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My name is Shridhara Swamy. I am having a lot of trouble since 1996 to 2009. I was doing my Graduate school at RPI in 1996, that is whe the trouble with people started. I grduated with a Ph.D. in 1997, I chose Bell Labs over better plecaements as a Professor at RPI. The decision was wrong. I lost my job at Bell Labs ini 1999. I returned back to India in 2005. I am employed as a Assistant Professor a Regional college. I am having trouble with people.


My birth details are as follows. DOB is May 17th 1970, in Bangalore at 8:15 P.M.


I continue to have people relations problem. What do my stars indicate. When will I start earning reasonable money. Generally what do my stars indicate. Will I get married any time soon?


Thanks for your help,


Best Regards,

Shridara Swamy

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Dear Shridara ji,


I am a learner of the divine subject. I tried having a look at your horoscope.


The lord of your house of career, Sun is involved in a very auspicious yoga with the acendent lord. But it is in its early degrees, hence weak to give its results effectively. I would recommend you to do Surya Namaskar- every day after having bath, stand in the direction of the rising sun and bow your head in prayer.


You are running Jupiter mahadasha which is again a very auspicious planet for you but placed in a dusthana. Please put kesar tilak on your forehead on thursdays.


Regarding marriage, the lord and karak for marriage, Venus is extremely weak in your horo. If possible, please pray Laxmi maa on fridays with all your devotion. she is the lordess of wish-fulfillment. and may she grant you yours...


Read Hanuman chalisa everyday.


Best and regards

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May I ask you what is RPI? What did you do after losing your job in 1999 until 2005? What was the reason that you lost the job? Were you fired or laid off?


Based on the birth details here is your birth chart.


<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="contentboldMailer" width="20%">Planet</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="20%">Rashi</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="25%">Degree</td> <td class="contentboldMailer" width="35%">Nakshatra</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Lagna</td> <td class="contentMailer">Scorpio</td> <td class="contentMailer">25:38:35</td> <td class="contentMailer">Jyestha-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Surya</td> <td class="contentMailer">Taurus</td> <td class="contentMailer">02:50:02</td> <td class="contentMailer">Krutika-2</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Chandra</td> <td class="contentMailer">Virgo</td> <td class="contentMailer">19:24:24</td> <td class="contentMailer">Hast-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Mangal</td> <td class="contentMailer">Taurus</td> <td class="contentMailer">26:06:59</td> <td class="contentMailer">Mrugshirsh-1</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Budh</td> <td class="contentMailer">Aries</td> <td class="contentMailer">20:33:30</td> <td class="contentMailer">Bharani-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Guru</td> <td class="contentMailer">Libra</td> <td class="contentMailer">04:34:43</td> <td class="contentMailer">Chitra-4</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shukra</td> <td class="contentMailer">Gemini</td> <td class="contentMailer">00:33:15</td> <td class="contentMailer">Mrugshirsh-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Shani</td> <td class="contentMailer">Aries</td> <td class="contentMailer">20:33:19</td> <td class="contentMailer">Bharani-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Rahu</td> <td class="contentMailer">Aquarius</td> <td class="contentMailer">14:36:33</td> <td class="contentMailer">Satbhisha-3</td></tr> <tr><td class="contentMailer">Ketu</td> <td class="contentMailer">Leo</td> <td class="contentMailer">14:36:33</td> <td class="contentMailer">Purvafalguni-1</td></tr></tbody></table>

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Surya - the lord of the 10th house (house of profession) is with Mangal in the 7th house, this is a good and yog karak combination for both the planets, but since this house is owned by Venus and Venus being the enemy of both Sun and Mars the combination loese its power a bit. In the 6th house the house of jobs, there is Saturn and Mercury. Saturn is debiliated here and this is not a good sign. You are going to run into professional troubles from time to time. You have Mars in the 7th house which might delay your marriage but you should get married any way. Keep trying and you will surely.


You have Rahu in the 4th house and the lord of the 4th house Saturn is debiliated meaning that you will have a good chance of settling abroad for good, although you must make an effort and this will happen with a job overseas, where I am not sure. You need to be very careful when getting married due to Mars in the 7th house, the house of marriage.


When you were doing Phd you were probably running Mars antardasha (AD) under Rahu Mahadasha (MD) during the period - Apr 1997 to May 1998. This was a very bad period for you, but it is gone now. Right now you are running Jupiter Mahadasha (MD) which started in May 1998 and will end in May 2014. As of today you are running Jup/Sun/Sat as your MD, AD and PD (pratyantardasha). This is a touch time for you, but you must keep making efforts. Good luck and God bless, thanks.



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First of all thanks for your kind replies. RPI stands for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. It is a top rated Engineering college. I told my boss I dont like the work I was doing. They then fired me during lay-off season. The reason given was in-subordination, becox I told the management I did not like the work that was entrusted to me. The whole organisation was laid-off within a year of my firing.


I must say I am very lucky. I have had many visions of Gods and Goddesses. My first vision was of Guru Ragavendra Swamy. All gods have blessed me. I was doing Hatha-Yoga, and was doing Pranayama. I have raised my Kundalini energy to Sahasrara. I started doing Kundalini Yoga in 1996 onwards. I read about the dangers of Kundalini Yoga from the web. One symptom given was of bad relationship with people.


Guru Ragavendra Swamy told me that I was a sinner, and I was working my sins. According to my Horoscope I am supposed to get Neecha-bhanga raja Yoga in Sani Maha Dasa. Guru Ragavendra swamy once in a dream mentioned that I would get lot of money, and said please donate it for Food distribution in his Mutt at Mantralaya. I have contacted various astrologers, they say after 44 I should get lot of money and I should be well-off.


One astrologer said that I was running Ashuba-Guru Dasa. That is bad Guru Dasa. and I was running Sakata Yoga, which is a bad yoga.

I went to a Nadi shastra in Bangalore. The nadi astrologer gave my Natal chart exactly matching to one given by a Vedic astrologer. This is after taking my DOB and thumb impression. He also mentioned after 44 years I must do well in life.


I have suffered from 1996 to 2009. I am not happy as a teacher at this local college. My qualifications dont suit the work I am doing. I was not doing anything from 1999 to 2005. I was doing some programming work on my own. I did not bother to look for a job after I lost my job at Bell Labs. Even Gods have said that I will be well off in my life. The question is when? May be in Shani Maha Dasa. I have some money with me, not that I am dirt poor. But, I would like to be in a situation as other peers of mine. All my peers are well-off and married. My only psoitive point is that God and Goddesses have communicated with me. I have had great visions, and assurance from the Gods that I will do well in life after some time.


What good and bad yogas do I have? Although I was skeptical about astrology, I have found that for no reason of mine I was suffering people relationship problem. through 1996-1998, I was having Kantaka Shani and Astama-shani, both bad times. I am under goiing Sade-Sath now. I am going to get Guru-Dasa, Chandra-bhukthi from July. And Shani will move into Janma Rasi in September 2009. Astrologers have said that this Sade-Sath is not bad. I have endured so much bad things, I have been accustomed to bad things now.


Thanks much,




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First of all thanks for your kind replies. RPI stands for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. It is a top rated Engineering college.


I thought so, heard of it. Its really nice. I was not sure that is why I asked you, apolozies.




I told my boss I dont like the work I was doing. They then fired me during lay-off season. The reason given was in-subordination, becox I told the management I did not like the work that was entrusted to me.

Thanks for sharing the actual reason behind the job loss, it takes courage, but to be honest I still believe that you should be careful while talking to your bosses at work as per your chart.




According to my Horoscope I am supposed to get Neecha-bhanga raja Yoga in Sani Maha Dasa. Guru Ragavendra swamy once in a dream mentioned that I would get lot of money,


Could be true, wish you all the best. I am no exprt so can't comment on the events and their timings.



I was not doing anything from 1999 to 2005. I was doing some programming work on my own. I did not bother to look for a job after I lost my job at Bell Labs.

Did you stay in the US after losing the job or did you come back immediately in 1999? What were you doing exactly between 1999 and 2005? Are you a US citizen? What is your academic background in terms of graduation and PG before PhD and what was your topic for the PhD? Only anwser if you want to, this is upto you. I would like to relate the events in your life to the analysis of dashas that I generally do when studying a chart so that it helps me understand their effects better. I have also studied in the UK for graduation and I do understand the problems Indians face abroad. Thanks



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I lost my mother when I was five years old. I grew up with my grand mother. I have a B.Tech in EE before MS & PhD. The work I was given at Bell Labs was very trivial and un-PhD like. I stayed in the US after Bell Labs. I just was doing some programming work. I would have Visions and communication from different Gods every day. It was fantastic. These Gods did not help me in any way worldly. They mentioned that I must do Tapas, Stay home and meditate. So I would meditate everyday. Then I returned to India after my Grand mother passed away. Gods still continue to talk to me. I get many visions everyday, though the frequency has reduced. Can you mention anything about the Yogas that I might have both Good and bad.




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