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Mac D = cow-murder promotor

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"Is going to Mac Donalds to drink some coffy: supporting that shop, and therfore promoting a worldwide campaign of cow slaughter???" ~> When the Mac D commercial is on tv it can be showed that their revenues increase within minutes as a result of the tv commercial. So drinking coffy there is also supporting financially and thus supporting cow slaughter, ...now if you are vegan and if you want to life sattvik life style.. then one isnt supposed to enter stores like Mac D if it isnt absolutely neccesary???






And another point.. driving a car is also not completely in line with being good to animals... if one drives hard ... then after the drive one should go and look at the nose of the car ..and then one can see all the dead bodies of the musquitos and flies etc.



Ofcourse the line should be drawn individually in the extree case one could (try to) boycot governments for allowing the killing of cows.. but i think people should be aware as for what a shop like Mac D stands for, and that driving a car also means killing flies.




Go Mata Ki jay Ho!


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I fully agree with your Mac D thing. I don't drink coffee anyway but I would not even go in there for a glass of water. Even buying a salad there would be supporting murder so it is a no-brainer. Simply, don't go there.


We kill living entities even when we breath - there are some things that we have no control over and are not held accountable for - such as the germs that die when we bathe our bodies, breath etc.


As for bugs dieing on the front of the car - hmmm...I don't drive. /images/graemlins/wink.gif And I do not own a fly swatter!

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I think that making people consious of the fact that cows are sacred and that cows should be protected is the only way of going against this abrahamitic-lobby power. They are very strong....


The whole species of cows is sacred. A cow is of a steady sattvik nature. (A human can decrease(or increase) in sattvikness.) We use ghee and cow dung for puja, if we have no mother milk for children we receive milk from the giving cow.. she gives us milk that actually is for her own children. So actually cows are breast feeding US! and cows are our mother. Also in the body of a cow there dwells 33 million deities.

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One day when just crossing through the gate into MVT Gargamuni who was just ahead of me turned around and said "let me show you a most disgusting thing"(words to that effect). He showed me just outside the gate a McMurder burger wrapper right in front of the gate laying in the holy sand of Raman Reti.

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"The whole species of cows is sacred. A cow is of a steady sattvik nature. (A human can decrease(or increase) in sattvikness.) We use ghee and cow dung for puja, if we have no mother milk for children we receive milk from the giving cow.. she gives us milk that actually is for her own children. So actually cows are breast feeding US! and cows are our mother. Also in the body of a cow there dwells 33 million deities."


Wonderful theosophy. I think this is the Essence of the Vedas, the Upanishads and Sastras put together.


The poor, more peaceful and innocent goat and sheep could be butchered (with sanction divine!) for on thier poor body physique the 33 crore plus gods do not live. The august Indian Buffalo who does all that the cow is doing for the humans, can too be butchered and relished... because gods do not live in them or on them. They all are aasuric and taamasic. They belong to the Sudroid clan.


Holy Cow is, in fact, originated from the heart of the Brahma and is above the Brahmins or at par with them.

Gau Hatya and Brahma Hatya are the only too sins one should not commit, and McD will have a sure place reserved in eternal hell.


My prostrations to the holiest of the holy, the skinny, starving Hindu Gau Mathas, who becomes desolate, forlorn and uncared (by the Brahmins too)in old age.


The Brahmin devatas never slaughter the cows in old age; the devatas just sell them to the butcher!



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Do Vaishnavas have cats & dogs? If so, what do they feed them? When people tell me that in India cows are worshipped, I like to say that in America cats & dogs are worshipped. I also like to say to my so-called animal lover friends that they love cats & dogs not cows, pigs,sheep, horses,fish etc., because they support slaughtering them to feed the cats & dogs they worship. Hee, Hee! It is a multi-billion dollar industry-American pets.

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Dear mr unregistered, ofcourse other animals are holy too ..good point. Did i say goat etc arent holy??.. they are but slightly different, we do drink cow milk, dont we. But the milk isnt the issue. And yes they are selling cow meat in India: Tnx to the apes from the congress party, thank God for the BJP.


If you look at a picture of Shri Krishna Bhagvan you will see a picture of a cow. Jezus christ was born among cows, the list goes on...


The whole species of cow is holy, because of their giving nature. A cow will prop. not attack and kill humans or other animals..


PLZ Read why cows are sacred:




Jaya Shri Devi



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Cows are 'giving'nay holier than the ordinary beings, equivalant to viprah! The Father Manu has decreed that cows cannot be slaughtered ( and Brahmins too).


The black being called the majestic Indian buffalo is too 'giving', and works in the fields harder than the bullocks. Could you please request the Father to equate them to the holy status with immediate effect? (If I request he may not consider because I belong to the Sudra clan which Shri Bhagwan Manu hates so badly.


To teach all those who misunderstand 'holy' and 'unholy'

our ancestors have told us nice stories; that the Lord Conservator avatarised as a fish, a tortoise and a swine.

Please note that to Him nothing is holy and unholy.


Srihari Srinath



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Sri Vakrathunda mahaakaaya kotisuryasamaprabha

nirvighnam kurume deva subhakaryeshu sarvadaa


I would not go to pass water in Mac D, let alone going in there to have a cup of tea


What I fail to understand is how can some people have so much affection for cats and dog (not that it is in any way wrong for those who want to) and yet does not think twice to eat cow, who provides us with nourishment in the form of milk for most children and the adults. Is this the way to pay for her generosity?

The cow is a gentle animal every thing about it is beautiful even its dung. All it needs a little grass. How come humanity got it so wrong?


Jai Gopal


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"What I fail to understand is how can some people have so much affection for cats and dog (not that it is in any way wrong for those who want to) and yet does not think twice to eat cow"


as srila prabhupada says, the biggest problem is not animal killing, but slaughterhouses...


if i have to kill an animal with my hands to eat him, i know what i am doing, and maybe i understand that this calf or goat or even this pig has the same "life" of my beloved cat or dog...... if i buy meat from a butcher or in acan in the supermarket (with the picture of an happy cow!!) or if i buy a sandwich full of seasonings in a funny colourful place with many happy children.. it is very difficult to understand that in that nice plate there's a real, good, non violent, nice living being


impersonalism is bad also in this circumstance

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Dear mr unregistered-1_ji, you say nothing is holy and unholy. Somethings are more holy than other things just like some things can be sweeter than other things. What is dufficult about that?


Now without the sudras a society will face exstinction!!


The sudra is great, dear mr unregistered-1__ji, view the society as a human body then the sudras are the legs, the vaiys are the trunk, ksatryas are the arms, and the brahmins are the head.


Now if one doesnt respect the sudras(militairy) other bodies will be stronger, and perhaps take over the society. In every society there are sudras(police, militairy), there are vaiys(farmers, supermarkets), there are ksatriyas(government), and brahmins(priests etc).


So you can nag about our caste system, but in fact the whole world has a caste system, your sister cant marry the prince of Wales...what is that that is caste system.


Due to the brittish(continues foul play) and the (barbaric)mulsims .. in order to protect the truth and thus protect dharma, the caste system became hereditary. But in the old pre-abraham days the caste system was a glorious non-hereditary system which had made India a strong super power. So...actualy a lack of attention to the sudras will cripple the society.


Plz if you have any comments left plz post them mr unregistered1_ji.


Jaya Shri Devi


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"The sudra is great, dear mr unregistered-1__ji"


And like slaves they treated the great Sudras,

Nay, worse than slaves I should say

An unholy lot, born to serve the dwijas like labour bonded

They could not touch the scriptures

Not even hear the holy chanting

Their gods will become unholy; water dirty

By the touch of these dirtiest ones

(But they enjoyed the girls, dirt was not there)


They were of the legs, their legs too they chained

The masters kept them in brute subjugation

For millennia four and a majority of Indians!

Namastubhyam, namastubhyam, the twice born ones.


They made us weak and fragile, ye know Winand great?

They fragmented us, and divided we fell

The Mohammadans came and enslaved us

The Britishers came and subjugated us.


The 'learned ones'licked the aggressors foot

The Kshatries who were to defend gifted them their girls

The Banias traded with them and prospered

All were happy with the bosses new!


And Sudras, by incidence of birth, remained Sudras

Holi or Diwaali, they were khaali(empty)

Old Masters and new Masters did make them no difference

(The New Ones were a little more lenient,

made them Touchables and hearables at least)


Now the worst thing is happening........

The knowledge of our forefathers

Which these Dwijas kept sealed in their chests

Is unbundled with the on set of freedom

(The unchained Sudra, the Dwijas knew

Is a formidable force...)

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Dear mr unregistered-1_ji, the anti-caste lobby is very strong. But the caste system is and will always be. If you dont believe me ..then read the gita, Shri Krishna Bhagvan says so himself.


I didnt say that the sudras made us weak, no dear maharaj, if a community doesnt treat the sudras(warriors/militairy) with respect then the community will be vulnerable. So the sudra is great, because they are supposed to protect the other people so that the society can florish. There are many writing against the caste system, but one should look at it in the right perspective. Nobody says that sudras cant touch the scriptures... enter for example Sri Satya Sai Baba Ashram or Avadhoota Dattapeetham or the main ashram of the art of living foundation and you will see how mulsims jews sudras, brahmins all are treated as persons...as it should be. Due to infuence of the brittisch and muslims things are very different in the south and the north. In the south due to geographical reasons the invaders could not come, there things are more in accordance with the truth. Plz visit the great ashramas of the south and experience bliss, envision the truth and immediately you will trust in the oppinions and decisions of the great saints and sages.



From skanda puran(sri guru gita):


Swaashramamcha swajaatimcha swakirtim pushtivardhanam / Etat sarvam parityajya Gurumeva samaashrayet //


One should leave one's caste, position, abode, fame, power, wealth, etc. and seek Guru's grace. If Guru is not there, these things cannot give any knowledge of the Absolute.


Jaya Guru Datta


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want in on this line too. McDonalds has even managed to set up a McMurders just outside of Vrndaban.



What an outrage! Please, please tell me you made this up.





May lightning strike that particular shop some night soon as a sign of Krsna's displeasure.




I wish I had the ability to set fires using my mind. Maybe I should perform yoga and get some siddhi by which I can incinerate McDonald restaurants everywhere....

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that is was a joke but it is a real nightmare. I believe they avoid using cow meat but I'm not sure. Same to me. Animal slaughters.


And just because they don't sell cow meat there they are responsible for billions of cows being slaughtered world wide.


If I could remember where the picture of it is I would link to it.

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Hey guys dont go to the extreme, cows are not considered sacred in their religion. If u think drinking coffee at Mc Donald is supporting cow slaughter then stop using oil(gasoline) because it comes from middle east. So by buying oil from them is like supporting them, because they will use that money for whatever they want. To eat beef or etc..


If u think on these lines this world would be a difficult place to live and survive.

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  • 4 years later...

Winand, where in Holland? I lived in Amsterdam Oost, vlak bij Java Plein. Dicht bij Trams 6,10,14

Yes, certainly disheartening to see so many animals tortured & slaughtered, daily, then eaten. But then who becomes animal? Who accepts that animal birth? Again & again. We r all being recycled until we wake our silly as-es up off of the Witch MAyA's lap. That's all. Mcmurder. Like MacGruber on SNL.

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