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tantra failed to kill an atheist

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On 3 March 2008, in a popular TV show, Sanal Edamaruku, the president of Rationalist International, challenged India’s most “powerful” tantrik (black magician) to demonstrate his powers on him. That was the beginning of an unprecedented experiment. After all his chanting of mantra (magic words) and ceremonies of tantra failed, the tantrik decided to kill Sanal Edamaruku with the “ultimate destruction ceremony” on live TV. Sanal Edamaruku agreed and sat in the altar of the black magic ritual. India TV observed skyrocketing viewership rates.

Everything started, when Uma Bharati (former chief minister of the state of Madhya Pradesh) accused her political opponents in a public statement of using tantrik powers to inflict damage upon her. In fact, within a few days, the unlucky lady had lost her favorite uncle, hit the door of her car against her head and found her legs covered with wounds and blisters.

India TV, one of India’s major Hindi channels with national outreach, invited Sanal Edamaruku for a discussion on “Tantrik power versus Science”. Pandit Surinder Sharma, who claims to be the tantrik of top politicians and is well known from his TV shows, represented the other side. During the discussion, the tantrik showed a small human shape of wheat flour dough, laid a thread around it like a noose and tightened it. He claimed that he was able to kill any person he wanted within three minutes by using black magic. Sanal challenged him to try and kill him.

The tantrik tried. He chanted his mantras (magic words): “Om lingalingalinalinga, kilikili….” But his efforts did not show any impact on Sanal – not after three minutes, and not after five. The time was extended and extended again. The original discussion program should have ended here, but the “breaking news” of the ongoing great tantra challenge was overrunning all program schedules.



Now the tantrik changed his technique. He started sprinkling water on Sanal and brandishing a knife in front of him. Sometimes he moved the blade all over his body. Sanal did not flinch. Then he touched Sanal’s head with his hand, rubbing and rumpling up his hair, pressing his forehead, laying his hand over his eyes, pressing his fingers against his temples. When he pressed harder and harder, Sanal reminded him that he was supposed to use black magic only, not forceful attacks to bring him down. The tantrik took a new run: water, knife, fingers, mantras. But Sanal kept looking very healthy and even amused.

After nearly two hours, the anchor declared the tantrik’s failure. The tantrik, unwilling to admit defeat, tried the excuse that a very strong god whom Sanal might be worshipping obviously protected him. “No, I am an atheist,” said Sanal Edamaruku. Finally, the disgraced tantrik tried to save his face by claiming that there was a never-failing special black magic for ultimate destruction, which could, however, only been done at night. Bad luck again, he did not get away with this, but was challenged to prove his claim this very night in another “breaking news” live program.





During the next three hours, India TV ran announcements for The Great Tantra Challenge that called several hundred million people to their TV sets.

The encounter took place under the open night sky. The tantrik and his two assistants were kindling a fire and staring into the flames. Sanal was in good humour. Once the ultimate magic was invoked, there wouldn’t be any way back, the tantrik warned. Within two minutes, Sanal would get crazy, and one minute later he would scream in pain and die. Didn’t he want to save his life before it was too late? Sanal laughed, and the countdown begun. The tantriks chanted their “Om lingalingalingalinga, kilikilikili….” followed by ever changing cascades of strange words and sounds. The speed increased hysterically. They threw all kinds of magic ingredients into the flames that produced changing colours, crackling and fizzling sounds and white smoke. While chanting, the tantrik came close to Sanal, moved his hands in front of him and touched him, but was called back by the anchor. After the earlier covert attempts of the tantrik to use force against Sanal, he was warned to keep distance and avoid touching Sanal. But the tantrik “forgot” this rule again and again.

Now the tantrik wrote Sanal’s name on a sheet of paper, tore it into small pieces, dipped them into a pot with boiling butter oil and threw them dramatically into the flames. Nothing happened. Singing and singing, he sprinkled water on Sanal, mopped a bunch of peacock feathers over his head, threw mustard seed into the fire and other outlandish things more. Sanal smiled, nothing happened, and time was running out. Only seven more minutes before midnight, the tantrik decided to use his ultimate weapon: the clod of wheat flour dough. He kneaded it and powdered it with mysterious ingredients, then asked Sanal to touch it. Sanal did so, and the grand magic finale begun. The tantrik pierced blunt nails on the dough, then cut it wildly with a knife and threw them into the fire. That moment, Sanal should have broken down. But he did not. He laughed. Forty more seconds, counted the anchor, twenty, ten, five… it’s over!



Millions of people must have uttered a sigh of relief in front their TVs. Sanal was very much alive. Tantra power had miserably failed. Tantriks are creating such a scaring atmosphere that even people, who know that black magic has no base, can just break down out of fear, commented a scientist during the program. It needs enormous courage and confidence to challenge them by actually putting one’s life at risk, he said. By doing so, Sanal Edamaruku has broken the spell, and has taken away much of the fear of those who witnessed his triumph.

In this night, one of the most dangerous and wide spread superstitions in India suffered a severe blow.

The whole program is video-recorded and is available. If you want a copy, please contact: info_desk@rationalistinternational.net

Email: Click here for contacting Sanal Edamaruku by email.

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Tantra might be true.But the chances of finding some one who actually suffered from black magic are next to impossible.Most of the socalled victims of black magic actually suffer from variety of physical and mental problems.


It is also established that almost all the 'victims' have poor will power.


It is safe to assume that in this age, black magic practitioners cannot move a hair on your body.

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This was nothing but a pathetic stunt to ridicule hindus by the anti hindu media .....


tantra is a science and an inseperable part of all major religions .....yes ..all religions including christianity judaism and islam....

its just that the followers of abharamic religions dont know the significance behind their rituals ..


as far as eastern religions are concerned they all have very elaborate rituals and specific use of material for attaining a certain objective...



what kind of a tantric uses a mantra like lingalingalinga....???? obviously this show was an insult to hindus by the communist controlled anti hindu media ....


tantra is real including abacharic rites and if someone wants proof ......i would suggest to find a mantra to kill and try it themselves .....


yeah i know many would be horrified at such a suggestion ...but then tantrics are no fools ..y would they take on bad karma and kill someone just for demonstration purpose?.... will the law forgive person just because someone was killed on a tv show?.. besides what about natures law ....why would a tantrik take on bad karma....


and yeah anyone who finds a mantra to kill and tries it will himself suffer for the following reasons..


the diety invoked will be angry whne he/she is not properly invoked/welcomed/asked to leave/


there will be other powerful tantrics who on knowing that a competitor had found a proper method will try to harm him... thats the reason guru is so important for protection... infact a large portion of the ritual is about protection


third simply chanting doesnt do a thing ... ..the mantra has to be directed towards a person....to be killed and there is a procedure for it ...



forget about using mantras to kill.......anyone for who wants to test tantra..i would suggest them to pick up any random mantra of a ugra (fierce) devi/devata and start chanting the mantra..for a few days ...and see for themselves how messed up their lives become.......


try it ..you wouldnt know what fire is until you have played with it....

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Originally Posted by ---

what kind of a tantric uses a mantra like lingalingalinga....???? obviously this show was an insult to hindus by the communist controlled anti hindu media ...




Yes, it is amusing, the word used.



tantra is real including abacharic rites and if someone wants proof ......i would suggest to find a mantra to kill and try it themselves .....

Tantra may be real, but it is not possible to find a real tantrik.

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Guest love_alliance18

Respected all,


India TV is 100% bogus and that was just a way to gain higher TRP. Tantra is a very complicated science and not anyone can understand it. It has the powers to do anything and no humble people like Sanal can challenge it.


With Best Regards,


God Bless All!!


Om Namah Shivaya!!

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Of all the Prayogas, the Marana prayoga ( Killing ) is the most difficult. It is almost impossible to find a Tantrik who will use this prayoga because of the consequences of such an action.


In the 1920s there was a famous murder case in the Madras high court. Here the heirs of a big Zamindar were murdered by family members. It came out during the trial that the murderers had tried for years to use black magic to kill the heirs. They did not succeed. In the end they did the murder themselves with the help of accomplices.

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India TV is 100% bogus and that was just a way to gain higher TRP. Tantra is a very complicated science and not anyone can understand it. It has the powers to do anything and no humble people like Sanal can challenge it

Agree about indiatv's corruption.

But i dont think this is bogus. Sunal is a ratiionalist with a strong mind thats why the tantra didnt effect him.

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Agree about indiatv's corruption.

But i dont think this is bogus. Sunal is a ratiionalist with a strong mind thats why the tantra didnt effect him.


Strong mind helps you in not getting influenced by cheap tricks.The socalled tantrik is nothing but a fool.Can any tantrik kill somebody on a livetv show and escape from prosecution?.


As said by kali_upasaka it is not possible to find a genuine tantrik these days.

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Strong mind helps you in not getting influenced by cheap tricks.The socalled tantrik is nothing but a fool.Can any tantrik kill somebody on a livetv show and escape from prosecution?.




well i meant strong mind that not alowing the tantrik vashikaran to effect you.Vashikaran works as it forces your mind to be hypnoticed.Tantric methods work if they enter in to your mind and weaken you from there.

That is the trick.If your mind is weakened and you lose hope then the effects of tantra can increase as it promotes more negativity in you.

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I cant imagine why a real tantrik would come on TV and do such a thing. Why a real tantrik would even want to reveal themselves as one is beyond me.


This is just another stunt to gain publicity. After all it is not like one is given a certificate of being a real tantrik....


This is very similar to the methods used by Christian missionaries to convert people.

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What a stunt

I cant imagine why a real tantrik would come on TV and do such a thing. Why a real tantrik would even want to reveal themselves as one is beyond me.


This is just another stunt to gain publicity. After all it is not like one is given a certificate of being a real tantrik....


This is very similar to the methods used by Christian missionaries to convert people.




It was a challenge by a rationalist.

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It was a challenge by a rationalist.


you are told that he is a rationalist and you believe that he is ......blind faith is not good.......even in a supposed rationalist


some facts...


this guy is from kerela the bastion of communism....


all of his criticism on his website is against hinduism and christianity.........nothing at all about irrational beliefs and practices of any other religion...........


now as far as the specific stunt on india tv ...


lingalingalinga........kilikilikili..................are made of up .....


linga..and the 2nd part rhymes with.....KILL............. subconsciously giving the impression that it is a hindu mantra intented to do harm.....


this i find the most offensive about the show ....its ridicule of hinduism .....because there is no mantra like lingalingalinga.....

the above supposed mantra doesnt have any maran bijas....is not invoking any devi/devata......


then there is even more pathetic attempt by the fake tantric to use a real knife ....pressure on the victims head ...etc..........all these things are not needed in a real prayog ......in a real maran prayog a tantric can kill the victim from far away ...and there is no need of any knife .........this fake tantric and the people at india tv are just doing these things to make it all look dramatic....... and make fools of ordinary gullible people...


as far as the claims of a rational mind no easily being affected by prayogs is concerned .......only those who have suffered know what a prayog can do .....most human minds are too feeble to withstand a prayog.......this Sanal Edamaruku survived because no real prayog was done on him.....


again as far as difficulty of a maran prayog is concerned there little difference between one prayog and another .....mainly the mantras and articles used are different .... but the most difficult part of any prayog is to gain the siddhi of adevi or a devata ...which is very difficult ..once that is done .. the prayogs are relatively simple ......


most humans cant withstand prayogs which makes use of a devi or a devata.....


the lower grade tantrics make use of lower dieties like yakshas,chetaks ,ghosts ,bhoot ,pisachs ...of these ...only those humans who have gained soem siddhi ....say for example he does a kavach daily ...three times a day ....or if he is wearing a proper kavach as an amulet ....then he may be protected ....but in these days people hardly do sadhana three times aday ....and there are very pew people who know how to make proper kavachs as an amulet ...... so most people are succeptable to even minor prayogs ....simple going to a temple now and then wont help .......daily sadhana is required or a strong guru ....

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watch this ...further proof that the tantric is fake ......


he uses the following mantras to kill


1 maha mryutunjaya mantra

2 guru brahma guru vishnu

3 ya devi sarva bhuteshu ..(devi sukta ..vedic

4 mangalam bhagwan vishnu ..etc ..


non of the mantras he uses are tantric .....


i mean this show really disgusts me ...someone should sue these people ....its a shame i dont have the time ......

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and heres the final part




in this part the fake tantric supposedly uses the baglamukhi mantra which in reality is a stambhan mantra.......to paralyze the enemies ...and depending on how it is applied it can be directed


either inwards toward internal enemies ....thoughts ..to paralyse the thoughts and bring about thoughtlessness or turiya state...


or outwards towards an external enemy (real person)...


the bagalamukhi mantra is certainly not a maran mantra

besides...the tantric doesnt even use the right bagalamukhi mantra....compare it with the original bagalamukhi mantra here



please note that there is a minor error in the pronounciation in this mantra as well ....but it is closer to the original than the one use by the fake tantric.......


in any case ...the tantric,india tv and Sanal Edamaruku are all frauds and should be tried as such .......

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the tantric sure does try to hard.

Anyway that doesnt prove much this guy is some president of some rationalist whatever.If you know about the tantric then talk.This was shown live and i had seen it.THanks for the information.

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the tantric sure does try to hard.

Anyway that doesnt prove much this guy is some president of some rationalist whatever.If you know about the tantric then talk.This was shown live and i had seen it.THanks for the information.


i dont have to know the tantric to know that he is fake ...becaus e i know enough about tantra to know that this tantric is fake ....


and i have already exposed the tantric above ... many of the mantra he chants are vedic and harmless.... the only tantrric mantra he uses is the bagalamukhi mantra which is wrong and i already gave the link for the right bagalamukhi mantra ...


as far as Sanal Edamaruku is concerned .. i am presuming that he is a communist because he is from kerela the bastian of communism and athiesm......


there is as much irony in being a rationalist and an athiest ..as there is in being a rationalist and a believer .....as both are blind believers of the 2 extremes ..god and no god....


a true rationalist will be open to both possibilities...as there is enough chaos in the world to not believe in god and there is enough pattern in the world to believe in one.....


so in my opinion a true rationalist...cant be a believer or an athiest .....a true rationalist has to be open minded ....and therefore i dont accept Sanal Edamaruku to be a rationalist just because he is a president of some rationalist organisation...i dont accept it because i think for myself and not believe what the media feeds me...


i encourage everyone to do the same ...consider the facts and derive your own conclusions......... cheers....

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I saw this episode on same day on India tv,the so called tantrik person was chanting mantras which are life giving and for the glory of Godess!!As per my humble belief he commited a sin by wearing Rudraksha mala and acted like this,sad thing indeed but this is kaliyug and we should be ready so see more such things around us!

There is no one bigger than God,keep this in mind ALWAYS.

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Hi, Junior Member


Can you give me mantra to overcome ill effects of severe blackmagic? one of my friend stepped on to a balckmagic removal and is suffering the consequences.it is a controlling spirit on a human body..




i normally recommend people who have such problems to go to sarangpur in gujarat...it is famous for kasthabhanjan dev hanuman mandir.....


the place is 3.5 hours by road from amdavad.. once you reach amdavad train station you can take a rickshaw to the bus station and enquire about the state buses which go to sarangpur ....or just enquire at the railway station ..people will guide you .... it is a very famous temple .....


the reason i recommend this place is because i have been there and have seen people getting cured ....


for more information click on the Usename: --- to the left of this post and you will see the option 'view all other posts of ---'... click on that and you will see all of my other posts ...i have given more detail about the temple and how to get there in my previous posts to appolonis ....under the thread ' Urgent it s matter of life and death '


generally i dont recommend people to try something by themselves as this irritates the spirit ..and it is likely to haress your friend more ...in fact this may happen even after taking the mantra from the temple ...your problems and haresment may temporarily increase ...this is just the spirits way of forcing you to stop your sadhana.....but you should continue in good faith ..as long as the pujari at the temple has recommended.....


if your problems are more and you cant immediately tarvel then you should take a sankalp ..a vow to go to sarangpur and pray to hanumanji to help you and do the following ..hanuman chaleesa and bajrang baan with oil lamp and dhoop/agarbatti


if the spirirt harasses your friend do narsimha kavach ...from .



you can download it from you tube using many applications like real player


hear it once or as many time to get the pronounciation right and then read it a smuch as you like ... if you do it 9 or 11 times then it will help a lot ...


thy these and let know ......

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