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Islam sends hindus to hell

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I'd rather go to hell with my fellow Hindu brothers and sisters than to heaven with violent, aggressive and intolerant people. Besides we as Hindus shouldn't even believe in heaven and hell. We believe in good deeds. Be a good person and 'heaven' will be yours. If someone thinks that by blowing up innocent people he/she will attain heaven then I honestly question the heaven and hell ideology. God is the only all-knowing force in existence. Only He knows who will be rewarded and who punished. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to use a bit of common sense. Don't fear someone's ignorance - fight it with your sensible knowledge! - DUH!!!

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Their god offers 72 virgins and kids to anyone killing non-believers.....this is the most sick thing ever heard.


Women are treated worst than cattle ....what do allah mean by offering 72 virgins in heaven ...are women any less that man....and just what he means by kids.......if this is the heaven what is the need of hell.........

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Where is the proof? If Islam claims there is a hell and Haven, where is the proof. Do not give me the . saying it is in the Koran. But we Hindus can show proof of hell and haven. It is right here and behold we are seeing it with our naked eyes. A man who enjoys tranquality and contended with his life is actually in haven here while one who is greedy and steal someone's earnig or property, commits atrocity will in the next life suffer in the hands of others. Begging in the streets and no place to call home, suffering with incurable disease is hell and that too can be seen here. Now, where is the hell and haven Islam speaks about? If it is after death than that is . as no dead muslim has ever come back to relate his experience in haven.


I do not wish to be rude but please be advice that there is a limit to everything. We have thousands of questions that no Muslims can answer or have the guts but we Hindus do not shy away from any questions fom Muslims who are ignorant of Hinduism. No Mulsim to date has ever participated or wish to debate with Hindu scholars for fear of getting bombarded. Even the so call Muslim speaker Dudet can only write or speak to ignorant Christians but dare not take a challenge to debate with Hindu scholars. Please ask him why?


We are not against the belief of Muslims as that is their right to profess but do not question our belief as it is also our right to profess our religion. But at the same time if they have any doubt there is no harm in getting the clarification instead of being sacarstic. Remember Hinduism has been on the face of this earth for more than 10,000 years before it was called Hnduism by the Persians. While Islam is just over l400 years. Mathematics and Science were from the Hindu sastras which were stolen by the invading Muslims and now they say it belongs to Islam and is written in the koran. How clever these barbarians were 1400 years ago...


As I have said I do not wish to speak evil of any religion but enough is enough. Please tell the Muslims to really search their heart instead of the koran and hadith. If Hindus had intended some 5000 years ago they could have conqured the whole of Asia and Europe if they wanted. But that is not Hinduism. It is at your own free will if you want to discover Hinduism. We do not force anyone. Hinduism is an open book for all to read.

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Hari OM:


"do not question our belief as it is also our right to profess our religion"


my sincere advice is let them question our belief, even we should question our own beliefs.


Questioning is like the poision (the alakala type) but if you consisently and sincerely proceed with the process, you get the nectar. There is Lord Shiva (in you) to help you absorb that alakala poision, so don't be afraid in questioning.


Regarding Islam, even though it has some good points and produced some scholars, because of its various interperations by various mullahs (specifically regarding what is Jihad) it has created more confusion and terror in the minds of people.


But as they say , "whatever happened is happended for good" and is god's action, i think all these confusion may actually help in all non-muslims attaining the heaven or even liberation smoothly, even though they may have to pay a price of difficult life in this earth.

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<<.. even though they may have to pay a price of difficult life (caused by adharmis) in this earth. >>


never die a looser. assert your will if you are a dharmi.

if you loose the vedic land and the culture to invaders anti-vedics, you lost, your great dharma lost. if one of us pays the price (for being good), the other needs to collect twice from the enemy. this is kshatriya dharma. do not make a society of enuches.


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Hari OM:


Yes i agree with you prefectly


But now where are the Kshatiryas and where are the Brahamans, the Vedic Dhrama started corrupting from the beginning of Kali-Yug itself, it reached the maximum corruption due to king Ashoka (if muslims had invaded before Ashoka they would not have even got 10% of the current victory)


So now who is the protector of Dharma, the stupid and corrupt polticians, who are trying to increase muslim population by any means (including importing from Bangladesh) so that their party can come to power and they can have multiple wives legally.


People trying to protect Dharma has to fight against criminals, police, judicary and journalists. i think it is only by gods grace Hinduism is able to withstand the slaughter for the last 1000 years. A small group of people may survive until Kalki comes.


i would be happy if the Dharma regains its glory, even though the chances "appears" to be slim, but i would rather request all our Sagadharamis, instead of getting frustrated/angry with the current developments, turn your attention from social/religious/national/career problems to spiritual.


i am not telling that every body should leave all their duties and become sanyasis, rather do your duties but focus your attention on God, don't worry about other problems, step into KarmaYoga ---FAST, since the time window may be closing.


PS: being an enunch at the time of requirement is not so bad, remember Arjun remained an enunch for one year

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{it reached the maximum corruption due to king Ashoka (if muslims had invaded before Ashoka they would not have even got 10% of the current victory)}


I'm just wondering why you say this? Asoka was known to have united many different kingdoms, hence making India alot stronger - an emire, not mere princely states. Although he became a Buddhist and this contributed to a pacifist attitude of India, many other Hindu kings were waring with the neighboring state and were disunited. That's why when the mughals came it was easy for them to to defeat Hindu kings as they could set one against the other.


Asoka's grandfather the great Chandragupta Maurya defeated Alexander's remaining army in India, which other Hindu kings were unable to do. Of course he later became a Jain, which begs the question why?


{i am not telling that every body should leave all their duties and become sanyasis, rather do your duties but focus your attention on God, don't worry about other problems, step into KarmaYoga ---FAST, since the time window may be closing.}


I agree. We have too many Sanyasis already in India and not many Karma-yogis. Alot of people in India are unaware that Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita that fighting a righteous war is an opportunity for the ksatriyas to enter heaven. This is not to be confused with the koran which says killing non-believers is a duty against those who don't convert to Islam.



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Hari OM:


Ashoka become too idealistic and after the Kalinga War and he declared "War is a Crime" (very similar to Gandhi).


He turned fully into spiritual thoughts and at the same time was unable to leave the comforts of a King's life.


Since Varanashrama Dharma does not allow a Kshatriya to renounce war, he renounced the Dharma itself and embraced Buddhism. It was very convient to him since he can concentrate more on spiritual side within the comforts of a kingdom (the kingdom acquired and protected by the wars of his fore fathers)


Seeing him (he was an emperor) and because of his active preaching many kings left Dharma and embraced Buddhism.


i think probably when muslims invaded india there were about 50-60% non-Varansharma kings . Instead if real Kshatriya kings were ruling exactly as per Dharma, the invasion itself would not have happened (due to the spiritual and military power Dharma gives to its people)


Fortunately since 100% kings didn't leave Dharma, muslims were not able to completely supress India (like Persia , Assryia, Mespotmia, etc.,) The remaining kings were fighting Valiantly for almost 1000 years (even though History texts mention only Shivaji and Krishna Deva Raya)

there were countless unknown kings fighting to protect Dharma. But for them Dharma would have disappared from India long time back and even Europe would have fallen and no Renissance would have taken place, with the Europeans becoming power ful enough to stop and contain the Spread of Islam. So these kings bought time for both Hinduism and Europeans from the invading muslims.


yes, there are two many idealistic people all over the world, who even though have very lofty ideas like universial love , can't understand the practical situations (these same people will not hesitate to kill a Thief entering their house, however they will preach love to a Terrorists who had killed hundreds of people and looted thousands of houses)


since terrorists and hypocrites are growing in number, i would rather say, instead of worrying about them or fighting them, turn your attention towards Krishna and start reading Gita [----However don't read Gita and expect a Promotion in the Job or fall of lottery kind of thing, just focus on Him] , remember in Kali yuga just chanting His name will give us liberation, so let us do that always , any other thing we do should not obstruct this primary job.

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{yes, there are two many idealistic people all over the world, who even though have very lofty ideas like universial love , can't understand the practical situations (these same people will not hesitate to kill a Thief entering their house, however they will preach love to a Terrorists who had killed hundreds of people and looted thousands of houses)}


I agree with you. Many of these idealistic people have lost touch with reality and end up defending criminals. I also think they do this in the hope they will make some friends with these people and improve relations. In the end they get used like a sponge.


Gandhi was too idealistic that he lost touch with the reality of the situation around him. Because some muslims helped him in his early days as a lawyer in South Africa he thought all muslims were like this.


As for Asoka, I also think he was so affected by the Kalinga war that he wanted a short cut to moksha. He thought Buddhism would give him that as it places more emphasisi on the mind and thoughts than actions and of course he had to renounce Kshatriya dharma. But in the Upanishads some Ksatriyas did became Sages...why didn't he follow their example?

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Do you feel ill at ease with the islamic belief that non-muslims go to hell? (at least, those who are acquainted with islam).


Who gives a damn about Muslim heaven or hell?


Even in Hindusm (and Buddhism), it is said that inhabitants of Heaven fall down from God's grace due to their own ignorance and foolishness, so what so big deal about Heaven?


Besides, I think it is better to be in Hell than in Heaven with Muslims and Christians who are never devoted to ANYTHING (much-less God) than their own greed and ambition.

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Fortunately since 100% kings didn't leave Dharma, muslims were not able to completely supress India (like Persia , Assryia, Mespotmia, etc.,) The remaining kings were fighting Valiantly for almost 1000 years (even though History texts mention only Shivaji and Krishna Deva Raya)


yes, there are two many idealistic people all over the world, who even though have very lofty ideas like universial love , can't understand the practical situations (these same people will not hesitate to kill a Thief entering their house, however they will preach love to a Terrorists who had killed hundreds of people and looted thousands of houses)


since terrorists and hypocrites are growing in number, i would rather say, instead of worrying about them or fighting them, turn your attention towards Krishna and start reading Gita ...


So you are going to abandon Dharma and sit in a corner, chanting His name while theives enter your house and steal as much as they like?


Ceh ... don't talk much if you want to take such cowardice approach. Talk so much about Dharma and adharma only to turn and follow adharmic ways of giving up fighting.


If you have faith, you will defend it by educating your family at least. Many Hindus failed even that simple responsibility, how are they going to defend Dharma?


Furthermore, since you do not defend Dharma (and rather sit in a corner and chanting), do not hinder those who wishes to fight when they bring forth new theories, interpretations and insights.

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whole of islam will be doomed in 21st century.


When I think of end of Islam, fear is what I perceive.


Unlike Christians who willing to give up their religion and accept Dharma, Muslims will not.


WHY? Because Islam had injected so much fear of Hell in them that, they will be more encouraged to destroy themselves, ourselves and the World, rather than to give the religion up. And that scares me.


Islam is a doomsday cult ... its sole purpose was to convert as many followers as possible before the End of Times comes. So, they are more prepared to die for their religion than you or I could. Either Judaism or Hindusm had taught to do such nonsense and honor Life as God given boon.

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Hari OM:


So you can't stop yourself arguing with me? good if so then argue like a gentleman not with words like nonsense, etc.,


"those who wishes to fight when they bring forth new theories, interpretations and insights"


Only Kshatiryas (i.e.,) the rulers are permitted to Fight per Dharma. If others fight then that itself is Adharma, you can't fight one Adharma by another Adharma.


When the Subjects live in a kingdom ruled by Adharmic People, the only way they have is to Pray towards god for their deliverance, either by sending a powerful king or a powerful spiritual person.


i don't mind if people want to directly engage in the war (physical or intellectual or emotional) themselves, but the first priority should be spiritual liberation (since time is ripe NOW)-- second priority can be establishment of Dharama or Social order, other wise you may end up wasting your time and energy..

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Nonsense means "Statements which do not make sense" - Non Sense. It doesn't mean to question your level of intelligence or characteristics. You do feel better with word Nonsense than Stupid, right?


Only Kshatiryas (i.e.,) the rulers are permitted to Fight per Dharma. If others fight then that itself is Adharma, you can't fight one Adharma by another Adharma.


IF Hindus back then (before the Invasion) believe such nonsense (no pun intended), then India wouldn't have become Centre of Science and Knowledge as it was back then ... unless you believe such thing never happened and just another purana by old people. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


For your information ... EVERYONE fights. Fighting is not an option, it is simply a matter of choice on how you fight. And I didn't say this, Sri Krishna said it to Arjuna in Mahabratha.


Brahmins "fight" by providing education, research, technology etc.

Kyastrias "fight" by protecting others in the society - Police, Military, Armed Forces etc.


Farmers "fight" with nature to produce food supplies etc for others and Merchants "fight" with Economy to ensure all has everything needed.


So you see ... no matter what category you falls in, you "fight" ... that is not your choice to make. Only option you have is how you wish to fight.


When the Subjects live in a kingdom ruled by Adharmic People, the only way they have is to Pray towards god for their deliverance, either by sending a powerful king or a powerful spiritual person.


Foolishness. God had promised Hindus that He will come as Kalki and deliver them at end of time. WHY do you continue to pray for someone else to come and deliver you?


Your religion is set - Mahabratha and Puranas to follow and Gita as the Guide. He didn't abandon you by not giving any Laws to follow. You must await His arrival and the prophecy to be fullfilled. That is the only choice you have, not foolishly believe in people who claims to be come from God.


Coming from Jewish Tradition, I could say Hindus are more luckier than Jews. Jews were inserted into a non-Jewish society and there, without any guidance, they called out to God for over 1,000 years.


After the Deliverance to Israel, Jews have been holding onto Jewish Laws ever since, praying another will not make them slaves once again. So far, despite of hardship, Jews can say, they are slaves to no one. Hindus on the other hand, if you abandon your Laws and expect others to guide you, you will lost your way, as Jews once did. Take heed.


i don't mind if people want to directly engage in the war (physical or intellectual or emotional) themselves, but the first priority should be spiritual liberation (since time is ripe NOW)-- second priority can be establishment of Dharama or Social order, other wise you may end up wasting your time and energy..


There's only ONE priority - to Engage in War (physical is not acceptable YET, intellectual is recommended and Emotional is a waste). Just as what He is instructed in the Gita, Fight for Dharma but leave the fruits of the Action (of Fighting) to Him. That IS your Liberation.

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