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How to do Sadhana? Procedure ? Rules ? How to take Sankalp? How to do Anusthaan? etc.

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@all -

Lot of people had been asking me this -


How to do Sadhana? Procedure ? Rules ? How to take Sankalp? How to do Anusthaan?


There are many types of Anusthaan. In Laghu Anusthaan, 24000 Mantra chantings are done ( eg. 27 rosary rounds in 9 days) and 240 aahutis are offered in holy Yagya. In Madhyam Anusthaan, 1.25 Lakh Mantra chantings are done (eg. 33 rosary rounds in 40 days) and 1250 aahutis are offered in holy Yagya. In Maha Anusthaan, 24 Lakh Mantra chantings are done (66 rosary rounds in 1 year) and One-tenth aahutis are offered in holy Yagya. One may also perform Anusthaan of 51000 or 5 lakh rosary rounds.


Anusthaan is a concentrated effort. You should try to complete the Anusthaan in as less number of days as possible for maximum benefit. An Anusthaan is normally done for completion of some task, or to solve some problem. The longer you delay the anusthaan, the more will be the delay in achieving results. Moreover, if you extend it for more time, then there is a chance of making more mistakes, breaking of celibacy (mental & physical) or some other strict rule. You should start the anusthaan on a auspicious day.


You should follow following rules during Anusthaan -


a. Start on the same time everyday. Perform same number of rosary rounds daily. Perform Anusthaan at a pure, satvik place in a pure, quite environment.


b. Eat pure vegetarian food during Anusthaan & Sadhana period. Try to avoid onion, garlic etc. Eat food once a day.


c. Maintain complete celibacy (mental & physical) during Anusthaan period. If your brahmacharya (celibacy) breaks during Anusthaan/Sadhana period, then you should stop the Sadhana/Anusthaan and restart the entire Sadhana/Anusthaan again afresh.


d. Perform Guru Poojan and chant one rosary round of Guru Mantra. Then perform the required daily number of rosary rounds of the concerned Mantra. Then chant one rosary round of Guru Mantra again. The Ghee/Oil (Depending on Diety) Deepak should be lighted continuously during the entire Anusthaan period. Ghee Deepak should be lighted for Anusthaan of Guru Mantra.


e. Mentally meditate on the form of the Diety and Gurudev during all the days of Anusthaan.


f. Don't cut hairs or nails during the Anusthaan Period. One should also refrain from shaving.


Normally, before chanting the mantra for Anusthaan/Sadhana, one needs to make a Sankalp (pledge) by taking water in one’ right hand palm saying the following in any language -


Myself "name" son/daughter/wife of "father/mother/husband's name" , belonging to "your gotra or surname" gotra , disciple of Pujya Gurudev am making this pledge by taking Divine blessings and Diksha from my Pujya Gurudev on "date & time" at "place name" that I will perform "sadhna name" Sadhana by chanting "number" rosary rounds for "number" days to solve "problem details" problem. May Pujya Gurudev stay with me all the time and guide and protect me.


After, this let the water flow to the ground.


This Sankalp is an agreement between yourself and the divine deity. After taking Sankalp, you should perform Sadhana for the required number of days at the same time. There should NOT be any break of even a single day after taking Sankalp. You need to take Sankalp only on the first day.


You also need to perform Hawan (Holy Fire), Tarpan & Maarjan after completion of Anusthaan. Havan is done for appeasement of Gods (Devataas). Tarpan is done for offering to & appeasement of "Updevataas" (Gods) and "Pitras" (Ancestors). Maarjan is done for appeasement of other important yonis; and to remove impurities and purify oneself. Maarjan also removes bad effects of Rajogun and Tamogun.


You should offer 12500 (10% of Total Mantra chanting) Aahutis (offerings) in the holy fire of havan.


You should suffix the deity's mantra (which you chanted 1.25 lakh times) with the word "Swahaa". With each chanting of the mantra, you should offer Aahuti in the holy fire. You may do havan in two shifts, if it is not possible for you to complete it together. The item to be offered for Aahuti is different for each Sadhana/Mantra/Deity and purpose.


Normally, you may use "mango plant" wood sticks in the Yagya. However different types of woods are used in different Sadhanas. You can place a camphor between dry sticks and then light it. You should preferably use a "Havan Kund" for performing havan. Different kinds of Hawan Kunds are prescribed for different Sadhanas, purposes and Deities. It should be made of copper. If copper is not available, then you may use any other pure metal container. For general purposes, you should use a squarish shape havan kund. The size of Havankund should be 9" X 9" X 9" or 15" X 15" X 15" .


You should perform Guru Poojan before performing Havan. You should also chant at least 4 rosary rounds of Guru Mantra. Then, you should perform Panchopchaar poojan (worship) of the Sadhana Yantra & photo of deity with Snaan( bathe), Tilak (mark on forehead), Pushp (flowers), Dhoop (incense), deep (light) etc.


Tarpan should be done for 1250 (10% of Hawan) mantra chantings. You should suffix the deity's mantra (which you chanted 1.25 lakh times) with the word "Tarpayaami". With each chanting of the mantra, you should offer a mixture of milk & water on either Yantra or Idol.


Maarjam should be done for 125 (10% of Tarpan) mantra chantings. You should suffix the deity's mantra (which you chanted 1.25 lakh times) with the word "Maarjyaami". With each chanting of the mantra, you should offer a mixture of milk & water on either Yantra or Idol.


It is recommended to perform Havan, Tarpan & Maarjan after completion of Anusthaan. However, if, you are unable to perform Havan for any reason then you may chant an additional 125 malas (rosary rounds) of the deity's mantra as a substitute by taking a sankalp.


You should mention in the sankalp that - "I am chanting 125 rosary rounds of the mantra as the Havan Poornaahuti." You should perform Guru Poojan and chant 4 rosary rounds of Guru Mantra before starting these 125 rosary rounds.


After completion of 125 rosary rounds or havan/yagya, you should do the following :


a. Chant one rosary round of Guru Mantra


b. Mentally seek forgiveness from revered Gurudev for the mistakes (known or unknown) which you might have committed during Mantra chanting and request for His Aashirvaad and blessings.


Similarly for Tarpan, you may chant additional 12 rosary rounds & for Maarjan additional 3 rosary rounds.


You should mentally pray and meditate on the form of revered Gurudev before starting the Mantra chanting. You should also mentally take permission from pujya Gurudev before starting the Mantra chanting and request for His blessings & Aashirwaad to obtain success.


After the completion of Mantra chanting, you should mentally seek forgiveness from revered Gurudev for the mistakes (known or unknown) which you might have committed during Mantra chanting and request for His Aashirvaad and blessings.


If you are a woman, you should stop the Anusthaan/Sadhana during the monthly periods, and restart it after taking bath on completion of periods (after 5 days).


If you feel that you need to go somewhere which might lead to an interruption, then you should first finish that task, and perform Anushtaan with Sankalp later. In the meantime, you may chant the Mantra given to you by Diksha using the mala.


Using Mala-

You should hold the rosary in your right hand while chanting the Mantra. You should take rosary in right hand between Ring-Finger and Middle-Finger and move it using Thumb and Middle-Finger. You should place your hand adjacent to the heart. The rosary should not touch your leg or ground. Either you should place your left hand to avoid this, or you may put rosary in Gomukhi (cotton cloth bag) whilest chanting. Your index finger (fore-finger) should not touch the rosary. You should never let rosary touch the ground even when you are not performing Sadhana. It should always be kept wrapped in a clean cloth.


There is a separator bead in every rosary. Basically it is the central bead at which the thread containing beads is joined/tied together. This is normally marked by a different color thread on it. You may easily identify the separator bead. You should start moving the bead from the bead next to separator bead. You should not start from the separator bead itself. The beads should move along with the mantra chanting in direction towards you (clockwise direction). You should move one bead with each chant of complete mantra. In the moving process, once you reach the separator bead after finishing the bead before the separator bead, you should overturn the rosary with your right hand, making the last bead before separator (one you used just now) the first bead after separator. This is called as completing one complete round of the rosary. And then you should start chanting again with this bead as the first one.


Taking Sankalp/Promise for someone else -


Myself "name" son/daughter/wife of "your father/mother/husband's name" , belonging to "your gotra or surname" gotra , disciple of Pujya Gurudev am making this pledge by taking Divine blessings and Diksha from my Pujya Gurudev on "date & time" at "place name" that I will perform "sadhna name" Sadhana by chanting "number" rosary rounds for "number" days on behalf of "person name" son/daughter/wife of "father/mother/husband's name" , belonging to "gotra or surname" gotra ,resident of "place name" to solve "problem details" problem. May Pujya Gurudev stay with us all the time and guide and protect us. May all the benefits of this Sadhana go to "person name".


Note -

Do not sit on bed & do Sadhana.

Sit on ground with Proper Aasan.

You can open/ close your eyes during Sadhana. When open see the Lingam(concentrate) or look at deitys Photo.



Dhruv Bhura


Jai Gurudev! Jai Nikhileshwar! Jai Ma Kaali!

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Thank you soooo much for the details..sorry for the amount...but I have

s ome questions...


1...For the Tarpan and Maarjam, do I place these onto the Shiva lingam? I read somewhere that I should put the water on my head for the Mritunjaya siddhi...or should I place it on the Lingam?


2. You also wrote..It is recommended to perform Havan, Tarpan & Maarjan

after completion of Anusthaan.

Please forgive my stupidity, but can you explain to me what this means? Should these then be completed at the END of the practice??? Is that what you mean? I apologize that I am confused as to WHEN to do this havan/Tarpan/Maarjan in the midst of my chanting?


Also, if I do extra malas instead of Havan, does it go OVER the 40 days? Or do I take into consideration the extra 125 malas and add it in to total 40 days? When is this part completed during the course of the sadhana?


3. At start, to let the water flow to the ground after Sankalp, do you mean the floor of your home at yoru altar? Or the earth outside?


4. You wrote..Then, you should perform Panchopchaar poojan (worship) of the Sadhana Yantra & photo of deity with Snaan( bathe), Tilak (mark on forehead), Pushp (flowers), Dhoop (incense), deep (light) etc.


5.Can you tell me how to do the Panchopchaar pooja?


6. Also, what if I do not have a yantra for the deity? Does this matter?


7. How critical is it that women stop for the cycle? Can you explain why? I really do not want to do so! It really breaks up the flow...I know it is for "purity" reasons, but is it the end of the world to continue through it? It is my feeling that God is fully with me during the time of my cycle and that I open fully up to the heaven's. Please advise. Also, if the sadhana needs to be completed in 40 days, do I LOSE the 4 or 5 days of my cycle to chanting? In other words, do I have to take those 4 days of chanting, and fit them into other days in order for the whole sadhana to be complete in 40 days? Or can it extend to 44 days? Or will that not suffice?


8. How do you keep counting with your mala the amount of mantras AND make offerings at the same time for Tarpan and Maarjan??? Can you use your left hand for the offerings? I do not get it! We only have one right hand!


9. What kind of lamp should be lit for the Mritunjaya siddhi? Is there a special oil to use?


This is what I can think of now. Thank you for your time...

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Thank you soooo much for the details..sorry for the amount...but I have

some questions...


1...For the Tarpan and Maarjam, do I place these onto the Shiva lingam? I read somewhere that I should put the water on my head for the Mritunjaya siddhi...or should I place it on the Lingam?

- NOrmally it is on deitiy idol or pic. In the previous text i had given to you says, do it on puja performers/(for the person whom you have taken sankalp) head. Stick to the text in this case(Shiv siddhi). I assume it is tested. So put it on your head.

2. You also wrote..It is recommended to perform Havan, Tarpan & Maarjan

after completion of Anusthaan.

Please forgive my stupidity, but can you explain to me what this means? Should these then be completed at the END of the practice??? Is that what you mean? I apologize that I am confused as to WHEN to do this havan/Tarpan/Maarjan in the midst of my chanting?

- After 1.25 lacs of chanting in 40 days.

Also, if I do extra malas instead of Havan, does it go OVER the 40 days? Or do I take into consideration the extra 125 malas and add it in to total 40 days? When is this part completed during the course of the sadhana?

- 40 days (1.25 lacs) + somedays for Havan/Tarpan, etc

3. At start, to let the water flow to the ground after Sankalp, do you mean the floor of your home at yoru altar? Or the earth outside?

- Earth. I put it there. You can also do it without water. (Just visualise)

4. You wrote..Then, you should perform Panchopchaar poojan (worship) of the Sadhana Yantra & photo of deity with Snaan( bathe), Tilak (mark on forehead), Pushp (flowers), Dhoop (incense), deep (light) etc.



5.Can you tell me how to do the Panchopchaar pooja?

Snaan - Clean with wet cloth

Tilak - With Kum Kum (Chandan in case of shiv sadhana) on the Idol

Push - Put flowers on the feet of the idol

Dhoop - Light Scented sticks

Deep - Light a cotton soked in ghee/tel

This is what u are looking for? or something else?

6. Also, what if I do not have a yantra for the deity? Does this matter?

- Yantra is preferred. Incase if you dont have this - it should not be a reason not to do sadhana.

7. How critical is it that women stop for the cycle? Can you explain why? I really do not want to do so! It really breaks up the flow...I know it is for "purity" reasons, but is it the end of the world to continue through it? It is my feeling that God is fully with me during the time of my cycle and that I open fully up to the heaven's. Please advise. Also, if the sadhana needs to be completed in 40 days, do I LOSE the 4 or 5 days of my cycle to chanting? In other words, do I have to take those 4 days of chanting, and fit them into other days in order for the whole sadhana to be complete in 40 days? Or can it extend to 44 days? Or will that not suffice?

- Yes it would effectively become 44 days - Breaks are necessary. Still in Sankalp you would say - i promise to do in 40 days. On day of break - say in mind - "i have to break here because to natural issue, would continue from next another 4 days"

Do not touch idol in these 4 days.



8. How do you keep counting with your mala the amount of mantras AND make offerings at the same time for Tarpan and Maarjan??? Can you use your left hand for the offerings? I do not get it! We only have one right hand!

- Good question - For Havan, Tarpan & Marjan - left hand can be used or even counter can be used. BUT remember during main anusthan of 1.25 lacs you will have to use right hand only and that too the middle finger incontact with thumb.

9. What kind of lamp should be lit for the Mritunjaya siddhi? Is there a special oil to use?

- Cow ghee


This is what I can think of now. Thank you for your time...

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Dhruv Bhura


P.S. - My responses would be late

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I am going to ask more questions, but I still do not understand WHY I cannot continue with the sadhana during the menstrual period, and why is it that I would not be able to touch the idol? What would happen?

Besides saying that the woman is "impure" at this time, I am wondering if you could offer a more thorough explanation? Were these directions written in the scriptures that a woman should not participate in spiritual practice during her cycle? Details are most welcome.

I will get back to you with further questions...again, thanks so much for your time!

I am eager for my lingam to come.

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