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Spiritual Hypocrites

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Spiritual wannabees...just listen to yourselves. Not only are you not discussing spiritual knowledge intelligently, you are all spouting spite and ignorance.

What good does it matter who you follow if you can't restrain yourselves from upmanships. It is really tiresome to see this. Makes anyone who may want to learn back off.


No wonder this workd is full of religious wars. Even people in the same religion or tradition can't be civil to each other when discussing things.

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After reading a series of arguements, in the forum sometime back, I am reconsidering my practice of going to vaishnavite temples.

How can people of th same religion be intolarant towards others?

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many times the spiritualists discussions are angry only superficially, in the so called hinduism discussions are there from immemorable time and there never was religious wars..


fanaticism starts from silence and ignorance not from discussion and culture

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<< fanaticism starts from silence and ignorance not from discussion and culture >>


i would say there is a barbaric ideology BOOK

that prouduces terrorists and invaders since it started in the desrert of arabia.


if the hindus and others remain silent and ignorant and passive about it, then they will suffer from these asuras.

these barbarians do not care for civil respectful discussion. they understand bombs and bullets and swords and daggers only.



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Only through questions and discussion that one learns and expands his knowledge. Not like Islam or Christanity where you are forbidden toquestion the Ullams or Cardinals order. The folowers believe that that is the solemn truth. That is why they seem to have more problems among themself. It is not so in Hinduism coz we have the authority to question and discuss freely in order to gain more knowledge on the subject. Well, some may not understand this but they need to involve in order to gain better knowledge of Hinduism.

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While open discussion is fun and sometimes a 'learning' experience, consistency is needed to have any kind of a real discussion. Face it, Maadhav is consistent. The original post in reality is a waste of conversation time.


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I would say Maadhav is one person on the board who is really clued up on the problems Hindus have faced, are facing and will continue to face if they don't put their differences aside, wake up and deal with the situation. Too many Hindus are asleep or don't even want to accept that there are predatory religions that have an agenda and are trying their best to wipe Hinduism out by various means...and that includes ALL your sects such as Vaishnavas, Shivites, Shaktas, Vedantists, etc but inspite of this Hindus prefer to argue with each other!

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What is your point? Are you inciting everyone here to fight against Muslims and Christians? This is a Hindu discussion forum and here we exchange views to have a better understanding of Hindu religion. It is not that we are unaware of the ongoings but it is better to master your own religion than to confront your enemy without inner knowledge of it.


<Too many Hindus are asleep or don't even want to accept that there are predatory religions that have an agenda and are trying their best to wipe Hinduism out by various means...and that includes ALL your sects such as Vaishnavas, Shivites, Shaktas, Vedantists, etc but inspite of this Hindus prefer to argue with each other! >


What you said above is unacceptable coz all the above sect combined is called Hinduism and one without the other is a house without foundation and Islam and Christianity fears that coz they do not have that foundation.


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The solutions to good spiritual discussions are mututal respect and the sincerety of wanting to learn something. One should keep an open mind to the other's ideas or opinions.


If one discuss spiritual knowledge with the intention of upmanship and enforcing all your opinions on others, then it is not an exchange of knowledge at all. Hence there will be arguments which do not lead anywhere and soon turns into insults and childishness as many of the posts in the Sai Baba threads indicate.


One can only progress and improve if one is humble enough to listen, then digest and and then quietly comtemplate on the ideas or teachings exchanged to test for ourselves if it is the truth for us. Great teachers always have had wonderful teachings to impart and whether you are his follower or not, does not matter, listen and maybe from what you have listened, one line sticks in the mind to help your progress. Through humility, a student progress.


A discussion should always be a humble exchange of ideas and views where we learn to be civil to each other especially we are talking about spiritual discussions. If we cannot even talk without exchanging insults, then why bother learning.


I think the webmaster has done an excellent job here in providing this site for seekers. Many will come here to learn as did I hoping for a peaceful exchange of ideas.



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My point is we have to be careful. I never said to fight christians or muslims, but we should defend ourselves when under theological attack, rather than ignore it as what happens most of the time.


"What you said above is unacceptable coz all the above sect combined is called Hinduism and one without the other is a house without foundation and Islam and Christianity fears that coz they do not have that foundation."


Look, I'm not a sectarianist, please don't assume things. I'm saying that while the sects are bickering muslims and christian don't care, they will try to wipe out ALL sects...ALL of Hinduism. I'm all for peaceful co-existence with people of other religions, there are good people of ALL religions, but the simple fact is that christianity and Islam can never accept ANYTHING in Hinduism, it's against their religion to accept a religion like hinduism or any of the sects within. This is more than just differences of opinion, but a strong desire to DOMINATE and convert...trying to make out that the Hindus are wrong and that THEIR religion is right and the only way to be fully accepted is to convert. We don't need their acceptance, if we are strong in our owm faith and community.

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preserving our ways is of utmost significance, but at the sametime we must also learn and grow. Hinduism will change and grow on this planet if we believe it can and act with that respect. As for those religions that are trying to wipe us out, there are those that are trying, that is just a fact we must face. Such religions are a contradiction to their own beliefs. Muslims are supposed to be tolerant of others according to the Koram. And according to Christianity flesh is not to toil with flesh. According to Hinduism, ahisma is emphasized, as the great Mahatma emphasized. However, in the Gita it says that one must do what is necessary. Doing what is necessary is an act that does not acrue karma and is the highest act. Just as Arjuna and Krishna, and Rama fought the unrightious, so too must we protect rightiousness. Those Supposed Christians and Muslims that would try to wipe out Hindus are Hypocrites to their own faith. And those Hindus that would fight in vain are a shame to their ancestors and heritage. Hindus must remain strong and united, we have a great and proud lineage. We must also recognize that people of other religions are our brothers and sisters. But those that attack us vainly shall not be delt with kindly, they have forsaken that right. This is just my personal convictions.


We meditate on the glory of the Creator;

Who has created the Universe;

Who is worthy of Worship;

Who is the embodiment of Knowledge and Light;

Who is the remover of all Sin and Ignorance;

May He enlighten our Intellect.



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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Dear friend.


In Islam you can question 'Al Ullama' (that is scholars or scientist in Arabic), and its considered part of the learning procedure, infact, the Quran obligates all muslims to always investigate and question the scholars as part of their learning procedure, and hence becomming more knoweldgabe. There's nothing in Islam call priesthood as the main message of Islam is that all people are equal so nobody is superior or closer to god than others. The meaning of the word "Ullama" which is an arabic world is "scolars"(plural), so any muslim by seeking knoweldge can become a scholar, and he or she is not by any means superior or considered better than other muslims or human in general. Shortely, knowledgable people are called scientist or scholars in english, similarly they are called that in Arabic.

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Questioning and asking for explanation are two different aspects of understanding the religion. I only see Muslims asking for explanation so here the Ullama can give is own opinion or interpretation and that would be taken as authentic by a student. Whereas in Hinduism we question and their answers need backing up otherwise we would not accept it. Morever in Hinduism we allow other bel;ievers to question but in Islam a non Muslims cannot question about Islams belief nor can he hold the quran. Only if he or she converts can one ask about Islam. So, where is the freedom of choice? It is a ristricted relgion than controls the followers freedom to question. I have been to Islam's websites and question the Ullama but he refused to answer saying I'm not a Muslim and if I pretend [which I did not] he would know from my line of questioning that I'm not a Muslim. I even gave my email for them to reply but no reply from them. From this we know what Islam is and why they refuse to have discussion with a non Muslim.

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