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Medical Astrolgy- Alcoholism help

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Hello medical astrology,


i have been suffering from habit of drinking from 1997.

from 2006 officially i am a alcoholic, drinking too much unimaginable quantities every single day. now i think i have a fatty liver and it will lead to cirrhosis later and i will die.

i have many other problems which has increased this habit,.


I have used the so called FREE WILL and things like that upon advice of many good men but in vain. i have given up I have already prepared myself to see the end of me.


I have consulted some so called doctors but all of them say that, if u promise to stop then i will start medication.

Thats a great joke, if i can stop then why i would need medication??? lol


If you can help me out it would be great, astrologically and medical astrologically...

i would have sent u a PM but i want to be bold, it doesnt matter to me what others may think or express in derision..


counselling would not help....


please try to help...



date 5th july 77

place hyderabad

time 3.50 am

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Dear Unanthji

I am a much junior member of the forum. I tried analyzing your horoscope in reference to your problem. It seems you started the problem of alcoholism at the exact time of beginnning of sat-sat dasha.


Your saturn is a yogakarak, hence beneficial. But it is involved in exchange yoga with Moon and being a natural malefic, it is severely damaging the functions of Moon as karaka for mental strength and peace. This weakning of Moon may be further hampering your efforts to get over the problem of Alcoholism despite your best efforts.


I would sincerely advice you to give some strength to Moon by praying Lord Shiva on mondays. Read Shiva Chalisa. Chant "Om Namoh Shivaya" as many time as possible every day.


Also, reading Hanuman chalisa may help propitiate the negative effects of Saturn. Things should definately improve after august when you begin your mercury antardasha.


Kindly forgive my mistakes, if any.


Best and regards

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I'll definitely do your horoscope reading and suggest remedies, as soon as I get the time... please wait for a day or two.


I appreciate your frankness.

There are remedies available, definitely.


thank you medical astrology for the very affirmative answer...


i shall wait for your reply.....

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Dear Unanthji

I am a much junior member of the forum. I tried analyzing your horoscope in reference to your problem. It seems you started the problem of alcoholism at the exact time of beginnning of sat-sat dasha.


Your saturn is a yogakarak, hence beneficial. But it is involved in exchange yoga with Moon and being a natural malefic, it is severely damaging the functions of Moon as karaka for mental strength and peace. This weakning of Moon may be further hampering your efforts to get over the problem of Alcoholism despite your best efforts.


I would sincerely advice you to give some strength to Moon by praying Lord Shiva on mondays. Read Shiva Chalisa. Chant "Om Namoh Shivaya" as many time as possible every day.


Also, reading Hanuman chalisa may help propitiate the negative effects of Saturn. Things should definately improve after august when you begin your mercury antardasha.


Kindly forgive my mistakes, if any.


Best and regards



dear mylilangel,,

thanks for taking interest in my post....

i read Hanuman chalisa everyday.


ur analysis is right. it started in SA-SA

but u know i always cant believe saturn being yogakaraka for me as i am vrishabha lagna.

although technically correct, saturn has ruined my life, brought me down to rags in all the spheres of my life..

i know that he is slow and he wants to me to learn. after loosing people permanently what should i learn..? anyways i wont digress from the point..


exchange of Sat and Moon is creating hell as u said.


I will do the upaya as u advised....


can u tell me the below


Saturn is hosuin Gulika in my 9th house...and MD of gulika hosuing planet will be very bad.. So will these remaining approx 17 years be like this low and mediocare?


and why do you say that Sa-Me period will be good? astrologically?

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thank you medical astrology for the very affirmative answer...


i shall wait for your reply.....


Dear Unanth, I find no other problem in your horoscope that could have caused this addiction, other than your Vrushabh lagna with Venus and Jupiter in it.


The lagna has naturally given you a great fondness for the pleasurable things in life and you succumbed, more so because you have a strong Venus, which gives the same tendencies, in your lagna!


Jupiter only reinforces confidence and allows you to partake of the good things in life.


(I have another chart with me with almost similar features: 3rd July 1988, 3:20 am, 73*50' E and 16*29'N).


In your case, you might say retrograde Neptune (overlooking your lagna) in Vrischik rashi ... the rashi of great addictions .... has also contributed to your woes.


Because Jupiter strengthens your resolve and because it indicates success with herbal remedies, you might benefit from them, provided you are prepared to take them for months on end.


Do you want to try them? They won't burn a hole in your pocket.

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dear medical astrology,


thanks for your analysis..

yes true, i am not sure about jupiter's role but as u said i am pleasure seeking. always wanting leisure and things like that. that chart u gave has same placement of ju and ve except that ve nus is retro....


YES, i would want to try the medicines that you would prescribe. there is nothing to burn a hole in my pocket as i dont have a pocket ....i am unemployed from few years.. but i think i will be able to afford it with the grace of my parents.....


please tell me the course...

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dear medical astrology,


thanks for your analysis..

yes true, i am not sure about jupiter's role but as u said i am pleasure seeking. always wanting leisure and things like that. that chart u gave has same placement of ju and ve except that ve nus is retro....


YES, i would want to try the medicines that you would prescribe. there is nothing to burn a hole in my pocket as i dont have a pocket ....i am unemployed from few years.. but i think i will be able to afford it with the grace of my parents.....


please tell me the course...


I will have to PM you, please look at your Inbox.

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Dear Unanth,


Your Saturn is indeed yogakaraka and hence, auspicious for you. It gains further strength in Navamsa by being in Kendra in own house. But unfortunately in Navamsa it again sits with Moon reinforcing the influence of saturn on moon in the main chart.


According to me, saturn will indeed give you good results. But saturn-saturn dasha created Havoc for Moon. With Saturn coming into action in both maha and antardasha, moon almost got overpowered and lost strength. And maybe thats why, despite being aware of the ill-effects of alcohol, you lacked enough mental strength to leave it.


From july, the antardhasha of mercury starts who is again a trikona lord for you along with the lord of 2nd house of wealth. The dasha of 2 planets who lord 4 of the best planets in the horoscope should give you very good results. Positive developments on job and money front should follow.


Please do the pujas for moon and don't loose hope or committment to give up alcohol. You sure have a long way to go. In both main chart and navamsa, the 9th lord is watching own house of luck. Keep Faith...


All the very best

Kind regards

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Dear Unanth,


But saturn-saturn dasha created Havoc for Moon. With Saturn coming into action in both maha and antardasha, moon almost got overpowered and lost strength. And maybe thats why, despite being aware of the ill-effects of alcohol, you lacked enough mental strength to leave it.


From july, the antardhasha of mercury starts who is again a trikona lord for you along with the lord of 2nd house of wealth. The dasha of 2 planets who lord 4 of the best planets in the horoscope should give you very good results.


All the very best

Kind regards


hi angel,


thanks for explanation..

i get the reason for the weak mind part of it..


i have following questions...

--- from exactly the same time sat-sat started i am unemployed till now...what is the reason???

in Dasamsa Saturn and Moon are exhalted in Libra and Taurus...


--- marriage/love... i was in a relationship and after sat sat started it went to a stage i got married and then i could not go against my family, so it ended and gone for good. i am still not able to come out..why?


so above two questions are regarding other two spheres. career and marriage..


---and u said "The dasha of 2 planets who lord 4 of the best planets in the horoscope should give you very good results."

u meant 2 planets that own 4 best houses? 2,5, 9 and 10??


i will do the poojas for moon and try to do rudraabhishekam also...



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Dear Unanth,


As I said I am a learner, I may not be able to able to satisfy your queries adequately but still I shall try my best as before.


1. When you asked about the lordship of the forthcoming sat-mer dasha, I indeed meant the lordship of 10H ans 11H by saturn and 2H and 5H by mercury.


2. Regarding Marriage, you yourself said that the break up was for good so saturn did give positive result:) though with some pain. And why you have not been able to get over it can again be explained by the weak moon hence, low mental strength.


3. Regarding Career, even I believe that you should have a rocking career, obviously given lots of effort and positive thinking coming from you. One thing I noticed is the mutual aspect of mars and saturn in your horo. Now Mars as 7th and 12th lord is not particularly auspicious for you and may make it a bit difficult for saturn to give its positive results. But not for long. I still believe the coming dasha must help.


Continue putting in your efforts. Start your life afresh. don't think about the past time. I personally believ everything that we go through in life comes to teach us a lesson and if we ignore it, misery keeps coming back again and again. So look back at your past life in a completely different perspective. Keep your emotions aside and then judge everything more objectively. The good thing is that you are aware of your mistakes and misdoings and want to put everything right- that's the first step towards a positive change.


So, gather all your energy and will-power and even if time is against you, take it as a challenge. Destiny can never undermine FREE WILL.


(can you please tell me your area of specialization- this one's for my own learning:))


Best and regards

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dear angel,


thanks again for the explanation...


regarding marriage, "for good" is an expression. it doesnt mean for better. it means forever or finally. i meant that she was gone forever..thats the reason i am nt able to get over it. saturn was not favourable in that sphere.


Regarding specialization, did u mean academic or job related?


My academic degree is MBA, specialication is marketing-- i never worked in marketing field, not even once..


I worked in BPO industry all the time...

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Dear Unanth,


Apologies but when you wrote that the relationship was "gone for good", I thought you later realized that it was better that it got over. I am extremely sorry for misunderstanding.


In both the main and moon chart, the lord of 10th house of career sits in the 3rd house which is 6th to 10H - not good. In both, the 10 lord recieves the aspect of lord of 12th house, without any additional aspect from any benefic planet- not good again.


BUT, in main chart, benefic moon sits in the 10H and in the moon chart, 10H recieves the aspect of benefic venus and jupiter -very good.


Net, it may mean a lot of struggle but sure success:)


The presence of moon seems to suggest that you should try for a job where you can directly deal with your clients- like you did in your BPO job.


Last but not the least, You will have to put your past behind and put in your best efforts. Astrology can only at best guide you. The will power, motivation and efforts have to be your own.


All the very best


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dear angel,


thanks for ur kindness, u need not be extremely sorry or anything.. thats ur humility and it will make u great...


i am so weak in mind. that i cant deal with people, AT ALL...(moon thing as u said)


so these people jobs hurt me...


but i think that, if i can get over this drinking thing asap(with help of medical astrologer's help) may be i will be better off///


i sincerely thank u for giving me a better understanding...


may ur knowledge grow ,,,,


hope to make some future knowledgeable encounters...


god bless u......

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Dear Unanth,


The pleasure has been completely mine if I had been anywhere near the bull's eye. Thank you very very much for your kind words. I really wish I can learn more of this divine science and help people.


I wish you all the very very best and shall wait for some good news in a couple of months time.


Kind regards

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