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High Doses of IV Vitamin C Fight Cancer

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Hi All,


High Doses of IV Vitamin C Fight Cancer But will success in the lab

translate to humans? By Kathleen Doheny, HealthDay Reporter,

MONDAY, Sept. 12 (HealthDay News)


High doses of vitamin C administered intravenously can fight cancer --

at least in the laboratory, researchers report. They took another look at

the vitamin years after studies first suggested in the 1970s that high

doses of ascorbate or vitamin C may help fight cancer. In the wake of

those studies, additional studies using the same high doses found no

benefit, although some of them used only oral vitamin C, not

intravenous doses of the vitamin. For more detail, see:









Best regards,



Tel: (H): +353-(0) or (M): +353-(0)






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" Man who says it can't be done should not interrupt man doing it " -

Chinese Proverb




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Phil et al.,

A medical doctor in Arizona who practices holistic medicine recently lost his

wife to breast cancer. He was apparently convinced that IV vitamin C alone would

do the trick and save her. It did not. Even Dr. Matthias Rath, Linus Pauling's

protege and an ardent proponent of IV vitamin C for cancer and heart disease,

with lots of clinical research to back up his statements, says that treating

real people with cancer is quite more complex than just dosing with lots of

vitamin C. Sorry, folks, life is just not that simple. But IV vitamin C is

taking its place as a recognized and necessary component of

alternative/integrative cancer therapy.


I have recently joined the practice of an integrative medical center focusing on

treating cancer. What I have learned are the most common treatments going in the

most successful clinics in the holistic medical cancer treatment world are, in

no particular order: homotoxicological homeopathy--both oral and IV, certain

herbal extract supplements (including extracts of greater celandine and Venus

flytrap), IV vitamins and minerals, various forms of hyperthermia, high-dose

enzyme therapy, acupuncture and related modalities, and insulin-potentiated

low-dose high-frequency chemotherapy. Along with that come the lifestyle and

dietary recommendations such as frequent saunas, semi-vegetarian diet,

nutritional supplements of a bewildering variety, exercise/yoga/qigong/taichi,

meditation, psychoemotional work and so on. Miki Shima apparently treats cancer

in his clinic with a mixture of Chinese herbal formulas, acupuncture,

homotoxicological homeopathy, and homeopathically induced hyperthermia,

and I believe he works with a holistically-oriented medical doctor on these



Hyperthermia in this sense is the inducing of systemic fever to kick the immune

system into high gear in order to get the TH-1 level tumor necrosis factors and

other such immune system badasses to get off their butts and go to work on the

cancer. The body in its wisdom creates fevers to deal with germs and such

because the immune system works best when the body temperature is approaching

105 degrees. The longer the fever lasts, the more the cancers shrink.


One more section to this email, and then I shut up: I commend to those who have

never heard of him one Dr. Tsuneo Kobayashi of Tokyo. His patient population is

almost entirely cancer patients who have had it once, been treated apparently

successfully by mainstream medicine, but the cancer returned and now they're in

terrible shape and desperate. As you will understand, the cancer process was not

treated, just the symptoms (the tumor/s and such). Dr. Kobayashi understands the

cancer process as well as or better than anyone, and his success rate in

reversing cancer in these patients is an astounding 70 percent. His basic

understanding is that the tissues that become cancerous are the most toxic and

irritated in the body, and the weakest. The cellular regeneration process that

normally proceeds fairly smoothly all the time in which undifferentiated stem

cells mature (grow up), differentiate into the various tissues (get a job),

reproduce (have kids) and then die goes haywire under the

relentless pressure of chronic toxic burden. In cancer, stem cells stop

maturing at a juvenile stage, stop differentiating, and start

eating/destroying/looting everything in sight. Like teenage gang members totally

pissed at the toxic society around them.


Dr. Kobayashi mixes brilliant understanding of modern medicine with Chinese

medicine treatments and concepts, including his recent innovation of

hyperthermia via heating selected acupuncture points--based on Ryodoraku

readings--to balance the autonomic nervous system. He says any system with a

balanced ANS cannot drop into cancer. He uses moxa a lot, too. And by the way,

he also says that cancer grows five times faster at night. Which tells me how

much cancer has to do with the blood. His philosophy and that of the best of the

new cancer doctors is not so much to kill the cancer but to rehabilitate the

tissue and return it to normal by detoxing and strengthening--essentially a kind

of medical tough love. And whaddaya know, it works, better than any other

method. Hallelujah. Those terrifying cancer cells are really bullies, and like

all bullies, when confronted with fearlessness and honesty, they cave in. They

may be strong in appetite, but they're weak in character.


I'm still working on my place in the scheme of things at my new office, but I am

here to say that the days of Chinese medicine being at best a mere adjunct to

modern medicine in the treatment of life-threatening illness, at least in the

West, are ending. I respectfully suggest you consider the possibility that the

medicine we hold in our hands and hearts, when used judiciously and in proper

context, without ego on our parts, may be more potent, effective and necessary

than even we ever imagined. Anyway, I shut up now. Later.

Joseph Garner, LAc

< wrote:

Hi All,


High Doses of IV Vitamin C Fight Cancer But will success in the lab

translate to humans? By Kathleen Doheny, HealthDay Reporter,

MONDAY, Sept. 12 (HealthDay News)


High doses of vitamin C administered intravenously can fight cancer --

at least in the laboratory, researchers report. They took another look at

the vitamin years after studies first suggested in the 1970s that high

doses of ascorbate or vitamin C may help fight cancer. In the wake of

those studies, additional studies using the same high doses found no

benefit, although some of them used only oral vitamin C, not

intravenous doses of the vitamin. For more detail, see:









Best regards,



Tel: (H): +353-(0) or (M): +353-(0)






Tel: (W): +353-(0) or (M): +353-(0)




" Man who says it can't be done should not interrupt man doing it " -

Chinese Proverb




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I like your email and congrats on your new practice op. I sometimes think

that our society tends to only look at the treatment or technique but not

really understanding of the theory behind it. To this I would add that we

need to understand the environment and how to help change it back to a

positive place. Beachamp, Enderlein and others found that this area was

lacking in the theory of treatment. Until we include this we tend to be

shooting in the dark.



Mike W. Bowser, L Ac






>Joseph Garner <jhgarner_1



>Re: High Doses of IV Vitamin C Fight Cancer

>Sat, 24 Sep 2005 22:28:32 -0700 (PDT)


>Phil et al.,

>A medical doctor in Arizona who practices holistic medicine recently lost

>his wife to breast cancer. He was apparently convinced that IV vitamin C

>alone would do the trick and save her. It did not. Even Dr. Matthias Rath,

>Linus Pauling's protege and an ardent proponent of IV vitamin C for cancer

>and heart disease, with lots of clinical research to back up his

>statements, says that treating real people with cancer is quite more

>complex than just dosing with lots of vitamin C. Sorry, folks, life is just

>not that simple. But IV vitamin C is taking its place as a recognized and

>necessary component of alternative/integrative cancer therapy.


>I have recently joined the practice of an integrative medical center

>focusing on treating cancer. What I have learned are the most common

>treatments going in the most successful clinics in the holistic medical

>cancer treatment world are, in no particular order: homotoxicological

>homeopathy--both oral and IV, certain herbal extract supplements (including

>extracts of greater celandine and Venus flytrap), IV vitamins and minerals,

>various forms of hyperthermia, high-dose enzyme therapy, acupuncture and

>related modalities, and insulin-potentiated low-dose high-frequency

>chemotherapy. Along with that come the lifestyle and dietary

>recommendations such as frequent saunas, semi-vegetarian diet, nutritional

>supplements of a bewildering variety, exercise/yoga/qigong/taichi,

>meditation, psychoemotional work and so on. Miki Shima apparently treats

>cancer in his clinic with a mixture of Chinese herbal formulas,

>acupuncture, homotoxicological homeopathy, and homeopathically induced


> and I believe he works with a holistically-oriented medical doctor on

>these patients.


>Hyperthermia in this sense is the inducing of systemic fever to kick the

>immune system into high gear in order to get the TH-1 level tumor necrosis

>factors and other such immune system badasses to get off their butts and go

>to work on the cancer. The body in its wisdom creates fevers to deal with

>germs and such because the immune system works best when the body

>temperature is approaching 105 degrees. The longer the fever lasts, the

>more the cancers shrink.


>One more section to this email, and then I shut up: I commend to those who

>have never heard of him one Dr. Tsuneo Kobayashi of Tokyo. His patient

>population is almost entirely cancer patients who have had it once, been

>treated apparently successfully by mainstream medicine, but the cancer

>returned and now they're in terrible shape and desperate. As you will

>understand, the cancer process was not treated, just the symptoms (the

>tumor/s and such). Dr. Kobayashi understands the cancer process as well as

>or better than anyone, and his success rate in reversing cancer in these

>patients is an astounding 70 percent. His basic understanding is that the

>tissues that become cancerous are the most toxic and irritated in the body,

>and the weakest. The cellular regeneration process that normally proceeds

>fairly smoothly all the time in which undifferentiated stem cells mature

>(grow up), differentiate into the various tissues (get a job), reproduce

>(have kids) and then die goes haywire under the

> relentless pressure of chronic toxic burden. In cancer, stem cells stop

>maturing at a juvenile stage, stop differentiating, and start

>eating/destroying/looting everything in sight. Like teenage gang members

>totally pissed at the toxic society around them.


>Dr. Kobayashi mixes brilliant understanding of modern medicine with Chinese

>medicine treatments and concepts, including his recent innovation of

>hyperthermia via heating selected acupuncture points--based on Ryodoraku

>readings--to balance the autonomic nervous system. He says any system with

>a balanced ANS cannot drop into cancer. He uses moxa a lot, too. And by the

>way, he also says that cancer grows five times faster at night. Which tells

>me how much cancer has to do with the blood. His philosophy and that of the

>best of the new cancer doctors is not so much to kill the cancer but to

>rehabilitate the tissue and return it to normal by detoxing and

>strengthening--essentially a kind of medical tough love. And whaddaya know,

>it works, better than any other method. Hallelujah. Those terrifying cancer

>cells are really bullies, and like all bullies, when confronted with

>fearlessness and honesty, they cave in. They may be strong in appetite, but

>they're weak in character.


>I'm still working on my place in the scheme of things at my new office, but

>I am here to say that the days of Chinese medicine being at best a mere

>adjunct to modern medicine in the treatment of life-threatening illness, at

>least in the West, are ending. I respectfully suggest you consider the

>possibility that the medicine we hold in our hands and hearts, when used

>judiciously and in proper context, without ego on our parts, may be more

>potent, effective and necessary than even we ever imagined. Anyway, I shut

>up now. Later.

>Joseph Garner, LAc

> < wrote:

>Hi All,


>High Doses of IV Vitamin C Fight Cancer But will success in the lab

>translate to humans? By Kathleen Doheny, HealthDay Reporter,

>MONDAY, Sept. 12 (HealthDay News)


>High doses of vitamin C administered intravenously can fight cancer --

>at least in the laboratory, researchers report. They took another look at

>the vitamin years after studies first suggested in the 1970s that high

>doses of ascorbate or vitamin C may help fight cancer. In the wake of

>those studies, additional studies using the same high doses found no

>benefit, although some of them used only oral vitamin C, not

>intravenous doses of the vitamin. For more detail, see:









>Best regards,



>Tel: (H): +353-(0) or (M): +353-(0)






>Tel: (W): +353-(0) or (M): +353-(0)




> " Man who says it can't be done should not interrupt man doing it " -

>Chinese Proverb




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I couldn't agree more. Right on target.



On Sep 25, 2005, at 7:46 AM, mike Bowser wrote:


> Joseph,


> I like your email and congrats on your new practice op. I

> sometimes think

> that our society tends to only look at the treatment or technique

> but not

> really understanding of the theory behind it. To this I would add

> that we

> need to understand the environment and how to help change it back to a

> positive place. Beachamp, Enderlein and others found that this

> area was

> lacking in the theory of treatment. Until we include this we tend

> to be

> shooting in the dark.



> Mike W. Bowser, L Ac







>> Joseph Garner <jhgarner_1



>> Re: High Doses of IV Vitamin C Fight Cancer

>> Sat, 24 Sep 2005 22:28:32 -0700 (PDT)


>> Phil et al.,

>> A medical doctor in Arizona who practices holistic medicine

>> recently lost

>> his wife to breast cancer. He was apparently convinced that IV

>> vitamin C

>> alone would do the trick and save her. It did not. Even Dr.

>> Matthias Rath,

>> Linus Pauling's protege and an ardent proponent of IV vitamin C

>> for cancer

>> and heart disease, with lots of clinical research to back up his

>> statements, says that treating real people with cancer is quite more

>> complex than just dosing with lots of vitamin C. Sorry, folks,

>> life is just

>> not that simple. But IV vitamin C is taking its place as a

>> recognized and

>> necessary component of alternative/integrative cancer therapy.


>> I have recently joined the practice of an integrative medical center

>> focusing on treating cancer. What I have learned are the most common

>> treatments going in the most successful clinics in the holistic

>> medical

>> cancer treatment world are, in no particular order: homotoxicological

>> homeopathy--both oral and IV, certain herbal extract supplements

>> (including

>> extracts of greater celandine and Venus flytrap), IV vitamins and

>> minerals,

>> various forms of hyperthermia, high-dose enzyme therapy,

>> acupuncture and

>> related modalities, and insulin-potentiated low-dose high-frequency

>> chemotherapy. Along with that come the lifestyle and dietary

>> recommendations such as frequent saunas, semi-vegetarian diet,

>> nutritional

>> supplements of a bewildering variety, exercise/yoga/qigong/taichi,

>> meditation, psychoemotional work and so on. Miki Shima apparently

>> treats

>> cancer in his clinic with a mixture of Chinese herbal formulas,

>> acupuncture, homotoxicological homeopathy, and homeopathically

>> induced

>> hyperthermia,

>> and I believe he works with a holistically-oriented medical

>> doctor on

>> these patients.


>> Hyperthermia in this sense is the inducing of systemic fever to

>> kick the

>> immune system into high gear in order to get the TH-1 level tumor

>> necrosis

>> factors and other such immune system badasses to get off their

>> butts and go

>> to work on the cancer. The body in its wisdom creates fevers to

>> deal with

>> germs and such because the immune system works best when the body

>> temperature is approaching 105 degrees. The longer the fever

>> lasts, the

>> more the cancers shrink.


>> One more section to this email, and then I shut up: I commend to

>> those who

>> have never heard of him one Dr. Tsuneo Kobayashi of Tokyo. His

>> patient

>> population is almost entirely cancer patients who have had it

>> once, been

>> treated apparently successfully by mainstream medicine, but the

>> cancer

>> returned and now they're in terrible shape and desperate. As you will

>> understand, the cancer process was not treated, just the symptoms

>> (the

>> tumor/s and such). Dr. Kobayashi understands the cancer process as

>> well as

>> or better than anyone, and his success rate in reversing cancer in

>> these

>> patients is an astounding 70 percent. His basic understanding is

>> that the

>> tissues that become cancerous are the most toxic and irritated in

>> the body,

>> and the weakest. The cellular regeneration process that normally

>> proceeds

>> fairly smoothly all the time in which undifferentiated stem cells

>> mature

>> (grow up), differentiate into the various tissues (get a job),

>> reproduce

>> (have kids) and then die goes haywire under the

>> relentless pressure of chronic toxic burden. In cancer, stem

>> cells stop

>> maturing at a juvenile stage, stop differentiating, and start

>> eating/destroying/looting everything in sight. Like teenage gang

>> members

>> totally pissed at the toxic society around them.


>> Dr. Kobayashi mixes brilliant understanding of modern medicine

>> with Chinese

>> medicine treatments and concepts, including his recent innovation of

>> hyperthermia via heating selected acupuncture points--based on

>> Ryodoraku

>> readings--to balance the autonomic nervous system. He says any

>> system with

>> a balanced ANS cannot drop into cancer. He uses moxa a lot, too.

>> And by the

>> way, he also says that cancer grows five times faster at night.

>> Which tells

>> me how much cancer has to do with the blood. His philosophy and

>> that of the

>> best of the new cancer doctors is not so much to kill the cancer

>> but to

>> rehabilitate the tissue and return it to normal by detoxing and

>> strengthening--essentially a kind of medical tough love. And

>> whaddaya know,

>> it works, better than any other method. Hallelujah. Those

>> terrifying cancer

>> cells are really bullies, and like all bullies, when confronted with

>> fearlessness and honesty, they cave in. They may be strong in

>> appetite, but

>> they're weak in character.


>> I'm still working on my place in the scheme of things at my new

>> office, but

>> I am here to say that the days of Chinese medicine being at best a

>> mere

>> adjunct to modern medicine in the treatment of life-threatening

>> illness, at

>> least in the West, are ending. I respectfully suggest you consider

>> the

>> possibility that the medicine we hold in our hands and hearts,

>> when used

>> judiciously and in proper context, without ego on our parts, may

>> be more

>> potent, effective and necessary than even we ever imagined.

>> Anyway, I shut

>> up now. Later.

>> Joseph Garner, LAc

>> < wrote:

>> Hi All,


>> High Doses of IV Vitamin C Fight Cancer But will success in the lab

>> translate to humans? By Kathleen Doheny, HealthDay Reporter,

>> MONDAY, Sept. 12 (HealthDay News)


>> High doses of vitamin C administered intravenously can fight

>> cancer --

>> at least in the laboratory, researchers report. They took another

>> look at

>> the vitamin years after studies first suggested in the 1970s that

>> high

>> doses of ascorbate or vitamin C may help fight cancer. In the wake of

>> those studies, additional studies using the same high doses found no

>> benefit, although some of them used only oral vitamin C, not

>> intravenous doses of the vitamin. For more detail, see:

>> http://www.healthcentral.com/newsdetail/408/527931.html








>> Best regards,



>> Tel: (H): +353-(0) or (M): +353-(0)





>> Ireland.

>> Tel: (W): +353-(0) or (M): +353-(0)




>> " Man who says it can't be done should not interrupt man doing it " -

>> Chinese Proverb




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You are of course completely correct. I agree with Peter Holmes in his

Energetics of Western Herbs that the East/West/Ancient/Modern paradigms need to

be fully integrated for us to have a truly coherent medical practice, and I also

agree with his stance that the dominant paradigm needs to be the

holistic/energetic/pattern diagnosis-type paradigm, not the " modern science "

one. First one must see the forest, then the individual trees can be

comprehended. It's important to have individual-tree experts to rely on, but

somebody has to have the " vision thing, " and ideally they--or at least their way

of thinking--should be in charge. As things stand, with few exceptions, even the

most experienced of holistic medical doctors are really individual-tree experts

first and forest experts second.


When it comes to holistic cancer treatment, there are only two medical doctors I

see as really " getting it. " Dr. Kobayashi is one, and the other is an MD in

Connecticut named Jarir Nakouzi.

Dr. Nakouzi is a Europe-trained oncologist with a long background in homeopathy

and homotoxicology, and a peculiarly clear mind. This clarity and beginner's

mindedness is something both doctors share. Dr. Nakouzi bases his whole

diagnostic methodology on EAV readings using equipment from the Kindling company

of Germany. Dr. Kobayashi uses ryodoraku and assessments based on his Tumor

Marker Combination Assay--his own invention--which is the most precise and

telling cancer screening test in the world. Our office is working on bringing

Dr. Kobayashi to America, which he apparently wants to do. At least we could

have his test available here then.


Dr. Nakouzi and Dr. Kobayashi share the philosophy of not going after tumors as

the main focus of cancer treatment. They go after balancing what we would call

excesses and deficiencies in a sustained and thoroughly deep fashion, and most

of the time the patients' own bodies restore the cancerous tissue to normal. By

the way, I work at what is called Integrative Medical Healing Center in

Scottsdale, Arizona, the office of Frank George, DO, MD(H) and Sean Devlin, DO,

MD(H). I'm hoping to make it even more holistic than it presently is.


mike Bowser <naturaldoc1 wrote:



I like your email and congrats on your new practice op. I sometimes think

that our society tends to only look at the treatment or technique but not

really understanding of the theory behind it. To this I would add that we

need to understand the environment and how to help change it back to a

positive place. Beachamp, Enderlein and others found that this area was

lacking in the theory of treatment. Until we include this we tend to be

shooting in the dark.



Mike W. Bowser, L Ac






>Joseph Garner <jhgarner_1



>Re: High Doses of IV Vitamin C Fight Cancer

>Sat, 24 Sep 2005 22:28:32 -0700 (PDT)


>Phil et al.,

>A medical doctor in Arizona who practices holistic medicine recently lost

>his wife to breast cancer. He was apparently convinced that IV vitamin C

>alone would do the trick and save her. It did not. Even Dr. Matthias Rath,

>Linus Pauling's protege and an ardent proponent of IV vitamin C for cancer

>and heart disease, with lots of clinical research to back up his

>statements, says that treating real people with cancer is quite more

>complex than just dosing with lots of vitamin C. Sorry, folks, life is just

>not that simple. But IV vitamin C is taking its place as a recognized and

>necessary component of alternative/integrative cancer therapy.


>I have recently joined the practice of an integrative medical center

>focusing on treating cancer. What I have learned are the most common

>treatments going in the most successful clinics in the holistic medical

>cancer treatment world are, in no particular order: homotoxicological

>homeopathy--both oral and IV, certain herbal extract supplements (including

>extracts of greater celandine and Venus flytrap), IV vitamins and minerals,

>various forms of hyperthermia, high-dose enzyme therapy, acupuncture and

>related modalities, and insulin-potentiated low-dose high-frequency

>chemotherapy. Along with that come the lifestyle and dietary

>recommendations such as frequent saunas, semi-vegetarian diet, nutritional

>supplements of a bewildering variety, exercise/yoga/qigong/taichi,

>meditation, psychoemotional work and so on. Miki Shima apparently treats

>cancer in his clinic with a mixture of Chinese herbal formulas,

>acupuncture, homotoxicological homeopathy, and homeopathically induced


> and I believe he works with a holistically-oriented medical doctor on

>these patients.


>Hyperthermia in this sense is the inducing of systemic fever to kick the

>immune system into high gear in order to get the TH-1 level tumor necrosis

>factors and other such immune system badasses to get off their butts and go

>to work on the cancer. The body in its wisdom creates fevers to deal with

>germs and such because the immune system works best when the body

>temperature is approaching 105 degrees. The longer the fever lasts, the

>more the cancers shrink.


>One more section to this email, and then I shut up: I commend to those who

>have never heard of him one Dr. Tsuneo Kobayashi of Tokyo. His patient

>population is almost entirely cancer patients who have had it once, been

>treated apparently successfully by mainstream medicine, but the cancer

>returned and now they're in terrible shape and desperate. As you will

>understand, the cancer process was not treated, just the symptoms (the

>tumor/s and such). Dr. Kobayashi understands the cancer process as well as

>or better than anyone, and his success rate in reversing cancer in these

>patients is an astounding 70 percent. His basic understanding is that the

>tissues that become cancerous are the most toxic and irritated in the body,

>and the weakest. The cellular regeneration process that normally proceeds

>fairly smoothly all the time in which undifferentiated stem cells mature

>(grow up), differentiate into the various tissues (get a job), reproduce

>(have kids) and then die goes haywire under the

> relentless pressure of chronic toxic burden. In cancer, stem cells stop

>maturing at a juvenile stage, stop differentiating, and start

>eating/destroying/looting everything in sight. Like teenage gang members

>totally pissed at the toxic society around them.


>Dr. Kobayashi mixes brilliant understanding of modern medicine with Chinese

>medicine treatments and concepts, including his recent innovation of

>hyperthermia via heating selected acupuncture points--based on Ryodoraku

>readings--to balance the autonomic nervous system. He says any system with

>a balanced ANS cannot drop into cancer. He uses moxa a lot, too. And by the

>way, he also says that cancer grows five times faster at night. Which tells

>me how much cancer has to do with the blood. His philosophy and that of the

>best of the new cancer doctors is not so much to kill the cancer but to

>rehabilitate the tissue and return it to normal by detoxing and

>strengthening--essentially a kind of medical tough love. And whaddaya know,

>it works, better than any other method. Hallelujah. Those terrifying cancer

>cells are really bullies, and like all bullies, when confronted with

>fearlessness and honesty, they cave in. They may be strong in appetite, but

>they're weak in character.


>I'm still working on my place in the scheme of things at my new office, but

>I am here to say that the days of Chinese medicine being at best a mere

>adjunct to modern medicine in the treatment of life-threatening illness, at

>least in the West, are ending. I respectfully suggest you consider the

>possibility that the medicine we hold in our hands and hearts, when used

>judiciously and in proper context, without ego on our parts, may be more

>potent, effective and necessary than even we ever imagined. Anyway, I shut

>up now. Later.

>Joseph Garner, LAc

> < wrote:

>Hi All,


>High Doses of IV Vitamin C Fight Cancer But will success in the lab

>translate to humans? By Kathleen Doheny, HealthDay Reporter,

>MONDAY, Sept. 12 (HealthDay News)


>High doses of vitamin C administered intravenously can fight cancer --

>at least in the laboratory, researchers report. They took another look at

>the vitamin years after studies first suggested in the 1970s that high

>doses of ascorbate or vitamin C may help fight cancer. In the wake of

>those studies, additional studies using the same high doses found no

>benefit, although some of them used only oral vitamin C, not

>intravenous doses of the vitamin. For more detail, see:









>Best regards,



>Tel: (H): +353-(0) or (M): +353-(0)






>Tel: (W): +353-(0) or (M): +353-(0)




> " Man who says it can't be done should not interrupt man doing it " -

>Chinese Proverb




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On Sep 25, 2005, at 1:28 AM, Joseph Garner wrote:

> rehabilitate the tissue and return it to normal by detoxing and

> strengthening--



Joseph, congratulations on your new position.


But there is that word again... " detoxifying " . We had a discussion a

couple of weeks ago about what it might mean. Can you define what you

mean by it here, in relation to cancer and homotoxicology? how does it

relate to the theories of Chinese medicine?






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Just on a different note and the treatment of cancer with TCM I have had some

sucess with a different approach.

With all the patients with cancer that I have seen over the years the first

thing that I have observed is that they never present with blood statsis and

toxic heat etc which seems to be the CM treatment strategy usually taken up. I

have always asked, if the cancer is due to blood stasis, has toxic heat etc why

does this never show up in tongue or pulse or have a history of such. Most of

cancer patients have had a normal healthy even to say unstressed life to be

suddenly disgnosised with breast or liver cancer etc. In fact leading up to the

diagnosis of cancer and doing a history of their symptoms, many patients did not

even have major spleen, kidney xu or iver statsis type symptoms.

I used to treat patients at the last college where I taught and as an exercise

in demonstarting pulse and tongue and looking at the spirit I would ask the

cancer patient if they minded having their P and T looked at by a few students

and teacher/s. The patients that I had seen to were diagnosed with terminal

liver cancer with an approx 6 months to live.

The students and teachers were not told of the condition of their patient. Each

time, they picked up/ dignosed a little bit of dampness, maybe a bit of liver qi

stagnation. There were always shocked to find out the severity of the disease.


So I thought , maybe it is something else causing the cancer.


Anthropsophical medicine looks at a possible cause of cancer being a weak aura

and etheric body. So I thought what is this in CM. I postulated that it is the

yang wei mai (aura) and lung po (etheric body).


Around this same time I sopke with a practitoner in the North island NZ who had

some success treating liver cancer on a patient using some of Miki Simas ideas

she picked up at a conference. In particular she said she used wai guan SJ 5 to

address the liver stasis. I wondered if in fact it may be getting results as it

was treating the yang wei mai.


I had been using SJ 5 the 8 extra way with Bl 62 and also using ion pumping

cords ( which I made myself using gold wire and connectors).


In one case for example, the patient had decided not to partake in chemo/radio

tx etc for 2 months and after 6 weeks his liver tumors had reduced by 30-50%

which I felt was quite promising. The medicos thought that the MIR scan must of

been wrong and he ended up starting a new drug treatment for stomach cancer and

stopped treatment.


In another case, a woman who had a breast removed from cancer got liver cancer 5

years later and decided to only do meditation herbs etc. I used herbs that treat

yang wei mai and also used mu li bai shao to treat lung po as well as a form of

azurite and malachite (traditionally recorded in CM to treat cancer/tumors etc)


She was supposed to pass away some time ago and I actually thought she did but

then I got a refferal from her. She didn't want to get any more tests becuse she

was scared of seeing the result.


My experience is that if the patients start with chemo etc I am best off just

rying to counteract the nausea etc



Heiko Lade


Lecturer and clinic supervisor

Auckland College of Natural Medicine

Website: www.acnm.co.nz





Joseph Garner

Sunday, September 25, 2005 5:28 PM

Re: High Doses of IV Vitamin C Fight Cancer



Phil et al.,

A medical doctor in Arizona who practices holistic medicine recently lost his

wife to breast cancer. He was apparently convinced that IV vitamin C alone would

do the trick and save her. It did not. Even Dr. Matthias Rath, Linus Pauling's

protege and an ardent proponent of IV vitamin C for cancer and heart disease,

with lots of clinical research to back up his statements, says that treating

real people with cancer is quite more complex than just dosing with lots of

vitamin C. Sorry, folks, life is just not that simple. But IV vitamin C is

taking its place as a recognized and necessary component of

alternative/integrative cancer therapy.


I have recently joined the practice of an integrative medical center focusing

on treating cancer. What I have learned are the most common treatments going in

the most successful clinics in the holistic medical cancer treatment world are,

in no particular order: homotoxicological homeopathy--both oral and IV, certain

herbal extract supplements (including extracts of greater celandine and Venus

flytrap), IV vitamins and minerals, various forms of hyperthermia, high-dose

enzyme therapy, acupuncture and related modalities, and insulin-potentiated

low-dose high-frequency chemotherapy. Along with that come the lifestyle and

dietary recommendations such as frequent saunas, semi-vegetarian diet,

nutritional supplements of a bewildering variety, exercise/yoga/qigong/taichi,

meditation, psychoemotional work and so on. Miki Shima apparently treats cancer

in his clinic with a mixture of Chinese herbal formulas, acupuncture,

homotoxicological homeopathy, and homeopathically induced hyperthermia,

and I believe he works with a holistically-oriented medical doctor on these



Hyperthermia in this sense is the inducing of systemic fever to kick the

immune system into high gear in order to get the TH-1 level tumor necrosis

factors and other such immune system badasses to get off their butts and go to

work on the cancer. The body in its wisdom creates fevers to deal with germs and

such because the immune system works best when the body temperature is

approaching 105 degrees. The longer the fever lasts, the more the cancers



One more section to this email, and then I shut up: I commend to those who

have never heard of him one Dr. Tsuneo Kobayashi of Tokyo. His patient

population is almost entirely cancer patients who have had it once, been treated

apparently successfully by mainstream medicine, but the cancer returned and now

they're in terrible shape and desperate. As you will understand, the cancer

process was not treated, just the symptoms (the tumor/s and such). Dr. Kobayashi

understands the cancer process as well as or better than anyone, and his success

rate in reversing cancer in these patients is an astounding 70 percent. His

basic understanding is that the tissues that become cancerous are the most toxic

and irritated in the body, and the weakest. The cellular regeneration process

that normally proceeds fairly smoothly all the time in which undifferentiated

stem cells mature (grow up), differentiate into the various tissues (get a job),

reproduce (have kids) and then die goes haywire under the

relentless pressure of chronic toxic burden. In cancer, stem cells stop

maturing at a juvenile stage, stop differentiating, and start

eating/destroying/looting everything in sight. Like teenage gang members totally

pissed at the toxic society around them.


Dr. Kobayashi mixes brilliant understanding of modern medicine with Chinese

medicine treatments and concepts, including his recent innovation of

hyperthermia via heating selected acupuncture points--based on Ryodoraku

readings--to balance the autonomic nervous system. He says any system with a

balanced ANS cannot drop into cancer. He uses moxa a lot, too. And by the way,

he also says that cancer grows five times faster at night. Which tells me how

much cancer has to do with the blood. His philosophy and that of the best of the

new cancer doctors is not so much to kill the cancer but to rehabilitate the

tissue and return it to normal by detoxing and strengthening--essentially a kind

of medical tough love. And whaddaya know, it works, better than any other

method. Hallelujah. Those terrifying cancer cells are really bullies, and like

all bullies, when confronted with fearlessness and honesty, they cave in. They

may be strong in appetite, but they're weak in character.


I'm still working on my place in the scheme of things at my new office, but I

am here to say that the days of Chinese medicine being at best a mere adjunct to

modern medicine in the treatment of life-threatening illness, at least in the

West, are ending. I respectfully suggest you consider the possibility that the

medicine we hold in our hands and hearts, when used judiciously and in proper

context, without ego on our parts, may be more potent, effective and necessary

than even we ever imagined. Anyway, I shut up now. Later.

Joseph Garner, LAc

< wrote:

Hi All,


High Doses of IV Vitamin C Fight Cancer But will success in the lab

translate to humans? By Kathleen Doheny, HealthDay Reporter,

MONDAY, Sept. 12 (HealthDay News)


High doses of vitamin C administered intravenously can fight cancer --

at least in the laboratory, researchers report. They took another look at

the vitamin years after studies first suggested in the 1970s that high

doses of ascorbate or vitamin C may help fight cancer. In the wake of

those studies, additional studies using the same high doses found no

benefit, although some of them used only oral vitamin C, not

intravenous doses of the vitamin. For more detail, see:









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" Man who says it can't be done should not interrupt man doing it " -

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Although I love the imagery here I'm not sure how this correlates with cancers

that are the

results of decades ago (and/or generational) " toxins " . For example, those

exposed to

canceragenic materials in early life that later manifests. As well I understand

it, genetic

cancers passed down to a child whose mother may have been exposed. Are these

repressed emotions of the childhood traumas? (to complete the imagery)

Again I'll pass on what little I know of Jeffery Yuen's image of cancer be held

in check by

the " coldness " of the kidneys wrapping around heat toxins. When the Yang is


then the coldness evaporates and the heat toxins are released.

I know that WM cancer researchers are no longer popping anti-oxidants but


acidopholous as the major deterant to cancer growths. Spleen qi anyone? For that


interested in Huang Qi used in so many formuals and if it actually prevents the


" virus " or mutated DNA (RNA?) from penetrating and corrupting other cells.

some ideas and now I'll shut up. :-)








>>>>>Dr. Kobayashi understands the cancer process as well as or better than


and his success rate in reversing cancer in these patients is an astounding 70

percent. His

basic understanding is that the tissues that become cancerous are the most toxic


irritated in the body, and the weakest. The cellular regeneration process that


proceeds fairly smoothly all the time in which undifferentiated stem cells

mature (grow

up), differentiate into the various tissues (get a job), reproduce (have kids)

and then die

goes haywire under the

> relentless pressure of chronic toxic burden. In cancer, stem cells stop

maturing at a

juvenile stage, stop differentiating, and start eating/destroying/looting

everything in sight.

Like teenage gang members totally pissed at the toxic society around them.



His philosophy and that of the best of the new cancer doctors is not so much to

kill the

cancer but to rehabilitate the tissue and return it to normal by detoxing and

strengthening--essentially a kind of medical tough love. And whaddaya know, it


better than any other method. Hallelujah. Those terrifying cancer cells are

really bullies,

and like all bullies, when confronted with fearlessness and honesty, they cave

in. They may

be strong in appetite, but they're weak in character.


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>>>>>Dr. Kobayashi understands the cancer process as well as or better than


and his success rate in reversing cancer in these patients is an astounding 70



If this was true be would be in every medical J in the world. How naive are we

going to be





Oakland, CA 94609





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I am no expert (at least not yet) on homeopathy and homotoxicology. However, I

would say that in the same sense that Chinese medicine focuses on clearing heat,

draining dampness and excess fluids and such, that homotoxicology treatments

literally aim to remove toxic materials from the body. They appear to do so,

too. In cancer treatments where tumors are shrinking, there is the

double-detoxifying of tumor detritus as well as the deposited toxins of years of

increasing illness.


I know the word " detoxification " can leave a bad taste in our mouths (no pun

intended). But this appears to be the literal case with these treatments. And

with homotoxicology, healing crises are hoped for by the paradigm as immune

systems return more and more to the yang side of the equation, and the

homeopathy slowly roots old suppressed lingering pathogens. Acupuncture and

Chinese herbal formulas can ease or completely alleviate the detox queasiness

and other symptoms that come up as old and new goop passes out. So in that

sense, Chinese medicine is again playing an adjunct role. But in the sense that

these treatments and other combined East/West autonomic nervous system

treatments balance the patients' energies, they are also directly healing the

cancer. I hope this is some help. I'm not sure I answered your question.



Rory Kerr <rorykerr wrote:

On Sep 25, 2005, at 1:28 AM, Joseph Garner wrote:

> rehabilitate the tissue and return it to normal by detoxing and

> strengthening--



Joseph, congratulations on your new position.


But there is that word again... " detoxifying " . We had a discussion a

couple of weeks ago about what it might mean. Can you define what you

mean by it here, in relation to cancer and homotoxicology? how does it

relate to the theories of Chinese medicine?






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Who's being naive here? Dr. Kobayashi has been featured in the New York Times,

but do you think the medical community is going to welcome with open arms

somebody whose paradigm is completely different from theirs, no matter how much

research he has to back up his stuff, and whose ways of doing things, if taken

up by the medical community, would completely undermine the money train? A nurse

told me, and I don't know if it's true, that insurance ends up paying out an

average of $800,000 per cancer patient. Dr. Kobayashi's treatments cost a

pittance compared to that. Dr. Kobayashi used to operate a hospital in Japan,

and he kept a low profile, and he had great success with his treatments. Then

somebody came along and wrote a glowing article about him and published it in

all the Japanese papers, and the next thing the Japanese government came and

said insurance would no longer cover his treatments. So his hospital went under,

and now he works out of a relatively moderate clinic.


In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is not king, but an outcast.



<alonmarcus wrote:

>>>>>Dr. Kobayashi understands the cancer process as well as or better than


and his success rate in reversing cancer in these patients is an astounding 70



If this was true be would be in every medical J in the world. How naive are we

going to be





Oakland, CA 94609





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I appreciate your long experience and find your conclusions and treatments very

interesting and duly note them. As for my own limited experience, all the cancer

patients' pulses I have felt so far do not feel too bad except that every one of

them has a very weak right chi position. Jim Ramholtz used to be expert at

picking up cancer in pulses. He spoke about a condition wherein the pulse energy

would knot up in the guan position and feel as though it were shooting out

energy both distally and proximally. However, his pulse-taking was quite a

different bird from the ordinary, and his abilities to feel subtleties were far

advanced, or at least they seemed to be. He would often explain his pulse

readings in terms of five elements and controlling cycle energies and such, and

his readings and findings were usually very un-TCM-like. I miss him.


And it is said both in the Shang Han Lun and homotoxicology that diseases can

and often do skip one or several stages altogether. There is no requirement that

a pathogenic process must trudge slowly from stages one to six, or that it

follow anybody's party line.

Joseph Garner

Heiko Lade <heikolade.acnm wrote:

Just on a different note and the treatment of cancer with TCM I have had some

sucess with a different approach.

With all the patients with cancer that I have seen over the years the first

thing that I have observed is that they never present with blood statsis and

toxic heat etc which seems to be the CM treatment strategy usually taken up. I

have always asked, if the cancer is due to blood stasis, has toxic heat etc why

does this never show up in tongue or pulse or have a history of such. Most of

cancer patients have had a normal healthy even to say unstressed life to be

suddenly disgnosised with breast or liver cancer etc. In fact leading up to the

diagnosis of cancer and doing a history of their symptoms, many patients did not

even have major spleen, kidney xu or iver statsis type symptoms.

I used to treat patients at the last college where I taught and as an exercise

in demonstarting pulse and tongue and looking at the spirit I would ask the

cancer patient if they minded having their P and T looked at by a few students

and teacher/s. The patients that I had seen to were diagnosed with terminal

liver cancer with an approx 6 months to live.

The students and teachers were not told of the condition of their patient. Each

time, they picked up/ dignosed a little bit of dampness, maybe a bit of liver qi

stagnation. There were always shocked to find out the severity of the disease.


So I thought , maybe it is something else causing the cancer.


Anthropsophical medicine looks at a possible cause of cancer being a weak aura

and etheric body. So I thought what is this in CM. I postulated that it is the

yang wei mai (aura) and lung po (etheric body).


Around this same time I sopke with a practitoner in the North island NZ who had

some success treating liver cancer on a patient using some of Miki Simas ideas

she picked up at a conference. In particular she said she used wai guan SJ 5 to

address the liver stasis. I wondered if in fact it may be getting results as it

was treating the yang wei mai.


I had been using SJ 5 the 8 extra way with Bl 62 and also using ion pumping

cords ( which I made myself using gold wire and connectors).


In one case for example, the patient had decided not to partake in chemo/radio

tx etc for 2 months and after 6 weeks his liver tumors had reduced by 30-50%

which I felt was quite promising. The medicos thought that the MIR scan must of

been wrong and he ended up starting a new drug treatment for stomach cancer and

stopped treatment.


In another case, a woman who had a breast removed from cancer got liver cancer 5

years later and decided to only do meditation herbs etc. I used herbs that treat

yang wei mai and also used mu li bai shao to treat lung po as well as a form of

azurite and malachite (traditionally recorded in CM to treat cancer/tumors etc)


She was supposed to pass away some time ago and I actually thought she did but

then I got a refferal from her. She didn't want to get any more tests becuse she

was scared of seeing the result.


My experience is that if the patients start with chemo etc I am best off just

rying to counteract the nausea etc



Heiko Lade


Lecturer and clinic supervisor

Auckland College of Natural Medicine

Website: www.acnm.co.nz




Chinese Herbal Medicine offers various professional services, including board

approved continuing education classes, an annual conference and a free

discussion forum in Chinese Herbal Medicine.






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It's interesting that all viral epedemics come from an animal source... the

latest example

being Avian flu...





> Some viruses and other pathogens can enter the body and very quickly plunge

through the

six stages without being checked, in particular germs from pig tissue. Pig

tissue is 99 percent

like that of human, hence the transplanting of pig parts into humans due to the

lack of

rejection. Human bodies tend to see pig parts as human since we are so

genetically similar.

Dr. Nakouzi warns against eating pig meat because if any germ gets past the


process, then our bodies are likely to miss reacting to it, and he feels the

chances are just too

great to take. Also, Dr. Kobayashi is always going on about his cancer patients

having a cold

energy locked in their bodies. He always warns in his talks about the dangers of

what he calls

" cooling beverages, " which in his broken English comes out difficult to

understand by many

people, but we know exactly what he means, don't we?

> Joseph


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On Sep 25, 2005, at 1:28 AM, Joseph Garner wrote:

> Dr. Kobayashi mixes brilliant understanding of modern medicine with

> Chinese medicine treatments and concepts .... His philosophy and that

> of the best of the new cancer doctors is not so much to kill the

> cancer but to rehabilitate the tissue and return it to normal by

> detoxing and strengthening--


On Sep 25, 2005, at 11:57 PM, Joseph Garner wrote:

> I hope this is some help. I'm not sure I answered your question.




Actually, I asked the wrong question. It should have been: what type

of detoxification does Dr Kobayashi use? He is practicing both systems

(apparently), so if we are to get an image of his approach cancer

treatment, we need to know which version of detox he's using.






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Does he " reverse " 70% of which kind of CA, lymphoma, well that is less than WM

is it pancreatic CA he would be in every J regardless of profits. He would at

least be way better known in Japan, he is not.





Oakland, CA 94609





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And with homotoxicology, healing crises are hoped for by the paradigm as immune

systems return more and more to the yang side of the equation, and the

homeopathy slowly roots old suppressed lingering pathogens


Actually it is thought that the way homotox remedies are made prevent healing

crises.They are low potencies and in combination remedies. The detoxification is

believed to be at the matrix or the connective tissue level. It also uses other

methods such as " catalysts " to upump the creb cycle etc.




Oakland, CA 94609





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On Sep 25, 2005, at 9:33 PM, Joseph Garner wrote:


> Dr. Kobayashi's treatments cost a pittance compared to that. Dr.

> Kobayashi used to operate a hospital in Japan, and he kept a low

> profile, and he had great success with his treatments. Then

> somebody came along and wrote a glowing article about him and

> published it in all the Japanese papers, and the next thing the

> Japanese government came and said insurance would no longer cover

> his treatments. So his hospital went under, and now he works out of

> a relatively moderate clinic.


Isn't that kind of inverted to what you're saying?


Why wouldn't the insurance industry be interested in a lower cost,

higher efficacy treatment?


Lack of research?




Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

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I'll try to answer this. Dr. Kobayashi's approach depends on the cancer stage

people are at. If they have just been diagnosed, he mainly employs lifestyle

modification and dietary changes. That is, he has them on a mostly vegetarian

diet (and mostly cooked food, a la TCM), with increasingly long periods of

liquid fasts, daily saunas--preferably far infrared--exercise, and what he calls

" delight " therapy, which is to say, patients doing things that are delightful to



For those in medium stages of cancer, he has them do the first set of things,

plus hyperthermia treatments and autonomic nervous system balancing treatments

involving treatments with modalities akin to acupuncture and moxibustion (he's

very big on balancing right and left meridians--reminds me of Husband/Wife

treatments), plus a particular Korean herbal formula from a company called Sun

Advance (the formula is Sun Advance-3) which contains, among other things,

ginseng. (I'm still trying to find out what all's in it.) For those worst off,

he has them do all the above, plus Ukrain, which is the greater celandine

extract, plus hyperthermia with what he calls biochemical modulation, which may

include very low doses of appropriate chemotherapy. There always seems to be

more to Dr. Kobayashi's treatment protocols that I keep finding out about, but

that's about it in a nutshell.


He says cancer cells can be redifferentiated with a regimen of DMSO, cyclic AMP

and panax ginseng extract. He treats defective immunosurveillance with continued

infusions of cyclic AMP and aminophylline. He uses the Ukrain to treat

angiogenesis (I hope I'm understanding that correctly). And he treats for

vitamin A deficiency. He also does some seemingly bizarre things, such as

removing tumors from cancerous breasts, soaking the tumors in denatured alcohol,

then reinserting them in the breasts. He's trying to reverse the cancer process

itself permanently, not just stop it for awhile till it comes back again.


For my money, Dr. Nakouzi is just as good in his own way, which is mainly

complex customized homeopathic protocols plus high doses of enzymes.


Rory Kerr <rorykerr wrote:

On Sep 25, 2005, at 1:28 AM, Joseph Garner wrote:

> Dr. Kobayashi mixes brilliant understanding of modern medicine with

> Chinese medicine treatments and concepts .... His philosophy and that

> of the best of the new cancer doctors is not so much to kill the

> cancer but to rehabilitate the tissue and return it to normal by

> detoxing and strengthening--


On Sep 25, 2005, at 11:57 PM, Joseph Garner wrote:

> I hope this is some help. I'm not sure I answered your question.




Actually, I asked the wrong question. It should have been: what type

of detoxification does Dr Kobayashi use? He is practicing both systems

(apparently), so if we are to get an image of his approach cancer

treatment, we need to know which version of detox he's using.






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WM " reverses " cancer all the time. And in a few months or years it usually comes

back again, only way worse, and this time most patients die very quickly. What

Dr. Kobayashi means by reversal is reversing the cancer process completely, no

more occurrences. And I don't care what you say about whether or not he would be

more famous. What is, is. Contact Dr. Gary Gordon at his website. Check out Dr.

Tsuneo Kobayashi's articles on the web which have been published in journals.

Anybody who would take out tumors, soak them in alcohol, and re-insert them in

people is probably going to be discounted no matter what their results.

Whatever. I'm just telling you some things I have found to be true. You are not

required to believe it, and you can cast doubt all you want. I understand--I'm a

skeptic, too. I began hearing about Kobayashi back in December, and it was not

until recently that I really started seeing what he has going on.



<alonmarcus wrote:


Does he " reverse " 70% of which kind of CA, lymphoma, well that is less than WM

is it pancreatic CA he would be in every J regardless of profits. He would at

least be way better known in Japan, he is not.





Oakland, CA 94609





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What you say is no doubt true. But I'll tell you, I've seen people taking these

low-potency remedies, and I've heard Nakouzi lecture about homotoxicology in

depth, and I've seen the detoxification healing crises happen over and over, and

Nakouzi says he sees them continually and is overjoyed when he does. At least

when it comes to cancer, believe me, there are healing crises. There are also

great healings. People may have to put up with flareups of their old evil qi

lying around in their matrices, but it beats the suffering and death that cancer

brings. Healing crises are not fun, but cancer is awful.



<alonmarcus wrote:

And with homotoxicology, healing crises are hoped for by the paradigm as immune

systems return more and more to the yang side of the equation, and the

homeopathy slowly roots old suppressed lingering pathogens


Actually it is thought that the way homotox remedies are made prevent healing

crises.They are low potencies and in combination remedies. The detoxification is

believed to be at the matrix or the connective tissue level. It also uses other

methods such as " catalysts " to upump the creb cycle etc.




Oakland, CA 94609





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and I've seen the detoxification healing crises happen over and over, and

Nakouzi says he sees them continually and is overjoyed when he does.


May be, i have not seen any in the one year i have been doing it.




Oakland, CA 94609





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Gary Gordon


Well if you want to believe this guy i also have some stuff to sell. I have

followed him for over 10 years and at this point i do not believe a word he

says, and all my mentors feel the same (some of most known names in alternative






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These results (below) of Kobayashi report do not sound like 70% reversal




1.. Improvement of bone scintigraphy in 7 of 34cases(20.5%)

2.. Prolonged survival over 2 years in 8 of 34 cases (23.5%)

3.. Improvement of walking ability in 6 of 10 cases (60.0%)

4.. Relived or diminished pain' in 19 of 19 cases (100.0%)

5.. Increased number of T cells in 15 of 29 cases (51.7%)

6.. Enhancement of NK cell activity in 10 of 13 cases (76.9%)

7.. Controlling and improving hypercalcemia (Ca:12.9 mg/dl) in one case who is

alive after one year.

8.. In some cases, slight hypoproteinemia was observed.




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Dr Kobayashi seem to have no problem publishing his tumor marker work, which

seems to be the majority of what he has done. If he cures 70% of CA why would he

have any trouble publishing it? Someone that has already published as much as he

has would have no difficulty with the J.





Oakland, CA 94609





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