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Did Hitler Followed the Gita???

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I was seening this doucumentry on Unsloved History German Nazi era. It was said that one of Hitler's to Comrade based his works on the Gita. The Bhagavat Gita and The great War was mention in this documentry. Could not understand it as my house was noisey. Can anybody explain if the nazi's have anything to do with the gita

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in general, and Hitler in particular, were staunch Hindus. They followed the Gita to the letter, the spirit of which could be seen in the way they handled themselves in the utmost pressure created by the Allies and their nuisance. Hitler and his men practised what Krishna calls "equanimity" with ease and felicity. They were the first Hindu nationalists, and coul've done a lot for the cause of Hindutva, were it not for their unfortunate defeat in the second world war.

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Yes hitler was a bad man, but he feared all mystics and religionists, the one he feared most was Aleister Crowley that he kicked out of germany several times after mussolini kicked him out, but he didnt dare to kill him!! Hitler and his comrades were in tibet and other places to learn about atlantiz, he thaught that the germans or his aryans where decendants of gods, but he did not follow the Gita

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You have to be out of your mind to think that Hitler could do anything to promote India's great Vedic culture. He has almost permanently given the holy swastika a stigma of the darkest madness.Hitler was a complete lunatic. Due to the lunacy of his French-born prietess , Savitri, she had him duped into thinking that he was an incarnation of Visnu, who had come to re-establish dharma !!??? Krishna in His Gita gives the conclusion of the Bhagavad gita as (18.66),

"Abandon all varieites of religion, and just surrender unto Me." Hitler NEVER spoke about surrendering to Krsna, so he could never do anything for the cause of Hindutva, or any other cause, except be a tool in the hand's of Lord Krsna

's material energy as an agent of millions of peoples bad karma.Lord Krsna is not the Hindu God. He says aham bija pradah pita, He is the seed-giving Father of ALL living entities. Krsna did not come to spread "Hinduism". This is just a material designation, and helps to further create divisions with our brothers and sisters who label themselves as Muslims, Cristians and Jews. Hindu is just a Muslim term that millions of unfortunate people have erroneously adopted, having forgotten the roots of their own Vaisnava culture.It stems from Deography of the inhabitants south of the Sindhu river being labeled as Hindus by the Muslims. What is equally insane, is that there is a political party allowed today, in Germany called the Republicans, who are Nazis !!?? History repeats itself. Didn't they get enough bombs dropped on Berlin to learn anything ??? One can only be an Aryan by following the progressive teachings of Lord Krsna, and seeing everyone as part and parcel of Krsna, Bg.5.18, seeing all living entities as divine sparks of the Lord. Having blonde hair and blue eyes has nothing to do with being an aryan. It is not a caste system, but Krsna created the varnasrama system, a system where one is catergorized according to their level of purity in consciousness, in terms of their service to the Lord, not where they were born. Baking the Jews and other people in ovens and sending them to "Showers" of poisonous gas makes Saddam Hussain look like a pussycat. Please never say that Hitler helped to represent Lord Krsna's teachings. If anything , Hitler was a manifestation of krsna as death , "mrtyu sarva haras caham."

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Hitler never followed the Gita. In fact Hitler never followed any religion although you could say he had a strong interest in the old nordic pagan religion.


So there is an argument to state that Hitlers interest in old Nordic beliefs ran parallel to a belief in the Gita (as they do indeed have some similarites) but Hitler never followed the Gita itself.


Interestingly the old Norse had a similar system of 'sound symbols'. Like Hindus have the sound Om the Norse have the sound Um. Given that both had to be tanslated from a different alphabet they might have once sounded even similar. Also the swastika was a very important symbol for the Nordic priest caste as indeed it is for the Hindu priest caste.


There is a book looking at links between Nazis and Hindus and it focuses on one woman: 'Hitler's Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan Myth and Neo-Nazism'. I havent read it but it may have some answers.


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<< in general, and Hitler in particular, were staunch Hindus. They followed the Gita to the letter, the spirit of which could be seen in the way they handled themselves in the utmost pressure created by the Allies and their nuisance. Hitler and his men practised what Krishna calls "equanimity" with ease and felicity. They were the first Hindu nationalists, and coul've done a lot for the cause of Hindutva, were it not for their unfortunate defeat in the second world war. >>


nothing but non sense.

a cunning way to defame hinduism and the hindus.


this guest should be banned from this hindu forum,

i suggest.



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Are you a neo-nazi? Or an anti-hindu?


Hitler used the Hinduism in all its forms, but never contributed to It.


The nasis used the force of the hindu emblem and ocult force of the kshatriya. They all used the aryan myth, not as a myth, but in it most powerfull aspect.


The very point, in my opinion, is that dharma was not in their sight. So was not aphalakarman (action without fruit).

The used the war only for immediate purposes, not for dharma. Today there are no more duty of war. Dharma cannot be preserved by war. It happened only one time. Anyone who fights in war in name of dharma is taking it in a mistake sense.


Krsna says to Arjuna to fight, but never never never says to him that he must have any personal gain in this action. Krsna says that Arjuna must not have the result of action in mind, he must only have to do his dusty.

All he must see is dharma - Cosmic law in order to organize human life.


The nasis used the idea of ksatriya dharma to themselves, to promote personal gains and to dissolve dharma. There was an ocult association with the forces of adharma. They used it to their intent.


I am living in the South America - here and in Europe and USA, we can not use the svatika emblem. It will be interpreted as a nazi symbol. The forces of adharma are still acting to the nazis. How can this so auspicious symbol be corrupted and misinterpreted this way?


thank for all for reading this,


Hari OM



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all the hindus of the world need to keep using swastika as they ahways have used for dharmic and auspicious purpose,

and they need to tell the world that it is our vedic symbol and it cannot get contaminated just becaue an asura hitler misused it. the purpose of our use is totally different and religious, not racial.


we cannot and never should give up using anything that is a fundamental part of the vedic dharma and culture.


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  • 1 year later...

I was seening this doucumentry on Unsloved History German Nazi era. It was said that one of Hitler's to Comrade based his works on the Gita. The Bhagavat Gita and The great War was mention in this documentry. Could not understand it as my house was noisey. Can anybody explain if the nazi's have anything to do with the gita


Which part of Gita did it teach Hitler to gather over 2 Million Jews who cannot defend themselves and gas them to death?


Which part of the Gita had teach Hitler that he came from a great caste/race and ALL others are inferior and therefore, need to be cleansed?


If you want an argument, go and argue with Muslims and Christians about Al Quran's and the Bible's influence over Hitler's actions.

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{They followed the Gita to the letter, the spirit of which could be seen in the way they handled themselves in the utmost pressure created by the Allies and their nuisance.}


I think this 'guest' needs to have his brain examined. He is either an anti-hindu spreading false propaganda or a very stupid individual.


{They were the first Hindu nationalists}


You are truly a fool. They were not even Hindu, nothing about them was Hindu. They just stole the swastika for their logo. By the way Shivaji is what you call a Hindu nationalist and he was before them.


{were it not for their unfortunate defeat in the second world war}


It was the best thing that happened or else the world would be speaking German and the Indians would have been exterminated along with all the other non-white minorities.

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If you want to know about Hitler's religious beliefs you should read the articles in the link below. You will see he is far from Hinduism and more with fanatical Christianity. You will read how he experienced his anti-semitism in the Catholic church he attended. The sources have been taken from his own speeches and his book - Mein Kampf. Christian leaders who were embaressed by the influence of Christianity on Hitler try to make out that he was a pagan-cult worshipper.



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According to Historians, Swastika had been a common symbol in Europe even before Christianity. Swastika-like symbol was associated with Goddess of the Earth by ancient Europeans and we need to remember that Hitler pictured Germans to be Aryans - Ancient people of pure blood.


Association of Hindu Swastika and European Swastika probably has nothing to do with what Hitler had in mind. He just used a symbol he thought he could manipulate easily.


Also, Buddhist use Swastika as symbol of blessing for their Buddha was wore the sign in Buddha's hand (usually on the palm or on the back of the hand).

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If any person here would actually take the time to read Hitler's own works and read his speeches, you would know that he was a staunch Catholic and even despised pagan worship and the old religion.

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hitler did comunicate with the underworld

in the underworld there is good and evil

he contacted the evil side


another thing is hitler did not die , his corspe was never found.

it is believe that he is still living in the underworld


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According to the Vedic Scholars and the Scriptures, there is such a wonderful meaning behind the Swastik symbol given below. And I would like to share with you ppl.


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The relation that we have between the various souls in our daily life is represented by a horizontal line. And even a kid in middle school can tell that its a "minus" sign. BUT, as soon as we add the vertical line with it, which represents the relation between the individual soul and the Supreme Soul in our daily life, then it becomes a "positive" sign! Ok, we have the famous 'cross' so far, which the Christians carry around. Now, Vedic rishis go a step further and add extensions to both of these lines.


Thus giving us the message: "Along with individual relation in life, maintain the relation with Supreme aaand even inside that individual relation, keep the Supreme relation awake aand even inside the Supreme relation, have the individual relation awake" >> to put it in a vague english sentence.


ofcourse this is the spiritual explanation which the scriptures give us to contemplate within. But, there shure must be a physical explanation to it which can have significance effect on us. The same way a Sudarshana chakra has or even the Sri Chakra.


thats my small pint of knowledge gained..




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hitler was using the left hand swastika


hindu use the rigth hand swastika


hindu have nothing against jews or any other religions


unless hitler offered the jews as scarfice to hindu god


just because he wore a swastika don't mean a thing


the founder of swastika never wear it


it was never advice to wear


hindu are peace loving , and has never taken and only given



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