats why Demons remained Shiva deovtees but never respected their own master at times.But you cannot quote a single vishnu devotee who is a demon by action.(Prahladha and Vibeeshana were exceptionally exalted high grade souls and not demons by their action) [*]Today it is really sweet to become a brave valourous person,give animal's blood to Kali,enjoy good life,do social service and argue equanimity.Yes it is even so sweet to call for support from Vedic puranas and tantrism etc etc.It is really very very sweet to call Divine Mother and make her descend to our tastes.But one thing is there A supreme witness at the macro level and our own conscience at the Mini level.It can never lie and will speak what is wrong.

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"..vaishnavas are supposed to be hubmler than grass..."


inference: I have experienced that they really are not.

But it is true that they dont even keep the level of a grass while arguing.


"...one is free to worship a deva or devi or god the supreme. Krishna does not mind it. he says the fruits they get is actually coming from Him. Krishna even strenghthens their faith thus. he says "don't disturb another in his practice of sadhana."..."


inference: Polytheism.


"...bhakti has to be avyabhichAriNi. this is true even if you worship deva or devi or god. therefore a devi worshipper has to think and worship devi as if she is the supreme god.

when the bhaka realizes devi, then from her he will learn who is actually supreme...."


inference: Again, Polytheism. And what should I do after I realise Her and learn from Her that Krishna is supreme?????


"...when we hindus talk to the non hindus we ought to say that Gita is our Book. that's all; and we need to understand what gita says - there krishna says he is above devas and devis.and we should not have any heart burn about it because Krishna the god said so..."


inference: Again, Polytheism. (I follow the Devi-Gitas, Parvathi Gita etc.)


"...when we worship our ishta deva or devi and not Krishna, then we can think of him or her as supreme, but we should always respect all other hindus who worship other deva/devi or god; and we should not try to prove other's deva/devi is not supreme..."


inference: Smartha principles.


"..the above scheme will keep us the vedic people united. we should not fall victims of any attempts by others to cause a strife within us. we need unity to counter the anti-vedics..."


inference: Fear of other sects.


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"..I am curious. Who is this mother ? Are you talking about Devi Bhagavatam mother or are you hallucinating stuff ?.."


..Aapadi Kim Karaneeyam? [What is to be done in disasters? ]

Smaraneeyam Charana Yugalam Ambaya....[Remember Her Holy feet]


Yes,the Mother is the same.She sends Her rays of mercy to everyone.One should tune oneself to hear what She says.

It is applicable to all the Deities.When we meditate on Her, spontaneously we see several visions and find Her talking,laughing, dancing, sitting on a lion etc. You may think it as halluination, but whatever I heard from Her was always true, may it be some daily-life matters or spiritual matter.

and also, hallucinations cannot be true.

She never gave me Darshan in a material form, That is accessible only to realised souls like Sree RamaKrishna.


Whenever a situation of worry comes, just go to Her and pray/cry with concentration and She will show us the solutions.

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