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Nostradamus wrote in old peotic french. It is so abstract that, it can be interpreted in multiple ways. Wrt to the above prophecy, the number 1654 itself doesn't mean anything. Twin brothers can mean anything, and who is the great leader who has succumbed? The name york is not true either.


In brief, this is a hoax running around for the last two days.




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This is from www.nostradamous-repository.org


Update Sept 13, 2001


It is hard to understand why some people are using such a tragic event to spread more fear using the name of Nostradamus but unfortunately that is the case.


By the way, Nostradamus died in 1566 so anything with "Nostradamus 1654" should give you a clue.


So, for your information, the following variations are also hoaxes attributed to Nostradamus:


The one starting with "New century and 9 months",


The one starting with "9 months and eleven days" or "On eleventh day of 9th month",


The one which mentions "two steel birds",


The one which mixes 2 completely unrelated quatrains of Nostradamus  "From the sky will come a great King of Terror...The sky will burn at forty-five degrees" in order to fit the event.  Also, don't forget that NY is not at 45 degrees but a little south of 41 degrees.


More will be added as encountered...


As for "City of God", see below:


The following quatrain has been circulating the Internet after the WTC bombings.


In the City of God there will be a great thunder,

two brothers torn  apart by chaos,

while the fortress endures, the great leader will sucumb.

The third big war will begin when the big city is burning.


It is NOT by Nostradamus.  This is a HOAX. (The link to a possible source of this hoax has been removed as that page is no longer accessible.)


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Always take these predictions with a pinch of salt. Everytime an event occurs, Nostradamus is interpreted by the publishers to suit the event. In reality, his writings were so abstract that you can't make head or tail out of them. And they are not specific.


I would have had some regard had someone published this even 1 day before the disaster.



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Yes, thank you for telling us about the hoax.

I do remember from the book that he does speak about another big conflict.

Anyone with a book around?


In India, the astrologers'd been telling for years that the big one will be between the Muslims and the rest of the World. I heard the predictions that most of North India will be finish. South India will be relatively safe. They said that 2003 will be especially bad. Srila Prabhupada also said that India will suffer the most.

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Originally posted by amanpeter:

Right! Enough fearful speculation already. Thread closed!



Let's hope this thread is indeed closed. These so-called Nostradamus predictions that have beengoing around this week have been called hoaxes, often leaving an implication that they're new, after-the-disaster interpretations. More plainly put, they are just made up. Even Art Bell, who loves weirdness and conspiracy as well as anyone alive (they are, after all, his livelihood), has made this point clearly. Once more: they're not even misinterpretations; they're just made up.


I'm only 54, but I've long ago lost track of how many ends of the world came and went in that short time.

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You have to be careful with these Nostradamus predictions. I remember an hilarious hoax that popped up a few years back. Back when OJ Simpson was fleeing in his white Bronco, someone put a "quatraine" by Nostradamus predicting this. It was really funny watching people's reactions to this. Everyone was stunned at how "accurate" it was Posted Image



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They are all uniformly bogus. Having had some interest in astrology myself, I was following the various predictions since 1989. First they said, calamities will begin in 1996 and will result in the end of the world by 2000. Nothing happened. Now a new set of guys have come up with a new set of dates.


The funny thing is although people see that the astrologers predictions do not work, they still don't stop seeing them. They want to hear exciting and promising stuff. The astrologer knows exactly what people want to hear and he goes ahead with his con game. People swallow the astrologers talk and make them rich in the process.


It is a case of mutual interdependancy. Both need each other




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Originally posted by shvu:

They are all uniformly bogus. Having had some interest in astrology myself, I was following the various predictions since 1989. First they said, calamities will begin in 1996 and will result in the end of the world by 2000. Nothing happened. Now a new set of guys have come up with a new set of dates.


The funny thing is although people see that the astrologers predictions do not work, they still don't stop seeing them. They want to hear exciting and promising stuff. The astrologer knows exactly what people want to hear and he goes ahead with his con game. People swallow the astrologers talk and make them rich in the process.


It is a case of mutual interdependancy. Both need each other




Right! Enough fearful speculation already. Thread closed!



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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

there was a book published in 1999 that had nostradamus prophacies that had already happened and ones that were still to come. one of them was attacks on new york and two twin brothers collapsing. why would they lie about it then if these attacks haddent happend when they wrote the book?


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It is said in the Bhagavat Purana that almost all, if not all politicians in Kali Yuga are plunderers and theives. As soon as the towers went down, within a week or two, Nostradamus' name was out, whom had no public attention before for his prophecies coming true. So you see, Nostradamus is unauthorized and is surely not mentioned in the Vedas nor has Srila Prabhupada said anything about him. So these plunderers and theives can do something and blame it on the so called prophecy for their own sense gratification.

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