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Be Thank ful for being a Hindu...

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Hari OM:


A Hindu on the average is more at Peace (with Himself and with the rest of the universe) and happy than most of the other religionst of the world.


Why? mainly because of the knowledge of Karma and the eternity of time-span and life cycles, embedded to him through Puranas and epics (and very few through Upanishads).


Hindus are in general wealthy (even during recent times) famine least affected India, which is the land of most rivers than any other country, good climatic and natural conditions with flourshing arts and other beauties.


However now the forces that try to pull away Hindus is increasing, why? because the stakes are increasing, in addition to the above + points, now Hindus would also be reaching Pithr, Heaven and even liberation very easily by chanting God's names. As is the natural course, if the stakes are increasing then the obstacles would also increase.


The obstacles can be broadly classified into four categories:


Saama:- Nice way of telling "Hindusim is flawed get out of it"-- this includes reformists, comedians, social "thinkers", etc.,


Bedha:- Telling the above in a Harsh way including Scolding the people and the God, this includes athesist, Christian missionaries, etc.,


Dhana:- Showing the senusal opulences like wealth, sexy actress etc., and pulling away from Dharma.


Dhand:- Physical punishment or terror of physical punishment, mainly Muslims and very opressive rulers (chinese, russian dictators)


So Hindus should realise first what a great blessing that they got a Birth as Hindu and second use that blessing to achieve Liberation ( and nothing less than that)


i could not see in the near future any of these four "Damscles sword" loosing its effectiveness, rather it seems to be picking up pace, even casting doubt on Chaitnya MahaPrabhus statement Dharama will be prevelant for the first 10,000 years of Kali-Yuga (and hence this period can be called the Golden age)

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<< Be Thank ful for being a Hindu... >>




it seems you do not know any indian language,

and bharat probably is not your birthplace.

there is also error in the category definitions.


not a problem,

but when sanskrit words are used incorrectly, it misleads others (mostly non indians) about you mastery of samskrit or an indian language.


could you please share some info about you.

okay if you cannot.


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Subham ji,

I am impressed by the way you have interpreted sama, dhana, bheda and danda.


But there is one more thing added to this, something you will understand if you are a regular listener of karnatic music. In his composition, 'sarasa sama dhana bheda danada chathura..', saint Thygaraja, one among the sangeetha thri-moorthy, says in the very next line, "saakshi daivamE", meaning the Lord is the Witness of all this.


As such I concur with the conclusion you have given ---


>>>>>So Hindus should realise first what a great blessing that they got a Birth as Hindu and second use that blessing to achieve Liberation ( and nothing less than that)<<<<<<<


is the ideal stance sanatana dharma expects you to take. He is the saakshi, He is the witness

-- the deterioration is what is ingrained in His scheme itself, in such a way that successive generations have become the cause by forgetting what their duty is as snatanists.


This dharma addresses the individuals, not the masses. Every individual must know the way, follow it and transfer it to the next generation. The only other way prescribed is that the one who has known the import of this dharma, must offer it to the willing and ready ears as 'vidya-dhaanam'.


If even one such soul exists, then the entire comminity will be flourished. It rains everywhere for this one enlightened soul. So have no worry about what will happen. The world is still peopled with souls who either know and practice or practice well without knowing.


As long as that one person exists saying 'samastha lokA: sukhinO bhavanthu', this world will be continue to be in good stead.


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Hari OM:


Dear Aqua3 Ji,


Thanks for your comments, i would like to share one more of my thoughts with you.


While reading Puranas, i will be wondering when reading, Bhooma Devi goes to Lord and Prays her to resuce from Heavy Load of Earth, since she can bear it no more.


i was thinking that even if a person dies there would be no change in the total weight of the world, so what is the meaning of the above verse.


Then suddenly i (think) understood the concept.


Every area has an ecological balance- that is the amount of vegetation, water resource, herbivorous and carnivorous animals, their ratio is maintained in a good balance.


If this ratio is disturbed, then it is self-corrected mostly, for example if the no of tigers increases, it would eat more deers, so the deer population would decrease, which inturn decreases the food to tigers and their population finally decreases, restoring the ecological balance.


But if a species is very intelligent and adaptive then this balance is not easily restored, the natural intelligence (we can assume Bhooma Devi here) interfers to restore the balance with several natural disasters(?)


Like in our present time, the Humans (or should we say HumanoAsuroids??) do so many things to disturb this ecological balance and the natural intelligence tries to restore it back, for example they exacvate lot of petroleum from the earth creating sesimic imbalance, She tries to restore the balance by earthquakes, they heat up the atmosphere and She tries to restore the balance by Cyclones, storms, flooding, etc.,


But at some point of time the effort becomes too big for her to restore the balance, and she goes to the Lord and prays to Him, i think then He takes Avataar and restores the balance (in the mean while he also plays, does so many other things playfully), please let me know your opinion about my understanding.


Dear Maadhav Ji,


Thanks for pointing out the mistakes in using Sanskrit words, will try to be more careful in future.

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I can scarcely believe the INSANE beliefs you people call 'reality'......some woman/god is holding up the earth?! have you not been around for the telescope?.. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we now know the world isn't flat! and we all so know that there is no giant woman holding up the earth ..... further more holding something UP,suggests that there is gravity pulling it down... there IS NO NEED TO HOLD UP WHAT HAS NO UP OR DOWN. LO LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL can you say backward ?

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Hari OM:


first try to read and understand the concept before jumping up to conclusion , otherwise at least change the login name to INSANITY


Also read science journals and update your knowledge


It is now a scientifically accepted theory that Earth is a living organism (at least a single cell one), without which there is no way to maintain the Oxygen level of atmosphere.


The scientist has named this giant living organism as "Gia" while we can it as Bhooma Devi.


BTW where did i say that a giant woman is holding UP the earth, don't blast me for your assumptions.


Have any idea what is the meaning of earth's mantle and Core what is the signifinance of the discontinuity between them , what is the "Auras" of earth as witnessed in north and south poles , etc.,


To add further.


You must aware that there are two kinds of astrology now- one is your most favoured, respected and revered western astrology and the other one, the rubbish Hindu astrology generally called the Sideral Astrology.


There is always one sun sign difference between the two, i.e., if you are born at end of November, as per western astrology your sun sign is Saggi while as per Hindu Astrology it would be Capri (called Lagna)


The western scholars were very proud of this difference, they told that Western astronmers used very sophsiticated telescopes to exactly figure out the sun signs, while the poor foolish Hindus used inferior methods and hence got the signs wrong , their very disciplined followers (i.e., like you) very happily and proudly propogating this.


And LOL know what in the 1999 Science Journal there was an article, that from inference due to the radio telescope it is now confirmed that Earth also has one more motion-- wobbling in addition to Rotation and Revolution. It wobbles and falls approx 1 degree every 2000 years and one cycle of wobble approx takes 60 years. So now actually at middle of Nov the Sun is at Capri and not Saggi, and after 2000 years the difference would be two sun signs and would be nakedly visible , Oh what a superior telescope techniques you use, WOW WOW WOW i say you (and your masters) are very forward (incidentally BTW the Hindu Panchang system is written every 60 years, but i would not say that this some how corresponds to one wobble circle of earth and Hindus are superior and Hurt you, rather we can assume that the old ignorant shepherds of ancient India somehow coniciendtally jumped on this 60 years figure but they did write rubbish--- Happy now?)

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Dear Subhamji,


I will come back soon on the query on Bhu devi. Meantime, I would like to know more on what you said like this.



Have any idea what is the meaning of earth's mantle and Core what is the signifinance of the discontinuity between them , what is the "Auras" of earth as witnessed in north and south poles , etc.,



Can you elaborate?

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Dear Aqua3 Ji,


This is quite a lengthy topic addressed to (IN) SANITY because that user refuses to accept scientifc proofs whenever it is similar to Hindu beliefs, and since has no valid arguments keeps on typing LOL


Basically all these theories point to a living being of earth can search the net or read scientific magazines to get a clear idea, i will just give some details about one aspect here to prevent it going very lenghty.


Auras of earth:


There are lights observed in the north and south poles , these lights were intially considered only due to sun's rays splitting the high altitude atoms (called ionosphere) .

However recently it is found that the primary cause for this lighting is earth itself, earth has a fluctating complex magentic field (called magentosphere) this causes ion balance change and the main reason for lighting.


The same thing happens in Humans also, Humans have a fluctating magnetic field around them due to constant sodium-potassium ion exchange (this is the principle of working behind ECG) and creates a rthymic electric-magnetic field around a persons body. In fact even the rthym of earths "beat" seem to match with Humans.


Same thing for Core- earlier Core was thought of as just a big molten iron ball with solid rock surfaces floating above it, but due to a project (the deep penteration of earths crust in Pacific ocean) and theories like petroleum actually comes from the core of the earth (and not as initally posulated that it is produced from the dead forests of past) and due to finding of living organisms in petroleum, scientists are coming to a conclusion that there is a seperate "world" exists below the discontinunity (the discontinuity itself is baffling many scientists)-- this seems to be very similar to Pathaal concept of Hinduism.


However some people simply can't accept logical, scientific, historic,legal or any thing when it is contradictary to their view.

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Thank you. I think the following is about the aurora seen at the poles.I want to know whether any particular colour is dominant in the auroras. This will give me new insights about what I want to express in my mail in reply to your query.



There are lights observed in the north and south poles , these lights were intially considered only due to sun's rays splitting the high altitude atoms (called ionosphere) .

However recently it is found that the primary cause for this lighting is earth itself, earth has a fluctating complex magentic field (called magentosphere) this causes ion balance change and the main reason for lighting.




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Why should Bhooma devi go to the Lord for help?


To know this, we must first see what kind of relationship god has with bhooma devi. At an ordinary level we say she is His consort.


But on deeper analysis we find that it is more than that. The Lord Himself is all this world and is responsible for all that is happening.


In Purusha Suktam, it is said


Sahasra sirsha…….(verse 1)

A thousand heads had Purusha, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet;

He covered earth on every side and covered ten fingers breadth beyond


In Narayana Suktam it is said,


(Verse 5). yacca kincign-jagat sarvam drshyate shrooyate api vaa |

antar bahish-ca tatsarvam vyaapya naaraayaNa: sTHitha: ||


yacca kincid (All that) jagat sarvam (all over the world) drshyate (is

seen) api vaa (or is) shrooyate (heard), naaraayaNa: (Sriman Narayana)

sThitha: (stands) vyaapya (manifesting) tat sarvam (all that) anta:

(inside) bahish-ca (and out).

This verse again reinforces that all that is seen , that is heard and that is in this world are all Narayana.


Read this along with the Purusha suktam, "sa: bhoomim vishvato vrtva" – As this earth He manifests Himself.


This also echoes the Uttarataapani

Upanishad " sa vaa eSHa bhootaneendriyaaNi viraajam devata: koshaamsca

srSHTvaa praviSHyamooDHo mooDha iva vyavaharan-naaste maayayaiva".

-- manifesting the world "inside and out", we may again go back to the Purusha Suktam : "tasmaad viraatajaayata; viraajo adhi puruSHa:" - From him was nature (the female principle viraat) born.


The Sahasranaamam again echoes this, praising Sriman Narayana as

“bhu- garbha:"-"Who contains the world (bhoo) in his womb

(garbha:)"- "He guards his wife Bhoomi Devi as a mother

guards her womb".


From all this it is made out , that He will be always there for the protection of bhoo whether bhoodevi requests Him or not.


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Bhoo and others too..


Another dimension involved in this discussion is 3+1 which we have discussed in another thread, that is Bhu + Bhuva + Sva = Maha



Bhu: = Bhudevi , the earth or prithvi

Bhuva: = NILA devi

Sva: = Sri devi

Maha: = Narayana or Vishnu


The Vedas speak of three consorts to Vishnu, Sri, Bhu and NiLa. There are three suktams as part of Pancha Suktam and the three suktams are Sri suktam, Bhu suktam and NiLa suktam. While the first is part of Rig veda, the other two are found in Yajur veda.


The Bhu devi described in Bhu suktam is “Hiranya garbhini”, the one who is capable of fulfilling all our wishes ( sarva siddhyai). She is described as not just the land form but also as one who has the waters and the air (jalasayani, vaayumati). That is why we say that Bhudevi contains all that is within or on her. This includes the chetana and the achetana also as per Narayana suktam. For our understanding we consider her as a physical manifestation.


The NiLa is not much known or discussed one by our elders and our Aacharyas. She is supposed to have been born as Nappinna in Krishna avatara to win whose hand, Krishna fought and subdued 7 bulls.


The description in the very small NiLa suktam gives some idea of what this NiLa is with our little knowledge of science. Here I bring in the aurora lights seen in the north and south poles. The NiLa is described in the suktam as belonging to prithvi. She has permanent directions. She creates fear by authority of the sun. And she is the wife of Vishnu.


Having these information, we find that this is similar to how and why the corona appears. To read the details please go to the following link.




Assuming that you have just finished reading the details in that link, let me continue like this.


The corona is very much of prithvi, in being the magnetic forces of this big bar magnet , the Earth.

She creates fear on a midight like NiLa.

She has definite directions , the north and the south.

She is looking fearful due to the solar winds- powered by the solar winds ( Savita aadi pathyai: bhayasvathee)


And connecting this with the Nappinnai description which is found in Tamil composition ‘Thiruppavai’ by Aandal (Godha), we find that Krishna is with Nappinna when Godha goes to wake Him up. It is past midnight on the morning side as how the corona makes a long sweep into the sky, going out on the night side of midnight and coming in on the morning side of midnight. (please read the link for further understanding)


It seems humanity is completely in the dark about this corona and all that it can do to us. But as per NiLa suktam, she is a powerful Devi of Vishnu similar to Bhu. This NiLa devi is perhaps the manifestation of the vital force (Bhuva:)


Coming to Sri, no need to say about her power. She is “ishwarIm sarva Bhootaanaam” (Sri suktam). She fulfills all desires of the beings of the prithvi. She is the manas, she is the mental force. So she is Sva: depicting the mental level.


The lord of all the three, Bhudevi, NiLadevi and Sridevi (in the order of physical, vital and mental) is lord Narayana.


With all these three consorts, through them, by them and in them, the lord carries out His act of protection


Thus it is very much justifiable that Bhudevi brings to His notice the problems she has. With the other two devis such exploitation of them by human kind does not take place, because man has not yet understood how to exploit them!! But with Bhu the exploitation goes on very well.


But dear Subhamji, I don’t think the Bhudevi is so much disturbed with the exploitation we do. She has a remarkable prowess to restore her balance.

When there is an upset to the environmental conditions of any two related points on the earth, different natural processes start acting upon them to maintain stability or equilibrium between the points.


Similarly when minerals are extracted causing instability in the region, natural processes such as erosion and transportation of overlying debris by rain water by rain water and land slides etc take place to maintain stability. Similarly with the extraction of oil and natural gas.


It can also be noticed that the shifting of land mass to the north in general, perhaps triggered by the tilt of the axis is getting compensated by underground movements or quakes in other regions. The bhoomi always finds her equilibrium.


So it is for something else the Bhudevi seeks Bhagavan’s help.



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Why Bhoomi seeks help?


And how does she bear the weight?


Kshama (patience) is what bhudevi is identified with. In the Yaksha prashna between Yudhishtra and Yaksha, we get the meaning of what Kshama is. Yudhishtra replies that kshama is to bear sukha and dukha , profit and loss, success and defeat and honour and shame.


The earth bears all this – all the abuse to her and care to her too. But she cannot bear the imbalance between Dharma and adharma. When that happens, she has to immediately bring it to the notice of the lord. Or rather the God Himself swings into action by knowing (?) the imbalance through bhudevi who is nevertheless His manifestation.


In all the places wherever Bhudevi is referred to have gone to the lord, requesting Him to reduce her burden, it is invariably to do with Adharma rising or Adharmic people dominating the scene. As we know from BG, God manifests Himself whenever Adharma takes lead over dharma. By bringing out the balance or by reducing the Adharma, Bhu- bhaara is reduced.


This can be viewed from another perspective also as described in one of the Puranas.


This is an episode involving sages Vasishta and Vishwamithra. They once had an argument regarding which is superior, sat-sangam or years of tapas. Vasishta said it was sat-sangam while Vishwamithra said it was years of tapas or meditation. They went to meet Adhisesha who was carrying the World on his shoulder, to settle this issue.


He said how can he solve this issue when he is carrying a heavy burden. For this, Vishwamithra said that he would give 16,000 years of his tapas to support the weight of the world and did give. But the world could not be held aloft. Vasishta gave a second of satsangam and Adhisesha was relieved of the weight. But since Adhisesah continued to remain quiet, Vishwamithra asked impatiently why he was not giving his solution, for which Adhisesha said that the reply was already given. While a second of sat-sangam was able to hold the world, 16,000 years of tapas could not!


This is all about what keeps the world going – lightly on the shoulders of Sesha (once again an allegory for the created Universe on which the Lord is resting).


The growth of satsanga makes this world light.


The pre-dominance of dharma is what makes this world light.


This is what the Lord wants to establish.


When this is done, the vital force of His Creation, the NILA will be balanced protecting the bhoomi from harmful solar winds and giving the world the hitherto unknown / unexplored benefits. (Who knows this may be some nodal point expressed as northern sojourn, for the north pole, for the light of day, for the 6 months of Uththrayana, for the sun’s path, going through which the jiva never returns to earth or samsara….)

And the mental force Sri helps the jiva in attaining what is to be attained, for the very meaning of Lakshmi (Sri) is one who shows what must be your lakshaya / goal.


This is perhaps why our sages of yore have allotted 3/5 place to the three consorts while giving only 2 places to Purusha, Narayana and Vishnu in the body of Pancha suktam.



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The fact that the Earth has a tilt in its revolutions is of no relevance to the my basic point, which is: how is it that you have such an air of knowledge about what you write, when it is obvious from the Gita that there is only ONE God........no giant women.........no 'other gods' but ONE... in I believe it maybe written in chapter seven of the gita, 'that what ever good comes from ME'.. GOD! and Him alone......... what does this mean? This clearly means that ALL BAD comes from the misguided belief in ANY other visisble god, or invisible good of mental invention....... FACT......giant women! next you'll be telling me the sun is a guy called Helios ridng in a chariot, across a railway in the sky! LOL come on people...... enough of this folklore and superstition. Good day sir

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Hari OM:


since you are running out of scientific steam quotting Gita now? i am very surprised.


in the same Gita Bhagvan says, "Foster gods with your sacrifice and let the gods shower their Grace on You, verily whoever enjoys the Grace without returning them is undoubtely a thief" so what does this mean?


And for your info LOL as per Hindu beliefs Sun is a "guy" called Viwasvan riding in his chariot drawn by 7 magnificient horses circling around Meru [ don't come back and say your telescopes can't see the chariot, it will be never able to see them]


Also this point was ridiculed by many "Scholars" assuming Meru means Himalayas, however i think that Meru signifies a mountain in the centre of our Milky way galaxy a mountain with 1000 golden peaks.


If you want to enjoy the bounties given by Sun and earth without thanking them in return, you please do, i don't want to be a "thief"


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Hari OM:


Yes i agree that your explanation also looks very plausible.


actually i had earlier stated that all ecological imbalances are tried first to be balanced by natural and then Bhooma devi and then only reported to Lord if can't be solved at their level. i feel Adharma and ecology (or environment) disturbance are some what related, i.e., when bad people are in increase the ecology and enivronment automatically degrades.


anyhow thank you for the informative reply, there is another point which may be of interest, which appeared in space.com recently, that there is a bright green thin ray of light emitted from the Sun's north and south pole exactly at the twilight of earth timing, scientist are still not clear of the reasons.


To the benefit of (IN)SANITY, the signficiance of the above point is that Hindus are supposed to offer their Argaya (pouring water for thanking SUN), exactly at twilight ( if you come back with "LOL what is the signficance sorry i don't have answer)

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anyhow thank you for the informative reply, there is another point which may be of interest, which appeared in space.com recently, that there is a bright green thin ray of light emitted from the Sun's north and south pole exactly at the twilight of earth timing, scientist are still not clear of the reasons.



exactly, this is the first qestion in yaksha prashna.

Why does the sun rise everyday?

Its because, people offer arghya.

Why does the sun set, its again the same answer.


Its like what happens in agni hotra I explained before. In addition to the pollution free atm it gives, we found that within 20 days after we started doing it in our house, the cockroaches were spotted upside down , dead and no cockroahes were there afterwards.


This is one visible change we witnessed.


About the colours, I am still in the process of compiling the info from scriptures in the light of green and blue colour associated with bhagavan.You can find an article on blue colour in the archives of this site itself. Once I come to some understanding, I will share it with all.


Also since I am currently working for another group on a loaded topic on vedic texts with reference to woman's staus as daughter-in-law, it will take a day or two to respond to your queries on BG. Please bear with me for the delay.

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