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St. John's Wort. It will take a while to work but it does work.



abrusberg <abrusberg wrote:

I'm depressed, depressed, DEPRESSED............anyone know of

something more natural/non prescription that works to help stabilize a










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Exersise will lift the cloud of depression in a few weeks. Go for a

walk for at least 30 minutes a day that has a lot of hills and is

moderatly challenging and keeps your heart beat up for a constant 30

minutes. The more challenging you can make it the better but work with

in your bodys limits,only you know what they are. Depression is caused

by a harmone imbalence in the brain. The exersise will correct the

imbalence. I had very severe depression for 1 1/2 years and this is

what cured it. I have never had it since. It will totally make it go

away within a matter of a month or so if you will do this. Taking fish

oil also helps.



, " Irene " <imclark wrote:


> I would suggest an all natural diet (as much raw as possible).

Avoid meats, dairy, and all processed foods as much as possible.

Supplement with an all natural multi-vitamin, vitamin D3, and the best

quality fish oil you can afford. This has helped my sister's

bi-polar. It did not cure her, but she has more good days than bad.


> Irene




> -

> abrusberg


> 11/28/2006 10:25:10 PM

> depression



> I'm depressed, depressed, DEPRESSED............anyone know of

> something more natural/non prescription that works to help stabilize a

> person.






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Yes eating a good diet can help alot. The product that I am talking about is

a supplement. Anyone can tell that we don't get the nutrients we need out of

our food even the good food. You have to supplement in today's world to make a

difference in your health. Our body needs these things called glyconutrients

and if we don't get them out of our diet then our body makes them. The problem

with that is that if our body is making the glyconutrients then our body is in

back up mode and basically we are in a state of starvation. That is why there

are so many chronic illnesses today.

Basically I could ask you one question to find out if you know if you are

healthy or not.

Are your cells smooth or are they hairy? The reason I ask is because we grew

up learning that they are smooth. Scientists have found out that they are

" hairy " and the little hairs that grow on they cells are called glycoforms and

you have to have glyconutrients to make them.That is how your cells communicate.

So that they can restore repair and regenerate. Basically if you have a bald

spot on your cells then there could be a breakdown in your system cause your

cells can't get what they need. ( food, protection, regulation, defense and to

be cleaned) You can go to glycoscience.org and check out the science behind the



Kadee M <abbey_road3012 wrote:

Eating a good diet can help big time. Steer clear of processed foods

and eat lots of raw or lightly cooked fruits and vegetables. Also drink lots of

water. That alone should help quite a bit.


Kadee Sedtal


Build a man a fire and he'll stay warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll

stay warm the rest of his life.



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Dee: In addition to St. John's Wort - increase your intake of fish

oil,magnesium and Vit B complex. Cleansing is so important in

addition to this routine.(check our files for help with this). I also

would recommend some form of meditation.Chet Day's meditation CD is

excellent, info at; " meditation101.com/meditationcd.php " . I have no

connection to Chet Day - lol - the CD has worked for me. Let me know

how you are doing. Helen


, Dee Harris

<corbywolf13 wrote:


> St. John's Wort. It will take a while to work but it does work.



> abrusberg <abrusberg wrote:

> I'm depressed, depressed, DEPRESSED............anyone

know of

> something more natural/non prescription that works to help

stabilize a

> person.



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Lots of good answers....


One problem with the good diet suggestion

is that when you are depressed, you don't

have the energy to cook well, so you end

up in a vicious cycle.


Sure, exercise can help, but you feel too exhausted

to get dressed, let alone go for a walk.


FlyLady to the rescue.


Can I plug my guru once more?


One of my fave moments in my life as a direct seller

of health products was when I called a depressed

lady who loved my stuff, but she could not re-order

for financial reasons.


However, she thanked me for changing her life.


Not with the health products, but because I had

also turned her on to FlyLady.

Her house had been decluttered, 15 minutes at a

time. She had developed other good daily habits.

It all made a difference.


Marla Cilley herself used to be a depressed, ADD mess.

This woman has boundless compassion as well as a system

to get your house in order.

Small daily routines can be first steps on the road to recovery.

You can do anything for 15 minutes, and if 15 is too long,

try 5!


Please, take a look. It has no side effects and it is free.



Ien in the Kootenays







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I found acupuncture and reflexology really helped me. After my first

visit it felt like somebody had given me a big hug and I felt the

energy to start getting better. Also meditation has helped me to

quieten my mind down and start to be more comfortable being me.


I know its really hard to do but exercise is great, you will have to

get quite tough with yourself but go out for a walk, it doesn't matter

where - park or countryside or even town, but walk slowly and just

observe the scenery and feeling yourself move along.


I would also recommend trying to keep caffeine intake low try some

herbal teas like cammomile. Lemon oils in a burner also work quite



Hope you feel better soon


, " abrusberg " <abrusberg



> I'm depressed, depressed, DEPRESSED............anyone know of

> something more natural/non prescription that works to help stabilize


> person.


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How true, Helen. How true. Thanks for reminding me.


Wolf (who's having a rough time spelling today. lol)


helen_1947_slaughter <helen_1947_slaughter wrote:

Dee: In addition to St. John's Wort - increase your intake of fish

oil,magnesium and Vit B complex. Cleansing is so important in

addition to this routine.(check our files for help with this). I also

would recommend some form of meditation.Chet Day's meditation CD is

excellent, info at; " meditation101.com/meditationcd.php " . I have no

connection to Chet Day - lol - the CD has worked for me. Let me know

how you are doing. Helen


, Dee Harris

<corbywolf13 wrote:


> St. John's Wort. It will take a while to work but it does work.



> abrusberg <abrusberg wrote:

> I'm depressed, depressed, DEPRESSED............anyone

know of

> something more natural/non prescription that works to help

stabilize a

> person.



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I know it can feel as though you are really exhausted and you can't

cook or go out. But sometimes you have to force yourself and see how

it makes you feel (even just go out and sit in the garden) as for the

food just make sure you have lots of stuff you can just pick at e.g

sunflower seeds, nuts etc, fruit (and dried fruit) salady stuff, then

you are eating well but not having to go to the effort of cooking. On

a good day make a big pasta or rice salad and it will be easy to

serve up on those bad days.



, " Ieneke van Houten "

<ienvan wrote:


> Lots of good answers....


> One problem with the good diet suggestion

> is that when you are depressed, you don't

> have the energy to cook well, so you end

> up in a vicious cycle.


> Sure, exercise can help, but you feel too exhausted

> to get dressed, let alone go for a walk.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Sharon, I would be interested learning more about this and a brochure would

be greatly appreciated.





Sharon <hotmocha wrote:

First line of defense: learn and use EFT: www.emofree.com. Don't

give up on too soon. This can work literally in seconds once you

get the hang of it.


Studies in Germany showed the same effectiveness from using St.

John's Wort herb as Prozac. It doesn't have the side effects but

don't spend the day in the sun or the tanning salon with it since it

can make the skin for sensitive.


Lack of amino acids will also cause depression. I heard a lady on

one of my conference calls who grew up in a home where everyone had

low grade depression. She didn't even know it wasn't normal because

everyone was like that around her. When she started with the In-

Liven she started to feel very happy. My explanation of that is

that her body was missing the amino acids (See Julia Ross's book The

Diet Cure). She said her body craved it and she was taking about

triple amounts that a regular person would take before she

stabalized two months later. If interested, write me for

brochure/more info on that one.










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Help with Depression

> Hi Callisto,

> You have asked for help with your depression. I am a

> psychotherapist in the USA. I work with alternative

> and spiritual

> methods to cure all disease, physical and emotional. I have some

very special CD's that will help you.

> They are classical music with an enhanced high

> frequency range

> Audiotherapy has been very sucessful with serious

> cases of depression

> One study showed that an older method of doing this

> was 93% sucessful

> with serious depression in less than 60 days. You

> can do this at home

> on your own. It only takes 10-15

> minutes/1-2x's/day.You do this for

> 2-4 months. If you are interested, I will send you

> additional info on audiotherapy.


Other things to know about depression is that you are an Indigo.

Indigoes are very bright, sensitive and spiritually

evolved. That makes it very hard to function

in the 3rd dimension, in a world filled with daily violence, deceit,

wars, etc. It is enough to depress anyone.

Add to that the stress and pressure of school, work, family and

life and the expectations placed on all of us.


1)Remove yourself from some of the things that disturb you. TV,

newspapers, some people, etc.

No alcohol, drugs or caffeine.

2)Depression is generally thought to be a chemical imbalance in the

brain. This is partly true.

Eat better foods, organic is best. Get a vegatable juicer and drink

vegetable juices daily. When you have one, I can send you a formula.

Avoid chemicals

and preservatives in food whenever possible.

Soft drinks are bad for you, esp. diet stuff.

Aspertaine, under many names, and then sucalose,

are to be totally avoided. They are chemical poisons and can cause


No microwares-they destroy the life force energy of food. Get a good

vitamin/mineral supplement-the longer the list the better. Take it

daily. B vitamins are important to counter depression along with other

vitamins and minerals. St. John's Wart, an herb, is used in Europe for

depression. It takes several weeks to begin to work but is helpful for

mild to moderate

depression. Exercise is good. Walking,running, swimming,biking,

hiking,Yoga and meditation are helpful.

Are you sleeping OK? Use herbal teas to calm or relax at night and

Melatonin and calcium to calm the nerves.

Indigoes do not do well with traditional medications and hate to be

in counseling.

Most meds.are not good for you. They interfere with your immune system

and breaks down the protective energies

around you(aura).

Counseling will work only with a therapist who can understand the

indigo and crystaline children and what they are doing here.


3)It may help to clean and detox the body.

4) Audiotherapy: I will send you more info on this.

It will help you to get rid of the depression,

learn better and faster, increase your concentration

and raise your IQ 5-15 points. Indigoes love it.

5)Listen to good relaxing music at home all the time-

classical is best.

6)Sound and frequencies can be used to heal. Read The Mozart Effect

by Don Cambell.You can make your computer into a Rife type frequency

generator by downloading the right programs. I have a paper on this.

If you want it, I can send it to you.

The frequencies for depression are in the programs.

7)Being on a beach or near water is very relaxing

8)Check out meditation centers and other spiritual groups



A few more resources for you:

Orthomolecular medicine-try the .

They use vitamin/mineral therapies for depression and are very

effective. Do a search on depression there.

Read the book at:www.biochemimbal-behavior.com



If you would like additional info, I will need more background:

Ex: Date and place of birth, parents background,and some

history about you and your family. When did the

depression start? And where are you living and with whom? And what

are you doing now with school or work?









In , " **Callisto** " <calisto



> I'm 18 and was diagnosed with depression back in early


> doesn't seem to be helping, and I'm not really ready for counselling

(I hate

> talking about myself) but I odn't know to what degree it is.....does


> have any ideas??


> **Callisto**


> View my homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/my/nightangelsworld

> http://www.deadjournal.com/users/purelight


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Brigitte, my doc says I've probably had

depression all my life, but it really jumped up and got me 23 yrs ago

when I got Cat

Scratch disease, couldn't work for almost a year with a wife and 2

kids. Talk about sick, and stress. Now it's more mild than before

overall, but I feel worse off and on. I feel it more in the winter,

probably that thing having to do with sunlight, and I can't get outside

as much. I've taken every med known to man, but only a few have worked

even somewhat. Most have had intolerable side effects. I finally quit

everything, but I do wish there was one that worked well. My advice if

you have one that controls it without significant side effects is to

take it. The benefits outweigh the negatives, and to me a doc's visit

is worth not feeling 'like crap'. It can be dangerous to go off some

antidepressants cold turkey, so please be careful.


St Johns Wort is apparently the most used antidepressant in Europe,

but I understand there can be dangerous side effects in some people. I

tried it and felt absolutely nothing. Be careful of herbs that do the

same thing as meds. In one case I know of

having to do with helping cholesterol levels, the 'natural equivalent'

(red rice?) affects your liver just like a statin (Lipitor, etc) does,

but since you bought it in a health food store, you have no doctor

monitoring your liver thru blood tests. The results could be serious,

if not fatal.



central Fla

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In a message dated 12/30/2006 6:41:17 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, brigittecherubini writes:






do any of you have any luck or experience with diet/enviroment controlling depression? Im trying to get off the meds the dr, has me on for depression. Ive been taking since 1990. I'm sick of depending on them, and having to go to the dr. to get refills, etc. Ive been off of my medicine for a few weeks and feel like crap! BUT I AM FIGHTING IT!! LOL





There is a guy online that specializes in depression , Bi- Polar depression, etc. His

name is Pet Blast on my friends list, I believe he could help you. I have information on the

power of intention, if you are interested, email me a separate message, I would be happy

to be a shoulder for you. Hard to find joy when you are feeling depressed, my heart goes

out to you my friend. Peace and Hope, Holly


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I agree. I used to use St. John's wort and I highly recommend it for mild depression, anxiety, etc. It takes a while to build up in your system so I was not expecting any change for several weeks, but by the third day of using it, I felt significant relief. I used to be a violent teeth grinder and jaw 'clencher' at night, which literally destroyed some of my teeth causing me to have many root canals. I used to wake up every day with horrible jaw and head pain. Imagine my surprise and pleasure when I woke up one morning, yawned and stretched, rolled over and closed my eyes again, then sat bolt upright realizing for the first time in a year that my jaw was not clenched and my mouth was relaxed! That to me was the proof in the pudding that it worked...


Even though St. John's wort is an herb and not a man-made chemical, it is not without cautions though. One needs to avoid too much sun exposure as you become more sensitive to sunburn, it should be discontinued 2 weeks before surgery of any sort (can interfere with anaesthetic) and it can diminish the effects of birth control pills if you take them together.







Ellen Christian


Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:41 AM

Re: [RealSimple] depression




My husband suffered from mood swings & periods of depression and is having good luck with St John's wort.


That said, I'd recommend talking to a real dr before discontinuing any medication or beginning use of any herb.


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REALLY Celia? Very interesting that SJW

worked that well for you. Maybe I should try it again, as my

depression is fairly mild most of the time with some anxiety issues,

probably very similar to your symptoms. I must admit I didn't give it

a very long trial

run when I tried it some years ago.


May I ask why you went off it? Didn't work as well eventually?




Celia Browne wrote:






I agree. I used to use St. John's wort and I highly recommend

it for mild depression, anxiety, etc. It takes a while to build up in

your system so I was not expecting any change for several weeks, but by

the third day of using it, I felt significant relief. I used to be a

violent teeth grinder and jaw 'clencher' at night, which literally

destroyed some of my teeth causing me to have many root canals. I used

to wake up every day with horrible jaw and head pain. Imagine my

surprise and pleasure when I woke up one morning, yawned and stretched,

rolled over and closed my eyes again, then sat bolt upright realizing

for the first time in a year that my jaw was not clenched and my mouth

was relaxed! That to me was the proof in the pudding that it worked...


Even though St. John's wort is an herb and not a man-made

chemical, it is not without cautions though. One needs to avoid too

much sun exposure as you become more sensitive to sunburn, it should be

discontinued 2 weeks before surgery of any sort (can interfere with

anaesthetic) and it can diminish the effects of birth control pills if

you take them together.




Ellen Christian

RealSimple@gro ups.com


Saturday, December 30, 2006 9:41 AM

Re: [RealSimple] depression





My husband suffered from mood swings & periods of

depression and is having good luck with St John's wort.


That said, I'd recommend talking to a real dr before

discontinuing any medication or beginning use of any herb.





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2 things come to mind, Brigitte. First, I think many antidepressants have to be gradually weaned off, not quit cold turkey. That might be contributing to your crappy feeling. But I admire your strength and courage to do it! I'm the exact same way, I don't like medications, and tend to shed them off freely at will, lol.


Second-I highly recommend you start keeping a food journal. I started one years ago, when I had migraines, and was trying to pinpoint any food triggers. What I realized along the way was that not only were certain foods causing the migraines, they were also contributing to depression. This is a situation where you REALLY have to pay attention to what your body is telling you. There are herbs and such that can help, but they are only temporary measures. You need to find the root cause. Food allergies WILL contribute to depression.


Nerve soothing folates, such as found in Salmon and white beans, will help frazzled nerves. I can write reams on this. LOL.




In a message dated 12/30/2006 6:43:44 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, brigittecherubini writes:


do any of you have any luck or experience with diet/enviroment controlling depression? Im trying to get off the meds the dr, has me on for depression. Ive been taking since 1990. I'm sick of depending on them, and having to go to the dr. to get refills, etc. Ive been off of my medicine for a few weeks and feel like crap! BUT I AM FIGHTING IT!! LOL





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thanks everybody! I tried st john's wort once and all it did was make me sick to my stomach. ive been invited to a friend's for supper tonight, maybe that'll help some. -Brigitte

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Hi Brigitte,












This is a bit OT, but I recommend looking into Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), it's very effective, and free to learn.












The basic idea is that you tap on the bodies meridian points (like accupuncture without needles) to free up energy blockages. If you're interested, goto http://www.emofree.com you can download the manual for free.












I don't suffer from depression, but I did use EFT successfully to get me over a driving phobia I had developed, so I know that it works.












John M












On 30 Dec 2006 at 6:36, Brigitte Cherubini wrote:












> do any of you have any luck or experience with diet/enviroment controlling depression? Im trying to get off the meds the dr, has me on for depression. Ive been taking since 1990. I'm sick of depending on them, and having to go to the dr. to get refills, etc. Ive been off of my medicine for a few weeks and feel like crap! BUT I AM FIGHTING IT!! LOL










> -Brigitte




















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John McNally





Notary Public and Certified Loan Signing Agent






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Thanks for sharing, John. I don't consider it OT at all, as emotional and psychological health and attitude are essential to one's physical health, and like toxic food, can lead to early death and disease. We have to nourish our minds like we do our bodies, and I am going to check it out myself! <smiles>






John McNally


Sunday, December 31, 2006 12:31 AM

Re: [RealSimple] depression




Hi Brigitte,


This is a bit OT, but I recommend looking into Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), it's very effective, and free to learn.


The basic idea is that you tap on the bodies meridian points (like accupuncture without needles) to free up energy blockages. If you're interested, goto http://www.emofree.com you can download the manual for free.


I don't suffer from depression, but I did use EFT successfully to get me over a driving phobia I had developed, so I know that it works.


John M


On 30 Dec 2006 at 6:36, Brigitte Cherubini wrote:


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It doesn't work for everyone, but it sure helped me. As for why I went off of it was because I was scheduled for surgery and it interferes with anesthetic. My doctor placed me on Prozac to get me through the surgery period as you cannot start taking it again right away, and frankly, the Prozac worked a lot more. I did at one point try to go off Prozac against my doctor's advise, with disastrous results. He was right, and I went back on. As he explained to me, people with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) actually have physical changes to their neurological system, and the brain can no longer react normally. Years of psycho-therapy have helped, but not enough.


If I could live without it, I would in a heart beat. I've tried, but quality of life is important to me, so be it. As Ellen said, healthy is different for different people. Mental happiness and peace of mind are important to my health, so I compromise here... <smiles>











Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:59 PM

Re: [RealSimple] depression



REALLY Celia? Very interesting that SJW worked that well for you. Maybe I should try it again, as my depression is fairly mild most of the time with some anxiety issues, probably very similar to your symptoms. I must admit I didn't give it a very long trialrun when I tried it some years ago. May I ask why you went off it? Didn't work as well eventually?Russ


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Hi Brigitte, I had great luck with the " Potaoes not Prozac " program when I transitioned off of antidepressants. I was on them for a few years, and they helped me a lot, but I was tired of being dependant on them, too, and I wanted to have another baby. The doctors said it was " probably " safe to take during pregnancy, but I just couldn't swallow that. The program relies a lot on avoiding high-glycemic foods and having a regular protein source. The author has a lot of knowledge about brain chemistry and how food affects it. It was kind of hard, because I am such a sugar hound, but it got easier as time went on, and I saw real results. My Mother-in-law has also had really good results over several years with it. Good luck!!


Kairi " In the time of your life, live-so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world,but shall smile in the infinite delight and mystery of it. " -William Saroyan --

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Never heard of it, but I am inquisitive by nature. Can you give us a little more information on this program and how it helped you?


Thanks in advance!






Kairi Clark


Sunday, December 31, 2006 8:21 PM

[RealSimple] Re: Depression




Hi Brigitte, I had great luck with the "Potaoes not Prozac" program when I transitioned off of antidepressants. I was on them for a few years, and they helped me a lot, but I was tired of being dependant on them, too, and I wanted to have another baby. The doctors said it was "probably"safe to take during pregnancy, but I just couldn't swallow that. The program relies a lot on avoiding high-glycemic foods and having a regular protein source. The author has a lot of knowledge about brain chemistry and how food affects it. It was kind of hard, because I am such a sugar hound, but it got easier as time went on, and I saw real results. My Mother-in-law has also had really good results over several years with it. Good luck!!

Kairi "In the time of your life, live-so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world,but shall smile in the infinite delight and mystery of it." -William Saroyan


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  • 1 month later...

Balance seratonin and other homormones, emotions and

neurotransmitters in the body. Balance Chakras and

aura. Remove foods from diet that can be causing

adverse reactions such as sensitivity or allergy.

Drink more water. Get adequate sleep. Excerzise 30

minutes, 3 days per week or more and take a long walk

in the Sunshine! Also see a therapist if the symptoms

continue or get worse. St. John's Wort is good to help

with mood.


Jenny Kernan

Quantum Biofeedback Therapist



--- Kirit Mehta <kem_keme wrote:


> What to do to remove depression or bad mood.



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Guest guest

2/28/2007, Wednesday

Lots of physical exercise! Sweat a lot! Move a lot!


Kirit Mehta <kem_keme wrote:

What to do to remove depression or bad mood.










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