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Who is Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa?

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I have listened to many lectures from Siddhaswarupanada Paramahamsa and I listen to the Mellow Inspirations CD every day. My heart is aching to actually experience a kirtan and association with some of his devotees. I wish to travel to wherever it is that I may begin to taste the sweet nectar of his love and shelter. Could you please tell me if you know of any regularly scheduled kirtans in the Los Angeles area. I would drive there on the weekend from Utah where I live to attend the gathering. My desire is great and this is very important to me. Please help me.

My email is ahna69@ or my phone number is [removed].




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  • 1 month later...
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I had contact with sidda and his folks in the 70's in hawaii. it was nice. now i am simply agnostic. yes , there is no soft illusion to hide under now but I like reality. if i like reality then i like what it brings.

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  • 2 months later...
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hare krishna Kulapavana,

please accept my respectful obeisances.

i think it's a big mistake to compare srila praubhupada with jagad guru. i read some books from jagad guru, and He is a highly qualified spiritual master! it is a vaisnava-aparadha to compare gurus! the guru is ONE! krishna Himself is "adi-guru" the original spiritual master! all other spiritual masters are expansions of krishnas grace. tools, used by krishna for spreading krishna. you can't set one master higher and the other lower. krishna sent many gurus to many places! every of that gurus had His own very individual and special mission, because they are individual living entitys. so...how can you say srila prabhupada is more than jagad guru??? this is a material comparison! the bonafide guru is always on a transcendental platform and can't be understand by speculations like yours. we have material eyes and can't look inside of such divine persons and that means that we don't have the permission judge about others. this is krishnas job, because He alone is god...

i remain your servant

bhismadeva dasa


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so this guy is self-effulgent like prabhupada?


otherwise how can he be jagad-guru?


why did he leave iskcon?


what offences did iskcon commit to prabhupada?


does he claim to be successor to prabhupada?


thanks in advance for answers,



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so this guy is self-effulgent like prabhupada?


every pure and authentic guru is self effulgent


otherwise how can he be jagad-guru?


evry pure and authentic guru is guru of the world


why did he leave iskcon?


iskcon means to follow srila prabhupada


what offences did iskcon commit to prabhupada?


very long debate..


does he claim to be successor to prabhupada?


every pure guru is acharya's successor


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Hare Krishna,


>>so this guy is self-effulgent like prabhupada?

>>every pure and authentic guru is self effulgent

>>otherwise how can he be jagad-guru?


evry pure and authentic guru is guru of the world

everybody who spreads srila prabhupadas message is automatically self effulgent. everybody who follows the way of prabhupada, the way of pure devotion to krishna becomes his own special effulgence. how can we compare the effulgence of srila prabhupada and the effulgence of siddhasvarupananada?? they are two individual persons with two individual effulgences and we have to accept both of them, without making a "competition" and comparing who is better and who's not. this is not the proper way to understand spiritual masters. at last...it is ONLY YOUR decision which spiritual master you want to accept. the relationship between the guru and His disciple is a very deep and seriously connection. the choice of a guru depends on Your feeling in your heart (heart-connection). you have to hear what your heart is telling you about this guru (supersoul also tells you informations in your heart). first we have to find out: from where a spiritual master correlates His knownledge, His bhakti, His realisation, His genuine sampradaya etc. and then we have to ask our heart...the answer will come! srila prabhupada did many many great things, and His discilpes today continue His mission. srila prabhupada initiates many disciples and gave some of them permission to initiate new disciples...they become initiating gurus. otherwise prabhupadas mission could not be continued without new gurus. siddhasvarupananda is one of many authorized gurus in this world. we can't compare prabhupada with other gurus. srila prabhupada has His own very special mission and siddhasvarupananda has also His own special mission which not tergiversates to prabhupadas mission. they complementing together. everybody who can give us krishna can be recognised as "jagad-guru"


>>why did he leave iskcon?


i don't know, if He is leaving iskcon. but i know that many devotees leaving iskcon. in the past inside iskcon happen really bad things which are NOT COMPATIBLY for a person who sincere wants to follow srila prabhupada or the path of bhakti-yoga. that is the reason why many devotees leave the organisation and parallel found their own institution on the basement of srila prabhupada. this is a proper way, srila prabhupada wants that everybody becomes a good represent of god/krishna and spread this mission without a deviation from the original message. i know many devotees who leaved iskcon and but they are following srila prabhupada. we have to follow srila prabhupadas message, not following iskcon. iskcon is a very helpful institution in wich we can learn to become a vaisnava. iskcon is the house of prabhupada. i we wish, we can live in our spiritual masters (prabhupadas) house or we can go out and spread and following His message outside iskcon or we can go into another from krishnas houses. of course, it is easier inside a spiritual family to evolve krishna-consciousness. that is one of the reasons for many spiritual organisations like iskcon etc.


>>iskcon means to follow srila prabhupada


NO! to follow srila prabhupada means, to follow His holy message! iskcon is an institution which makes it easier to practice krishna-consciousness. iskcon and similar genuine institutions are very important! they do a great job! bringing souls to krishna and more...


>>what offences did iskcon commit to prabhupada?

>>very long debate..


i don't know so much about this. yes, i think you're right...could be a very long debate...it's better to not making politics. we can use our limited time better...


>>does he claim to be successor to prabhupada?


everybody who is a true and sincere follower of prabhupada is automatically a represent and successor. there are many successors...one is known and another is better known or famous. this is insignificiant.


>>every pure guru is acharya's successor




i remain your servant

bhismadeva dasa

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>>iskcon means to follow srila prabhupada

NO! to follow srila prabhupada means, to follow His holy message!



this is exactly what i wanted to say

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i agree previous guy,


follow iskcon to follow prabhupada, because why else did prabhupada set up gbc?


if he wanted everyone to do their own thing outside iskcon, he wouldn't have bothered with gbc...


history repeating itself, the same thing happened with prabhupada's godbrothers when they failed to set up gbc together with prabhupada after exit pastime of Bhaktisiddantha Saraswati...


sticking with iskcon may not seem necessary now, but future will accurately reveal how the ones outside iskcon will eventually end up abusing their independence by NOT following Prabhupada...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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Jagad Guru known as "Chris Butler", right? I had read his booklet "Who Control Your Mind", I found it in my mom's room. Now, I would like to know if he still exist this days?

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I was expecting a response from one of the Jagaad Guru's students or diciples.I wanted to know if Chris Butler is still exist this days. Am really in need of information. will anyone answer my curiosity. I love his wisdom.




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if your in the Philippines then you should'nt have a problem, Jagad Guru has the biggest followers of all Vaisnahva missions in the islands. Along with Poland, Australia a lot more countries, this great teacher has many followers be it initiated disciples or student followers.

Follow the link above and get the tel no. for one nearest you.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Siddhasvarupananda is a disciple of Srila Prabhupada who had other ideas about how to present Krishna Consciousness in the west. He loved Prabhupada dearly but could not relate to the evangelical presentation he saw. After much trouble, Srila Prabhupada gave his blessings for Siddhasvarupananda to go independant and teach Krishna Consciousness. So despite his inability to cooperate with ISKCON, he was blessed by Prabhupada, which is what we see in his success today. He has been subject to many pains due to his seperation and is still going strong. As a glorification his disciples from all over the world call him Jagad Guru (World guru). He does have disciples in many places and their love for him shows there. There is no limit to how much one can glorify the guru. This is their subjective experience.


I am not a disciple of his, although I respect him for his work. I have met his disciples and they are very kind and sincere. We should honor each other's faith and pay all respects. I feel we should be generous in our dealings with each other.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Jagad Guru or Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa is a sincer disciple of Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad .

While uncompromising in his presentation of the Absolute Truth, he is also a master of innovation, and thus deals with different people in different manners, according to time and circumstance. Sometimes "as soft as a rose" and other times as "strong as a thunderbolt,"

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In every birth I take I desire to remember and follow Siddha Swarupanada Paramahamsa, as he is a true bonified disiple of my grandfather Spiritual master A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad, and therefore he is a true Bonified Spiritual Master and Jagat Guru,

Without Him my life would be a desert, and my heart would be a cold black stone,By his causless mercy He has brought the Oasi of Sweet Krsna into my desert like heart ,for that I am forever inndebted to him....

Jaya Siddha Swarupanada Paramahamsa

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  • 3 weeks later...

Haribol. Siddha initially gave me the impetus to become a devotee, and it is because of siddhas teachings that I became a disciple of Srila Prabhupada.


As far as those who may think that he is teaching differently that Srila Prabhupada, to this day, I have never seen any deviation whatsoever.


My favorite work of Jagat Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa is his rendition of Sri Isopanisad, titled "Eighteen Pearls of Ancient Vedic Wisdom". I have had super positive comments about this book even from ISKCON gurus, GBC members, etc. The bygone days where faults are laid unto this favored disciple of Srila Prabhupada are long gone. Even the one temple president who insisted to Srila Prabhupada that siddha was not bonafide (wherein Srila Prabhupada promptly chided his foolishness) has recently and publically regretted his ill behavior toward Siddha. Srila Prabhupada ordered the GBC to give this dynamic preacher of Lord Chaitanyas samkirtana movement, full facility.


I offer my humble obiesancies to the one godbrother, who above all others, is responsible for any krsna consciousness I amy have stumbled onto since I met him in 1972. Previous to this, I met his former disciples (Note: Siddha was a guru prior to meeting Srila Prabhupada, and when he surrendered to Srila Prabhupada, he also properly instructed all his disciples (approx 50, to my knowledge) to do the same, and many became quite prominant in ISKCON society before the first GBC wars).


As guru is Lord Nityananda and whomever he empowers to bring Krsna to the worlds sleeping souls, I honor Siddha as full guru, without offense to Srila Prabhupada in the slightest degree. Without Siddha, I would have never been fortunate to understand anything about krsna.,


Hare Krsna, ys in cooperation, mahaksadasa

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It's true that as a disciple of Prabhupada he must be a great soul, but to declare oneself the next jagad-guru is what bothers me...Prabhupada will always be jagad-guru...

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Declared themselves "Jagad Guru". This is what the disciples of a spiritual master proclaim, the real master considers him (her) self to be a menial servant with no qualifications whatsoever.


The greatness of such devotees is that they are fearless in executing the service Krsna Provides for them. If Krsna decides that a devotee should be isolated and not have disciples, living as avadhuta, then such devotee, like Srila Gaura Kisora das babaji, will do just that. However, if Krsna decides to use an unalloyed servant to spread his glories to every town and village, then the devotee will fearlessly execute such direction.


In other words, our movement is not one of ascended masters, heaping all types of titles other that dasa. Our movement is one of selfless and unalloyed service.


Perhaps a discussion of bhajananandi and gosthyanandi would clarify. Teachers are all gosthyanandis, taking all kinds of risks, including the risk of having contemporaries criticize their every move, in order to spread the Holy Names of God to every town and village. The Bhajananandis are those who do not preach, simply chant, serve the deity, etc. Both are pure devotees, one is not better than another, however, as bhagavad gita confirms, the preacher who give his life to spread Krsna Consciousness is very dear to the Supreme Lord.


And what is the problem with more than one jagad guru? Is Narada Muni dead? Is Vyasadeva dead? Lord Brahma? Can there only be one jagad guru forever? This is a bogus idea, similar to the perversion of Christianity two thousand years ago, when the councils decided to make Jesus the Supreme Father, thereby nullifying both the Father and the son, destroying all concept of RASA (Transcendental, personal relationship between the living being and the Supreme Lord).


Every one of Srila Prabhupada's disciples are empowered to be jagad guru, but the key is not to ascend to such a position. Jagad Guru is the most humble, most magnanamous, servant of the servant of the Supreme Lord. In fact, Srila Prabhupada was so magnanamous that he truely considered himself the servant of his own disciples. This is "ACARYA", one who teaches by example.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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thank u for that clarification...as long as he himself doesn't claim to be jagad-guru...


also, if he is giving siksa within iskcon, only then is he following prabhupada...

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Srila Prabhupada, when he visited honolulu ISKCON, always sent an emissary to the outer island where his disciples lived outside of ISKCON. He was well aware of the impossibility for Siddha to operate there. In fact, many disciples of His did not affiliate with ISKCON, yet we still his faithful disciples.


There is nothing in Srila Prabhupadas teachings that make such a statement that siksa can only be attained within ISKCON. mahaksadasa

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