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hi everybody


my age is 26 years n m a btech (IT) degree holder. i got my degree in 2006. after struggling a lot or i shud say after taking a lot a wrong decisions i manages to get one job of 10000/month. but i had to leave that job in feb of this year and after that m still unemployed.


i asked a very good jyotishies about this one said i'll get the job soon and i was taking all wrong decisions because of ketu dasha and he said i'll be having a lot of money. i asked all these things about 5 months back n still m unemployed.


one day my friend took me to one more jyotishi and he prepared my kundli and said i have shani dasha and my chandra is also affecting me and because of all this m not getting jobs and not settled any where.

but he said one thing saim that m having a lot of money.


but unfortunately m living in credits i don have even a single penny of myself whtever i had i have spent that on my health or i spent that foolishly.


now m totally confused they sain m having a lot of money in ma life but m having nothin with me even i have passed ma degree 4 years back. both said i should have been in very strong position but m in weakest position. where ever i go my relations move apart m unable to handle nay thing and totally confused about my career.


coud any body tel lwhat it could be actually and i feel i should not believe jyotish. don know what to do

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't believe in any astrologer. For some, being a lakhpati is great and for some it's nothing, they think being crorepati is real rich. So alot of money could be anything. For career.. most of the people don't know what they want to do for really long after they start working. It's quite normal, do something for living at the same time..think what you want to do which will make you happy, peaceful and rich if you are interested in being rich.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Dont worry. Have complete faith in Divine Mother Lalitha.


Repeat the Lalitha naama Mahaa Chadhur Shasti Kodi Yogini Gana Sevithaa always. This naama comes in Laltiha Sahasranamam. One who chants this naama always becomes eligible for Sri Vidhya Upasana in future and also this one naama alone adores all Shakthi Yoginis. Your life will change to best course and prosperity and all your wishes will be granted by Divine Mother.


If you are interested in more devi worship please write to



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  • 4 weeks later...


Namaste Guruji,


Plz forward me more Devi Worship for my business, Gud Family life.

Now a days m sufuring from money problem n want 2 cum out from this and want to start my hotel business so plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me.




Devi worship starts with constant japa of a chosen name of devi


japa of any name will invoke that person.....for example if you constantly chant agni then Agni deva will definitely be aware of it


so I will guide on choosign a name and form of a devi but after choosign the naem you have to stick to it.....


all the best...you may call me at zero seven two five nine two nine nine five eight seven

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