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black magic exists or not.....?

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actually everyone is demanding help in the form.but no one is getting proper help here.always a question raised here that black magic exists or not.now can we get an answer here how many people thinks black magic exists and how many thinks all that a rubbish.

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actually everyone is demanding help in the form.but no one is getting proper help here.always a question raised here that black magic exists or not.now can we get an answer here how many people thinks black magic exists and how many thinks all that a rubbish.

Maha Abhichara and Kshudra Abhicara. Abhicara definitely exists. However, in my experience in many most cases when a person thinks they are being attacked by Abhicara it usually is not but rather just their own bad karma coming to haunt them. There is however a way to detect via jyotish if the person is actually being attacked by Abhicara, this is detailed in Prasna Marga.


Here is a good article about Prasna tinyurl.com/44s6d

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Guest love_alliance18

Respected niteshm,


Magic is magic. If you use it for good its magic and if you use it for evil its black magic. For example, snake poison can be used to kill and simultaneously it can be used to save also.


With Best Regards,


God Bless All!!


Om Namah Shivaya!!

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Maha Abhichara and Kshudra Abhicara. Abhicara definitely exists. However, in my experience in many most cases when a person thinks they are being attacked by Abhicara it usually is not but rather just their own bad karma coming to haunt them. There is however a way to detect via jyotish if the person is actually being attacked by Abhicara, this is detailed in Prasna Marga.


Here is a good article about Prasna tinyurl.com/44s6d


this is first answer in the entire forum which i feel exact not i feel, "this is the exact answer".but at the same time i am not in a side that jyotish can predict about black magic.it can predict only the position of planets.that is nav grah or unki dasha.and if a person is victim of black magic along with "neech navgrah dasha" jyotish will blame only planets for that.is there any another way other than jyotish for a victim that this is a black magic or not.

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Yes they predict according to planetary positions but a good astrologer can predict about the back magic by looking into the planetary positions. There other things nimitha and divyadrishti which may help them. A good astrologer is good worshiper of god and he may able to predict things with his divyadrishti which he achieved through mantras and pujas. Some thing like kaal gyan

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Lets forget jyothish manthras etc for a minute. I think the most effective solution to black magic is to recollect the events that led to the initiation of black magic. Usually black magic is a tool which is effectively used by people who are very ambitious and want to come to the top after removing all obtacles that come their way.So generally u will find great black magicians in places like big corporate houses and positions of power. So if u look around common people for black magic u will find that black magic is a myth and does not exist. Also black magic is a tool which is used occassionally only and not every now and then.For example to curb an employee who is creating problems in office(for instance). So a practical solution is to identify the person who did black magic meet him sort out the problems with him and finally u will find that u r free of black magic. So in this way the advantage is that even if u r an atheist u can come out of black magic by being practical. All other thanthras and solutions come to play only if u dont get a solution this way. Another observation of mine is that in cases of pwoerful black magic it is difficult to remove the possession by using any of the manthras or thanthras available now. I know that in Kerala itself people used to get rid of black magic many years back by going to experts. But there is a dearth of such experts now. So what I feel is better go for a practical solution than a religious solution.








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black magic is common practice in india because of access to knowledge about different types of mantra and tantra... if one wants to avert black magic being done to them, the practical solution is to focus your mind and thoughts on god as a protective influence and because you understand that is your basic reality and that the only aspect of yourself that is wholly real is that part of you which is divine.. this should be done with great intensity and frequency.. it is possible to do this whilst doing everything else in the life.. it is not a religious solution.. it is a real solution..spirit and matter are connected (matter includes astral plane which is where black magic finds its outlet for expression)..religion has nothing to do with it.. there are only real solutions or foolish ones..

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this is first answer in the entire forum which i feel exact not i feel, "this is the exact answer".but at the same time i am not in a side that jyotish can predict about black magic.it can predict only the position of planets.that is nav grah or unki dasha.and if a person is victim of black magic along with "neech navgrah dasha" jyotish will blame only planets for that.is there any another way other than jyotish for a victim that this is a black magic or not.


It is a little difficult to understand what you are trying to say. However, to one who is expert in Jyotish he can understand everything about Black Magic. There is a text called Prasna Marga which is much revered in Kerala I referred to an article in a previous text which talks about this book.


Anyway in Prasna Marga chapter 15 it gives exact steps how to determine if a person has been attacked by Black Magic or not. If yes was it by Maha Abhichara or Kshudra Abhicara (incantations or using evil talismans), how did it happen, who is the enemy who is the mantric who did the deed, why did they do it, etc etc and most important how to remove it.

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Black magic does exist.It needs lot of efforts to identify it first and then remove it with help from saints and proper vedic pundits.I was a victim once and I was successful in removing it thro havan and mantras.However the same cannot be shared in a forum like this.People who want help can seek advice by writing to me by mail to sundarananth59@gmail.com.


However if people can come in person,it would be much better

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