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New booklet about Srila Prabhupada

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What I do find peculiar though is that the only written sentiments of Srila Prabhupada that we have that seem to show a sakhya-rasa tendency were written on the eve of his launching his preaching mission in the USA. Prior to that time it doesn't appear as if there is much of anything written or expressed by Srila Prabhupada that seems to show him as being inclined very specifically towards the sakhya-rasa.


So, in my mind, the link between the sakhya-rasa and the prayers of Srila Prabhupada for the help of Sri Krsna in his preaching mission could show some circumstantial influences that caused Srila Prabhupada to feel an upsurge in sakhya-rasa with Krsna.


After all, it does take a rather macho mindset to strike out on a global preaching mission. It would not be so much the mindset of an internally feminine nature.


Conquering the world is not the work of girls.

It's takes a strong male mentality to strike out on a mission to conquer the world.


So, that Srila Prabhupada identified with the male friends of Krsna as he launched his quest to conquer the world is not surprising.


Sakhya-rasa is contained within madhurya-rasa.

It can be tapped if the need arises.

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I was forwarded Sripad Narasingha Maharaja's comments on the booklet. Here is what he had to say:




Some things just can't wait. Vidagdha Madhava Prabhu wrote me to query what I thought about the article/pdf book. So I set aside some time and carefully went thru several chapters. Impressive won't suffice to describe how well put together and convincing a job you and Babhru have done. Excellent!


However, I'm not sure I like the idea of a discussion on the internet — I mean, what more is there to say without getting into arguments? Devotees will either agree with you or they won't. I don't think the Narayana Maharaja followers will dare to reproach your presentation, they would have to be complete fools to try — the risk of further exposing their gurudeva as being antagonistic to Srila Sridhara Maharaja.


Well done Swami — I'm a believer! I'm just not advanced enough to make more of it than that. I guess the only thing left to do now is get more cows!



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Maharaj, it has been clear now, in a way, that Prabhupad (Srila Bhaktivedana Swami Maharaj) was in the sakhya rasa?


Srila Sridhar Maharaj:

At least temporarily he has showed like that. What he has expressed there in that journey there, it is almost clear that he liked that sort of lila best, but it may be, it might have been suppressed purposely; it also cannot be denied, maybe. That is one thing. There may be such a possibility, and he has given, he has said that Radharani was his gurudeva. His gurudeva was Radharani, but he himself was thinking that perhaps madhurya rasa should not be distributed in the first instalment. That might have been his view.

Because his preaching was mostly helped by Nityanananda Prabhu, Baladeva, so influenced by their tendency, their mood, he might have for the time being had that footing. And another thing: there is another sign that he showed affinity for sakhya rasa. In Vrndavana, he has installed Baladeva, Krsna Balarama, and Nitai Gaura. Sakhya rasa preference. That also may be with the previous idea: that generally, by the influence of Nityananda, Nityananda and Baladeva has helped me to preach the lila of Krsna in such a broad way, so in gratitude, he might have place that vigraha.

But our Guru Maharaj did not place, only in Panca Tattva and other places, otherwise, where the pure madhurya rasa, Mahaprabhu, Radha-Govinda and Mahaprabhu, everywhere: He installed Mahaprabhu, both combined and Radha Govinda, separate. Radha krsna pranaya vikrtir hladini saktir asmad. But Guru Maharaj, through preached exclusively this madhurya rasa, but great precausion. What is not that thing, he perhaps used ninety percent of his energy to preach that “This is not madhurya rasa.” To clear away the negative side, he had to spare in his words, “Gallons of blood” to be spared to teach that this is not madhurya rasa.



So, it is this statement by Sridhar Maharaja that has always kept me in the camp of being not so sure that Srila Prabhupada is ultimately situated in sakhya-rasa as his eternal relationship with Krsna.


And despite claims that Sridhar Maharaja was more or less pressured into saying this, I don't buy it because in the course of this discussion I have not found anyone complaining about Prabhupada being in sakhya-rasa or pressuring Sridhar Maharaja to contradict his previous statements on the matter of Prabhupada expressing sakhya-rasa sentiments.


Maybe some are solidly convinced of the sakhya-rasa of Srila Prabhupada, but I am still setting on the fence.

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Srila Sridhar Maharaj: He was so simple; so great and so simple at the same time. Anyhow, Mahaprabhu, our Gurudeva has done through him a tremendous inconceivable thing. Even one Maharaj, who could not tolerate all these things, because he was first in charge to go to the West, and could not get the desired success, but the other day, when coming from Mayapura, that Maharaj said, “It is achintya: inconceivable. He did not want to give recognition, but from his mouth, the word came out. That what Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj did, that is achintya: it is inconceivable. So, it is divine. It is inconceivable what he has done, what Nityananda Prabhu, what Baladeva has done through him, that is inconceivable.



Is it possible to have two rasas in the spiritual world?


Srila Sridhar Maharaj: It is not seen generally. The permission is possible. In the first stage, it may not be detected and this is a great problem to us, and a great guidance to us. Anyhow, we have come to a group which is exclusively the group of madhurya rasa. The guru-parampara you see, not of vatsalya rasa, but to madhurya rasa. Or the mantram, leading to madhurya rasa. Madhurya rasa is all-accommodating rasa, and that was mainly given by Mahaprabhu, and also Rupa, so Mahaprabhu, and also Rupanuga Sampradaya had the mantram, what we get, all rasa combined, and to help that rasa, the service of that rasa, other paraphernalia has been created.

Adi rasa, and mukhya rasa. Two paricaya: denominations of the work of rasa. They are identical. Adirasa means that is the most original rasamadhurya arasa. And mukhya rasa, the principle rasa is madhurya rasa. And the zenith of all rasa is found there. Our guru parampara is all in all madhurya rasa, and the mantras that are given to us are all in madhurya rasa, so that is the real work. Anarpita ciram cirat karunaya vartina kalau … Mahaprabhu came to give what was not previously given. That Radha Govinda, they came to jointly give the type of divine love to the public. “If you have such a qualification you can come up to this, the highest quarter.” That was the necessity of Sri Guaranga, to distribute that. All others are subservient, helping that rasa of Krsna. So, in our childhood, when not sufficiently developed, we may run here and there, but ultimately, we shall mostly go there.

Devotee: Different individuals will have their respective rasas, but the original mood, the objective, is to enhance the madhurya rasa, support the madhurya rasa. Say somebody is in sakhya rasa, but he is in Mahaprabhu’s movement, he is trying all the time ….

Srila Sridhar Maharja: That is also an instance. Not only that, but greater than that. Mahaprabhu tried to convert Murari Gupta, but He could not. Then he left. His strong inclination was towards Ramachandra. But still, Murari Gupta had some respect for this. Then, also, perhaps Rupa Goswami and Sanatana tried their best to take the father of Jiva Goswami, Anupama – he was a devotee of Ramachandra – to take him to krsna-lila, but they also failed. So, they tried, and that has got some value, even by Mahaprabhu and Sanatana, that is not a chance coincidence or a flickering or false attempt. So it is possible, and at the same time, there is such a strong and innate nature, that cannot be converted. That faith, that thing, is in the jiva. Both sides have been pleaded here.


So, were the madhurya-rasa mantras of Srila Prabhupada's diksha somehow ineffective on him?

Despite the entire parampara and all the diksha mantras leading to madhurya-rasa, Srila Prabhupada is somehow an exception?

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Despite some talk to the contrary, in my years in ISKCON there seemed to be almost a wholesale tendency towards madhurya-rasa by most all the disciples of Srila Prabhupada I ever knew, including some rough and tough guys that you would never imagine embracing the concept of madhurya-rasa with Krsna.


So, how is it that a guru in sakhya-rasa produced thousands of disciples aspiring for madhurya-rasa with Krsna?


That is the mystery to me that just is not answered with a conclusion of Srila Prabhupada being in sakhya-rasa with Krsna.


Even the most course and crude devotees guys I ever knew were internally aspiring towards madhurya-rasa with Krishna.


So, a guru in sakhya-rasa accomplished that?

I find it a bit incredible.

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However, I'm not sure I like the idea of a discussion on the internet — I mean, what more is there to say without getting into arguments? Devotees will either agree with you or they won't. I don't think the Narayana Maharaja followers will dare to reproach your presentation, they would have to be complete fools to try — the risk of further exposing their gurudeva as being antagonistic to Srila Sridhara Maharaja.

I thought Babhru prabhu had requested to keep this discussion friendly and Vaishnava-like? Now we see that without even the slightest provocation, Gosai has exposed himself as a hater, once again. I used to respect the fella. No more. Was is it really necessary to introduce Nara's envious jabs and hate-mongering politics into the discussion? C'mon, Sukhada. Why post such garbage. You didn't do Srila Prabhupada any favors by adding this to the discussion. Disgraceful. Who is your spiritual master? Does he approve of this?

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Srila Prabhupada:



So as Gopi-jana-vallabha, His only business is how to protect gopi-jana. So our Krsna consciousness movement is how to become one of the gopi-jana.


July 20, 1971 New York, NY, USA

So this is the original nature of Krsna, original nature of Krsna. He is Radha-Madhava. He is the lover of Srimati Radharani. And kunja-vihari, always enjoying the company of the gopis within the bushes of Vrdavana forest. Radha-madhava kunja-vihari. So He’s not only lover of Radharani, but braja-jana-vallabha. The whole residents of Vrndavana, they love Krsna. They do not know anything else. They do not know whether Krsna is God or not, neither they are very much harassed that “I shall love Krsna if He is God.” “He may be God or He may be whatever He is. It doesn’t matter, but we love Krsna, that’s all. ” That is called unnalloyed love. “If Krsna is God, then I shall love Him”—this is conditional love. This is not pure love. Krsna may be God or whatever He may be, but by His wonderful acts, the Vrajavasi, they are thinking, “Oh Krsna, He is very wonderful child, maybe some demigod. Maybe some demigod.” Because people are generally under impression that the demigods are all-powerful. They’re powerful within this material world. But they do not know that Krsna is above all of them. Isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah [bs. 5.1]. The highest demigod, Brahma, is giving his opinion, “The supreme controller is Krsna.”

So as the residents of Vrndavana, they love Krsna without any condition, similarly, Krsna also loves them. Vraja-jana-vallabha giri-vara-dhari. When the inhabitants of Vrndavana were in danger because they stopped Indra-yajna and Indra became very angry, and he sent very great, powerful cloud and rained over Vrndavana incessantly for seven days, so when the inhabitants became very much disturbed, Krsna, although He was only seven years old boy, He saved them by lifting the Govardhana Hill. So He taught Indradeva, demigod, that “To stop your disturbance is the business of My little finger, that’s all.” So he came down to his knees. These things we’ll find in Krsna book. So as Gopi-jana-vallabha, His only business is how to protect gopi-jana. So our Krsna consciousness movement is how to become one of the gopi-jana. Then Krsna will save us from any danger, even by lifting a hill or mountain. Krsna is so kind and so powerful. When Krsna lifted the hill, He did not practice some yoga system. That is God. Although He was a child, He was playing like a child, He was dealing like a child, but when there was need, He was manifesting as God. That is Krsna. That is Krsna. Not that He has to go and practice some yoga system, then He becomes God. No. He’s not that type of God, not manufactured God. He’s God.

So gopi-jana-vallabha giri-vara-dhari. And as a child, as beloved child of Yasoda, Yasoda-nandana,... Krsna likes to be a child of a devotee. He wants to be chastised from His devotee father and mother. Because everyone worships Him, nobody goes to chastise Him, so He takes pleasure when a devotee chastises Him. That is Krsna’s service. If Krsna takes pleasure being chastised, so the responsibility is taken by a devotee: “All right, I shall become Your father and chastise You.” When Krsna wants to fight, one of His devotee becomes Hiranyakasipu and fights with Him. So all activities of Krsna is with His devotees. He is... Therefore, to become associate of Krsna, to develop Krsna consciousness... Yasoda-nandana vraja-jana- ranjana. His only business is how to satisfy... As braja-jana’s business is how to satisfy Krsna, similarly, Krsna’s business is how to satisfy braja-jana. This is reciprocation of love. Yamuna-tira-vana-cari. Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is wandering on the banks of Yamuna to please the gopis, the cowherd boys, the birds, beasts, calves. They are not ordinary birds, beasts, calves or men. They are on the top of self-realization. Krta-punya-punjah. After many, many lives they got that position, to play with Krsna.

So our Krsna consciousness movement is so nice that anyone can go to Krsnaloka and become His associate, as a friend or so many other things, as a servant, as father, as mother. And Krsna is agreeable to any one of these propositions. These things are described very nicely in our Teachings of Lord Caitanya. So Krsna does not go even a step from Vrndavana. The original Krsna is Vrndavana. That is described in the Brahma-samhita,

cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa-laksavrtesu

surabhir abhipalayantam


govindam adi-purusam

[bs. 5.29]

Brahma is accepting the Supreme Personality of Govinda, Krsna in Vrndavana. Venum kvanantam: “He is engaged in playing flute.”


barhavatamsam asitambuda-sundarangam


govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami

[bs. 5.30]

So take advantage of these books, this knowledge, and this prasadam, this chanting, and be happy and go to Krsna. So nice thing. All right.

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Srila Prabhupada



<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td style="border: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-left: 3ex; padding-right: 3ex;" bgcolor="#e0e0e0"> So as Gopi-jana-vallabha, His only business is how to protect gopi-jana. So our Krsna consciousness movement is how to become one of the gopi-jana.</td></tr></tbody></table>

So, that applies to everyone except Srila Prabhupada who was more inclined to the gopa-jana?



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So, were the madhurya-rasa mantras of Srila Prabhupada's diksha somehow ineffective on him?

Despite the entire parampara and all the diksha mantras leading to madhurya-rasa, Srila Prabhupada is somehow an exception?


I address that in the booklet, at least with regard to the Gopala mantra.

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Despite some talk to the contrary, in my years in ISKCON there seemed to be almost a wholesale tendency towards madhurya-rasa by most all the disciples of Srila Prabhupada I ever knew, including some rough and tough guys that you would never imagine embracing the concept of madhurya-rasa with Krsna.


So, how is it that a guru in sakhya-rasa produced thousands of disciples aspiring for madhurya-rasa with Krsna?


That is the mystery to me that just is not answered with a conclusion of Srila Prabhupada being in sakhya-rasa with Krsna.


Even the most course and crude devotees guys I ever knew were internally aspiring towards madhurya-rasa with Krishna.


So, a guru in sakhya-rasa accomplished that?

I find it a bit incredible.

I address that, too. We have evidence of this happening going back to Syamananda Prabhu. Perhaps a more interesting question (which I don't examine in the booklet) is how a sampradaya that started with several lines of sakhya-rasa gurus became, according to some, exclusively for madhurya-bhava.


In Jaiva Dharma we see one guru instructing two disciples who have different bhavas. It's not new. It may be extraordinary, but it's sure not new.

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In the booklet ch.5 page 43 it says:



"The disciples of Srila Prabhupada consider him a nitya-siddha who comes to this world from the Paravyoma".

That is true, but is that notion confirmed by any higher authority or alternative authority such as Sridhar Maharaja?


If there is evidence that Sridhar Maharaja declared Srila Prabhupada as a nitya-siddha from Vaikuntha, wouldn't that be more authoritative than the opinions of his own followers?


Of course his followers will think that, but is that confirmed by senior Gaudiya authority?


And if Srila Prabhupada cannot be confirmed as nitya-siddha by senior Gaudiya authorities, doesn't that put somewhat of a hole in some of your conclusions and theories?

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In the booklet ch.5 page 43 it says:



That is true, but is that notion confirmed by any higher authority or alternative authority such as Sridhar Maharaja?


If there is evidence that Sridhar Maharaja declared Srila Prabhupada as a nitya-siddha from Vaikuntha, wouldn't that be more authoritative than the opinions of his own followers?


Of course his followers will think that, but is that confirmed by senior Gaudiya authority?


And if Srila Prabhupada cannot be confirmed as nitya-siddha by senior Gaudiya authorities, doesn't that put somewhat of a hole in some of your conclusions and theories?

I present it strictly as the subjective perspective of his disciples. I don't assert it categorically, so it doesn't need to be proven. Some readers will find my analysis convincing, whereas others will not. I didn't write this to make converts. Rather, I wrote it to glorify Srila Prabhupada, to explore the breadth of what our sampradaya has to offer, and to give heart to those who, in their spiritual maturity, may not find themselves excited about approaching their eternal inner life as, as you have put it sometimes, preadolescent girls. Nowhere do I present my argument as airtight and exclusive of any other perspective.

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I thought Babhru prabhu had requested to keep this discussion friendly and Vaishnava-like? Now we see that without even the slightest provocation, Gosai has exposed himself as a hater, once again. I used to respect the fella. No more. Was is it really necessary to introduce Nara's envious jabs and hate-mongering politics into the discussion? C'mon, Sukhada. Why post such garbage. You didn't do Srila Prabhupada any favors by adding this to the discussion. Disgraceful. Who is your spiritual master? Does he approve of this?
I think that your calling the letter disgraceful garbage it is mere unsubstaniated opinion. It is hardly without the slightest provocation. There is a long history, which you may not be aware of, for Narasingha Maharaja to consider Narayana Maharaja antagonistic to Sridhara Maharaja. The fact that Narasingha Maharaja thinks this does not make him a hater. Further, if he had indeed made this comment from out of the blue, it would likely indicate envy, but since that is not the case, I think he is perfectly entitled to have his opinion. I do not wish to have a debate about this, or discuss details. It does not pertain to the book.
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I was forwarded Sripad Narasingha Maharaja's comments on the booklet. Here is what he had to say:

I don't think the Narayana Maharaja followers will dare to reproach your presentation, they would have to be complete fools to try — the risk of further exposing their gurudeva as being antagonistic to Srila Sridhara Maharaja.


To digress a bit here, I see the above statement as an example of the unnecessary making of religious politics that present day Gaudiya Saraswats are unfortunately becoming known for. If you study the "The War Over Navadvipa Rathayatra", you will see that Srila Sridhar Maharaja also heartily disagreed with holding Rathayatra in the big cities of the world for, "so-called preaching purposes", yet although this statememt was made during Srila Prabhupada's time, he completely disregarded the apparent slight. Also when told of some of the apparent disparaging statements by Srila Prabhupada about him, Srila Sridhar Maharaja laughed and said, "just see he has even abused me in his preaching campaign." He also said, "I am not cent percent one with Swami Maharaja." But when Srila Narayana Maharaja is "not cent percent one" with Srila Sridhar Maharaja and holds some contrary opinions, which in fact are often the opinions of his diksa and sannyasa guru, Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaja, he is publicly raked over the coals, castigated, and even blasphemed as though it is some sort of fashionable sport of the day!


This cynical strategy has also encouraged irresponsible leaders and members of Iskcon and the Hardcore Rtviks to continue their absurd campaign against Srila Narayana Maharaja. Its ironic that this campaign contains the same vitriolic and demagogic language used against Srila Sridhar Maharaja by the Iskcon GBC, their fellow travelers and budding Hardcore Rtviks in the early eighties.

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What I do find peculiar though is that the only written sentiments of Srila Prabhupada that we have that seem to show a sakhya-rasa tendency were written on the eve of his launching his preaching mission in the USA. Prior to that time it doesn't appear as if there is much of anything written or expressed by Srila Prabhupada that seems to show him as being inclined very specifically towards the sakhya-rasa.
This isn't a good argument because we simply don't have much information about Srila Prabhupada before his launching his mission. Furthermore, I find it highly unlikely that Srila Prabhupada would lie when a disciple directly asked him he if was in madhurya-rasa and say that he was in sakhya-rasa. Why would he ask that a poem about him being in sakhya-rasa be printed in BTG? The hidden madhurya argument becomes very weak in the face of these direct statements.
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Okay, okay--Sukhada posted that note from Narasimha Maharaja in response to SY's wondering out loud how he might respond. I didn't post that, or the couple of other notes I had from him, because I hadn't yet asked for permission to do so. (If he had posted a comment on the page, which he says he intends to do today or tomorrow, I would have shared that.) Apparently Sukhada has that permission. In any case, this is certainly not the kind of controversy I'd like to see in this thread? In this thread I'd prefer that we move on to topics more related to the content and intention of the booklet. Anyone interested in pursuing the history of the problems between two of our missions is certainly free to do so on another thread. (Yeah, someone's going to chime in that I need to be realistic about the culture of AF. What's new?)

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The hidden madhurya argument becomes very weak in the face of these direct statements.

What is so hidden about statements like, "we are Rupanugas?" Yet it is hidden. It is hidden from the view of those who do not have the sraddha to approach it or those who actually are in a different rasa. Many Iskcon devotees have read Caitanya Caritamrta Adi 1, many times, yet they still have no idea of what is the internal reasons for Mahaprabhu's appearance although it is in black and white directly before them. Srila Sridhar Maharaja explained that not all the followers of 'Swami Maharaja' are Gaudiya Vaisnavas. Is it not reasonable that he would want to keep the most confidential understanding of Rupanuga far away from those who would misunderstand and perhaps abuse it? And then simultaneously he is reflecting the sakhya mood of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, who is Baladeva Prabhu, all the while in his heart of hearts, a Rupanuga in Radha dasyam which is generally hidden from view, except when he becomes stunned in ecstacy while singing, Jaya Radha Madhava.

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In this thread I'd prefer that we move on to topics more related to the content and intention of the booklet. )



Well, ok.


So, sooner or later what I am about to say will be said by somebody, so it might as well be me.


Now, bear in mind that what I am about to say is not necessarily my opinion but something that I see will inevitably be raised in question of the book.


Some people will say that Babhru is just the front man for a campaign by Tripurari Maharaja to prove that Srila Prabhupada is in sakhya-rasa and that for developing madhurya-rasa one will need siksha from a guru in the madhurya-rasa.


In this way, Tripurari Maharaja will attract ISKCON devotess away from ISKCON to his camp where they can get madhurya-rasa from Tripurari Maharaja who imbibed madhurya-rasa from his siksha guru Sridhar Maharaja.


They will also say that the reason behind posting the booklet on the forum was for the sake of making such propaganda and attracting devotees away from ISKCON to the madhurya-rasa camp of Tripurari Maharaja.



Yep, leave it up to ol' Sonic Yogi's mind to come up with such critical thinking, though in fact this is not his own particular politics or heartfelt conclusion on the matter.

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Didn't you mean to say unreasonable?

I'm not sure/ I may be lost in the land of double negatives. Perhaps, professor Babhru will give us a definitive answer. Wait a minute; how come I can't get the Beach Boy's Barbara Ann out of my head? Ba ba ba, ba ba Babhru...

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To digress a bit here, I see the above statement as an example of the unnecessary making of religious politics that present day Gaudiya Saraswats are unfortunately becoming known for. If you study the "The War Over Navadvipa Rathayatra", you will see that Srila Sridhar Maharaja also heartily disagreed with holding Rathayatra in the big cities of the world for, "so-called preaching purposes", yet although this statememt was made during Srila Prabhupada's time, he completely disregarded the apparent slight. Also when told of some of the apparent disparaging statements by Srila Prabhupada about him, Srila Sridhar Maharaja laughed and said, "just see he has even abused me in his preaching campaign." He also said, "I am not cent percent one with Swami Maharaja." But when Srila Narayana Maharaja is "not cent percent one" with Srila Sridhar Maharaja and holds some contrary opinions, which in fact are often the opinions of his diksa and sannyasa guru, Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaja, he is publicly raked over the coals, castigated, and even blasphemed as though it is some sort of fashionable sport of the day!


This cynical strategy has also encouraged irresponsible leaders and members of Iskcon and the Hardcore Rtviks to continue their absurd campaign against Srila Narayana Maharaja. Its ironic that this campaign contains the same vitriolic and demagogic language used against Srila Sridhar Maharaja by the Iskcon GBC, their fellow travelers and budding Hardcore Rtviks in the early eighties.

The response of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Narayana Maharaja to Srila Sridhara Maharaja's opinion about Ratha-yatra was catagorically different, so I find your contention that they should be viewed in the same light misguided. Furthermore, Narayana Maharaja is junior to Sridhara Maharaja, so it unreasonable to expect the same response as between Sridhara Maharaja than Srila Prabhupada. Anyway, I'm sure we would all prefer to not resurrect this long-debated incident, so I will gladly accede to Babhru's request.
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