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Hello all ,


thanking everyone in advace to provide their input...


i am a new member to this community , my concern is regarding my studies , i graduated from medical school back in august 2006 , since then i havent been able to clear my state medical boards (USMLE) so far failing it 3x . my last attempt was in august 2008 after which i was a little disheartened but reagardless continued studying to write it again , until this year started i was doing ok with regards to me putting time in to studying and the want to study and get this exam over with and move on . but ever since january i cant even pick up a book or sit in front of my comp. to study. everytime i try to decide to i think of something else and distract my self. Now i know , this could all be, because of frustration and the # of failure attempts but i still feel guilty everyday that i dont study but even that feeling of guilt doesnt last long. I want to study i have the passion to get my license to practice, but why am i not ??? is there something astrological here ??? am i even destined to practice as a doctor ?? i have my M.D. but its no good w/o me passing these 2 exams. i havent even attempted the 2nd one cause i havent passed the first one.


it would be really great if someone could give me their expertise on this matter.




Birth Place : mumbai time: around 10am


thank you :)

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" thanking all in advance in regards to giving their input ,


my concern is regarding my studies. i graduated from medical school in august 2006 . since then i have been attempting to pass my state medical board exams (usmle) i have already failed it 3x . twice being close to pass. last time i failed i wrote the exam was on august 19th 2008 , since then i have been trying to study all over again and i was doing fine until christmas. but ever since this year has started i havent been able to focus on my studies let alone even pick up a book , every time i decide to or make a schedule to study i think of somethign else todo or get distracted by something else, now i understand this could be all coz' i am just frustrated of studying but then why do i feel guilty that i am not studying , and even that feeling of guilt doesn last very long. i still have the desire to practice medicine and the passion for it . even though i already have my M.D. its no good unless i can get these exams outta the way and get my license to practice . am i even destined to practice as a doctor??? does me going thru all these changes have any astrological influences, and i do feel like theres something holding me back but dont know what it is ??? and also i have noticed a lot of black spots on my face and hands since this year started which someone told me meant something but i am not sure .. if that has anything to do with this .


kindly provide your expertisee. in this matter


P.S. i have also noticed my self being lazy and easily irritated.




place mumbai , time around 10am


thank you :)




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Dear Chandan,


I tell you what, "Shit Happens!". But the point is keep running. I can understand how you must be feeling, as I've been into the same and I know how close one can go to depression because of failures.


Looking at your chart, a quick snap shows four planets in 12th house. This make things difficult to analysis. Although this doesn't mean the failures is because of the concerned house, the planets in it are all benefic.


Give me some time and hang on here, I'll do an indepth reading of your chart. Further I even request learned astrologers to have a look at this chart, Asc lord and three other planets in 12th house. Quite a call.




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Mr. Ayush


Thank you for your support and advice .


1. What doesn the 12th house signify or rather stand for ?

2. " Asc lord and three other planets in 12th house. Quite a call . "

... ummm is this is good thing or a bad thing. ?


Please reply at your earliest convenience.


Thank you

Chandan :)

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Dear Chandan,


12th house is the house of loss. Usually a planet or the lord associated with the 12th house is considered inauspicious. However, when benefic planets are placed in 12th house, results are altered and different.


Your 12th house is strong. Presence of four planets should not be putting you into loss. But I need some time to study your chart. Moreover, I request the astrologers here to have a look at the chart and comment on the 12th house.




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" thanking all in advance in regards to giving their input ,


my concern is regarding my studies. i graduated from medical school in august 2006 . since then i have been attempting to pass my state medical board exams (usmle) i have already failed it 3x . twice being close to pass. last time i failed i wrote the exam was on august 19th 2008 , since then i have been trying to study all over again and i was doing fine until christmas. but ever since this year has started i havent been able to focus on my studies let alone even pick up a book , every time i decide to or make a schedule to study i think of somethign else todo or get distracted by something else, now i understand this could be all coz' i am just frustrated of studying but then why do i feel guilty that i am not studying , and even that feeling of guilt doesn last very long. i still have the desire to practice medicine and the passion for it . even though i already have my M.D. its no good unless i can get these exams outta the way and get my license to practice . am i even destined to practice as a doctor??? does me going thru all these changes have any astrological influences, and i do feel like theres something holding me back but dont know what it is ??? and also i have noticed a lot of black spots on my face and hands since this year started which someone told me meant something but i am not sure .. if that has anything to do with this .


kindly provide your expertisee. in this matter


P.S. i have also noticed my self being lazy and easily irritated.




place mumbai , time around 10am


thank you :)





Please take a look at my chart and help me out coz nothing has changed ..


please refer to post 451784 as it wont let me put the link to it here..


thank you

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here was the reply put by MR.AYUSH .. just for reference


dated ( 2/23/09)

Dear Chandan,


I tell you what, "Shit Happens!". But the point is keep running. I can understand how you must be feeling, as I've been into the same and I know how close one can go to depression because of failures.


Looking at your chart, a quick snap shows four planets in 12th house. This make things difficult to analysis. Although this doesn't mean the failures is because of the concerned house, the planets in it are all benefic.


Give me some time and hang on here, I'll do an indepth reading of your chart. Further I even request learned astrologers to have a look at this chart, Asc lord and three other planets in 12th house. Quite a call.





dated (2/25/2009)


Dear Chandan,


12th house is the house of loss. Usually a planet or the lord associated with the 12th house is considered inauspicious. However, when benefic planets are placed in 12th house, results are altered and different.


Your 12th house is strong. Presence of four planets should not be putting you into loss. But I need some time to study your chart. Moreover, I request the astrologers here to have a look at the chart and comment on the 12th house.




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Hello all ,


thanking everyone in advace to provide their input...


i am a new member to this community , my concern is regarding my studies , i graduated from medical school back in august 2006 , since then i havent been able to clear my state medical boards (USMLE) so far failing it 3x . my last attempt was in august 2008 after which i was a little disheartened but reagardless continued studying to write it again , until this year started i was doing ok with regards to me putting time in to studying and the want to study and get this exam over with and move on . but ever since january i cant even pick up a book or sit in front of my comp. to study. everytime i try to decide to i think of something else and distract my self. Now i know , this could all be, because of frustration and the # of failure attempts but i still feel guilty everyday that i dont study but even that feeling of guilt doesnt last long. I want to study i have the passion to get my license to practice, but why am i not ??? is there something astrological here ??? am i even destined to practice as a doctor ?? i have my M.D. but its no good w/o me passing these 2 exams. i havent even attempted the 2nd one cause i havent passed the first one.


it would be really great if someone could give me their expertise on this matter.




Birth Place : mumbai time: around 10am


thank you :)




Hello chandan,


I am a student of astrology, and trying to answer your question at my best.



your chart shows some strong yogas to take you abroad but there are also planets who are opposing you from being settled there.


Your Mars (lord of house 12- foreign travel, loss; also lord of house 5- knowledge) is in Lagna along with exalted Ketu


Venus ( Lord of house 6- disease, problems; functional malefic in your chart) is in house 12


Jupiter (lord of lagna and house 4) also is in house 12


Sun (lord of house 9 - religion, past karma) is in house 12 and is strong and in the rashi of his friend


Here combination goes like this:


Sun which is benefic for you, but is placed in bad house taking you to travel abroad and creating great urge in you to go to foreign land,


Jupiter which is lord of lagna and signifies knowledge and education in one's chart is in bad house and is along with sun


Mercury and venus are functional malefic. So, although taking you to abroad but not making you settled there and can cause you loss even if you settle there (according to me at least, I hope able astrologers will explain the situation better)


Currently your Sun Mahadasha is running which started in Oct 2007,


taking you there but may be it combusted jupiter and other planets (Although all three planets are in different Nakshatar paad but they are close to Sun degree wise) According to me this situation is responsible for problem in your studies


Your rahu Antar dasha is also on(since december 2008) and Shani pratyantar dasha is on (since march 2009)

Rahu is aspecting Saturn and Saturn is aspecting Moon (Significating mind of a person) And moon is house of knowledge and in the rashi of an enemy


So since last some time you were not able to concentrate and lost patience and it effected your studies. this situation will continue till 25th of april


Overall, your time is tough till oct 2013.


This is what I was able to conclude from your chart, again, I am a student of astrology and not an expert. I hope expert astrologers in this forum will surely help you.


Although you have some strong Rajyogas


I also request able astrologers to rectify my mistakes




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Hello MR. amateur ..


thank you for your detailed response.

You are very partially right about the " being abroad " part . I have been in the U.S. for the last 10 years now. mobed here.. when i was young with my parents. although since then , we did have some issues due to sibling rivalry b/t my mom and her brother... but things seem to be ok now. But as far as settling here goes, u might be right in a way , coz its my parents who are still supporting me although i was working in the past , and plan on finding some work again in the next few months .. as soon as i can get one of the exams over and done with .


so as we speak i still need to pass these exams and get a job in my field to settle here..


Mr Ayush said the same thing about the 4 planets being in my 12th house , but he never got back with his analysis , but from what it seems it could be similar .


According to you is there anything that can be done , to remove these obstacles or rather decrease the effect of the malifeic pplanets ?? ANY STONES YOU RECCOMEND ? .










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Hello MR. amateur ..


thank you for your detailed response.

You are very partially right about the " being abroad " part . I have been in the U.S. for the last 10 years now. mobed here.. when i was young with my parents. although since then , we did have some issues due to sibling rivalry b/t my mom and her brother... but things seem to be ok now. But as far as settling here goes, u might be right in a way , coz its my parents who are still supporting me although i was working in the past , and plan on finding some work again in the next few months .. as soon as i can get one of the exams over and done with .


so as we speak i still need to pass these exams and get a job in my field to settle here..


Mr Ayush said the same thing about the 4 planets being in my 12th house , but he never got back with his analysis , but from what it seems it could be similar .


According to you is there anything that can be done , to remove these obstacles or rather decrease the effect of the malifeic pplanets ?? ANY STONES YOU RECCOMEND ? .












Respected Chandan,


Your chart is a complicated one and being a learner it is difficult for me to suggest any gem for you. I hope some laerned astrologer will sure help you in this regard. However, for the timebeing I can suggest you two things to do,


1) Donate clothes, shoes, umbrella (not made of leather) on saturdays to poor and needy peole

2) And donate yellow things (pulses/laddoos) on thursdays

There is no limit to how much to donate, just donate as per your ability.


They are gonna help you for sure. Do these for 2 months and let me know about the results.


For Gems, Respected denior astrologers will surely help you




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Hello Amateur ,


thank you again for your response , and advice.


heres my problem , i am sure by now u know i live in the States, i have no problems with donating the material you suggested , but to whom ? lol ..

the closest mandir is 40 miles away , i was wondering if i could donate "yellow daal" to my mandir at home every thursday like you mentioned , and take it all together when i go to the mandir ( which practically only happens 2 times a month ) .


other than that, i do put out bread on my patio for squirrells & birds , dont know if that helps at all .


i do read HANUMAN CHALISA every morning .


and i can donate clothes to salvation army ( its just a container usually sitting outside a walmart ) .. or do i have to donate them to a person


Please be kind to clear these doubts for me i would really appreciate that.


A family member is into astrology and had given me a few stones to wear a few years ago and i am still wearing them , i am not sure what the stones are but can find out . i dont feel too comfortable talking to this person about my stuides since he is elder to me and a fmaily member. hence this approach on the forum


but nonetheless , thanks a lot for your help , i will keep you posted .


P.S. ( no to jinx myself ) but this is the 3rd consecutive day i have sat down for 8 hours and studied. so there are some changes that i am seeing in myself with regards to internal motivation and ability to concentrate.


thank you all . :)

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Hello chandan,


It is nice to hear that selfmotivation helped you.


I strongly believe and I always say, and I want to repeat here also. that there are three factors which affect our life,


1) Our previous life karmas

2) Our this life karmas

3) Our close relatives karmas/Bhagya


We will get the effect depending on whiatever is most strong for a given time/subject


So, If by hard work you make your present life karmas powerful, the effect of other two factors will subside. This is clearly mentioned in ancient granthas also. Most clearly mentioned in "Charak samhita" with a detailed chapter on this alone.


One more thing I want to say to you, When we prescribe a specific donation this is just being specific about some planet. But the basic funda is again based on the theory above. By donating in this life we are making our karmas in this life stronger and trying to subside the effect of our previous life karmas.


So If you are not able to do a specific remedy, do just whatever you can easily do and you think will benefit the society most


For example, for pacifying saturn, one of the suggested remedy is 'to bring a smile on face of a poor person'. Means making a person happier and also make Shabi dev happier. Do whatever you can to bring a smile on a person's face, It can be anything from giving him financial support to saying a few words of motivation or condolence. This remedy works as much as donating clothes.


Hope you got what I am trying to say :)

So main funda for you is to help other selflessly. If you are doing a donation and are expecting anything in return (from person or from God), then that deed is not counted as donation.


I suggest you to read Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta once. This will not only motivate you but will also work as a Remedy. You can find it online (on scribd.com)


Take care

Have a nice day


Let me know If I can help you more



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Please continue what you are doing now, also keep my upper post in mind.


For donating yellow things on Thursday, If you can easlily get Ladoo or any other yellow sweet, Distribute some yellow sweet on thursday among your neighbourers as a prasad.


Also you can help teachers, Brahamans or scholars on thursday (or any other day) by giving them some time and helping them in their work. This also helps :)



Sorry If I sound rude


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Hi there,


I am a learner and want to try my best to help you here. Your chart did baffle me and I was trying to find out why the dasha of the lord of fortune, Sun is not giving you any success. I think it may be cause that it is extremely weak because, one it is in a dusthana and two, debilitated in Navamsa. I would advice you to do Surya namaskar on sundays. Read aditya Hridyam on sunday mornings too facing Sun. It should strengthen your house of fortune.


12th house is for loss but it is also for foreign country. Your house has strong indications of settlement abroad. Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are forming very good yoga there. But again it is afflicted by teh presence of inauspicious Venus. Read Durga chalisa on fridays if possible. Or just chant OM Laxmi Narayano Namah as many times on fridays.


Again 2nd house lord in 11th and that too exalted - good dhan yoga.


Exchange between 1st lord and 12th lord is very undesirable. though mars as 5th lord of education is well placed in 1st. Its very good that you read Hanuman Chalisa everyday.


Your lagnesh is very weak in degrees in rashi chart but gains strength by exaltation in Navamsa. You can further strengthen it by putting Kesar Tilak on thursdays.


Your horoscope is a mixed bag of blessings and struggles. every planet has good and bad aspects. Success will definately come to you but perhaps a bit delayed and with struggle. But I wish this does not weaken your determination but rather gives you the will power to take it as a challenge and come out as a winner.


Being married to a doctor myself for the last 7 years I can fully understand it's anything but easy. But then thats where the challenge of life rests...


GOD tries our patience and then rewards us with all his love and blessings too.


I tried my best and wish could help more. I hope the learned members can take some time and guide and correct me wherever needed.


Best and regards

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Hello Mr. Amatueu and mylilangel .


thank you so much for your detailed responses , i will definetly follow your suggestions to my best .. and hope for the best . i will also keep you guys posted with my progress. My concern now is just to clear these exams and thats it . Its just that , i was so disheartened by my last failure attempt i felt like i needed some remotivation after completly loosing faith in my studies and maybe it was time for me to look for a new profession . ( which would have been too difficult .. lol ) .. but thanks to you guys and your support i am back on track and will see where this "train of life " takes me .

thank you



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