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Why Exalted Shani in Libra Lagna has malefic effect

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Dear Pandits and Gurus,


I am just curious about exalted Shani in Libra lagna. I have Shani in the first house along with Mars. My rasi is Capricorn. Normally, exalted Shani in lagna should be good to the natives, but this year I have suffered a lot from both health, income, profession.


One astrologer suggest me to pray for Shani and stop wearing black until my birthday, which just passed by two days ago. Though Shani being also yogakaraka, a few pandits suggest me not to wear Blue Sapphire and to wear diamond instead.


I am just wondering the significant of Shani in my situation of why it has malefic effect on me and why Blue Sapphire will not suit me as much as it should have.


Please throw me some light on this as I am learning astrology and from many books I have read, Shani should be the best planet on my chart. I am wondering why it acts the opposite. Thanks all the gurus in advance.


DOB: 15 July 1984

Time of Birth: 14.11

Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand

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Transit Shani is Simha rasi ,it is 8th house to your natal Moon and birth star Dhanistha. Past 2.5 years might have troubled you a lot. It ends by 9/9/2009. Yogakaraka Shani is helpless in this position.After this date things work in favour of you and getback what you lost.

Pray Lord Shanidev or Sri Hanumanji regularly.

wish you good luck.


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Dear Pandits and Gurus,


I am just curious about exalted Shani in Libra lagna. I have Shani in the first house along with Mars. My rasi is Capricorn. Normally, exalted Shani in lagna should be good to the natives, but this year I have suffered a lot from both health, income, profession.


One astrologer suggest me to pray for Shani and stop wearing black until my birthday, which just passed by two days ago. Though Shani being also yogakaraka, a few pandits suggest me not to wear Blue Sapphire and to wear diamond instead.


I am just wondering the significant of Shani in my situation of why it has malefic effect on me and why Blue Sapphire will not suit me as much as it should have.


Please throw me some light on this as I am learning astrology and from many books I have read, Shani should be the best planet on my chart. I am wondering why it acts the opposite. Thanks all the gurus in advance.


DOB: 15 July 1984

Time of Birth: 14.11

Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand



While Ashtama shani is one factor,the most important factor is association with the Maha badhakaadhipati,Mars for Capricorn.Shani becomes powerless and also the transit to Kanya may also be not very helpful.Please go around Peepul tree on saturdays where a deity of Ganesh or Hanuman is installed for 21 times.You may get some relief.

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Respectes USR ji and suvarchas ji,


I will like to add a thing using my small brain. This is just a humble opinion. Pardon if I sound rude.


I think we should also have a look at last year's tajak chart. Saturn 3L is in 9H with Mars (bitter enemy and 12L). Rahu in 2H and Ketu in 8H. 11L in 8H 11H aspected by saturn. 6H aspected by Rahu and saturn.


If we can get the exact details of the problems you suffered then we can be able to locate the reason more effectively. Tajaka chart shows health problems related to urinary system and to some extent to digestive system. Losses may be due to unexplained and unavoidable expenditure and bad debts.


If problems became prominent in last half of the year and losses were due to mainly wrong decisions taken and and taking part in risky investments. Although profits may have been maintained. health problems may have been due to injury/and also psychological unrest and mental stress and unexplained physical symptoms sometimes. Then the problems may have been due to Natal chart and transits.


I hope I will be forgiven for committing mistakes here


Kind Regards


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Dear Atul,

We use Parasari and to some extent Jaimini in general predictions.Tajak is also used for Annual Horoscopy based on Solar return which is famous in the West and Arabic countries.Now the west is looking towards Vedic Parasari system for more accurate predictions.I found most of the US book stalls store more books on Vedic astrology and sell.Their contribution without any reservation is nice.

The KP system also gives good results.

I feel a good astrologer if he is familiar with these systems and read the charts from all these angles, the reason for various issues becomes clear and the predictions can be near accurate.

I generally go by Parasari,but if the chart is complicated to crack the code I apply KP as well as Jaimini and method of other respected Astrologers like Sri B.V.Raman,Sri K.P. Rao and many great authors/sages to whom we are all indebted .We are all life time students of this subject.

But Ashtama Shani is very powerful and one has to realise by one's own experiance.Only prayer and good deeds saves.

with best wishes,


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My humble view:

The dasha is that of 3rd and 6th (malefic) jupiter from 2008 Nov. Jupiter is best placed in Sagittarius for Libra ascendants but being retro and in the constellation of ketu (and 12th from moon) and aspected by Sat may be the cause of the problem (health especially).

I have seen a lot of charts where Jup is placed in Sag for Libra ascendnats and has given excellent results. Retrogression could be the cause of the problem. Others may post their opinions on this?

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If we can get the exact details of the problems you suffered then we can be able to locate the reason more effectively. Tajaka chart shows health problems related to urinary system and to some extent to digestive system. Losses may be due to unexplained and unavoidable expenditure and bad debts.


If problems became prominent in last half of the year and losses were due to mainly wrong decisions taken and and taking part in risky investments. Although profits may have been maintained. health problems may have been due to injury/and also psychological unrest and mental stress and unexplained physical symptoms sometimes. Then the problems may have been due to Natal chart and transits.



Dear Atulji,


You are exactly right in every way. In January, I have got problems related to urinary system; it stopped and occur again in April up until now actually. Since May I also have problem with digestive system. Since April my physical and especially mental health has gone bad. This is also due to my just opened business has been very bad. I hardly made any sale at all and it is very unexplainable to the point of strange.


Right now I am thinking about selling my business to a friend if possible as there is lack of finances. I am wondering based on this system, will my health as well as my career is better (even though just a little bit). I am very concern about my health now as I know there is something wrong with my physical health, but many doctors do not seem to find out what.


Thank you for your information. It really confirms most of thing that has happened to me this Year. I just wish it will get better very soon.




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Respected USR Ji,


Thanks for your answer. I also mainly rely on Parashari. I am not well versed to KP and also novice in Gemini and Tajaka. Currently I am at experimental stage with GEmini and Tajaka. we all experience that The patterns repeating in Gemini and parashari have much influence on native's life. With respect to Tajaka and parashai, both are different methods and cover different aspect of astrology. I usually see that prediction in realtion to a time line are different from both tajaka and parashari system And a person gets results of both the system equally as per the strengths of various factors affecting.


As we can see in this case, some problems can be easily identified in birth chart and transit of saturn in 8H from Moon and other factors. And some problems can be easily defined in tajaka chart of last year. But person is getting result of both the charts according to strengths of planets.


(This is my opinion only, based on my own observation only, and not taken from any book so this can be wrong and a false opinion and no one is advised to use this as a principle in astrology. I just wanted to share my observation with you so that we can learn few new things.)


I beg your opinion on this matter about your experience and vast knowledge, so that I can improve my mistakes.


Kind Regards


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Dear Atulji,


You are exactly right in every way. In January, I have got problems related to urinary system; it stopped and occur again in April up until now actually. Since May I also have problem with digestive system. Since April my physical and especially mental health has gone bad. This is also due to my just opened business has been very bad. I hardly made any sale at all and it is very unexplainable to the point of strange.


Right now I am thinking about selling my business to a friend if possible as there is lack of finances. I am wondering based on this system, will my health as well as my career is better (even though just a little bit). I am very concern about my health now as I know there is something wrong with my physical health, but many doctors do not seem to find out what.


Thank you for your information. It really confirms most of thing that has happened to me this Year. I just wish it will get better very soon.





Respected vKomal,


Thanks for your feed back. Coming some time may transate into struggle for you. Although selling your business may not be good idea. atleast for now. If you can send details about your business then we can have look that what can be done of that, also date and time when you started your business


kind regards


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Dear Atulji,


The business I am running now is a family business. The shareholders are myself, my dad and mom. It is an exclusive system integration company specialized in smart home and office technology, kind of luxurious system so it would suit high class residential and commercial establishment.


With pressure from my parents, I decided to open a business last year. The thought of opening was around January or February 2008. The business registration date was actually the same as my birthday, 15 July 2008. The first day I actually came to work in the office was 12 August 2008. The opening of the showroom was 3 December, 2008. I am the only one who runs the company though. My parents just give money support, though now I kind of run out of the capital because at first money resource was not going to be a problem; but later on my dad has problem my grandfather so the promised money is somehow lost. Hence, there is no more investment to put in this business now.


Since opening, with also local political problem and severe economic problems, I hardly any made any sale at all. The business has negative balance every month since it was opened. It was also difficult to find the right people to work in this business as well. Actually, I did hire two workers, and both of them let me down and turned out not to be the kind of individual I expected. There was also delay in every aspect to get things done on time in the business from administration to accounting. Plus, health problems also worried me a lot this year, this just make the situation worse.


Actually the original plan was that I will move the office or open another showroom in the prime home builder shopping mall area next year. I already put in the deposit last year. Now I am thinking of what to do as I believe if this business is to be successful I need to at least move to this new showroom and office and close the current one (the original plan was to keep the current office/showroom as well). Again, with current economical situation in Thailand I doubt that the business will perform as I expected. So my alternative now is that I am thinking of selling the business. Partnership is out of the question as I was told by many pundits and astrologers that I should never involve in partnership, especially with friends.


I am thinking of selling this business to this friend and will help him run it for about a year; then I will move on my own way, maybe go abroad or something. This is all about my business problems. I have also done many remedies, but it still does not seem to help. I just think that it is not my time to rise yet (I have at east 4 astrologers/pundits told me that I will rise high after 32 -34 years of age.) I am just wondering if all the problem that I have been facing for the last year or so will be over soon.




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Respected Jagdeep,


As you are related with Luxury product, and due to this recession all luxury product market have a hit.


But for you products associated with luxury seems to be good. Moving abroad may not be a good idea although multiple foreign trips are indicated, or your business may require you to travel a lot. Saturn, mars, Ketu, venus and Merc and moon leaving an impact on your profession and profits. Seems luxury products associated with technology good for you. Other business if you want to switch that may be good for you are garments, utensils like things. Don't do work related to leather.


Your next year also seems to be a difficult time with respect to finances although health and mental well being may see improvement. 1L and 10L in tajaka is in 8H and 11L and 12L Sat in 6H. 2L,9L Mars in 3H and aspecting 6Hand 10H. Rahu in 11H good but Ketu in 5H noot good.


I will be highly thankful if you point out my mistakes


Kind Regards


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Dear Pandits and Gurus,


I am just curious about exalted Shani in Libra lagna. I have Shani in the first house along with Mars. My rasi is Capricorn. Normally, exalted Shani in lagna should be good to the natives, but this year I have suffered a lot from both health, income, profession.


One astrologer suggest me to pray for Shani and stop wearing black until my birthday, which just passed by two days ago. Though Shani being also yogakaraka, a few pandits suggest me not to wear Blue Sapphire and to wear diamond instead.


I am just wondering the significant of Shani in my situation of why it has malefic effect on me and why Blue Sapphire will not suit me as much as it should have.


Please throw me some light on this as I am learning astrology and from many books I have read, Shani should be the best planet on my chart. I am wondering why it acts the opposite. Thanks all the gurus in advance.


DOB: 15 July 1984

Time of Birth: 14.11

Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand



For professional success,if possible donate blue sapphire. Thing will improve after 9 oct 2009 . You will have more than one source of income. After initial struggle you will do good in business.

Worship any god you believe in .

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Dear Respected Astrologers,


Thank you for all the posts. I really appreciate them.


Just two more questions though:


Firstly, my physical is getting better slowly. Should I still be more concern about it. Is my chart show anything to be concerned with any genital or sexual organ diseases?


Secondly, for business concern, should I still continue the business if I can somehow find a way to continue it? I am thinking of placing my products in my friend's shop instead, and getting commission from the sales. This way it does not mean that I partner with him in term of money investment. I just get the commission out of clients' purchases. Will it be able to make good money in the next two years? Or will it be better for me to look for jobs instead until I am ready for my own business again?


Again, thank you for the replies.



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