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Ashtanga Yoga
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Plz Remember ... words can cut deeper then the sharpest sword. Cutting with sword can easily be paapam, think about what you say.. dont talk down, it is paapam to talk down. I have a lot of respect for Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and i have also a lot of respect for the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha they are doing good work. Your sampradaya this and sampradaya that is making me think of dangerous sectarian practices...WHAT HAPPENEND TO RESPECT?? It is easy to criticise all the way from Canada, isnt it? I think if you want to know if you are a fool or a rascal .. plz go and read bhagavat gita some more, you will definetely get answer. Hare Krishna. Winand.
Did you know that Srila Prabhupada has 4 children, who has more info on them? I read in a biography that his wife and kids arent devoted to Sri Krishna. I also read that He wanted his wife(& kids) to be devoted, but she(the mrs) even had sold His copy of the Gita because she needed te money.........
Hare Krishna!!
BANGLADESH and PAKISTAN - the destruction of Buddhism and Hinduism
Winand replied to a topic in Spiritual Discussions
Bangladesh, Pakistan, but dont forget: Afganistan, Indonesia, the whole continent of Africa, and the list goes on...and on... -
<font color="red"> Dear topic opener, plz consider the way your ancestor became muslim: your great great great..grandmother of your mother was brutually raped and your greatgreatgreat ...grandfather of your mother was brutually killed. .....then you became muslim, and did your namaaz, etc. </font color> The abrahamitic point of view is just narrow...and naastika. The islam is not a peaceful religion if you look at the history of the people that call them self muslims. The cristians too are responsible for a lot of deaths in for example the southern american continent. The jews play an active role in the WO-II and even today in the israeli palestinynen conflict. So the ABRAHAMITICS are just naastikas if one considers the abrahmitics their history. Even today one can get an beautiful example of what the abrahamitics are if one looks at the regime of president Bush, the ex-regime of Saddam, the regime in Bangladesh, the problems with muslims in Indonesia, etc etc the list goes on....and on... Since abraham the position of woman has greatly deteriorated. Before Abraham even in Europe they worhiped the paramatma in the form of the supreme Goddess. After abraham the muslims want to see the woman like a form of the non for the cristians. It is really funny that cristians and muslims and jews fight with each other ... by that act it gives good insight in the naastika-% of the abrahamitic religions. The pre-abraham religions from afrika and south amerika were clearly of a more peaceful i.e. less-naastika nature. Jaya Shri Devi !! Winand.
<font color="red"> Dear topic opener, plz consider the way your ancestor became muslim: your great great great..grandmother of your mother was brutually raped and your greatgreatgreat ...grandfather of your mother was brutually killed. .....then you became muslim, and did your namaaz, etc. </font color> The abrahamitic point of view is just narrow...and naastika. The islam is not a peaceful religion if you look at the history of the people that call them self muslims. The cristians too are responsible for a lot of deaths in for example the southern american continent. The jews play an active role in the WO-II and even today in the israeli palestinynen conflict. So the ABRAHAMITICS are just naastikas if one considers the abrahmitics their history. Even today one can get an beautiful example of what the abrahamitics are if one looks at the regime of president Bush, the ex-regime of Saddam, the regime in Bangladesh, the problems with muslims in Indonesia, etc etc the list goes on....and on... Since abraham the position of woman has greatly deteriorated. Before Abraham even in Europe they worhiped the paramatma in the form of the supreme Goddess. After abraham the muslims want to see the woman like a form of the non for the cristians. It is really funny that cristians and muslims and jews fight with each other ... by that act it gives good insight in the naastika-% of the abrahamitic religions. The pre-abraham religions from afrika and south amerika were clearly of a more peaceful i.e. less-naastika nature. Jaya Shri Devi !! Winand.
Monotheism vs Polytheism: Islam vs Hinduism
Winand replied to Avinash's topic in Spiritual Discussions
From an laymans point of view Hinduism could be called an polytheistic religion. But even a Hindu child can understand that the paramatma is one. Like gold is 1 ..the bracelets, chains, earrings,etc made of gold are many...in that same way God is one for the one who sees hinduism as it is. Hinduism or sanatan-Ved dharma is monotheistic. The abrahamitic point of view is just narrow...and naastika. The islam is not a peaceful religion if you look at the history of the people that call them self muslims. The cristians too are responsible for a lot of deaths in for example the southern american continent. The jews play an active role in the WO-II and even today in the israeli palestinynen conflict. So the ABRAHAMITICS are just naastikas if one considers the abrahmitics their history. Even today one can get an beautiful example of what the abrahamitics are if one looks at the regime of president Bush, the ex-regime of Saddam, the regime in Bangladesh, the problems with muslims in Indonesia, etc etc the list goes on....and on... Since abraham the position of woman has greatly deteriorated. Before Abraham even in Europe they worhiped the paramatma in the form of the supreme Goddess. After abraham the muslims want to see the woman like a form of the non for the cristians. It is really funny that cristians and muslims and jews fight with each other ... by that act it gives good insight in the naastika-% of the abrahamitic religions. The pre-abraham religions from afrika and south amerika were clearly of a more peaceful i.e. less-naastika nature. Jaya Shri Devi !! Winand. -
We buy american gasoline (ESSO) And We drive japanese car(mitshubishi). /images/graemlins/cool.gif
We buy american gasoline (ESSO) And We drive japanese car(mitshubishi). /images/graemlins/cool.gif
There is spoken of secrets because knowing what the mantra stands for and harvesting the beejakshara is very difficult and should be done under the guidance of an ardent spiritual master(SadGuru).
If your grandfather made some animal sacrifices... which should be (re)performed by all the eldest sons... and some sons leave the traditions ...Is it possible to encounter problems that are family related and that pass on every generation..if they are not attended to? Thus is karma transferrable? Or does this have nothing to do with karma?
If your grandfather made some animal sacrifices... which should be (re)performed by all the eldest sons... and some sons leave the traditions ...Is it possible to encounter problems that are family related and that pass on every generation..if they are not attended to? Thus is karma transferrable? Or does this have nothing to do with karma?
Were the ancient arians of India(some 8000 years ago) great eaters of meat?... at the time of the arians india was a strong super power....
plz go jogging for 30minutes 3 times a week.. every week and i promise you that you will no feel any need to smoke ever again...
I think the terror pakkos and the suicide bombers palestinians should be stopped BY ALL MEANS NECCESARY. I think PM Ariel Sharon is a good leader, i would also do anything it takes to protect my people. PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee should in my oppinion do the same, but the international lobby of the pakkos(created by temporary American needs) makes this a though job. Should Atal-ji be more like Ariel-ji? I would say a big yes to that.....!!