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How to bring back my son to Hinduism?

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I am very much consoled by your letter. I will treat this as my first letter to my son whom I am trying to convince the importance of Hinduism.


The reply from several wishers in this forum is giving me and my wife the courage to deal with the situation and I am sure that with the help of all of you will be in a position to bring back my son.


I request all the well wishers to bestow us with your valuable suggestions.


With love and affection


Gurukumar, The parent.

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I am very much consoled by your letter. I will treat this as my first letter to my son whom I am trying to convince the importance of Hinduism.


The reply from several wishers in this forum is giving me and my wife the courage to deal with the situation and I am sure that with the help of all of you will be in a position to bring back my son.


I request all the well wishers to bestow us with your valuable suggestions.


my email address is gurukumar2004@


With love and affection


Gurukumar, The parent.

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Dear Parent,


Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila PRabhupada! I offer my humble obeisances unto him.


The reason you should take your son to ISKCON is because the saints in ISKCON, many of them were christians in the past and have become sanyasis now. They know the intracacies of Christianity and the greatness of Vedic literature. They will expose christianity and its weaknesses as they were once christians. Ask your son to talk to a Guru Maharaj in a ISKCON center and iam sure they will recite the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam and explain its greatness.


They can preach much better as they have seen both sides of the coin. So, do take your son to ISKCON and buy him a Prabhupada book( a small one) and as a father request him to read. Dont force him, but somehow talk him into reading a small book of Srila Prabhupada. It wont take more than 2hours to read it.


I know one book which is a conversation between Srila Prabhupada and Christian fathers and also christian person. Srila PRabhupada clearly defeats the christian theology and how people of today are misusung it.


Dont get me wrong, Jesus Christ is a great saint and we all should respect HIM but we are against the church and its personal version of Bible.


So, just some how or the other expose your son to the depth and knowledge of Vedic literature. This is a chance for you and your family to understand the depth of Vedic literature and remind ourselves constantly about our duty as human beings.





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Dear Parent,


Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila PRabhupada!I offer my humble obeisnces unto him!


I forgot to mention the name of the book. I know the name bu not sure of the exact title. I think the name of the book is


"Perfect Questions and Perfect Answers" or something to that effect.





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"take your son to ISKCON is because the saints in ISKCON, many of them were christians in the past and have become sanyasis now. They know the intracacies of Christianity and the greatness of Vedic literature. They will expose christianity and its weaknesses as they were once christians"



Parent, don't take your son to iskon. Look at iskon history and how so much of their 'great' guru 'maharajas' fell. Big mess it is.

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I can understand your anguish and the feelings.It's a pity that children deviate from family values and get distracted.Dont give up hope.Take this as a test put to you by Lord Krishna and come out succesfully.


The vedas which your forefathers chanted will not go waste.It will save you.I dont have the age and experience to advice you.But I will pray to krishna for your well being and your son's change of mind.

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Jai Ganesh



(The vedas which your forefathers chanted will not go waste.It will save you.)


This is very nice faith.



(I dont have the age and experience to advice you.But I will pray to krishna for your well being and your son's change of mind.)


You have already given good advice, which proves your maturity


Jai Shree Krishna


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To the parent, the following web-page should give you an insight into the efforts Christian missionairies have taken throughout history to convert Hindus to their flock. It will also open the eyes of anyone who is unaware of what is going on. Please don't let your son be another statistic.




I understand if people want to follow another religion it's up to them, but I cannot understand why anybody would want to leave Hinduism for Christianity! Maybe in some parts of India or among certain people Hinduism isn't practiced properly? This could leave those people who are unhappy to convert (in the hope that they'll find happiness). I always believed education & knowledge is the key.

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Please for god sake do not give wrong advice to parents in dilemma. If one believes in Hinduism than it is the karma of the parents to go through such predicament and it is the son's karma to transgress. So, the only advice for them is if all persuasion fails to win him back to the fold than it is better to let him go. May be one day he might come to his senses and remember his root and time will take its cause where he will decide to return to the origin. Until than the parents would have to except the reality of life.

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Barney, I understand what you mean by the parents bad karma to go through this. But they need to take action on what could be avoided alltogether! You know how disgraceful it would be if the son was to convert over silly reasons like "raising back people from the dead".


Please look at the link I added and realise the efforts Hindus have made to keep their religion going to this day, inspite of the conversion tactics by Christian and Muslims throughout history. For your information their son (if he converts) is not likely to "come to his senses" as we know most converts develop an intense hatred for their previous religion. Of course he may make his parents life hell by trying to convert them! Telling his own parents that their Hindu religion is wrong and that they are going to hell! I think this can and should be avoided before any conversion takes place.

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I think the boy might have gone with some sort of distress or tension during past. That time the pastor might have filled his mind with miracles and promises that made him attracted towards christianity. He is very young & I hope the parent can bring him back by love & affection and educating him with the help of a knowledge person about Hinduism. Be patient and pray to god. All the best to this parent

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Just accept him for what he was brainwashed to be. This is the rational thing to do, right Guest? God forbid his parents and others for trying to talk sense to him. Let the xian conversions go on uninterrupted. Destroy more families and communities. Guest you are so wise, guide us.

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What does a father do when a son goes out of control?If a son errs father has to control him.Accepting one as he is is fine.Allowing him to get spoilt is another.If a girl goes disguided and gets spoilt, will we accept her as she is?


Being passive is akin to cowardice.

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it's his own choice, and to think he was brainwashed is just pure nonsense.


If some of you people are so shallow as to think that the only way to get to God is Hinduism I feel sorry for your souls



Ok buddy, tell yourself what you need to.

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What would the Christians or the church priest would do when they come to know that one of their sheep is lost? As far as I know they would do their best to bring back the sheep to their flock. That is what they did to take my wife back to their fold. You see my wife being an Eurasian [born catholic]fell in love with me a hindu. Her father[a racist] a retired locomotive inspector going by the name Avin Hores Earnest Keun[dutch bergers] was furious and even made police report saying his daughter had been taken away against here free will. This happened in 1976 when I was just 25 plus. After the police coming to know the true story and that she was above 18 told her father that they have no right to intervene as both of us are major. Than he sent the priest to talk terms with me and insisted that I must convert to christianity in order to marry his daughter. But my mother refused and I too did not like the idea of changing my name or religion. But my loving wife had given me total freedom to make the right choice and when I told her that we must go through hindu marriage rights, she agreed and that was that. We were married according to hindu rights and my father -in -law disowned his daughter[ being the only daughter] and not a penny to her name. My in -laws passed away some years later and being the only son -in -law I did the last rights for them. I'm still a hindu and so are my two sons and my sweet wife follows all hindu rights[her hindu name is Padmavathy]. Now tell me, would the Christians just leave their son or daughters to just stray away. Surely not, they too would do their best to bring back their children if they stray away and so the Hindu parents too would try their level best and if they failed than the only sensible thing to do is leave him alone as he is a major and has the right to choice of his own religion. This may be his karma to leave his religion of birth to convert into another religion. As my birth chart had foretold that I would marry a girl out of my race. My parents knew it and accepted it as my birth karma but they were lucky that I did not convert into Christianity. But if I had gone into Christianity I think think I would be a better Christian than the hypocrate Christian friends of mine who shun away from me after knowing that I had taken away one member of their congregation. So, do you see now why the boy's parents are in a dilemma? It happens in all religion. It would hurt them to loose their loved one and no amount of advice or consoling would help but only time will heal the wound. I can write a book about my own story as it was a long battle but I only gave a brief story of my life. I hope the boy's parents are strong enough to accept the reality of life as this is all God's leela as Priya would like to put it.

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