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geocities shutting down

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Haribol. I got word that sometime this summer, geocities is pilau, meaning going obsolete. So, if anyone wants to read or perhaps save anything wiitten on http://www.geocities.com/mahaksadasa better get with it. Im not saving anything other than kipuka, dismas, and some songs, and have no interest in any of the other stuff. I dont apologize for any of the content, they were all well thought out opinions based on actual experiance.


Ive moved on to movie making, and book publication, and any releases will be announced here. Getting real close on the "geisha warrior" project, but no one replied when I offered free beta on the project last summer.


Anyway, not just mine, but hundreds of devotees have used geocities over the years, and many valuable writings are there.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Haribol. I got word that sometime this summer, geocities is pilau, meaning going obsolete. So, if anyone wants to read or perhaps save anything wiitten on http://www.geocities.com/mahaksadasa better get with it. Im not saving anything other than kipuka, dismas, and some songs, and have no interest in any of the other stuff. I dont apologize for any of the content, they were all well thought out opinions based on actual experiance.


Ive moved on to movie making, and book publication, and any releases will be announced here. Getting real close on the "geisha warrior" project, but no one replied when I offered free beta on the project last summer.


Anyway, not just mine, but hundreds of devotees have used geocities over the years, and many valuable writings are there.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


Haribol Prabhu, there is a nice free tool called "webreaper", free download at http://www.webreaper.net/. With this tool you can download your whole website within minutes and have it saved. Meanwhile there are lots of free blogs where you can upload it again and have it online.

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  • 4 weeks later...

good upgrade, jahnavanitai das. speaking of which, Im beginning to make new site at THE VULTURE KING. the site is under construction, so continue to use geocities below fer now.


in this project, Im dumping all the stuff made of political stuff involving the superficial side of vaisnavism, in favor of storytelling, moviemaking and song production. geocities is still open, so any who have contributed to that site, please copy now or forever hold yer peace (not piece).


hope all are well, hare krsna, dont look and drive fast. yer surf ant, mahaksadasa

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