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Kendradhipati Dosha of Jupiter - Analysis

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Hi Esteemed Gurus,


With your permissions, I would like to share details of how Jupiter behaves for Gemini Ascendant more from my practical experience taking a specific case.


28/03/1974, 12:58 hrs, 11N4, 76E17

Gemini - ASC, Sat

Scorpio - Rahu

Cap - Venus

Aqu - Jup, Mer

Pis - Sun

Taurus - Moon, Mars ,Ketu


The individual in the specified case went through Rahu-Jup between Oct 94 and Feb 97. Jupiter is well placed in the 9th and in kendra from Rahu located in the 6th. This was the time when the individual had completed his education and was looking for job opportunities. Even with his best efforts, job prospects evaded him till Mar 97 till Rah-Sat started. Jupiter through lord of 7th and 10th (Career) didnt help the individual in getting a job. The explaination that could be derived is that Since Jupiter lords only kendras (lack of kona lordship), remained inactive in his antardasha denying him the Job. Note however that Jupiter didnt act as a malefic and just remained inactive. Other aspects of his life remained good though the lack of job did create a lot of mental tension. Subsequent bhuktis of Sat, Mer, Ketu, venus in rahu generated good results.


If rahu was directtly related to jupiter (though occupies satabisha), I would have expected disastrous results. Would it be fair to say that jupiter antradashas in the dashas of unrelated & related trika / trishadaya lords respectively would result in bad and disatrous results respectively since Jupiter owns only Kendra houses.


I would expect jupiter antardasha to behave similarly in the dasha of all other planets except that of Mercury and Saturn. This is because Jupiter placed in a Trikona has relationship with the other trinal lords in question - mercury and saturn.


Now coming to the mahadasha of Jupiter. In my view, Jupiter antradasha would remain neutral but would expect saturn, mercury antardashas (as these are trinal lords and have relationship with jupiter) to generate good results. I am still lost as to how the other antardashas would behave.


I have been very curious to understand this strange behaviour of Jupiter and the above summary is a result of my curiousness. Would like the estimed gurus to share their analysis and add more dimensions to this analysis.



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Hi Sir/ Madam,

I am very concerned about my career, health and marriage. Please advice. Below please find my birth details:


Date of Birth: 27/09/1976

Time of Birth:9.20 AM

Place of Birth: Calcutta/Kolkata; India

Gender: male

Current Location: Bangalore, India

I am wearing yellow sapphire on my right hand index finger, pearl on my right hand small finger. I was also wearing a Neelam (blue sapphire) on my right hand middle finger till 2007 November(I don't wear it anymore) before I started wearing Yellow Sapphire.


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Respected friend,


I am not a learned Guru But a learner of this subject. But I will like to put my view on the topic. I am sorry for interfereing in this thread.


Jupiter in 9H clearly indicates that it's Kendradhipati dosha gets cancelled. and in fact it is considered a good Rajayoga.


But there are few facts about Jupiter which should also be taken care of.


1) Jupiter is weak in Shadbala having 90% of minimum wanted

2) Jupiter is debilitated in D-9, further reducing Jupiter's strength

3) Jupiter is placed in Saturn's House which is enemy to jupiter

4) Jupiter is placed with Mercury, which is also enemy to jupiter making jupiter uncomfortable

5) Rahu is in 8H and 10 is getting Rahu's aspect.

6) Rahu is neutral to jupiter, which didnot helped Jupiter express whatever positive energy he had



In strength calculation, Jupiter Kasht fala comes out be 48.75 as compared to 11.22 Isht fala. Also Lagna Lord is also much weak to help jupiter express it's result of Rajayoga and gajkesari yoga



These factors were most probably the responsible for Jupiter not giving what expected


Kind Regards


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Aum Gurubhyo namah




dear shri.srirammenon,


jupiter is a bhadaka to gemini lagna. It is placed in naidhana tara from

rahu and hence its antar was fruitless. Also if the time of birth is accurate,

jupiter is placed in 8 th from 'AL' and 'HL' in dasamsa (profession).


in the rasi chart too, jupiter is placed in shoonya nakshatra from 'AL'

and 'HL'. Hence it did not help in the rise of status and wealth.


may mother bless all



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Thanks to Atulji and Sasisekaranji for their response.


My view on lagna lord mercury is that it is quite strong since it is in vargottama navamsa and also involved in a parivartana with the 9th lord. By this parivartana, Mercury and Saturn are both rendered strong and also the malefic 8th lordship of Saturn is reduced though Saturn never lets lose of it's 8th lordship and the effects of which were felt by the native for a breif period during Rahu-Sat dasha when he changed jobs.


As per Gayatri Devi Vasudev, understand that the planet is termed bhadaka only if gulika / mandi is placed in any of it's sign and the if the subject planet happens to own the 22nd drekkana (or) is lord of Kharesha. Since jupiter cannot be lord of 22nd drekkana or kharesh for any of the 3 drekkans rising in gemini or virgo and since in this chart gulika / mandi is not located in sagittarius and pisces, not sure whether Jupiter can be termed as bhadaka.



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Auspiciousness and strength are two different things. Mercury is too weak in shad bala. being vargottama and being included in parivartana It's auspiciousness is increased. But It still lacks the drigbal and sthanbal it need to exert it's effects.


And for parivartan yoga, we usually think that it erases all afflictions, but this is not so. in ancient texts planets included in exchange should be considered as conjunction. In this case both planets share a free flow of energy between them. Hence their effect is combined resultant.


Another fact is that, when a planet is carrying both malefic and benefic properties (Which most of the time every planet does) then it will exert both of it's properties and it does not get cancelled. So a person gets both malefic and benefic results from the planet period depending upon the what percent of it carries benefic and malefic properties respectively.


hence in this chart, Budha has although become auspicious but being weak it is still unable to give full performance. Vargottama planet is supposed to give good results but it need enough energy to transmit those results. Being vargottma does not cancel it's badhak properties and also can not hide it's weakness.


if you look at the palm of the native you will find that the mercury mount is also not that stron although the mercury line may be in good position.


Dear friend, As I told I am just a learner of astrology, I will be thankful If you correct my mistakes


Kind regards


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I am Gemini lagna with Jupiter in second house.

24 March 1979 12:00 PM Pune


My rahu mahadasha just ended and Jupiter mahadasha began in May 2009. I was looking for a job since Nov 2007 with no success and I thought it was ashtama shani. As ashtam shani ends in sept, i assume i will find a job in Jupiter dasha. (jupiter being in 2nd house). Am I wrong here? :eek3:

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Aum Gurubhyo namah




dear shri.srirammenon,


If Jupiter is found favourable, why did it not give job during its antar?.

you have not gone through other subtle points i have mentioned.

its placement in a trikona and that too in bhagya sthana and joining

lagna lord has failed to bring its fruits. Then where is the problem ?


If you can explain further from your point of angle, how you went about looking for job during jupiter's antar and why you got only after its period was over , more light would come. Also at this age, how you weigh the attempts made by you during jupiter's antar. The experience you have gained so far would throw some ideas as what went against you then. After hearing from you, i would add some more points.


may mother bless all



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Thanks to Atulji and Sasisekaranji for their response. Sorry if I sounded as if I was not respecting your views. I was just sharing my views in light of the knowledge I have on the subject.


In response to Sasisekaranji's queries, though the individual put in his best efforts at that time, in hindsight it was not good enough. With ref to the job later in rah-sat (through a friend of the subject), it seemed that the opportunity was always available and in terms of qualification there was nothing that preventing him in getting the same in rah-jup but it was just that he hadn't contacted his friend earlier and hence unaware of this potential opportunity.


Anyway, I would like your esteemed views on the Jupiter dasha that is about to start.



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Hello All,


If Jupiter is placed in the ascendant in pisces lagna, will the kendradhipati dosha will be more functional or jupiter will function as a yogakaraka here being the lord of kendra and trines both? I read somewhere that jupiter spoils the house that it is in but the house it aspects benefits. Secondly, jupiter in movable signs spoils the house before it. What will be the effect of jupiter in 4th house in libra for cancer ascendant being the 6th lord?




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Aum Gurubhyo namah




dear shri.srirammenon,


" in hindsight it was not good enough. "


That was what i exactly expected. If you have fully understood the words " joining the lagna lord " you could have put a question to yourself.

Lagna lord is application of intelligence. Here the lagna lord is disturbed

by the bhadaka and hence the efforts put forth now appear to be not

enough. That is exactly what a bhadaka can do. The native will receive

" bolt from the blue ".


same is applicable in jupiter dasa. The native must understand that he would be running the dasa of bhadaka. bhadaka owns the seventh and the tenth. These areas could be troublesome.


may mother bless all



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