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Looking for Kalki Avtaar

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my dear friend....after reading all these also if you still cant accept the truth as truth,I tell you, you contradict

your own thoughts....

you wanted to find the Kalki bcoz you believe in HIM and your scriptures, but you have ended up being anti-Kalki by using brutal words like bogus on the ALMIGHTY

for which you will be answerable to the LORD.....


"What a man suffers is the punishment of his tongue."


hence i ask you not to use abusing words ON LORD coz that will offend only you at the end coz IT(abusing LORD HIMSELF who created you)IS THE GREATEST SIN which will never be forgiven.....


understand one thing in an attempt to disbelieve the fakes you have now considered the real ones also so...if you do so, again i tell you, you are the loser....


in true earnestness i again call you to reap the real fruits of OUR LORD - the KALKI...to be uniquely blessed by THE ALMIGHTY you are in search of.


as a true willingness to tell good people about this i have wrote all these...now its upto you to take the truth or not.....for -


"This is the truth , my dear, Out in the wind and the rain: The truth has nothing to fear, Nothing to lose or to gain."


tk care..

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I was browsing through all the messages in this thread....


salai, the calculation of the kali yuga which you have posted is very informative...The period of astronomical event and the calculation given in the scriptures exactly matches proving this calculation beyond doubt.


I find yours something really different from the rest...I have analyzed many religions and have read the various holy scriptures...And these are my findings,


=> Any true religion you take, talks about death and what man should do to reach heaven.


I have analyzed many people who claim to be kalki, but found that this "talk about death and the purpose of life" missing in them...they just talk about general things which we humans also do. Anyone can by-heart few sanskrit slokas here & there, take few lines from Bhagavat Gita and recite or give speech...Whatz the big deal in this? If you ask them the way to reach salvation, they will teach you n number of ways say recite some sloka for 100 times everyday or do some meditation,etc...When one cannot get a materialistic thing,

say a single rupee by just thinking about it and reciting "1 rupee..1 rupee..." thousand times,

how can the immaterialistic and divine thing like salvation be got using that method?

It sounds logically absurd and proves to be fake.


I was really surprised to see this "talk of death" in the meivazhi religion that you were

referring to.


After seeing ur post, i did an analysis whether there was any such astronomical event during that period

and did get some evidence from one of the famous sites -


The transit that occurred on March 21 1894 was particularly interesting, because during the transit of Venus from Saturn there was simultaneously a transit of Mercury from Saturn and a transit of Mercury from Venus.




Also its shocking to note quite a few number of prophecies on this event in various religious scriptures -


From the New Testament,

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light."

(Matthew 24:29)


From the Holy scriptures of Islam,


For our Mahdi, there are two signs which have never appeared before, since the creation of the heaven and earth,

namely, the moon will be eclipsed on the first night in Ramadhan (on the first of its appointed nights of eclipse),

and the sun will be eclipsed on the middle day of Ramadhan (middle of the appointed days of eclipse).

And these signs have not appeared since the creation of heaven and earth. "

(Saying of the Holy Prophet of Islam "Darqutni")


"And the moon is eclipsed. And the sun and the moon are brought together." (Al-Qiyamah 75:9-10)


"The sun will be eclipsed twice in Ramazan before the advent of Mahdi."

[Mukhtasir Tazkira Al-Qurtabi p.148 by Alqutbur Rabbani Skeikh Abdul Wahab Sherani]

This prophecy was fulfilled with the lunar eclipse on the 13th of Ramadhan, 1311 Hijri (March 1894) and

the solar eclipse on the 28th of Ramadhan, 1311. (April 1894).

The second pair of eclipses of Ramazan was witnessed in 1312 Hijri (March 1895).


From the holy book of Sri Guru Garanth Sahib,

"When Maharaj will come as Nahkalank, the sun and the moon will be his helpers."

"The sun will be eclipsed twice in Ramazan before the advent of Mahdi."

[Mukhtasir Tazkira Al-Qurtabi p.148 by Alqutbur Rabbani Skeikh Abdul Wahab Sherani]


I understand and find there is some truth in whatever u have said. But still its unbelievable!?! I'm ready to come to your place. Are you ready to show whatever u call as immortality?? Let me see if i can see them through my own eyes. Be ready to prove your point to us.




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alakh niranjan.congratulations.good news for kshatryas.kalki avatar is coming to put kshatryas back in power.kshatryas are supposed to be rulers and warriors.but kshatryas are not ruling any more.this has created caste imbalance.kalki avatar is coming to correct this caste imbalance.

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Western civilization is everywherer. We don't need a western country to be in power in order to spread westernization. Eatern countries can do it just as well, india for example is becoming westerneized and most indians ridicule and laugh at their history. Most hindus consider the mahabharata mythology nothing else, and have no idea what it stands for. Thats not western countries or islams fault, thats our own fault. So even if india is a superpower, does not mean that the vedic ways are going to go through a revival...people are going to get more and more materialistic.

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new mantras for kalki lovers.

kalki the destroyer is coming to destroy anti_kshatryas,come kalki come.

kalki the conquerer is coming to conquerer the world,come kalki come.

kalki avatar is coming to bring peace and prosperity,come kalki come.

kalki avatar is coming to establish golden age,come kalki come.

kalki kalki kardi mein aape kalki hoi.

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I just find most of the people posting here are not in true search of Kalki, but just posting some nonsense for passing their time. The darkness in their minds which doesn't allow them to think rationally will definitely put them into the everlasting HELL.

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Not all people are stupids as you have mentioned. You cannot generalise your statement on everyone chatting here in this thread. Because i can find many true souls who have given genunine information like the one of the Calculation of the Kaliyuga (in page 4) and there are in true search of the true GOD - the Kalki. The Kaliyuga has already ended in the end of 18th century. But most people dont realise this fact!!


salai, i am still waiting for your reply for more information about your religion - Meivazhi.



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aren,t we all here to pass time?do the writings in all the religious scriptures not rhyme?

the first verse of rigveda is;

agnim ile purohitam

yajnasya devam ritvijam

hotaran ratna detamam.

doesn,t it all end in am.

the last surat of quran is;

qul aoozo berabbinnas

maale kinnas

ila hinnas

min sharril waswasil khannas

allazi yowasweso fi sodoorinns

minalginnate wannas.

i am sure bible and torah also rhyme.

thank you for the condemnation,anti_kalkians.serves me right for opening my mouth.god bless you.

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Hi Inquisitive, i am sorry for not replying immediately. I was bit held up with work.


Definitely, we can prove with facts that Meivazhi LORD is the true kalki. How will you identify if LORD Krishna now comes to the world?? By looks??? Do you expect HIM to come with a peacock feather and a flute??? If anyone is there that way, u will just feel he's come out from drama.

Then what's the way you can identify the true LORD Krishna when HE comes back to the world??


Its by HIS actions. The Meivazhi LORD has enlightened thousands of HIS disciples and made them realise their souls in the same way as done by LORD Krishna to HIS disciple Arjuna during the Mahabaratha war.


"Actions lie louder than words". Hence i invite you to witness and test the authenticity of Meivazhi whenever you feel like. you can mail me at scvid2003@.co.in for further information.

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"you surely deserve to be cheated by your fake kalki" -


I really pity your state of Ignorance who claims everyone to be fake without analysing. Request you to use the sixth sense which GOD has given you to put some analysis before uttering anything.


Go and analyse for yourself whether Kaliyuga has ended or not if you ARE A TRUE SOUL IN SEARCH OF THE LORD KRISHNA's KALKI AVATAR...!!


I have proved (in page 4) with your own holy scriptures (Kalki purana) that Kaliyuga has ended. If you deny it, Prove me that it has not ended giving me facts from the holy scriptures and from some junk websites.

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I have proved (in page 4) with your own holy scriptures (Kalki purana) that Kaliyuga has ended. If you deny it, Prove me that it has not ended giving me facts from the holy scriptures and NOT from some junk websites.


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I really pity your state of Ignorance who claims everyone to be fake without analysing.

..do not worry.. i have analyzed


Request you to use the sixth sense which GOD has given you to put some analysis before uttering anything.

..the other senses are enough... you are cheated by this fake god and guru


I have proved (in page 4) with your own holy scriptures (Kalki purana) that Kaliyuga has ended

..all traditions agree that kaly yuga ends at 428.000 years from now


you are very unfortunate.. and your kalki is very unfortunate because he has followers who are not his friends


they do not help him to get out from his illusion to be a master and god


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I read your message and YOu mentioned The 24th of Dec of 20111 as the end of the Mayan calender. It is actually the 21st of Dec of 2012. I just wanted to get you this information in hopes that it can help you.


Many Blessings. Alden

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..do not worry.. i have analyzed

Can you please share your analysis???


no.. you are not sincerely looking for a true guidance


you are gratified by the false promise made by the cheater guru that you can become easily illuminated and god


if you deliberately mistake the date of the end of kali yuga there's not so much to say to you

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Dear friend dont look for kalki avatar as it is long way off-now the time has come for the man from south to reveal himself,just wait you will be all full of surprises.You will never know what hit you.

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Hi There,


Those who are looking for Kalki,I dont think anyone will be able to find Him unless He himself tells that He is actually the one. And prove/show the powers of a GOD. In this age of science and technology no one will believe any other who claims to be Kalki.


First if you believe that GOD will never lie. The one Kalki from Andhra whom other says that he is Kalki is not , as he says that He is not Kalki . So he is not as If he is he wont lie and if he says he is not and is not lieing then he indeed is not .


Also I read somewhere , Kalki will not be his actual name. And whatever is written on Vedas , are hints and not the actual names.


For answers to all questions check the below given link




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some one told me much earlier with an example in " how to choose a right GOD".

Yes, it is bit difficult now a days how to choose a GOD, apart from already existing old GODs like Siva/ vishnu. Some times I feel, if we follow one living GOD ( or avtar) and all of a sudden one day I realise there is another who is REALLY an avtar! You agree, it is very difficut to switch from one to other.Oh.. it is really difficult to choose.

Does any one having a list of all living GODs in India. preferebly with a choice of preference, for example, who will do most miracles.



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Pt. Sri Ram Sharma Acharya has written a lot on the subject. ( In hindi).

Some of the englsih transations of his books/writings such as " The great moment of Change", "Twenty First Century - The Dawn of The Era Of The Divine Descent On Earth" " Revival of Satyug" can b e downloaded from http://www.awgp.org/english/books/books_english.html


Preface/introduction to some of his extensive books in hindi ( ~ 600 pages full scape each) on the subject can be found at http://www.awgp.org/english/vangamay/vangamay.html

A Breif bio of Sri Ram Sharma Acharya:


Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya---A seer-sage and a visionary of the New Golden Era

His personality was a harmonious blend of a saint, spiritual scientist, yogi, philosopher, psychologist, writer, reformer, freedom fighter, researcher, eminent scholar and visionary. He pioneered the revival of spirituality and creative integration of the modern and ancient sciences and religion relevant in the challenging circumstances of the present times. In 1979, he founded the Brahmavarchas Research Institute, the research center in Haridwar (India) dedicated to the integration of the modern and ancient sciences in a practical way motivated by the noble goal of health and happiness for all. This center houses well equipped laboratories of Haemetology, Biochemistry, Neurophysiology, Cardiology, Phytochemistry, Psychometry, Yagyopathy etc.

At the age of 15, (Jan 18th, 1926) a great Himalayan yogi by the name of Swami Sarveshvaranandji appeared before him in astral body from the flame of the Dipaka (lamp) and guided him throughout his entire life. The next 24 years of his life were devoted to 24 Mahapurashcharanas –each consisting of the rhythmic recitation (japa) of 2.4 million Gayatri Mantra with strictest of disciplines. In 1943, he married Bhagwati Devi, and ever since, the saintly couple dedicatedly pursued the noble mission of spiritual upliftment of humankind.

Realizing the potential of inspiring literature and its relevance in the present era of intellectual evolution, he had chosen writing as the principal mode towards uprooting the evil tendencies and blind faith from people’s minds and arousing the indwelling wisdom, strength and spiritual bliss. He wrote about 3000 enlightening books in Hindi on almost all topics concerning human life. He translated the entire Vedic Vangmaya (4 Vedas, 108 Upanishads, 18 Puranas etc.) in Hindi elucidating the tradition, style, universality and history of Vedic Literature. He also practiced higher-level Sadhana on the arduous heights of Himalayas several times and had established enliven contact with Rishis of Himalayas. During 1984-1986, he carried out the unique spiritual experiment of Sukshmikarana, meaning sublimation of vital force and physical, mental and spiritual energies. He authored a special set of 20 books highlighting the future of the world and conveying the message of the dawn of the New Era of Truth during the 21st Century. On 2nd June 1990, he voluntarily shed his physical sheath.

Translation of some of his books is now available in English online. One can also visit www.awgp.org, www.dsvv.org, www.akhand-jyoti.org or join (gayatri_parivar/ ) to find out more about him and his writings/messages to humanity.


Hope this is useful..


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The Million Dollar Question here is


What are the signs of Kalki Avtar Mentioned in HolyScriptures to Identufy him?


Did any one tried to look into it?

About what guidance is provided in the Holy Scriptures for the people to identify him, when he arrives?


Here is some shlokas i could find from Holy Puransa,

plz read them carefully before u admit any one's claim:




(Kalki Purana - 2:4)

Shambhale Vishnuuyashso Grahe Prdurbhavamyaham



"He (Kalki) will be born in the home of Vishnuyash (in the family of) the Head Priest of Shambhal.



(Kalki Purana - 2:5)

Chaturbhir Bhratribhirdev Karishyami Kalikehayam



‘O’ Deva 1 along with the four companions he will destroy the devil"


(Kalki Purana - 2:7)

Yat Yuyam Bhuvam Devah Swanshavatrane Ratah



"He will be helped in the battle field by the Devatas (angels)"


(Kalki Purana - 2:11)

Sumatyam Vishnuyashsa Garbhma dhatt Vaishnavam



He will be born in the home of Vishnuyash in the womb of Sumati”


(Kalki Purana - 2:15)

Dvadashyam Shiklapakchasya Madhava Masi Madhavam



"He will be born on the 12th day of Shukla Pakch of the month of Madhav (Baisakh)"




(Srimad Bhagvat Maha Puran - 12:2:18)

Shambhalgramm ukhyasya Brahmanasya Mahatmanah; Bhavane Vishnu Yashsah Kalki Pradurbhavishyati



"In those days there will be a great man of good character (in the family of) the chief priest in ‘Shambhal’ village, by the name of Vishnu Yash. Kalki would take birth in his home."


(Srimad Bhagvat Maha Puran - 12:2:19)

Ashva mashugamaruhya Devadattam Jagatpati;

Asin assadhudaman amashtaishvaryaguna nvitah.


"He is the lone hope of all good qualities, the man of Ashtsiddhi (eight divine characteristics). He, the Jagatpati (leader of the world), ride the HORSE named Devadat, (and) will destroy the wicked by his SWORD'.




Putting in POints:


1. His Father Name will be VishnuYash.

2. His Mother Name will be Sumati.


3. He will born in the family of Head of Preist.(Prdurbhavamyaham)


4. He will born in Sambhal Gram.


5. He will born on 12th Baisakh.


7. He will ride Horse.


8. Sword will be His weapon.


10. God will help him in Battle Ground with his Devatas.



Points Revisited:


1. Vishnu Yash: It is the name of one of the attributes of One God (Refer: Rigveda 2:1:3; also R.V. 1:164:46).

Yash in sanskrit means slave. Vishnu Yash means the slave of God.


2. Sumati: ‘Sumati’ or Somvati in sanskrit mean ‘the bearer of peace’.


3. He will born in Sambhal, meaning Village of Peace, which attracts people.


4. 12th day of the Shukla Pakch means the 12th day of the moon, in the months of baisakh.





1. Translate vishnu yash (slave of GOd) in Arabic --- ABDULLAH.


2. Translate Sumati(Bearer of Peace) to Arabic ----- AMINA.


3. 12th day of the Shukla Pakch of the month of Madhav (Baisakh).

4. Family of Head of Preists.(Prdurbhavamyaham)




Call Every thing below just a coincidence if could:



Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him):


Father Name: Abdullah

Mother Name: Amina

Date of Birth: 12th Baisakh of 628 Bakrami.

Place of Birth: Macca,Darussaalam --- the place of peace, attracting people.

Family: Heads of Macca.


Sword was his weapon, and he use to ride Horse.

He was helped by Devatas (angels) several times during battle against devil.

His Four companions, are his well known four Khalifas (Abu bakr, Umar, Usman, Ali).



Last Words:



(Bhavishya Puran 5)


Etasminnantire mlechha Achar Yen samanvitah; MAHAMAD iti

Khyatah Shishyashakhsamanvitah.


"In the mean time a malechha (non-Aryan) Acharya (Spiritual teacher) will appear with the bunch of his disciples. His name will be Mahamad"





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