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Expierianced astrolger please look....

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"Om sri mahaganapataye namah"

guru ji my :

dob 12/12/1978

place Amritsar {punjab}

time 3:55 PM


please help me>>>>

i am unhappy since long even i dont even remember when was i last smiled internally....my stories of miseries r never ending,i even lost my job in jan and got it back...been to many astrolger...but of no help...then finally i decided that i have to learn this divine science myself to answer my problems....i have started learning astrolgy last month...bought many books of dr raman, pv narsihama rao...and also lissenting to audio lessons but have come to know that it requires alot of experiance....and is also indicated in the natives chart about occult sciences....which i think i have....but due to lack of knowledge i jump to wrong conclusions.....when i came across this beautiful site....i thought ill ask for help...and may also find a guru.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

i am a highly unsatisfied guy..i a have a good wife but no compatibility...i am good ancestral income but thta goes to my father..and i also cant spend a penny of that...i thoought after years of my study i will earn something...but of no anvil...i have zero private practise..and all of this have made me an alcholic....and i am suffering from high blood pressure...and general unhappines....when i get up in the morning i dont want to do anything..meet nobody...etc...i am wearing a kala gomed on my right middle finger...and a karha of 3 dhatus gold,cu,ag...rest is there but i think this is enough to mention

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Hi there,


I am a learner and want to make the following points. I hope the learned members will correct me wherever necessary.


1) You are a mangalik and hope you got your horoscopes matched for marriage.


2) You are running Rahu Mahadasha and mercury antardasha .Though I have no knowledge of gems but I would still like to say that I hope you wore Gomedh(Rahu's stone) only after an "expert's" advice. As what I understand is that wearing Rahu's stone is more difficult to assess than stones for other planets.

In fact, if it is not advisable here, it may rather be causing harm to your mental peace (being placed in 4th house of happiness) and job prospects (its conjunction with lord of 10 house of job and career). Else, your lords of houses of income(11H) and wealth(2H) are well-disposed. But both getting aspect from the lord of house of loss(12L Mars). Must read Hanuman chalisa to propitiate Mars.


3) Lagnesh venus, though sitting in own house, is not very well placed in 6th house. I would advice that you worship mata laxmiji on fridays all your life.


You must read hanuman chalisa everyday. For its effective results, you will also have to abandon alcohol. But before everything, you will have to abandon your negativity and start afresh. Have an introspective session on your strengths and weaknesses.


Your Moon and Jupiter are extremely powerful, and fortunately both are aspecting your house of marriage. also, Sun and mercury are forming an auspicious yoga there.


In the end, I would again insist that you please confirm and reconfirm if gomed should be worn by you. and must read hanuman chalisa(and no alcohol please).


All the very best. Wish it helps

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Respected Unsungfame


After looking at your chart, i want to add few things with Respected Mylilangel's prediction.

i am also a learner, so please beg your forgiveness if i am wrong any where.


Your chart shows that You are a kind of person who is imaginative, talkative, kindhearted, Music lover, aggressive, somewhat egoistic, short tempered and urging for authority. Saturn and Ketu affecting your personality and taking you to drinks. Remember, More you will follow their traits more you will be affected by them. i agree with Mylilangel what she said, And i think there is nothing more i can say. But i also insist, Stop Alcohol, this will cure 40% of your problems alone. Practice meditation and control your behavior. Be soft spoken and humble to other people and forgive everyone for whatever bad they have done/or do to you. This will solve further 20% of your problems.


Do the Remedies suggested by Mylilangel and confirm about Gomed

Again, Stop alcohol


Can you please tell me what business/profession you are related to? This is just for my learning purpose (I think you are related to Medical line)


Sorry If i sound rude


Sorry for any mistakes




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Thanks a lot for replying respected members sir....i have been to many astrologers ...and will narrate it to u what i have done till now...and inputs from myself as i have already written after facing so many problems...i decided to learn a little astrology..may be strong Jupiter in my chart or Saturn as yogkarka...taking me towards traditional knowledge...and also u have saying in hindi that...Marta kya na karta...so as a last resort...so ur inputs will aslo help me in my astrological pursuit.....

1) Regarding gomed..i also feel i should remove it....it was advised to me earlier with metal ring on the right middle finger for sahni

dev ji...and than somebody else told me that u should remove it as rahu and shani together cause double loss....so u remove one of them and he advised me to remove rahu one ..and i continued with the metal one....but as u know little knowledge is dangerous..after reading a bit astrology...i found that Saturn is my Yogkarka(Taurus lagna)...and so he can not be bad for me ...so than only i decided to remove shani dev ji one and wore the gomed....but i figured few loses...so feel that gomed should not have been put...and infact i have removed it on ur advice today.....

2) Regarding kuja dhosa...i know i am manglik...but what i have read till now due to some planetary combination it is canceled....and matching of horoscope was done before marriage and more than 28 gunas match..it is in excellent range...she is not the problem....but i create problems for her...god help me...ya regarding the SU+Mer yoga in 7th....is there and i feel i have only financially improved a little only after marriage...and the gains r from her side...i cant interpret the vargas well yet..so cant say abt the navamsa yet...only u gurus can tell

3) Ju+Moon r strong...they r exalted...but they r my functional malefics....which worries me...i dont understand how to interpret them...specially Ju in 3rd house which is a marankarakasthana for ju...???

4) Ru+Shani in 4th...will my life will be miserable for life...full of tensions and worries...there is no day when at night i feel everything is right.....arnt their remedies to it...

5) Ve in 6th also worries me...as last year i got detected with high blood pressure at the age of 29..and with protein urea..which means protein in urine which is bad for the kidneys....

6) Regarding mars....i told u that i wearing that bangle of 3 dhatus (gold+copper+silver) which the astrologer told me will take care of mars ...i have no idea about it....regarding worshiping laxmi ji ..please tell me how to do it as i am sikh by religion and i dont know hindu means of worship.....and also mars in placed it 8...???

7) Regarding My profession i am an Orthodontist( Braces Specialist )..also working in a dental college...i have Dental clinic at home....where my private practice is zero...as told to me by many...rhau and shani together..ur work place should away from home...but i cant afford to take a showroom at rent and start it...at the collegejob i am given 1/3 rd pay

as compared to others because i have done my post graduation from abroad and indian govt doent approve of foreign degree...and r case is pending for approval with the ministry since 2 years...again a great set back in my life as i thought after completing my study i will earn well....so any remedies that my Private Practice kicks of at home...or will i have to be a dependent on my parents ..only

8) With Father also i have a lot fights and we r of different extreme opionion....he thinks me of duffer and also feels will destroy what ever i have made till know....one of the astrologer said u have to wear stone for ur father as he could be another reason for worry for u....and my mother also doesnt keep good health which also worreis me

9) Presently i am doing Maha Mrityunjai Mantra..and also downloaded hanuman chalisa today as suggested.....

10) please Also tell me some remedy for leaving Alcohol as it is spelling doom in my life....i cant kill the crave....i think so my will power is not strong.......and is the cause for my blood pressure,gastric troubles......i also have weak legs and often get pain in my knees and always feel fatigued..

Well i have narrated much of my troubles...i hope guidance from u gurus....

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Arrreyyyyyyyy yaarrrrrr

Bhai sahab bhai sahab,


please remove Gomed(hesonite) for rahu from your finger immediately and throw away faaaar.

if you are running through the maha dasha of rahu, so what, who asked you to wear a Gomed for Rahu.

please you may see that it is situated in the 4th house. RAHU AND SUN ARE ENEMIES

and 4th house rules home happiness properties money mother... 4th house kendra is the most important house.

Rahu is sitting there.

if you wear Rahu gemstone, what will happen, that will distroy all your peace boss.

throw it as soon as possible.

and dont forget to remove what all you are wearing for Mars...

you are a Taurus born lagna, just like Me. we should never wear Mars, the lord of 12th house...

please dont think that you will remove, because i would say you should remove it immediately.

Please wear a Green emerald on the right hand little finger, mercury is with the SUN, it will take the qualities of the SUN also. and wearing a gemstone for mercury will bring so much peace and happiness in the family and ofcourse wealth.

by wearing emerald you will energize 2 and 5 house....

you have to do Surya Namaskar every morning.


i am sure that Rahu is making you alcoholic, and will give you a great dippression. and forget about peace because it will distroy the peace.

Aap please emerald pehno..... fir dekhna




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Bhai Sahab,


Please do this as a remedies and thats all,


Do Surya Namaskar every morning.

Do the Rahu, Mangal and Shani shanti Pooja in the near temple. tell the preist that you want to do the shanti pooja not the energizing pooja.

Please do not do the Hanuman Chalisa, as Hanuman Ji is the lord of Mars. so it will energize our 12th house.


Saturday please go to temple, dont pay money to any begger, just feed them if possible.


All you problems will be solved by grace of GOD...


We taurus mostly will have week knees. not to worry about it.

please wear Green emerald. the stone should be good. wear in silver or gold not a problem, all does matter is the Stone.


Astrologer asked you to take care of Mars, but after seeing your remedies, i feel that we are not calming the Mars planet, what we are doing here is by wearing one will energize it... thats why brother all this problem..


for mars you may drop the copper coin in the river. slowly it will start to melt, the bad effects also starts to reduce.

and one more option is that you can feed Tuwar Daal (red color) to the birds.... after that things will be fine.


You are right that our Yoga karaka planet is Shani Dev, however we should not forget that its a SHANI DEV..


never try blue sapphire in your life, if some one ask you to wear.


please only wear Green Emerald and do the surya Namaskar.


Things will surely start to change..

and you may feel peace and happiness with in 1 month...

Even your father and your relation will start to change slowly..


I hope this will Help.


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thank u riaz bhai....well i have removed gomed from my finger...lets see now

....about mars i dont know the bangle i am wearing is for it or not coz when i asked the astrologer for what it, he said it will break ur mars and bring marital happiness.........and regarding emerald you talking about i got it made twice as advioced by an astrolger and both time i lost it...one was in gold...shayed merii kismat hi khrab hai....

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You may wear 3 to 4 carrat emerald in the right hand small finger.

Wednesday Sunrise.

Please i request you to remove that bangle, i have met many great astrologers, famous Gurus. however never heard about the Bangles which break the negative effect of Mars.

Aap please usko bhe nikkal deejiye.

Wear a emerald and please do the poojas and dont forget to drop the copper coing in the running water or feeding tuwar daal to the birds.


Things will be fine after that.

If possible lets try wearing Ruby, sometimes ruby change many things.

its the lord of kendra house and it is very important. as we may see that sat and rah is distroying the good effects of 4th house.

please also buy a ruby, but only 2 to 3 karat. wear in silver, no need to wear in gold.

wear Ruby + Emerald....

i myself wearing Ruby, and have seen loads of changes in life..

Its a Sun stone, not everyone can wear ruby, you know brother, when the sun shine all the Clouds Dissapears....

So please try this two Gemstone.


Dont forget to do the poojas.

if you are wearing any TABIZ or something else, please remove that .


Only this two stones should be there in your Body and thats all.


Take care Bhai


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Hi Bro,


When a person lagna lord is in 6th house, the person will always will be thinking about enemies, debts and diseases...

From the childhood you must have faced lot of problems due to enemies...

Aapka kisi key saat Jamega hee nahi, because venus the lagna lord is in 6th house. thats why.


Sun is known as a Father and Moon is known as a Mother.


There is a malefic Planets in the Fourth house which is the house of Leo (SUN)

you may please wear a gemstone for Planet Sun (Ruby) along with emerald.


After wearing this, you will be liked by everyone, you will feel happiness from inside.


Do you know, the sun is so important in ones chart, because when ever the person is asked, who are you. you will pass the general information about your SUN.

you will have friends, it is good for Peace, properties and also Vehcles.


And offcourse you will get everybodies support after that, even at home and also from friends.


So bro, you try Ruby also..


Take care and Be happy...


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Hi there,


Its extremely good that you have taken out Gomed. I am sure you will start feeling the difference soon, but only if you change your whole attitude as well.


PLEASE PLEASE don't wear any other stone sply without an "expert"'s advice. Gomed has done enuf damage to you. You must concentrate on your positive energies and capabilities.


saturn rahu conjunction is not at all good for the significations of the 4th house(both being first rate malefics)- home, happiness, peace of mind, mother's health, enjoyment from property, vehicles etc. Gomed was denying you all of this.


Please don't wear ruby. Sun is already well placed in a kendra in friend's house conjunct friend, lord of trikona. one, you don't neeed to wear it. two, without expert's opinion, the decision can back fire in equal probablity.


You can pray maa Durga on fridays by reading Durga Chalisa. chant OM Laxmi Narayano Namah as many times as possible.


Chanting Hanuman Chalisa will help propitiate Mars and not energise 12th house.


Both moon and jupiter may be functional malefics for you but as natural benefics, they are extremely good. Sply exalted Jupiter aspecting own 11th house of income is fantastic. (are you the youngest or eldest among your siblings?)


similarly saturn aspecting own house of job and career is extremely good.


Your horoscope is very strong in many respects. I would say that most of your problems may be self created (please don't get me wrong here- purely saying as what I can see in the horo). Give your wife and family their due. The right time to make a new beginning for a beautiful life is always NOW....


Apologies for any hurt. All the very best from the bottom of my heart


Kind regards

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really thank u mylilangel....i do grasp what all u have to say...i also feel my problems r self created....but their is also some force guiding u somewhere always negative or positive and ur karma decides which predominates....

now what all i summerize from the above discussions is:

1) Remove Gomed..Alreasy Done...i also longer wear the Iron ring for saturn...tell me if it is to be worn....

2) Do hanuman chalisa everyday

3) laxmiji Mantra Every friday

regarding gemstone advice ...i know it is a serious matter because gomed was also adviced to me by a good astroger of fame ...so i am confused as riaz is recmmending me an gren emerald now....>>>

i have also concentration problem since childhood...and my studies have aslo suffered for that...i have an impoertant exam coming up in 3-4 months time can u suggeest any thing

an yes i am the yongest sibling......

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Hi dear,


I would frankly advice you to take off any ring etc. and just concentrate on pujas and enhancing positive energies. Saturn may be auspicious as yogakaraka but still as a natural malefic, it has great potential of adversely affecting the significations of the 4th house.


About concentration, well my dear, that always has to come through your will-power and motivation. After all studying is never the best of the entertaining activities we ever undertake:) . So since you do understand your weakness, take it as a challenge to overcome it.


I too would request the learned members here to guide both of us here as I myself am only a learner and only tried to advice my best I could.


All the very best.

Kind regards

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i think the learned members have left..this forum...please guide me on remedies..as i really require them..consider this as a doc requiring diagnoses of something which he knows less....and in those replies we also get answers as god delivers them...and amateurs also...learn a few things.. hope my anxiety is answered

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