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Way for Prayaschit?

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Six years back me and my younger sister who is 2 years younger to me were involved in some foreplay. Though we didn't had sexual intercourse but the foreplay continued for 2-3 days. Since then i'm unable to even look at my sister's face. I'm highly embarrassed n da pain is becoming unbearable now for me n i'm tormenting. Can any one tell me how do i punish myself to compensate for this sin...

Plz some1 tell me..

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Sin no more. Develop your consciousness to a higher state of Love. Repentance is natural and proper, for it is the shame felt in repentance which can give one the motivation to change their ways.


Often, physical, sexually-oriented activities are construed as acts of Love. However, as one dives deeper into the ocean of Love, one finds that this is only skin deep, lustful and a deficient way of expressing Love. Love knows no bounds, Lust goes as far as the skin.


Your shame and repentance show that you have great love for your sister, and the best thing you can do is to Love her more. Become great in your heart, and humble in your actions.


All the best to you and your sister.

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every saint has a past , every sinner has a future .


if what you are today is the result of your past (karma) , the present (karma that you start doing today) can build your future . look to the future and learn from the past . dont brood over it .


srinvantu viswey amritasya putra ..........

listen o children of immortality ..........



you are god's child , leave him to his hands , surrender surrender surrender . he shall take care of you .

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