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Vivekananda's diet

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that's an example of Vivekananda's view about meat eating, decide yourselves if he's a real dharmic master or a demon:

""About vegetarian diet I have to say this — first, my Master was a vegetarian; but if he was given meat offered to the Goddess, he used to hold it up to his head. The taking of life is undoubtedly sinful; but so long as vegetable food is not made suitable to the human system through progress in chemistry, there is no other alternative but meat-eating. So long as man shall have to live a Râjasika (active) life under circumstances like the present, there is no other way except through meat-eating. It is true that the Emperor Asoka saved the lives of millions of animals by the threat of the sword; but is not the slavery of a thousand years more dreadful than that? Taking the life of a few goats as against the inability to protect the honour of one's own wife and daughter, and to save the morsels for one's children from robbing hands — which of these is more sinful? Rather let those belonging to the upper ten, who do not earn their livelihood by manual labour, not take meat; but the forcing of vegetarianism upon those who have to earn their bread by labouring day and night is one of the causes of the loss of our national freedom. Japan is an example of what good and nourishing food can do. "

The whole article can be read at:

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Vivekananda was a type I diabetic or insulin dependant diabetic .Iam sure there no proper medicines that time for his illness. His early passing away is also attributed to this illness. Becos of his condition he always used to eat alone.

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the fact that meat eating is a cure for dyabetes is a new thing for me, and that's not so important, a spiritualist consider the dharma, especially speaking of ahimsa, more important than his own life


and, most of all, if one's honest, he does not preach adharma because he (wrongly) believes that adharma is a cure for his illness

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I think you have mis understood. Meat eating is not acure to the disease. Meat has very less carbohydrates which has more impact on the blood sugar and hence meat does not rise the blood sugar like other foods like rice or wheat .

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It is mentioned in 'Ramayana' that Lord Ram killed and ate meat of Deer (Mirga). He/she who has read throughly Ramayana must know it. Doesn't it hurt to those who do not eat meat on religious ground??????


Here Vivekanad has been pragmatic on advocating that meat can be benefitial for certain people who's body chemistry may need meat but it does not necessarily mean that you must live on meat. People on stone era lived entirely on meat because they were compelled to live on it. It is not good to label Vivekanad as 'Demon' on this basis.You are generalising that all meat eaters are 'demon'.


Diabetics as I know is dangerous and meat is main source of diet for them to live longer as non diabetics.


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What is your motivation?


There are people who are so-called pure vegetarian but they kill snails to earn money. There are numerous more examples.


First Vivekananda stands out by being bold. There was very dharmic reason for what he adviced. According to Him our Tamas was first to be overcome.


Second, the illegal rulers were to be get rid of.


Third, he was a humanist. This was time of famine when food was scarce.


At the same time he admits: "The taking of life is undoubtedly sinful".


Contrary to your motivation, Vivekananda comes out as a bold, truthful and humanity loving sage, at least to me.



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It's very hard as I think Hindus have the individual choice. Though it must be stated that maybe the original sages may not have been vegetarian.


The Brhadaranyaka Upanishad actually advices a woman to eat beef if she wants a successful son learned in the Vedas. I know it's shocking but it is not practiced anymore, but it makes you question why it was even practiced at all. If anyone here doesn't believe me please check verse 6:4:18 of the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad.


Vivekananda said that in ancient times you were a bad Hindu if you didn't eat beef. Things are quite different these days.

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"What is your motivation?"


i do not go in internet finding personal faults of vivekananda, i know his philosophy and it is enough to me to interprete him as a false guru


this thing that i have found in another forum has surprised me and i simply put it at your examination


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Why shouldn't we eat meat? On what ground( religious, scientific .....) meat eating is bad?? may be eating meat is harmless!!!!????


any thoughtfull convincing answer anticipated.





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a religious man tries to do less harm as possible to the world and environment where's living. We live under a "cause-effect" law, so any action we do, we will have to suffer for the same pain we have caused with it, and if we kill, we'll have to be killed in the future to obtain a new energetic balance in the universe (karma)


The purpose of a spiritualist is to quit from this material world with all its pains and sufferings. Surely this "quitting" is done mostly by god's mercy, but if we have to come back repeatedly in this wold to be killed for all the lifes we have destroyed for eating purpose, it is like putting water in a bucket with holes.


We want to get out from this world, but we act to remain there.. that's illogic, so one simple and accepted rule to live a spiritual life is to avoid to kill animals to eat them.


Another thing is that a spiritualist lives in complete service to god even if he is apparently a normal person, doing a normal professional activity.

So in this spirit of complete service he eats only what is possible to be offered to god before eating it. This good is called prasadam, or god's mercy, and it is one of the most precious things to elevate and evolute our consciousness.

God says what he wants to be offered in the bhagavad gita :


Chapter 9. The Most Confidential Knowledge




patram puspam phalam toyam

yo me bhaktya prayacchati

tad aham bhakty-upahrtam

asnami prayatatmanah



patram--a leaf; puspam--a flower; phalam--a fruit; toyam--water; yah--whoever; me--unto Me; bhaktya--with devotion; prayacchati--offers; tat--that; aham--I; bhakti-upahrtam--offered in devotion; asnami--accept; prayata-atmanah--of one in pure consciousness.



If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.



so a spiritualist cannot be called a real one if he does not consider the desires of the lord even in such simple circumstance like choosing what's an appropriated food to offer to god than to eat it

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"This good is called prasadam,".. is "this food is called prasadam"


"choosing what's an appropriated food to offer to god than to eat it " is.... "choosing what's an appropriated food to offer to god thEn to eat it "


sorry for mistakes, english is not my language

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Vegs fleashlys

grinding teeth tearing teeth

sweats through skin sweats through tounge,paws ect

weak stomouch acid stomouch acid 20times stronger

looong inerds short inerds


it (meat) is biophysicaly unsutable, almost unsubstansal unusable, spritully unbenifcall, morally disagreable (at the "best") economicaly silly and in the sense of the methods used to create, maintain, transport, kill and consume unmetionable.


It requires some amount of brute mentally 2 conutinue such misbehavior and somewhat quick turnover in the empolyment of butchers, Scuides,illness and accedents.


enviromentally we can see the affects, furthermore as far as religiousity is concerned, illict


y torment animals?

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It is mentioned in 'Ramayana' that Lord Ram killed and ate meat of Deer (Mirga). He/she who has read throughly Ramayana must know it.



This is a false propaganda. Please read the thread in this forums titled "Did Rama Eat Meat?" as this topic has been discussed thoroughly.


There is not a single passage in Valmiki Ramayana that states Lord Rama ate meat. All of the alleged verses are manufactured and cannot be located in the sanskrit text. They are only publicised on anti-hindu sites ran by mulsims and christians.


Valmiki Ramayana clearly says Lord Rama ate the diet of the rishis which included fruits and roots.

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even vegetarians kill and eat.


the new age swami jagdish chandra bose proved beyond doubt that plants live and are more sensitive and delicate to noxious stimuli than animals.


vegetarians then indulge in the cruelest hypocrisies of killing and eating tender lives while shouting hoarse at the people who eat meat.


even reading the gita by candle light can involve killing of flying insects in the burning flame...


no action in this world is pure...it is met with its own bad karma.


so it is better for us to understand swamiji in the sense best suited to our own lifestyle and with a little own insight into our hypocrisies.


then whether he is a demon or a god doesnt matter...what matters is whether WE are demons...or can be gods.


and nonissues like veg/non veg dont arise.

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Yes,the hindu religion gives the diet hierarchy as follows


1.just fallen leaves and fruits---for rishis

2.uncooked food ----saints and acharyas

3.cooked,simple vegetarian food--gurus and bhramins

4.vegetarian food normal --vysyas and non fighting


5.Meat and liquor --kasthriyas and sudras


If you want to advance in this hierarchy you follow the given diet pattern.Else eat whatever you please and be in the fifth level.

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I absolutely agree. But I feel this is an isuue raised with motive.


In areas with no vegetation, what will a man do? In times of scarcity what a man will do?


Plants have same life that is in animals. And many kill animals to amass money though they act as pious vegetarians. This is truly hypocracy.



But it is accepted that mind is made of food eaten, and animal flesh elevates rajasic tendencies.

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