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Who is Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa?

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Hare Krsna /images/graemlins/grin.gif

i do not know much but i am coming to understand that A.C.Bhaktivedanta is this world's guru or Jagat Guru.


How to know this? If you go up to the population of this world and ask them,"Have you ever heard of the Hare Krsna mantra" a majority of them will answer "yes". The Guru in spiritual matters gives the disciple his Mantra. A.C.Bhaktivedanta spread the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra to every town and village (of the world).

He also explained that in this world there are 2 kinds of people....the cheaters and the cheated. The one who accepts A.C.Bhaktivedanta as Jagat Guru is a very small minority of the population. But although the majority does not accept this, still he has given the Maha Mantra to "every town and village"


I work amongst regular people in my rural state in america and when i ask if someone knows the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra they always say yes. And many times they will be able to chant it properly too! Only one soul was able to do this (with the help of His faithfull) and that Soul was A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami or the real Jagat Guru.


Try for your self, ask if the population knows of the Hare Krsna, or if they know of another mantra. The Hare Krsna mantra will win out in the world population.

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Any bonafide spiritual teacher is a jagat guru, it's not a numbers game, how many followers or the like. Even if a teacher inspire just one person to chant/bhakti yoga then he is a bonafide Jagad Guru.

I came upon the Holy Names thru the teaching of Srila Siddha Swarupanada Acharya, so he is a living jagat guru for me.



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Hare Krsna,

All respect to the Gurus of the world.

But i must correct. Jagad Guru means "World Guru". And we all know that the only one who was able to make the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra a "House Hold" name in every "Town and Village" was A.C.Bhaktivedanta. Perhaps some other guru has taught after Him(around the world) but since the "60's" the only one who can hold the literal title of "Guru Of The World" is the one who fulfills the literal meaning of the word Jagad/World Guru. Of course Krsna is the Original Jagad-Guru.


However Prabhupada did say that any guru advocating the teaching of Vasudeva is a Jagad Guru

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For me Srila Prabhupada is the Jagad Guru.

Thanks to His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, we in the West Learn That Lord Sri Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


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Lord Chaitanya was the golden avatar who came down 500 years ago to give special mercy to the people of this age.

The Lord Himself has come in two forms; as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ans as His Holy Names, the greatest of which is the Maha Mantra.


Lord Chaitanya is known as the most magninamous incarnation because He freely delivers love of Krishna, which is the highest goal of life. His mercy surpasses the bounds of mundane distinction of sex, race, caste, and so on. He made equally available to all the sublime process of attaining Krishna.


Lord Chaitanya's process is above religion and spiritually... which is "Sanatan Dharma" (one's eternal position and function). He taught the way to develop love of God in this age or yuga is thru chanting His Holy Names.


Jaya Sri Guru and Sri Guaranga!

Jaya Jaya Lord Jesus Christ...


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@SacredRiver: These are certainly appropriate conclusions for a disciple and a Vaishnava in general. Siddha Svarupa has done a lot of good in spreading the Holy Name to people all over the world and I give him much credit. I have met quite a few of his disciples and I like them. They seem very happy in their service. What more can you ask? Hare Krishna!

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namaste Kulapavana, how are you my friend, hope your in the best of health.

Just want to add that even thought I have no connections with Srila Siddha Swarupananda, still I consider him a teacher, a physical teacher in this world. Im just a lowly person trying to practice a spiritual path. I do agree 100% that Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad is a great Jagad Guru, a maharajana.

And by following his teaching thru his disciple, who is coming from the parampara, then all all the great devotees coming before him are glorified and ultimately back to Krishna himself. Thats how I see this parampara tradition.

For me there is no jealousy in the spiritual world or rivalry, only here in the material dimension.

I pray that I may be worthy in this endeavor.

My well wishes to all.

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as far as my understanding goes for every disciple his spiritual master is his Jagad Guru but using that word or name in a more global translation Srila Prabhupada is Jagad Guru


hare krishna

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  • 2 weeks later...

He is an initiated disciple of A.C. Bhativedanta Swami. He disconnected from the organization of ISKCON after Srila Prabhupada left his body, as ISKCON started the Zonal Acarya fiasco and deviated from the parampara.


He has disciples all over the world. From the Pacific Islands and mainland USA as well as Poland and other Eastern European countries. And many other places I am sure.


If you have a chance to associate with his students or hear him speak, please do.

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S.P. only teaches what his divine grace had taught and only uses his teachings word for word.In my humble view there is no differnce between the two as there should not be.A disciple can never change or interpet sastras as he likes.It has been that way since time immemorial and a true guru would never change that. haribol

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It's not just the literal interpretion for this term, "Teacher for the whole world" since it goes deeper.

Title tells that this person is teaching beyond religion, beyong races and beyond nationality, culture or tradition.

Its not just going around the world to teach and having disciples. True meaning of Jagad Guru is one who's teaching is transcendental, it goes beyond this mundane material world. If interpreted literally, then one falls into the same entrapment as what the so called christians do to the Holy Bible. Jagad Guru is also relative, meaning it is a personal relationship to one's spiritual teacher and not necessarily what most think of who it is.

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i would just like to reply to sacred river stating that he is correct.i was saying that a true guru learns the true meaning and not let maya influence his teachings, my apologies if i was misleading haribol

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I received the grace of knowing Jagat's Work guru in decade of eighty. It would like humble of entering in touch with some of their students, to update me about your current program. I am Brazilian live in Rio de Janeiro and read and corner for some people the lectures that I own of that time. Work with Ayurveda and do university of Physical Education, opening a little for people's conscience the measure of the possible. I have a love very large and admiration by work without of fanaticism concerning about than is the religion true meaning of Chris Butler Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa. I do not get right link the internet, because of this I send my local address.

Brazil, Rio de Janeiro - Niterói - Street Pereira Da Silva, 212/801- Icaraí.Cep.24220-030.Daniel Carvalho Vianna.

thanks. HARIBOL. Sorry, because I can not speak English, and I needed a translation program, OK?


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  • 4 weeks later...

In 1979 by Krsna's causless mercy I was born into the family of two dedicated disiples of His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktividanta Swami Prabhupad, and lovingly raised and taught Krsna conciousness under there guidence in theer own home dissconected with ant temple etc.


However only after hearing and accepting Siddha Swarupanada Paramahamsa as my guide, teacher and spiritual master, have I become a little closer to knowing Krsna, and for that I am forever thankful...


Jaya Jaya Guru Dev!

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Siddhaswarupananda is a disciple of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He has nothing to do with the ISKON movement. This is because he has a Spiritual Master and doesn't need or want the association of a movement where so many offences were caused when Bhaktivedanta Swami left this planet.

He is a bonafide Spiritual Master himself and his only service is Krsna.

Jaya Guru Dev.

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Jaya Jagad Guru Siddha Swarupa Ananda Paramahamsa...


He changes the hearts of his students/disciples

not their appearances.


I was given this grace when I first saw him in the early 80's.


In respect to all devotees and (bonafide) gurus...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Who is Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa?


by Tusta Krishna das


Amongst many thousands of saintly teachers, hardly one perfect teacher or spiritual master is to be found. There are numerous individuals qualified to teach certain aspects of the Absolute Truth, but there are few individuals who are truly conversant in all aspects of spiritual understanding. Those who are serious about realizing and experiencing the Absolute Truth in total as opposed to merely being content or satisfied with a limited or partial spiritual understanding are advised to seek out such a spiritual master and learn from him.

Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa is indeed such a genuine spiritual master. He is a seasoned voyager and knower of the entire spiritual realm, and as such is fully capable of helping qualified aspirants achieve the same level of spiritual perfection.


The literal translation of "Jagad Guru" means "universal teacher," or "teacher of the whole world," as distinct from the teacher of a particular sect, religion, race or nationality. This title was given to him by perceptive students of the Truth, who perceived him to be a master amongst masters, a rare and very special teacher qualified not just to teach the followers of a particular country or religion, but a teacher for all mankind.


His own spiritual quest began at a very early age, and rapidly accelerated. As a youth, Jagad Guru studied in Hawaii under various yoga masters, and quickly achieved brahman realization, or nirva kalpa samadhi. He dedicated himself to helping others achieve this same experience, and, while still in his teens, founded the Haiku School of Nirvana Yoga, which later became known as the Haiku Meditation Center in Haiku, Maui. He soon became well known throughout the Hawaiian Islands and west coast of America as a self-realized yogi and master of the Astanga and kundalini yoga systems.


It was at this time that he came in contact with the great soul who was to become his own spiritual master, Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad. Although he was already a liberated being and knower of God in His impersonal or White Light feature, the teachings of Bhaktivedanta Swami drew him beyond the White Light and into the innermost realm of spiritual truth, beauty and bliss-a realm that even few great yogis are qualified to enter-the realm of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna.


As Jagad Guru implemented these teachings, known as Bhakti yoga (the path of pure devotional service), his following began to grow even more rapidly. Thus, many were stunned when, in 1970, he gave up his large following, along with his Maui ashram and his centers in Honolulu and Sunset Beach, Hawaii, to become an initiated disciple of the World Acharya, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad.


In 1978, Jagad Guru began to accept disciples of his own, and today has a worldwide following of tens of thousands of individuals who attempt to apply his teachings in their daily lives. Jagad Guru is an extremely private person, who shuns the public limelight and media attention that many yoga teachers dream of and strive for. He has no fixed abode, and travels around the world at the invitation of his disciples, staying in various locations sometimes just a few days, and sometimes for several months. Despite his reclusive and private nature, he has become an internationally known lecturer, and speaks to the world through video and audio cassettes recorded by his students.


Because he can present God and religion in a down to earth, scientific and philosophical manner, rather then dogmatically and fanatically, countless people who were previous skeptics now find a genuine spirituality that has real application in their daily lives. While uncompromising in his presentation of the Absolute Truth, Jagad Guru is also a master of innovation, and thus deals with different people in different manners, according to time and circumstance. Sometimes "as soft as a rose" and other times as "strong as a thunderbolt," he is always interested in the well- being of all living entities. And yet his teachings can also have a polarizing effect, because they are simply too direct to allow one to remain comfortably on the sidelines. Pseudo- spiritualists tend to fear, envy, and even despise him, as do most hedonists and overt materialists. On the other hand, sincere, thoughtful, introspective seekers of the Truth and great devotees of the Lord find his teachings extremely profound and life changing.


Jagad Guru's books, booklets and audio and video lectures are available through his students and disciples, or at your nearest Chaitanya Mission Meditation Center.



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