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Protection against evil forces

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I am seeking advice and guidance from forum members in how to overcome black magic.

I know that many people put posts like this here, but I am very devote vaishnava, and I am humbly asking for assistance as I feel that I can no longer fight this problem on my own.


I am 22 year old and live in Australia with my mother.

We are both from South Africa. In that country there is lot of this black magic. Many people get jealous of me and they do black magic to ruin my success. I have been blessed with good career, and material aspects like house and car, but other ppl don't like to see that...namely relatives.


Both my mother and I experience range of physical problems because of black magic. These problems appear suddenly and doctors do not know cause. When I recite mantras for protecting my mother, her pains go away.

However, there is nobody to do this for me.


For past 7 years I have had bad skin condition that only affects my face.

It leaves bad brown marks in pattern of lines around my face. Once again, doctors cannot help. I have been to India several times, making pilgrimage to Sri Rangam and Ahobilam, and Melkottai but despite my efforts, nothing has helped with this.

I am sorry to waste time on this forum, but living in the West, one's appearance makes a big impression on how much we can succeed at our career. I am not a superficial person, but this problem has just gotten worse, and it has crippled my self-confidence. I am pleading for help and guidance as I am on the verge of suicidal thoughts....please help or e-mail me at rhinoz@hotmail.com

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  • 1 year later...



Unfourtunately, I can't really help you, except from experience.There are three very simple advices I can give you, one is to look for someone who is a shaman, or clairvoyant or someone who deals against witchcraft and who can give you special baths of herbs that can cleanse your body and energy, you could also look for a bioenergetic/homeopathic doctor who can help you a little as well, but the simplest advice and it can sound "stupid," but in your case it is the remedy and it is to give yourself fully to God. I had a similar circumstance to you, but as soon as I started fully trusting in divine powers everything started fading away. I note that you are Hindu, and if you are a follower of Vishnu, then pray to him, always. But pray with heart and with confidence. Pray for assistance, for strenght, for healing. Go to temple often. Trust the transcendental, forgive the person that is doing that to you, and ask for protection from above. Also, reject that anyone is doing bad things to you, dont talk often or never about black-magic, because you will attract it. The spoken word and the mental thought are very strong. I hope I could have been of any help to you. Don't give up, because giving up on your life is what the bad people want, thats what they want to do to you, they want you to lose hope in God, and in your life. God bless you, and although evil exists in many forms, it can never defeat good. Take a look in a History book, evil triumphs for some time, and then good stumps on it. And trust me, do not worry, the funny thing about witchcraft is that it causes some bad for some time and then it goes back to the original person who did it.

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  • 7 months later...

Hello !

Kindly do not be disheartened...Raise your Bhakti for your Lord and let it shine inside you..Try to want to be happy and meditate upon your Lord with utmost devotion and respect...

Read Vishnu Sahasranaam Stotram as many times in a day as you can...Do not force yourself to read it many times if you can not read it from the bottom of your heart...Read it from the bottom of your heart as many times as you would read or else it will all go waste...

Always remember...Bhakti towards our Lord creates astounding effects...Have faith and your Lord will always be happy over you

May Lord Vishnu Alway protect you and Bless You...

Take Care

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  • 4 months later...

If u want to confirm whether its black magic or not, then go for an astrologer. If the astrologer confirms u then take his advice on how to overcome this. If u cannot do that, if u r a brahmin and if u r initiated and if u know nrusimha mantra and sudarshana mantra then try to do both either combined or differently.I will give u the sankalpa which has to be done before. If u chant one lakh times the sudarshana mantra with nrusimha mantra , no black magic( even if it is of the highest form) can sustain. If u r not initiated then go to an acharya either learn it or persuade him to do it on ur behalf. I have personal experience about this mantra being successful. The least u can do is to read mantra raja pada stotram. Read it daily 108 times or 10 times in brahma muhurtha in an empty stomach and do sankalpa before reading it, if chanted for 48 days continously every prayoga would vanish out. Nrusimha mantra is the quickest remedy for this.

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