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i keep on having dreams of different god or temples. i like having theese types of dreams. but nothing good has ever come my way in my life what does all this mean. i wouldnt say im a materialistic person but at the same time i want to be succsesful and a better life for my family. i see theese dreams as a blessing and a privialage. but there is nothing positive going on in my life.

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No i saw another thread of yours.

let me ask you first are the dreams divine in nature.

Can you give an example.

even i have had some dreams but they made me sick.

i dont understand what you mean by divine in nature, but let me give you an overveiw of what the dreams are like. the gods all come in murti or picture form. some are in a temple or a place and a pooja is being done, a couple of time im the one that is doing the pooja. in some dream they seem to kinda appear out or no where. wether it be in a house out im outside in the dream they are just there. for me the scarest one was when i was in a house and there was this huge mother durga murti in the basement, and there were pics all over the house, but i was scared of the mother durga murti for some reason i dont know why. the weirdest was when i dreamot i was in a temple and a black stoned genesha started to give out darshen to the people and i dont remeber clearly but i thing he gave me some sacred ash. thoose are some of the dreams i remembered.


you said that the dreams made you sick would you mind telling how it made you sick. i hope it dosent happen to me. to be honest i enjoy seeing the gods in my dream it fills me with so much joy in my heart when i see them in my dreams. i hope i alway and continue to have dreams about them. but the problem is that there is no clariety as to the reason for all this. i know of people who are religous and dont have dreams. so i really hope they dont stop coming in my dreams.

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Yes Even I Had A Dream About I Think Lord Ganesh But I Cant Be Sure.

I Was Going Down The Stairs When Suddenly I Saw A A Shri Ganesh Like Person Over There.i Heard A Very Troubled Or I Cant Say What Type Of Voice. I Heard Him Calling Me .

I Ran Upstairs.

Anyway I Cant Say For Sure It Was Shri Ganesh Because He Was Black In Colour And It Wasnt Divine.

I Forgot To Mention I Was Scared And I Meant Scared When He Had Called Me.

Anyway Calling Him Sri Ganesh Must Be An Offense So I Cant Surely Say That.

Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah May He Forgive Me For My Offense

Have You Heard Of Astral Projection.

By The Way This Dream Wasnt The One Taht Made Me Sick But There Was Another One Where I Was In A Temple ,anyway Not Worth Talking It Wasnt Exactly With God.

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Yes Even I Had A Dream About I Think Lord Ganesh But I Cant Be Sure.

I Was Going Down The Stairs When Suddenly I Saw A A Shri Ganesh Like Person Over There.i Heard A Very Troubled Or I Cant Say What Type Of Voice. I Heard Him Calling Me .

I Ran Upstairs.

Anyway I Cant Say For Sure It Was Shri Ganesh Because He Was Black In Colour And It Wasnt Divine.

I Forgot To Mention I Was Scared And I Meant Scared When He Had Called Me.

Anyway Calling Him Sri Ganesh Must Be An Offense So I Cant Surely Say That.

Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah May He Forgive Me For My Offense

Have You Heard Of Astral Projection.

By The Way This Dream Wasnt The One Taht Made Me Sick But There Was Another One Where I Was In A Temple ,anyway Not Worth Talking It Wasnt Exactly With God.

i am familiar with astral projections. i think its alot like lucid dreaming. but nobody really know if there is a connection to it. what was the dream that made you sick, and in what way did it make you sick?
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dreams are mere manifestations of subconscious minds and apart from providing some mental strength to an aspirant it is of no use .


dreams are generally not even counted as spiritual encounters !!

but what about the dream tha raksha lady had when mother sita was kidnapped. was that just for the perpose of mental strength. i dont know if they have nay purpose at all but dont u think dreaming about the gods is highly iregular?

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but what about the dream tha raksha lady had when mother sita was kidnapped. was that just for the perpose of mental strength. i dont know if they have nay purpose at all but dont u think dreaming about the gods is highly iregular?


there are some rare dreams which can be truly spiritual and mystical . but most of our dreams are not worth it . moreover how do you know it was a real spiritual revelation ? that is why spiritual aspirants are always taught to ignore such dreams . if they come its good . but forget about them the next moment and move on with your sadhan .....................if you cling on to it it shall ruin your sadhana !!

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Respected Pandora Ji,


The blessed members above have advised the right thing. Dreams are not worth thinking much as soon after arising from bed. But in a psychological perspective, it might mean something deep. Since you mentioned the setting of your dream is a spiritual one, so I guess it is wise to do as what blessed members above said. Do not worry much. Namaste.

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Sambya Ji,


Everyone are blessed, because we are still living. All is by the grace of God. It paves way for us to enhance ourselves spiritually or to find our paths of devotion in life. We do not know how much time we have got left in this life of ours. Believe me, all of you and other members are blessed to be living, as there is room for improvement every second. Namaste.

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Sambya Ji,


Everyone are blessed, because we are still living. All is by the grace of God. It paves way for us to enhance ourselves spiritually or to find our paths of devotion in life. We do not know how much time we have got left in this life of ours. Believe me, all of you and other members are blessed to be living, as there is room for improvement every second. Namaste.


thats better !!:)

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i keep on having dreams of different god or temples. i like having theese types of dreams. but nothing good has ever come my way in my life what does all this mean. i wouldnt say im a materialistic person but at the same time i want to be succsesful and a better life for my family. i see theese dreams as a blessing and a privialage. but there is nothing positive going on in my life.


Maybe you owe these gods something which you forget to repay. Maybe the gods are telling you to pay up before good things could happen to you.


Why don't you go and see a priest who tells fortune (in temples) and have him check it out?

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