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Effects of Kaliyuga

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We can see the evil effects of Kaliyuga in this forum.Even those who claim themselves as devotees of Vishnu/Siva are fighting with each other like dogs.


I think that is why it is said in the MahaBhagavatam that 'Dont even speak to a non-devotee of Devi.neither should we touch them.Because their sinful thoughts(of ego) causes sin to the beings of their vicinity also.'


Here i can see that in their words,driven by the craving for supremacy of worship.

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fighting by itself is not absolutely bad.


krishna said arjun to fight when arjun refused to fight.

so, it depends for what you are fighting.


what is mahabhagavatam? never heared of it.


if you are a devi worshper. fine. worship her.

we have no problem. realise devi, and you will know the truth from her, if not form others.


suppsoe the world has just you and a barbarian and on one else, you will have no choice but to fight the barbarian,

unless you choose to die at his hand like a coward.


there are many ways to fight.

the last act of fighting involves

separating the soul from the body it controls.


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Good luck for your fight.But can you please tell me who is your enemy with whom you opt to fight?


"..what is mahabhagavatam? never heared of it."


Thanks,nice that you revealed your ignorance.


Ignorance is the problem with most persons fighting over the issue of god.This is also a problem of the kaliyuga.In kali,even the most foolish persons pack themselves as pundits/gurus and give out dialogues

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"...How do you know you are not affected by the same KaliYuga?"


The answer is i dont know whether i am affected or you.but when i go through the posts which degrade the Indian deities like siva,vishnu etc,i know that they are affected by kali.


if you know that i am affected,please tell me.

also please tell, by what reason you infered tht i am affected.



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Hari OM:


sorry it was just a general question, i didn't have any particular point.


BTW, for your info, the Puranas state a Daksha Prajapati Yagna, where Shiva is insulted By Daksha, Brighu, etc., which ends up in a fight, and so much intolerable for Parvathi that she commits suicide, and this is supposedly happened in Sathya Yuga...

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<< "..what is mahabhagavatam? never heared of it." >>


instead of answering this, you chose to focus on my ignorance.


srimad bhagavatam and devi bhagavatam

are known to most hindus. hence the question.


per gita, the asuras and the people with demonic ideology are enemies of the suras and their vedic society and culture. there is no good way except to fight with them in all possible ways.


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"..per gita, the asuras and the people with demonic ideology are enemies of the suras and their vedic society and culture. there is no good way except to fight with them in all possible ways..."


So, respected sir, you say that fighting is not demonic.according to some selfish people,only their way is godly and all other ideologies are demonic.


if anyone say that "Gita has demonic ideologies because it promotes killing of the opposing persons just like the quran does.." can we accept?


and about mahabhagavatham, please ask anyone well-versed in indian mythology(puranas).

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will you please tell me when Mother Parvathi committed suicide?

i think the stories, when told from one to other and so on, would take horrible twists

according to that story,insulters of the deities existed at that time also.but it is noticeable that in that story,such insults are not encouraged,as all the insulters got severe punishment (according to that story) .that story actually calls to end insulting the deities.


in the satya yuga, may be daksha didnt know the illeffects of blasphemy of the deities.may be after losing his original head, he learned that.

but now, in the kaliyuga, what we are doing?

just going on with the same sin even after knowing that it is a sin.that is the effect of kali.people just love doing sins.



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Hari OM:


i had just read it in some Puranas.


Sakthi unable to bear the insults showered on her husand by her father commits suicide.


Shiva becomes very angry and starts dancing with her body, the body gets torn apart into 64 pieces and falls in 64 places in earth and is called the "Sakthi sthals" (and further story says that she is born as the daughter of Himayavan and marries Shiva again)


this seems to be a common story found in many puranas , including the Shiva Puranas, if you are feeling hurt due to that, sorry i can't do anything, i am not the author of Puranas.


Regarding Blasphemy, another story from Puranas- Sage Kapila kicks Vishnu in his chest, Kanappa Nayanar worships Shiva with meat and blood carried in his mouth, i don't know whether these are classified as Blasphemy or not.


And from that story what i read also, Shiva didn't became angry when many people insulted him, He just remained calm, He became angry only after Sakthi commited suicide.

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