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Kaliyuga coming to an end

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From the Hindu Puranas:



Apocalypse for the Hindu is the natural ending of the world in the fourth age, the Kali Age.


It is one of a series of apocalypses, each of which marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another creation. The central figure in the story is Vishnu, the preserver God, into whose self the world is absorbed before being born again.


Vishnu has already saved humanity on a number of occasions, symbolically appearing as a savior in many different forms. It is said that He will appear again soon, as Kalki, a white horse, destined to destroy the present world and to take humanity to a different, higher plane.


All kings occupying the earth in the Kali Age will be wanting in tranquillity, strong in anger, taking pleasure at all times in lying and dishonesty, inflicting death on women, children, and cows, prone to take the paltry possessions of others, with character that is mostly vial, rising to power and soon falling.


They will be short-lived, ambitious, of little virtue, and greedy. People will follow the customs of others and be adulterated with them; peculiar, undisciplined barbarians will be vigorously supported by rulers. Because they go on living with perversion, they will be ruined.


Dharma becomes very weak in the Kali Age. People commit sin in mind, speech, and actions.


Quarrels, plague, fatal diseases, famines, drought, and calamities appear. Testimonies and proofs have no certainty. There is no criterion left when the Kali Age settles down.


People become poorer in vigor and luster.


They are wicked, full of anger, sinful, false, and avaricious.


Bad ambitions, bad education, bad dealings, and bad earnings excite fear.


The whole batch becomes greedy and untruthful.


Many sudras will become kings, and many heretics will be seen.


There will arise various sects; sannyasins wearing clothes colored red.


Many profess to have supreme knowledge because, thereby, they will easily earn their livelihood.


In the Kali Age, there will be many false religionists.


India will become desolate by repeated calamities, short lives, and various diseases.


Everyone will be miserable owing to the dominance of vice and Tamoguna.


People will freely commit abortion.


Earth will be valued only for her mineral treasures.


Money alone will confer nobility.


Power will be the sole definition of virtue.


Pleasure will be the only reason for marriage.


Lust will be the only reason for womanhood.


Falsehood will win out in disputes.


Being dry of water will be the only definition of land.


Praise worthiness will be measured by accumulated wealth. I


Propriety will be considered good conduct, and only feebleness will be the reason for unemployment.


Boldness and arrogance will be equivalent to scholarship.


Only those without wealth will show honesty.


Just a bath will amount to purification, and charity will be the only virtue.


Abduction will be marriage.


Simply to be well dressed will signify propriety.


Any hard-to-reach water will be deemed a pilgrimage site.


The pretense of greatness will be the proof of it, and powerful men with many severe faults will rule over all the classes on earth.


Oppressed by their excessively greedy rulers, people will hide in valleys between mountains, where they will gather honey, vegetables, roots, fruits, birds, flowers and so forth.


Suffering from cold, wind, heat and rain, they will put on clothes made of tree bark and leaves.


And no one will live as long as twenty-three years.


Thus in the Kali Age humankind will be utterly destroyed.


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... as age, height are not decreasing they are INCREASING these days. Kali yuga was meant to display characteristics of people continually decreasing in height and living shorter lives, but this is not the case anymore.


I don't think the yugas are marked by apocalypses, they are marked by advances in knowledge, spiritual or material.


Right now we seem to be entering Dwapara yuga, as there's more discovery about the world today, the truths of ancient religions like Hinduism coming out now and being verified once again, etc.



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yukteswar also thinsk so.

however, height is not the only parameter for identifying kali.


other kali symptons are:


now a days women give multiple child births like pigs in one delivery. that is not normal for and advanced human.

memory of people is decreasing.

chatterbox type people are clased as Ph d's.

cooked foods are being sold.

cantelops are being sold by weight.

cows are slaughtered.



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  • 8 months later...

It going to end not when God agrees with some Yogis' calculation, but when God choose to. Stop thinking that God going to follows YOUR rules and beliefs. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


If God chooses to end Kali yuga tomorrow, that is HIS will and Choice. Remember that in your daily activities.

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Do not worry about something that is yet to come. You are here and that matters most. Fulfill your destiny and you'll be gone tomorrow. Whatever has happened it happened well, whatever is happening is happening well and whatever is going to happen will happen well too. So, do not worry about tomorrow as tomorrow will take care of itself.

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Hari OM:


see the other part from the same Puranas.


In kali yuga just by repeating with full heart the God's name you will attain liberation from the cycle of Life and Death.


Chaityna MahaPrabhu states the first 10,000 years of Kali yuga is the golden age, where you also have the above knowledge (after 10,000 years this knowledge would be destoryed)- and he had given a very simple way for liberation "Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare" [Note he is not the founder of ISKCON]


Note that a warrior:


1) should not kill old, women and children


2) Should not kill sick and invalid people


3) Should not kill people running away from the battle field


4) Should not kill people who can be killed by his sub-ordinates.


And Kalki is the BEST warrior.


So when he comes there will be no women, children, sick, old people (some kind of cloning or Hybrid?) and they would have Won DEATH itself (so his Sub-ordinate Yama can't kill them)


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All those should and should nots is for Humans only.


When Nature destroys (like what happened in Indonesia at December last year), it doesn't see who's old, what sex they are, their age, health condition etc, did it? /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


Same way ... Kalki is incarnation of God ... and He could use the Nature to wipe Humanity from the surface of the Earth to the depths of Hell.


ISCKON seems to like to daydream that God is someone who follows their rules.

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When Nature destroys (like what happened in Indonesia at December last year), it doesn't see who's old, what sex they are, their age, health condition etc, did it?


Same way ... Kalki is incarnation of God ... and He could use the Nature to wipe Humanity from the surface of the Earth to the depths of Hell.


They were punished as a whole. Maybe I'm cruel but this price is worth saving more people, earthmen, of future. You must be aware that true punisher is personified or imper. God. I'm a mere messenger though I ascribe it to myself. In other words, it's not my private act but act of God.


ISCKON seems to like to daydream that God is someone who follows their rules.


The commerciality & sophistication of Iskcon have impressed me from the beginning. It's not a religious org. but a religious company & its leaders attach to this company very much like bosses.


If you compare Maadhav & gHari, there's many similarities between them. That's the reason why Maadhav go so close to Iskcon. In addition, she resembles ZhangZiYi in appearance, character, & career in my personal view. Interesting!

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They were punished as a whole. Maybe I'm cruel but this price is worth saving more people, earthmen, of future. You must be aware that true punisher is personified or imper. God. I'm a mere messenger though I ascribe it to myself. In other words, it's not my private act but act of God.


There is a difference between punishing someone by damning them to eternity and punishing someone by putting them onto the proper path.


In Hindusm, there is no eternal hell. By punishing someone, what God does is, stopping the person (or a race) from doing more evil that they are doing now, erase their ways of life (like Islam and Christianity) and put them back into proper circulation (via reincarnation and Karma).


And ONLY God has authority to judge and punish another, not some "messanger" who can talk in His behalf and do all kind of nonsense like what Muhammad did.


The commerciality & sophistication of Iskcon have impressed me from the beginning. It's not a religious org. but a religious company & its leaders attach to this company very much like bosses.


Say what you like ... in the end, ISCKON is just an organization design itself to suit Christians' needs so they could reject Christianity and come in Hindusm (assuming ISCKON is part of Hindusm).


Many of them believe false notions such as God going to bring peace (and not destruction as foretold in the Gita) or the fact that they could be chosen to muster the new world, without thinking they maybe wiped out in the process as well. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


Most evil men in the world are always the illusional ones who thinks they are in the right path. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

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And ONLY God has authority to judge and punish another, not some "messanger" who can talk in His behalf and do all kind of nonsense like what Muhammad did.


I'm always harassed by whether I say some words of myself or for sone. in me when I talk in this forum.


When I said: "I'm xxxvvi. Who's he?", pious people should sense their weight so as to be alert for the deadline. It was a test. But you interpreted it numbly as a chance to push this line forward. That time all beautiful words you said couldn't override such reply.



Say what you like ... in the end, ISCKON is just an organization design itself to suit Christians' needs so they could reject Christianity and come in Hindusm (assuming ISCKON is part of Hindusm).


Yes, I could have mention it as a cult like you. If Iskcon extend to China & result in social p.s, Chin. will grant it a title, "cult", & it will retort Chin. in some aspects such as human rights.


Iskcon developed many members in the west, but they are unreliable for westernesr tend to treat a religion as a way of life instead of spirituality. Hinduism's survival still depends on India. Rama temple despute reveals that Hindus disregard the significance of their nation & the reputation of their reli. far more precious than a piece of land & a small temple.

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