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Begging to be Acarya

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Beggar writes:



It's one of the inherent dangers of "The Ten Thousand Year Acaryaship" Theory: There can be no changes for changing times, changing circumstances and changing places because no one is qualified, nor ever will (at least for ten thousand years) be qualified to do so.


The Founder AND Acarya of Iskcon has stated that he wished his disciples would not change the system of management that he put in place.


So Beggar, please point to the relevant portion of the Gaudiya Scriptures which describes the statute of limitations at which time a disciple may disobey the order of his Spiritual Master.


Of course, you cannot, so you appeal to the less intelligent with your hyperbolic "10000 year acaryaship" comment in order to trigger emotional agreement with your position. The order is permanent until the end of time. This does not force you to work within his system. It does obligate you to not claim discipleship or representation of that Acarya if you want to disobey him. It does obligate you to follow his system on his property, and not coopt such property for your own mission.


You also present the following straw man to receive the brunt of your quibble.


That what is implied by the analysis in the post you were replying to (#1 of "Change = maryada-vyatikrama") is that there will be no soul qualified to do anything different than Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami did.


When the obvious point I made is that according to all principles since time immemorial, no disciple has the authority to disobey the order of his spiritual master, and does so at their own peril, and will surely dissappoint their Guru. If he said no change in the system, and you don't have faith that you can succeed by working with the mgmt. system he gave, then go do something else.


If you think times and places and candidates have changed enough to require a system of sadhana different than what Srila Prabhupada created for Iskcon then just freakin do it already, and leave your criticism of him and his system stuffed down your gullet. For your own good, and because you sound like a broken record.


You Change-Vadis are so transparent.

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Of course, you cannot, so you appeal tothe less intelligent with your hyperbolic "10000 year acaryaship"comment in order to trigger emotional agreement with your position. Theorder is permanent until the end of time. This does not force you towork within his system. It does obligate you to not claim discipleshipor representation of that Acarya if you want to disobey him. It doesobligate you to follow his system on his property, and not coopt suchproperty for your own mission.




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I personally am not qualified to change diddly squat. I am talking about the potential for change like the changes made by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur such as [re]establishing Gaudiya Vaisnava sannyasa. I'm referring to changes or adjustments made by a real acarya. Some believe that for a ten thousand year period that Srila Prabhupada will be the only Acarya, inititating guru and that in the year 3976, for instance, English speakers will read his books exactly as they appeared in English in the 1970's some two thousand years earlier. To me that sounds like some strange fairytale. Just like the fairytale that we fell from our svabhavika rasa in direct Krsna lila in Vraja, which is another prominent fairytale dreamed up by the 'Ten Thousand Year' crowd.

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I personally am not qualified to change diddly squat. I am talking about the potential for change like the changes made by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur such as [re]establishing Gaudiya Vaisnava sannyasa. I'm referring to changes or adjustments made by a real acarya. Some believe that for a ten thousand year period that Srila Prabhupada will be the only Acarya, inititating guru and that in the year 3976, for instance, English speakers will read his books exactly as they appeared in English in the 1970's some two thousand years earlier. To me that sounds like some strange fairytale. Just like the fairytale that we fell from our svabhavika rasa in direct Krsna lila in Vraja, which is another prominent fairytale dreamed up by the 'Ten Thousand Year' crowd.

At least you will admit that the demoniac forces on this planet are of that kind that as soon the devotees of Lord Krishna are disunited and weak things not only get a bit uncomfortable like a cold breeze were you put on a pullover.

But rather the demons of this age are so efficient to completely wipe out anything Vaishnava and create a perfect hell on Earth. One who hasn't meanwhile this realization and moves along easygoing must be thickly in tamas, mudha, and should be removed from all responsible Vaishnava functions.

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Some believe that for a ten thousand year period that Srila Prabhupada will be the only Acarya, inititating guru and that in the year 3976, for instance, English speakers will read his books exactly as they appeared in English in the 1970's some two thousand years earlier.


DADS is a serious disease, can't expect it to be cured in one or two posts.


Srila Prabhupada will always be the FOUNDER-ACARYA of Iskcon. Always, 10000 years 100000 years, is irrelevant.


Any Acarya claiming to represent HIM will be the ideal teacher (acarya) according to SP's ideals. And being SP's disciple, will not disobey SP's orders on any given issue, as a part and parcel of being the ideal teacher (acarya) and teaching by example.


Initiation was carried out in the past, when Srila Prabhupada's Vapu was not physically present in the same 1000 mile geographic location, according to his Vani Presence (order for his disciples to initiate on his behalf), and he actually formalized this system just before his Vapu dissappeared, calling it Ritvik henceforward, and ORDERED NO CHANGE IN MANAGMENT, even a 10 year old can see where this will go, naturally.


And as far as English. What is your problem. Srila Prabhpada's English is not good enough for you? The english language will evolve past the standard of centuries immortalized by Webster and Roget? More change planned? The people who speak English in 4567 AD will suddenly not be able to understand Srila Prabhupada's perfect English?


FREEZE Beggar. Your jig is up.

You are surrounded by the truth. No more false moves.


I want you to very slowly PUT THE PEN DOWN.


Now get on your knees, and put your hands in front of your head. In front of a picture of Srila Prabhupada of course.


And please remember, don't shoot the messenger.

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The people who speak English in 4567 AD will suddenly not be able to understand Srila Prabhupada's perfect English?



Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1590 and 1613.

Language is always changing. This is English from only about 400 years ago. How much will it change in a period five times as long or twenty-five times as long!



MACBETH. Methought I heard a voice cry, “Sleep no more!

Macbeth does murder sleep—the innocent sleep,

Sleep that knits up the ravelled sleave of care,

The death of each day’s life, sore labour’s bath,

Balm of hurt minds, great nature’s second course,

Chief nourisher in life’s feast.”

LADY. What do you mean?

MACBETH. Still it cried “Sleep no more” to all the house;

“Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor

Shall sleep no more, Macbeth shall sleep no more.”

LADY. Who was it that thus cried? Why, worthy thane,

You do unbend your noble strength, to think

So brain-sickly of things. Go, get some water,

And wash this filthy witness from your hand.

Why did you bring these daggers from the place?

They must lie there. Go, carry them and smear

The sleepy grooms with blood.

MACBETH. I’ll go no more.

I am afraid to think what I have done;

Look on’t again I dare not.

LADY. Infirm of purpose!

Give me the daggers. The sleeping and the dead

Are but as pictures. ‘Tis the eye of childhood

That fears a painted devil. If he do bleed,

I’ll gild the faces of the grooms withal,

For it must seem their guilt.

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Old English:

that was spoken and written in parts of what are now England and south-eastern Scotland between the mid-5th century and the mid-12th century. What survives through writing represents primarily the literary register of Anglo-Saxon. It is a West Germanic language and is closely related to Old Frisian. It also experienced heavy influence from Old Norse, a member of the related North Germanic group of languages.

Here is English from about 900 years ago:


The Lord's Prayer in Old English

Matthew 6:9-13

Fæder ure þu þe eart on heofonum

Si þin nama gehalgod

to becume þin rice

gewurþe ðin willa

on eorðan swa swa on heofonum.

urne gedæghwamlican hlaf syle us todæg

and forgyf us ure gyltas

swa swa we forgyfað urum gyltendum

and ne gelæd þu us on costnunge

ac alys us of yfele soþlice

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Nice try. For over a Century a standard Common English has developed and been spread throughout the entire world, on every continent.






Srila Prabhupada was educated in this Standard.


His literary masterpieces were Signed Sealed and Delivered in that Standard.


You are just begging for a chance to be recognized for something YOUnique.


Ain't gonna happen lest thou fallest upon thine head and let loose the dogs of thy ignorance, thus bequeathing upon some unsuspecting souls a narrow cult derived from the bowels of thy mundane misery.


Class Dismissed.

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Nice try. For over a Century a standard Common English has developed and been spread throughout the entire world, on every continent.








Get some horse-sense, Prabhu. A Century means 100 years. We are talking about the changes in a language such as English that occur over hundreds and then thousands of years. When Prabhupada said these books are for the next ten thousand years, he meant the Srimad Bhagavatam as compiled by Veda Vyasa with the commentaries of the Acaryas, the Caitanya Caritamrta by Krsna das Kaviraja, and then the books that he had put into mid-twentieth Century English prose. But he was well aware that the language would change. He was not hung up on a particular form of language and that's why he allowed his books to be translated into such modern languages such as Spanish, French, German etc. Take it from the horses mouth.

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Well, since all those languages are well standardized, as any horse with sense would agree, then the only way those standards will become obsolete is through some type of genocide or armageddon scenario.


Unless you consider the addition of a handful of coloquial slang words to our dictionaries in the English speaking country of America to be enough to radically change the essential etymology of English to make Srila Prabhupada's books illegible in the future on this land.


Or do you think that a handful of mutant geniuses will merge ebonics, gutter slang, and a few other words they just "invent" and then impose their literary system upon your children, my children, and the rest of the reasonable population of America, thus rendering the Standard English of today obsolete.


Sorry, as long as reasonable, non-mutants pass on Standard English grammer and vocabulary, our descendents will utilize it just fine thank you very much.


You are just making yourself look silly. Cease and Desist!

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Ed, you are a:



Everyone knows that andy108 is correct and that now all languages will stay the same. Therefore in 9,967 years people in the good old U.S. of A. and all English speaking, God fearing countries, will still be reading the original unchanged versions of Srila Prabhupada's books.


We will have as much a chance at unchanged, as we have the gonads to DO like that. You have no chance! Weak a$$ sudra talk. Always quiting as soon as a little effort comes your way. Typical.




I still have my first BG that I bought in a hippy book store in West Palm Beach in 74' and an unchanged set of SB, CC, NOD, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, KB(all 1st ED) I collected before the passing of Srila Prabhupada. I will pass them along as historic heirlooms. If you have changed books, that is what you will pass on to the next generation. A different thing.


I will try in this body till death, you have already quit!


Hare Krsna



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Beggar writes:




The Founder AND Acarya of Iskcon has stated that he wished his disciples would not change the system of management that he put in place.


So Beggar, please point to the relevant portion of the Gaudiya Scriptures which describes the statute of limitations at which time a disciple may disobey the order of his Spiritual Master.


Of course, you cannot, so you appeal to the less intelligent with your hyperbolic "10000 year acaryaship" comment in order to trigger emotional agreement with your position. The order is permanent until the end of time. This does not force you to work within his system. It does obligate you to not claim discipleship or representation of that Acarya if you want to disobey him. It does obligate you to follow his system on his property, and not coopt such property for your own mission.


You also present the following straw man to receive the brunt of your quibble.


That what is implied by the analysis in the post you were replying to (#1 of "Change = maryada-vyatikrama") is that there will be no soul qualified to do anything different than Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami did.


When the obvious point I made is that according to all principles since time immemorial, no disciple has the authority to disobey the order of his spiritual master, and does so at their own peril, and will surely dissappoint their Guru. If he said no change in the system, and you don't have faith that you can succeed by working with the mgmt. system he gave, then go do something else.


If you think times and places and candidates have changed enough to require a system of sadhana different than what Srila Prabhupada created for Iskcon then just freakin do it already, and leave your criticism of him and his system stuffed down your gullet. For your own good, and because you sound like a broken record.


You Change-Vadis are so transparent.




Haven't seen this kind of mastery on this forum since cbrahma. Truly beautiful.

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Get some horse-sense, Prabhu. A Century means 100 years. We are talking about the changes in a language such as English that occur over hundreds and then thousands of years. When Prabhupada said these books are for the next ten thousand years, he meant the Srimad Bhagavatam as compiled by Veda Vyasa with the commentaries of the Acaryas, the Caitanya Caritamrta by Krsna das Kaviraja, and then the books that he had put into mid-twentieth Century English prose. But he was well aware that the language would change. He was not hung up on a particular form of language and that's why he allowed his books to be translated into such modern languages such as Spanish, French, German etc. Take it from the horses mouth.


Yes other languages, but not re-editing the original books, like a constantly changing Christian bible.


I think there will always be those brahman/ksatriya that will keep the original english in vogue. The lower class might lose it. Starting with Ebonics and the like. But not the leaders. Or what good are they? I think no change will be a symptom of DVD institution too. What happened from before, is past. I was told to never change what Prabhupada gave.



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Haven't seen this kind of mastery on this forum since cbrahma. Truly beautiful.


you shoulda seen me as a kid. not the sharpest knife in the drawer, though not the dullest. but still, I have been average joe my whole life, and only when I repeat the essence of what my Srila Prabhupada relayed to me do I ever really feel in the zone.


It is up for grabs man, I am livin proof. Just gotta be willing to take what is offered. Thanks for the recognition. Hare Krsna

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...not the sharpest knife in the drawer




Sometimes you have to have a very sharp knife to cut through illusion.

And BTW, I prefer to read Srila Prabhupada's books the way they were when he entered samadhi. I just don't believe, based on changes in language, that people will speak the language that they are in, in a few thousands years. That doesn't mean I want the books changed now and I don't care for what Jayadvaita has done.




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Sometimes you have to have a very sharp knife to cut through illusion.

And BTW, I prefer to read Srila Prabhupada's books the way they were when he entered samadhi. I just don't believe, based on changes in language, that people will speak the language that they are in, in a few thousands years. That doesn't mean I want the books changed now and I don't care for what Jayadvaita has done.





The truth however is so simple even a dull blade like me can slice off a taste of it.


One need not be a Precognitive Prognosticator to see the future.


History is His-Story. Who is He? The Survivor. The Ruling Class. So wherever in an English speaking country such as USA that Srila Prabhupada's books become the center of culture, in that region, the Rulers will gather up all the standard English textbooks and pass on English. And so will their kids. Why must it stop? Same goes for Germany, France, Peru, etc.


If other areas of the world, or even in the good old USA itself go down the tubes and must monkey their way up from primordial ooze once again, when the Sankirtana parties find them, and if the monkeys are inquisitive, the Vaisnava's can voluntarily learn their language, like good missionaries would, and then translate Srila Prabhupada's books for them.


Why the hubbub Bub?


My diagonsis narrows it down to a few possibilites.


"DADS" : Dreaded Acarya Disease Syndrome.


Acaryitis : inability to grasp simple concepts due to stiffening of the tendoncies.


Or maybe Tachacardya, a Hardening of the Heartery?


Treatment : Just read Srila Prabhupada's original books in order once through.


Prognosis : If treatment is followed, no material disease can withstand the Mercy.

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List of archaic English words and their modern equivalents


ज्ञानकोश: - The Indological Knowledgebase

This is a list of words and spellings which are now considered archaic or obsolescent within the current status of the English language. Given both the rapidity of change in modern English and the number of versions used by nations and cultures, it should be borne in mind that dates are approximate and that the information here may not apply to all versions of English.

The evolution of the English language is characterised by four phases. The first period dates from approximately 450 to 1150 AD. At this time the language made use of full inflection, and is called Anglo-Saxon, or more exactly Old English. The second period dates from about 1150 to 1350 and is called Early English (or sometimes Old English again). During this time the majority of the inflections disappeared, and many Norman and French words joined the language because of the profound influence of the Anglo-Norman ruling class. The third period dates from about 1350 to 1550, and is known as Middle English. At this time the shape of the language began to coalesce and a relatively standard orthography emerged. The last period, from about 1550, is called Modern English.

The impact of dictionaries in the definition of obsolescent or archaic forms has caused the standardisation of spelling, hence many variant forms have been consigned to the dustbin of history.

It should be noted that often poets and writers of prose with a very strong feel for the language may on occasion deliberately choose to use archaisms to emphasise a certain point or to create a mood.


<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <caption>Archaisms in the English language</caption> <tbody><tr> </tr> <tr> <td> art</td> <td> from are </td> <td> present second-person singular form of the verb be</td> <td> thou art (="you are") </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> still used in Biblical/Shakespearian/poetical language</td> </tr> <tr> <td> betwixt</td> <td> -</td> <td> Between</td> <td> -</td> <td> - </td> <td> still used in Biblical/Shakespearian/poetical language</td> </tr> <tr> <td> bilbo</td> <td> From Bilbao the best known place of manufacture </td> <td> an obscure and seldom used word for a short sword</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Bilbo Baggins is a fictional character</td> </tr> <tr> <td> bobbish </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> to be in good health </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Bouncable </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> a swaggering boaster </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Bridewell </td> <td> from the London prison of that name</td> <td> a prison </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> caddish </td> <td> from the noun cad</td> <td> wicked </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> the noun 'cad' is dying out</td> </tr> <tr> <td> cag-mag </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> decaying meat </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> chalk scores </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> a reference to accounts of debt, recorded with chalk marks </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> coddleshell </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> codicil; a modification to one's legal will </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Coiner </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> a counterfeiter </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> costermonger </td> <td> coster comes from Costard, a type of cooking apple , monger means trader or seller </td> <td> a greengrocer, seller of fruit and vegetables </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> fishmonger, ironmonger and warmonger are among the surviving words ending in -monger</td> </tr> <tr> <td> cove </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> a fellow or chap </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dost</td> <td> from do </td> <td> present second-person singular form of the verb do</td> <td> thou dost (="you do") </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> still used in Biblical/Shakespearian/poetical language</td> </tr> <tr> <td> doth</td> <td> from do </td> <td> present third-person singular form of the verb do</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> still used in Biblical/Shakespearian/poetical language</td> </tr> <tr> <td> drab </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> a whore</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in Shakespeare's Macbeth: "Finger of birth-strangled babe, ditch-delivered by a drab."</td> </tr> <tr> <td> dream </td> <td> A part of the root stock of the OE vocabulary. </td> <td> joy</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> before the 13th century </td> <td> Under the influence of Old Norse speakers in England, the word dream changed its meaning from ``joy, festivity, noisy merriment" to ``a sleeping vision".</td> </tr> <tr> <td> -est</td> <td> unknown </td> <td> suffix used to form the present second-person singular of regular verbs</td> <td> thou goest (= "you go" in modern English) </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> still used in Biblical/Shakespearian/poetical language</td> </tr> <tr> <td> -eth</td> <td> unknown </td> <td> suffix used to form the present third-person singular of regular verbs</td> <td> he goeth (= "he goes" in modern English) </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> still used in Biblical/Shakespearian/poetical language</td> </tr> <tr> <td> ducats</td> <td> A bullion coin (not legal tender) used in international trade </td> <td> money</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> Ducats were displaced by sovereigns throughout the British empire </td> <td> used today only in slang. Ducats are still produced by the Austrian mint. Ducat, in Latin, means "he rules,she rules," or "it rules."</td> </tr> <tr> <td> fire a rick </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> to burn a stack of hay (rick), as a form of protest</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> fluey </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> dusty </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> gaole </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> gaol alt. British English spelling of jail</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> mid-19th century </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Grinder </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> a tutor who prepares students for examinations </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> hast</td> <td> from have </td> <td> present second-person singular form of the verb have</td> <td> thou hast (="you have") </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> still used in Biblical/Shakespearian/poetical language</td> </tr> <tr> <td> hath</td> <td> from have </td> <td> present third-person singular form of the verb have</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> still used in Biblical/Shakespearian/poetical language</td> </tr> <tr> <td> heddes </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> heads</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> c. 1650s </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Indya </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> India</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> c. 1860 </td> <td> This spelling is still (occasionally) in use today. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> ivory tablets</td> <td> unknown</td> <td> paper for notetaking</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> kine</td> <td> Middle English kyen, a plural of the Old English cy, plural of cu, "cow"</td> <td> cows</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used until late 1800s; still in Biblical use; Spenser used the form kyne </td> </tr> <tr> <td> mote</td> <td> .</td> <td> may, might</td> <td> .</td> <td> .</td> <td> NB. It may be argued that it is not technically defunct since the word is still used in freemasonry as part of certain rituals. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> over the broomstick </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> to be married in a folk ceremony and not recognized by the law. Still commonly used as part of the ceremony in modern Pagan weddings by Wiccans, Witches and other alternative spiritualities.</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s, "over the brush" still used in British English Cf jumping the broomstick </td> </tr> <tr> <td> quantum </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> money to pay a bill</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s. Still used in this sense in some legal terminology. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Quene </td> <td> OE. cwen (meaning a queen, a woman or a wife) </td> <td> Queen</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> c. 1650s </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> rantipole </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> to behave in a romping or rude manner </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> read with </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> to tutor </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s, still used in Caribbean English </td> </tr> <tr> <td> shake-down </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> a bed </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s, also a modern slang term dealing with law enforcement </td> </tr> <tr> <td> shalt</td> <td> from shall </td> <td> used to form the future tense of verbs</td> <td> thou shalt (="you will") </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> still used in Biblical/Shakespearian/poetical language</td> </tr> <tr> <td> stand high </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> to have a good reputation </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> thee, thou</td> <td> from Old English þú</td> <td> old 2nd person singular pronoun </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> still used in Biblical/Shakespearian/poetical language.

Also still used in northern dialects of British English eg Yorkshire.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> thole</td> <td> from Old English þolian</td> <td> to bear; put up with; suffer </td> <td> A man with a good crop can thole some thistles - (Scots Proverb)</td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Still used in northern and Scottish dialects of British English eg Yorkshire.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> wert</td> <td> from be </td> <td> imperfect second-person singular form of the verb be</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> still used in Biblical/Shakespearian/poetical language</td> </tr> <tr> <td> whitesmith </td> <td> from blacksmith, a iron worker</td> <td> a tinsmith </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s </td> </tr> <tr> <td> whitlow </td> <td> unknown</td> <td> a sore or swelling in a finger or thumb </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> Used in 1860s, still used in British English </td> </tr> <tr> <td> wilt</td> <td> from will </td> <td> used to form the future tense of verbs</td> <td> N/A </td> <td> unknown </td> <td> still used in Biblical/Shakespearian/poetical language</td> </tr> <tr> <td> wittles </td> <td> from "victuals"</td> <td> food </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> ? </td> <td> Used in 1860s, vittles still used in British and American English</td> </tr> <tr> <td> zounds </td> <td> corrupted form of "God's wounds"</td> <td> expletive </td> <td> N/A </td> <td> ? </td> <td> still used occasionally in British English </td> </tr> </tbody></table>


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