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True bakthy only for formless god

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The love to a god with a specific form requires the awareness of the god's character, the stories, the messages from the god etc. Therefore this love-to-god is conditional as all these requirements need to be met.


Unconditional love is only for the formless god. Even if one were to be told of no godly character, no krishna, no christ, no allah, it's possible to realise the formless god bramhan. Love for the formless, nirguna bramhan is pure experience, & zero reasoning, zero rationalizing (debates) of supreme or less-than-supreme.


All the people who rationalize that their god is supreme cannot give unconditional love to their god, be it great christians, or great vaishnavites.


Ask yourself, what if they were not born christians, what if they were not born vaishnavaites, would they still have recognized krishna/christ as their supreme god. The answer is NO. So it's clear that even after this lifetime of their's, they are not going to love krishna/christ.

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The love to a god with a specific form requires the awareness of the god's character, the stories, the messages from the god etc.

--the knowledge of god's features is indispensable to understand who or what is god to choose the right object to worship


Therefore this love-to-god is conditional as all these requirements need to be met.

--to find who is really god is not a conditionament... it is freedom.


Unconditional love is only for the formless god.

--love is there if i have features to love.. unconditional love is there if my love is given without asking for advantages, and if my loving object has features not limited by conditionament


Even if one were to be told of no godly character, no krishna, no christ, no allah, it's possible to realise the formless god bramhan.

--your problem is that you put in competition the personal and the energetic aspect of god... they're both at the same transcendental level


Love for the formless, nirguna bramhan is pure experience

--impossible experience... nirguna means that there's no a lover and a loved but ony one subject. If there's only one subject there's no love.

It is also advisable to speak of real experiences.. and if you had experienced nirguna brahman you weren't here speaking to us but your individuality were already annihilated


All the people who rationalize that their god is supreme cannot give unconditional love to their god

--yes.. god is not inside my mind, so it is useless to rationalize like you are doing now. It is required to take initiation and teachings from a pure spiritual master.. "tattva darshinah.." as bhagavad gita says.. "one who sees god.. the absolute reality"


Ask yourself, what if they were not born christians, what if they were not born vaishnavaites, would they still have recognized krishna/christ as their supreme god. The answer is NO.

••because to recognize that the absolute is not like the relative (impersonalism) is not so difficult. To recognize that god has not relative qualities but absolute ones requires teaching from illuminated persons, self effort and intelligence..


to negate is more simple than be creative


So it's clear that even after this lifetime of their's, they are not going to love krishna/christ.

••if a process were not necessary, everyone were seeing god without any reasoning, the fact that you are reasoning and the fact that i am reasoning in an opposite way is the demonstration that spontaneity by itself brings nowhere

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Thank you for the step by step response.


And your justification to go to a spiritual master to learn conditional love (at best). Conditional love is an attribute of the body, as much as reasoning is. Including a debate that krishna is the supreme god is also a conditional love and it's roots are at the body level, and perishes its way.


"if you had experienced nirguna brahman you weren't here speaking to us but your individuality were already annihilated".

Thank you for being open about your arrogance, as you make judgement with no experience. There is some condition in you, which prevents you from saying the same for Lord Krishna in BG, or say, an illuminated person, or a spiritual master.


Kid, spontaneity & reasoning are not the only two ways of seeing god. Read BG to learn more.


Also kid, Please avoid speaking of things like spiritual master, illuminated person, transcedental level, or energy aspect of god. I see that you have no aspiration for them, and no experience either.

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Thank you for the step by step response.


And your justification to go to a spiritual master to learn conditional love (at best). Conditional love is an attribute of the body, as much as reasoning is. Including a debate that krishna is the supreme god is also a conditional love and it's roots are at the body level, and perishes its way.


"if you had experienced nirguna brahman you weren't here speaking to us but your individuality were already annihilated".

Thank you for being open about your arrogance, as you make judgement with no experience. There is some condition in you, which prevents you from saying the same for Lord Krishna in BG, or say, an illuminated person, or a spiritual master.


Kid, spontaneity & reasoning are not the only two ways of seeing god. Read BG to learn more.


Also kid, Please avoid speaking of things like spiritual master, illuminated person, transcedental level, or energy aspect of god. I see that you have no aspiration for them, and no experience either.


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And your justification to go to a spiritual master to learn conditional love (at best)

--in spiritual science, spiritual master gives transcendent links with god's reality, not superficial intellectual culture. So the love we'll experience if we surrender it is not conditioned.

Read the Gita.. Krsna The Supreme Lord, acting as Arjuna's master, teachs nothing conditioned.. that's the real spiritual master



Conditional love is an attribute of the body

--and body is out from our debate.. we are speaking of spirit, transcendence, brahman


Thank you for being open about your arrogance, as you make judgement with no experience

--NIR (=no)... GUNA (=features, variety). no variety means that there's no one who's listening..

It is not my fault if you have faith in something that does not permit to be individuals able to communicate and relationate..


There is some condition in you, which prevents you from saying the same for Lord Krishna in BG, or say, an illuminated person, or a spiritual master.

--because Bhagavad Gita, illuminated persons, spiritual masters does not teach that spiritual realization is achieving ONENESS. Spiritual realization is loving relationship with the Lord, so individuality remains and gets his true developement


Kid, spontaneity & reasoning are not the only two ways of seeing god.

--of course.. it is spontaneity to see the suffering in the world result of relationship....... and spontaneously arguing that in the spirit, being there not suffering, there's also no relationship

We have to go deeper, accept instructions from acharyas, and see that in the spiritual world there's spiritual relationship and variety, not the material ones


Please avoid speaking of things like spiritual master, illuminated person, transcedental level, or energy aspect of god. I see that you have no aspiration for them

--i may be a materialist person, but this materialist with a few logic from spiritual science of vedic culture has put you in pain, able only to insult


that's the greatness of vedas.. even a dull fellow like me can be effective if he tries to learn...

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Hare Krishna


Love to the impersonal Brahman does not exist.


In spiritual life three things are needed

bhakta - a devotee who worship with

bhakti - devotional service

Bhagavan - the Supreme Personality of Godhead Who has all the 6 types of opulence. So, beauty is one of them.


Is Brahman beautiful? No. It only blinds you because it is only an impersonal light in which the worshipper will merge. Yes if you worship Brahman this is your only future. But if you worship Bhagavan you go to Vaikuntha or Krishnaloka in His personal association.


So, one should carefully understand the 6 following things.


1. Since everything comes from something and nothing comes from nothing, there must necessarily be an origin or a source for all that exists.

2. Since so many persons exist within reality the source must possess personality. Otherwise how could it produce personality?

3. That Original Supreme Person is emanating us from Himself for the purpose of enjoying loving relationships with each and every one of us. Therefore the purpose of our existence is to love Him. Only this will satisfy us.

4. Out of His infinite kindness upon that Supreme Person has giving us a system by which we can revive our forgotten love for Him, which is currently lying dormant within our hearts. That system is known as bhakti yoga or devotional service.

5. Krishna either personally appears or sends His representative, the spiritual master, to us to teach us how to revive the dormant love of God within our hearts.

6. That process of revival is centered around the chanting of the Holy Names of God:


Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare


and eating the remnants of vegetarian foodstuffs that have been offered to Lord Krishna with love and devotion.


Please, chant Hare Krishna and be happy.



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"i may be a materialist person, but this materialist with a few logic from spiritual science of vedic culture has put you in pain, able only to insult"


Please don't give yourself the credit of ragging me with your logic. This sort of bakthy is what vaishnavites popularly revel upon. This is the way how Arjuna ragged a realised & serviceable soul like krishna, ...ragged him to the hilt such that krishna couldn't get away with all his spiritual advice from vedas. Infact krishna could get his way only by assuring Arjuna that Kouravas will loose the battle (as seen by arjuna in krishna's viswa roopa).


All the best to Vaishnavaites/isconites for ragging Krishna continously... and not letting go.


perhaps your spiritual master or an ISCONite might convince me that this ragging of krishna is called


-unconditional love

-true total complete surrender

-the practical dualistic love between the subject & lord


I call this conditional love. Love between a subject and the lord requires love for the so-called 'personalised-subject' first. This is a CLEAR condition already for loving the lord.

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Please don't give yourself the credit of ragging me with your logic.

--your logic is simply weak because, using this world as a parameter for understanding brahman, you are mistaking a spiritual relationship as a condition


Love between a subject and the lord requires love for the so-called 'personalised-subject' first

--that's silly. If i want to marry, i start with a generic idea of the beauty or attractiveness of a woman, so i am conditioned by my plan, fantasy, cathegorizing and so on. But when i find a woman and i feel love for her, the previous conditioning model disappears and i am loving the real thing without conditions.

So with the lord is the same... i may have a conditioned idea of some lord, but when i see the lord all my previous expectations disappear..


it is funny that you, being a human, having a conditioned idea of brahman, are protesting against the conditioned ideas of bhagavan..


do you think that seeing the lord the ignorance will remain here?



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Listen, I speak of unconditional love is possible only with the love for the formless nirguna bramhan. So I'll let you ponder upon your own doubts "do you think that seeing the lord the ignorance will remain here?"


One must read your email to understand conditional love. Your love for baghavan today will disappear similarly. Your love for the current baghavan is subject to the condition of the lords-to-come in your life.


"i feel love for her, the previous conditioning model disappears and i am loving the real thing without conditions."


"i may have a conditioned idea of some lord, but when i see the lord all my previous expectations disappear.."



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Listen, I speak of unconditional love is possible only with the love for the formless nirguna bramhan.

--and i say that you cannot contact nirguna without losing your separated existence.... so love is impossible. If you want love, you have to keep separation. Now your concept of nirguna brahman is not only conditiona ( because being in dualism, you cannot conceive oneness.) but is practically not existent




a)if you realize impersonal realization.... there's no love because there's no relationship

b)if you do not realize you are simply speaking of fantasy.. so you simply love the misconception that if in this world variety causes pain, in the other world variety cannot be there


so what love/bhakti are you speaking of?




So I'll let you ponder upon your own doubts "do you think that seeing the lord the ignorance will remain here?"

--it is not a doubt.... i understand that in presence of the lord maya disappears




d)if i am not a realized bhakta.. there's no love because i havent' yet seen god, so i practice to find that love

e)if i am a realized bhakta seeing the lord, my vision is not conditioned by any prevoius conception... because when there's lord.. there's no maya, no partiality, everything is satcitananda


so unconditioned love is only e)................ realized bhakti


the other cases aren't love.. they aren't even relationship



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Hare Krishna


This guy speaking about love to nirguna brahman is a big bluffer. Bhakti means service to the Supreme Lord Krishna or Vishnu. Bhakti means giving enjoyment to Them. The scriptures say that's the source of the highest happiness for the soul.


Of course he might have some brahmananada happiness by meditating on Brahman but that happiness is compared to the amount of water contained in the calf's hoof-print while the bhakti-ananda is like an unlimited ocean of bliss.


It is also said that even the brahmavadi cannot make advavancement without some bhakti. But, anyway such devoted life of worshipping brahman will result in ones merging into brahman and after 'merging' there will be no more practice of bhakti nor feeling of some devotion. At that time one only imagines "I am God" and thus floats in the unlimited space of Brahman. This is compared to spiritual suicide.


So, without proper understanding one will not attain the ultimate goal and ultimate reality - the association and service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Rama, Narayana or Krishna.


One who even after hearing many arguments cannot come to his senses and begin to worship Krishna, such a person is certainly a big bluffer listening his own false ego which tells him 'you should be something very special', 'you should have your own special philosophy', etc. The Srimad Bhagavat clearly says that Bhagavat Dharma or the path of bhakti is for the nirmatsaranam or non-envious. Anyway, don't take this as an offense but rather think about this with an open mind and introspection.


Please chant Hare Krishna and be happy.



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Mayavadi may be a philosophy you might know well.


That may be better than arguing merely upon names of god-heads. Arguing upon names of gods or forms.


Nobody including you yourself is convinced about your bakthy. You are going to grab & go after different names of gods & forms like drift wood. You may do so within one janma or many janmas, doesn't matter. It's all conditional love.


Your description of the Spiiritual realtionship is about the spiritual you with the lord. So let's not talk about the lord, for now.


Tell us how you love 'the spiritual you' over the 'egoistic you' all the time. What's that nature you have discovered of the spiritual you. Again, we'll talk about the spiritual relationship with lord after it's clear of your love for the spiritual you or Jiva.


Let's hear.

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"d)if i am not a realized bhakta.. there's no love because i havent' yet seen god, so i practice to find that love

e)if i am a realized bhakta seeing the lord, my vision is not conditioned by any prevoius conception... "


Your bakthy is all about hypothesis, future to-dos, plans, desires. That's why they are still conditional.


I'll let you ponder upon the nature of Jiva (the spiritual you), free of the desires of ego/body/etc. We can talk later-on about the spiritual relationship between your Jiva & Lord.


Mind you, if you have no understanding/experience of the spiritual you or Jiva, then the relationship with lord baghavan is no spiritual one. And also that you have no special love for your own spiritual Jiva over & above the love for your own ego/desires. In such a case the relationship with lord is like the one taught by any other mundane non-vedic western religion. I shall ask you to get off the band-wagon of indian religion with vedic origin and rather become a more sombre and gentle christian.


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Your bakthy is all about hypothesis, future to-dos, plans, desires. That's why they are still conditional.

•••••no, i have already explained that if a bhakta speaks it is possible that he's liberated... and if an advaitin speaks, he's a fake, because a liberated advaitin still individual is a contraddiction


I'll let you ponder upon the nature of Jiva (the spiritual you), free of the desires of ego/body/etc.

•••free from material body and false ego. Individual life, being a god's energy, it is eternal, sat cit ananda.. so it is not possible to lose it


We can talk later-on about the spiritual relationship between your Jiva & Lord.

•••you can talk now.... it is eternal. The lord and us are eternal individuals united by transcendental loving relationship


Mind you, if you have no understanding/experience of the spiritual you or Jiva, then the relationship with lord baghavan is no spiritual one

••i, like you, am a conditioned soul who is trying to get liberation, What i say is what i learn and what i find logic. If you are able to defeat my logic, please speak to me..


And also that you have no special love for your own spiritual Jiva over & above the love for your own ego/desires.

••the universe works as a plant. The Supreme Lord is the root, we are the leaves.. If the root is watered, the leaves benefit.. if the leafs are watered.. the leafs die. So if the lord is worshiped and prayed , the souls are loved


In such a case the relationship with lord is like the one taught by any other mundane non-vedic western religion.

•••no.. it is sanatana dharma, read bhagavad gita and you'll see. The fact that there's similarities with western THEISTIC religions is not a problem, the fact that you have an atheistic conception of dharma... is also not a problem...


but for you is a big problem..




I shall ask you to get off the band-wagon of indian religion with vedic origin and rather become a more sombre and gentle christian.

••i do not ask you to get off the religion even if you are polluting the ancient dharmic tradition and blaspheming god being yourself nothing but an atheist. So please study and practice the dharma and stop to be veiled by maya.


have a rasagulla

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The fakes in your claims are below:

-"The lord and us are eternal individuals united by transcendental loving relationship"


This relationship has to be spiritual, if it is to be based on BG or vedic religion.


You are not seeing your Jivatma as seperate from your ego/body, and being in oneness with your jivatma. This is a pre-requisite before developing the relationship with lord. That's why, there is no point talking to vaishnavites or listening to their praises of lord, if they are unable to be one with their jivatma.


Sanatana dharma is not focusing upon the eye-wash of a thiest or an atheist. It focuses upon spiritual experience and spirituality true to the vedic origins. I don't see a problem from a perception of theism or atheism. I would consider it at a level of perception only, therefore very subjective, ever-changing, impermanant, maya & worth ignoring for ones spiritual goals.


Forget my earlier question of the experience of being one with jivatma & it's nature,as you're unable to relate to anything other than your ego. Where does Sanatana dharma (vedic teachings) focus so much on perceptions of any form or athiesm/theism. BG talk of atheism or theism, but not for considering it at a perception level, but the reference is at the spiritual level. At a spiritual level, god is the only judge, yours or mine or even your current guru is no judge.

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Hare Krishna


Mayavadi may be a philosophy you might know well.


That may be better than arguing merely upon names of god-heads. Arguing

upon names of gods or forms.


## Many people have many different types of desires and different types of natures. Accordingly everybody finds his deity to worship.


Nobody including you yourself is convinced about your bakthy. You are

going to grab & go after different names of gods & forms like

drift wood. You may do so within one janma or many janmas, doesn't

matter. It's all conditional love.


## It is explained that the mayavadis, like you yourself, have impure intelligence. Your pride and arrogance is so big that whatever I would reply to you, you would just continue to speak your nonsense. Moreover, it is said that the sudras have this kind of mentality. They are in tamas and whatever you say to them they remain in tamas - ignorance. IOW they don'e have brain to take anything seriously. When they read sastra they just misinterpret everything because their intelligence is stolen by maya - illusion.


However, they have also can have a chance to improve if they begin to inquire submissively from a bona fide representative of God and render service to him. So, as long as you want to go on with your speculations even if I would give you hundreds of scriptural references that mayavadi philosophy is wrong, you would go on to speak your nonsense like a ghost-hunted madman. I don't think there is any use to have discussion with you.


Please, chant Hare Krishna and be happy.



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This relationship has to be spiritual, if it is to be based on BG or vedic religion.

••transcendental means spiritual


You are not seeing your Jivatma as seperate from your ego/body, and being in oneness with your jivatma.

••jivatma is my individual essence and body is a dress. EGO means "me".... jivatma is ME.. no difference


This is a pre-requisite before developing the relationship with lord.

••the prerequisite is the will to relationate.. if you search for oneness you won't find relationship


Sanatana dharma is not focusing upon the eye-wash of a thiest or an atheist. It focuses upon spiritual experience and spirituality true to the vedic origins.

•••vedic origin is eternity. As bhagavad gita says god comes eternally (yada yada hi dharmasya..) to bring dharma..... and dharma is in the "sarva dharma.." verse.. "surrender to me.." (the subject is bhagavan sri krsna).

That's sanatana dharma


At a spiritual level, god is the only judge, yours or mine or even your current guru is no judge.

••worried to be judged? defensive? how can god in your conception/concoction can be a judge is there's no one else to judge?



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All you vaishnavites are a force against Krishna himself.


In the excuse of the condition to look athiest and condition to look like a vaishnava, you are calling jivatma as ego, acting with no spiritual knowledge, and claiming the relationship of ego with lord as spiritual.


And passing judgements of right & wrong upon people who want to elevate people to spirituality to carryforward the messgae of BG & in devotion to the great lord krishna.


You both (along with all the other vaishnavites who insult advaithic teaching without any spiritual understanding) will pay the price for being a force against Lord Krishna, as you currently use his own name as the justification.


Good luck to you guys

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you are calling jivatma as ego, acting with no spiritual knowledge, and claiming the relationship of ego with lord as spiritual.

••your problem is first of all of language. EGO means ME... not a SELFISH, EGOIST ME.... do you know LOVE?. Love, in the ideal meaning, is a non-egoist relationship. Difference and simultaneous oneness.


And passing judgements of right & wrong upon people who want to elevate people to spirituality to carryforward the messgae of BG & in devotion to the great lord krishna.

••the judgements are there when someone is to be judged a fake, not a real spiritualist


You both (along with all the other vaishnavites who insult advaithic teaching without any spiritual understanding) will pay the price for being a force against Lord Krishna

••who judge without understanding will pay the price, who judge advaita with spiritual understanding and knows where's the problems of such philosophy is a force favorable to Krsna..... that's real vaishnava

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This is Your Knowledge

-jivatma is my individual essence and body is a dress. EGO means "me".... jivatma is ME.. no difference


-the prerequisite is the will to relationate.. if you search for oneness you won't find relationship


-who judge without understanding will pay the price, who judge advaita with spiritual understanding and knows where's the problems of such philosophy is a force favorable to Krsna..... that's real vaishnava


-If i want to marry, i start with a generic idea of the beauty or attractiveness of a woman, so i am conditioned by my plan, fantasy, cathegorizing and so on. But when i find a woman and i feel love for her, the previous conditioning model disappears and i am loving the real thing without conditions. may have a conditioned idea of some lord, but when i see the lord all my previous expectations disappear..


Thank you for whatver worth it is for you & vaishnavas


This is your nonsense

-apharada is not good, why are you doing it?

-your problem is first of all of language. EGO means ME... not a SELFISH, EGOIST ME.... do you know LOVE?.

-the judgements are there when someone is to be judged a fake, not a real spiritualist

-i may be a materialist person, but this materialist with a few logic from spiritual science of vedic culture has put you in pain, able only to insult

-i, like you, am a conditioned soul who is trying to get liberation, What i say is what i learn and what i find logic. If you are able to defeat my logic, please speak to me..

-western THEISTIC religions is not a problem, the fact that you have an atheistic conception of dharma... is also not a problem...but for you is a big problem..

-worried to be judged? defensive? how can god in your conception/concoction can be a judge is there's no one else to judge?

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[All you vaishnavites are a force against Krishna himself]


What do ya mean dude? Everyone is dependent (even u) upon krishna (cos he is righ ther inside u) understand that fact-as simple as that


[in the excuse of the condition to look athiest and condition to look like a vaishnava, you are calling jivatma as ego, acting with no spiritual knowledge, and claiming the relationship of ego with lord as spiritual]


Jivatma has got two egos one of which is called false ego- which might make one to belive oneself as a body rather than a pure entitty of knowledge soul, and the other one which gives an individual identity. And this individual identity (or ego) we relate it to Krishna or Visnu


[You both (along with all the other vaishnavites who insult advaithic teaching without any spiritual understanding) will pay the price for being a force against Lord Krishna, as you currently use his own name as the justification]


I see only a frustrated soul here, grow up dude , we follow what is there in the scriptures, and these are not written by people like u and me


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This is Your Knowledge

-jivatma is my individual essence and body is a dress. EGO means "me".... jivatma is ME.. no difference

-the prerequisite is the will to relationate.. if you search for oneness you won't find relationship

•••your prerequisite is that because you see the worldy relationships as painful, you think that in the spirit relationship is not there. But you are also a cheater.... because you are speaking of atheism but you want to put in the concept of love for god. Be honest like a buddhist and say that everything is nothing and that love is only suffering


Thank you for whatver worth it is for you & vaishnavas

••it is all due to your ispiration


This is your nonsense

••yes.. there's no sense for you.. because you have no objections or answers

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More Nonsense from You. Who am I to object and correct. I am not paid nor do I get spiritual satisfaction for sure to repeat to you.

"-your prerequisite is that because you see the worldy relationships as painful, you think that in the spirit relationship is not there. But you are also a cheater.... because you are speaking of atheism but you want to put in the concept of love for god.

-you have no objections or answers"



Krishnadasa, here is your knowledge. No scripture says this. Find out which scripture, and figure out where you belong.

- "Jivatma has got two egos one of which is called false ego which might make one to belive oneself as a body rather than a pure entitty of knowledge soul, and the other one which gives an individual identity. And this individual identity (or ego) we relate it to Krishna or Visnu"

Krishnadasa, here is your nonsense.

-I see only a frustrated soul here, grow up dude , we follow what is there in the scriptures, and these are not written by people like u and me




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"I am not paid nor do I get spiritual satisfaction for sure to repeat to you. "


i will not cry if you stop writing.... being an advaita, for you write or not write is the same.... so save some time and have a lunch

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Hare Krishna


** if you search for oneness you won't find relationship


## Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita clearly say that the living entity is jiva bhuta sanatana - eternally separate from Him. It is His Energy while Krishna is the energetic.

## According to the Bhagavad-gita the soul is always active it is his eternal nature to be active. Now it is moving our bodies so that we can perform various activities in this conditioned life. Thus, since the soul has the nature of activity if the soul merges into Brahman into the state of spiritual inactivity it is to be concluded that its an abnormal condition. The Srimad Bhagavtam therefor, explains - patanty adho nadrita yusmad angrayaha - from that inactivity the so-called liberated jiva will again fall down into this material world. Therefor, the advaitins doesn't attain the ultimate liberation. The ultimate liberation is performing bhakti, as Krishna says bhaktiya mam abhijanata yavan yas casmi tattvataha / tato mam tattvato gyatva vishate tad anantaram. One can know Parabrahman, Krishna only by devotion, bhakti and also attain Him only by devotion. That devotion is expressed by the jiva through devotional activity or service. That activity is the eternal spiritual activity of the self-realized soul. Therefor, one can stay in the spiritual world only if one performs bhakti or devotional service. That activity or devotional service is the eternal dharma of the eternaly separated particle - the soul - jiva bhuta sanatana. And all those jivas who don't like to perform service to Krishna or Vishnu will have to find themselves in this material world - pathanty adho nadrita yushmad angrayaha.


Love means doing something for the beloved. Advaitins they don't want to do anything for God and moreover, they want to merge into God to become God. This is only due to envy, foolishness and no intelligence since it is stolen by maya as krishna says in the gita. Mayaya apahrita gyanis are the mayavadis whose intelligence is stolen by illusion. Illusion makes them think they can become God. But God is always God and the jiva is always an individual jiva. Nobody can become God by desiring so, by imagination, speculation or even meditation on Brahman.


Please, chant Hare Krishna and be happy



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