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More from Gurukrpa/Then More from Satsvarupa

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Did you even read that sentence? Do you understand what it means? Why are you trying to force me to see Srila Prabhupada in exactly the same way you do? It is ignorant fanatics like you, and not Srila Prabhupada, that make your sanga unbearable for so many people.


OK, now i understand.

You are a closet ritvik despite all your online ranting against the ritvik idea.


You certainly want to have it both ways.

You decry ritvik, yet still want to consider yourself a disciple of Prabhupada, Sridhar Maharaja and Narayana Maharaja yet you find no diksha guru on the planet that is worthy of your service.


The Saraswata sampradaya is of course substantially a siksha-guru sampradaya, yet all of the Saraswata acharyas have practiced the diksha system and not one has failed to observe proper formal diskha.

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OK, now i understand.

You are a closet ritvik despite all your online ranting against the ritvik idea.



Yes, Prabhupada was a ritvik for Lord Balarama.



...yet still want to consider yourself a disciple of Prabhupada, Sridhar Maharaja and Narayana Maharaja yet you find no diksha guru on the planet that is worthy of your service.


I am their disciple because I try to follow their teachings in my life.


As to the service as a payment for my tuition - I do what I can. I have translated, printed, and distributed lots of Prabhupada's books. I have also translated and distributed the writings of Sridhar Maharaja and Narayana Maharaja among new devotees and made them public on the internet. Whenever possible I also try to serve other Vaishnavas, like Tripurari Maharaja in person. I am not at all averse to menial service.

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When I see these so called disciples of Prabhupada spitting venomous public tirades at other great Vaishnavas like Narayana Maharaja all I see is personality cultism and ignorance - they are more like the hooligan soccer fans in UK than Vaishnavas.

This is of course not true, the opposite is true. Without so many Prabhupada disciples having joined Narayana Swami, Narayana Swami would never could have set up a global movement. Take Germany, basically all German Vaishnavas joined Narayana Swami. It was all with their help. Then Narayana Swami started repeatedly to state how Prabhupada made mistakes. When Narayana Swami was challenged that he is wrong with his criticism of Prabhupada and he de facto agreed of having made a mistake, wisenheimers like Kula prabhu say, "disciples of Prabhupada spitting venomous public tirades".

Such behaviour is rather misleading and deceptive.


When Krishna says,



na maḿ duskṛtino mudhaḥ

prapadyante naradhamāḥ


asuraḿ bhavam asritaḥ




na — not; mam — unto Me; duskrtinaḥ — miscreants; mudhaḥ — foolish; prapadyante — surrender; nara-adhamaḥ — lowest among mankind; mayaya — by the illusory energy; apahṛta — stolen; jnanaḥ — whose knowledge; asuram — demonic; bhavam — nature; asritaḥ — accepting.




Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me.

Do those who He's addressing say, wow, yes, Krishna is so right!

Of course NOT!

They rather reply with: "all we see is personality cultism and ignorance - this is more like the hooligan soccer fans in UK than Vaishnavas."


But anyway, even Lord Caitanya had to deal with such ilk:


"When Caitanya Mahaprabhu was explaining dhatu, dhatu means the life force, the vital force. So He was explaining that this dhatu means Krsna. When Krsna is not there, then life is finished. So the disciples who were students, they thought that, “This person has gone mad.” You see? So they criticized. So immediately Caitanya Mahaprabhu closed the patha-sala."


Mayapur, March 8, 1976

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...Narayana Swami started repeatedly to state how Prabhupada made mistakes. When Narayana Swami was challenged that he is wrong with his criticism of Prabhupada and he de facto agreed of having made a mistake, wisenheimers like Kula prabhu say, "disciples of Prabhupada spitting venomous public tirades".


Narayana Maharaja is capable of making minor mistakes just like Srila Prabhupada is... that of course is natural and does not detract from their intrinsic value as Vaishnava acharyas. It is the venomous tirades of their disciples that are a problem. Look at Sampradaya Sun - it is like the sacrificial arena of Daksa, with various groups spitting their venom at each other.

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Narayana Maharaja is capable of making minor mistakes just like Srila Prabhupada is... that of course is natural and does not detract from their intrinsic value as Vaishnava acharyas. It is the venomous tirades of their disciples that are a problem. Look at Sampradaya Sun - it is like the sacrificial arena of Daksa, with various groups spitting their venom at each other.

Ah yes, the Pure devotee Acarya is a mistake maker. Minor/Major is subjective and has no bearing on the fact that a mistake is unequivocally due to being of the conditioned nature.



it is very much based on the expositions of Srila Sridhar Maharaja' date=' as he became my siksa guru in the late 80's, a decade before my diksa guru Harikesa fell down.[/quote']

Why reject Acaryadeva Harikesh, he just made some mistakes?


Or is it that starting with the moment his so-called Acarya disappeared, he disobeyed orders, lied to his slaves, and consciously collaborated in various criminal conspiracies for 20 years until he was caught red-handed.


But hey, he was a Diksa Guru, a personal manifestation of Srila Madana Mohan Vigraha, so it is only YOUR illusion that he made mistakes, so your rejection of him is a grave error, Vaisnava aparadha no less.



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Giving sannyasa to people like Kirtanananda, Bhavananda, Gurukripa, Harikesa, and others can be seen as a mistake. Considering the Sun to be closer to the Earth than the Moon can be seen as a mistake. Rejecting the teachings of our sampradaya is not a mistake - it is a deliberate act of rebellion against these teachings.

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Giving sannyasa to people like Kirtanananda, Bhavananda, Gurukripa, Harikesa, and others can be seen as a mistake.

The only mistake is that you recently claimed that your opinion was that Bhaktivedanta Swami was indeed an Acarya. Of course you also like to quote Sridhara Maharaja to defend your opinion, reducing the status of Bhaktivedanta Swami to an ''institutional acarya'', presumably one who takes direction and dictation from the Supreme Lord in his heart constantly EXCEPT FOR...


(those times the Lord takes a vacation from his heart to fool around with his favorite Gopi.)




(except for those times when the Lord is confused and directs the institutional acarya to make mistakes, but this is not really a mistake, but just a head fake by Krsna that he implements in order to prove the claims of Acaryadeva Lite Kulapavana that acaryas make mistakes.)


Of course the seeming mistake of Jagat Guru Kulapavana is actually not a mistake, but a transcendental ploy to bait the insincere and unsurrendered into believing that Kulapavana can make mistakes. He does this as Guardian of Devotion, as the last line of defense, so that the insincere and unsurrendered do not personally disturb Sri Krsna's pasttimes.


All glories to Acaryadeva Lite, menial servant of Tripurari Swami.

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The only mistake is that you recently claimed that your opinion was that Bhaktivedanta Swami was indeed an Acarya.


I consider Srila Prabhupada, Srila Sridhara Maharaja, and Srila Narayana Maharaja to be great acharyas of our sampradaya.


Please read what Sridhara Maharaja writes on guru tattva, especially on the absolute and relative aspects of the guru.

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I think all of these guys: Harikesa, Gurukripa, Kirtanananda, etc. got out of Krsna consciousness exactly what they wanted, and got paid real well for the actual service rendered. They cashed out and I do not envy their 'golden parachutes'. I'm just happy to still be flying Krsna's Airlines...

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I consider Srila Prabhupada, Srila Sridhara Maharaja, and Srila Narayana Maharaja to be great acharyas of our sampradaya.


Please read what Sridhara Maharaja writes on guru tattva, especially on the absolute and relative aspects of the guru.

No thanks. My Acarya told me that anything I needed to understand about the absolute vs. relative conceptions of any truth/tattva were in HIS teachings to me.


Knowing his conclusion and judging all things by it helps me stick to one understanding and be consistent with it, applying it to every circumstance, and keeps me from committing the blunder of denying my own tendency to commit mistakes and accusing my Acarya of doing that in order to appear "liberal and broad minded" in order to be more accepted and appealing to others looking to put me on a pedestal for our mutual mundane satisfactions.


I would rather be the most hated person on this forum rather than for my Guru and Krsna to watch me flip flop and prevaricate in order to appear more knowledgable and advanced than I am just so someone will pat me on the back.


And to preempt the predictable knee JERK reaction to what I just said, wherein my words become some kind of "proof" that I am inflexibly narrowminded and bound to ignorance, there were many times when my Acarya, AC Bhaktivedanta Swami said "I don't know" when asked about things. Sometimes he said "I am not expert in that area". Sometimes he was corrected while speaking when he guessed at the name of some person place or thing that was on the tip of his tounge, and did not recall in entirety.


This shows the relativity of Guru tattva working through a Mahatma.


Those with an agenda of Acarya minimization will conflate such relative occurances and claim them to indicate a tendency toward being mistake prone, and then cite examples of actual instructions given to disciples that resulted in results the minimizer "feels were poor", to demonstrate their opinion that the Acarya makes mistakes on the plane where otherwise only Absolute good occurs.


That is if the person was actually an Uttama Adhikari, and Acarya.


Which is obviously not acknowledged by the very posture of the minimizer as he conflates relative "mistakes" with absolute acts of instruction commanding a surrendered disciple to motion for the greater good of all concerned.


How is this possible?


How was it possible that some in the assembly saw the same Krsna as others, yet some saw the Supreme Absolute Truth, and some saw a strong human prince, and some saw a pansy?


The faithful disciple even sees the conversational lapse of memory for names of people places and things as NOT being the mistake of a conditioned soul, but know that the Acarya is directed cent per cent by Krsna, that such apparent "mistakes" are inconceivably ordained by the Lord, and thus will not shake him loose into the arms of the next so called Diksa guru lining up for his Acarya's sloppy seconds.


The minimizer was looking for any reason to doubt the transcendental nature of the Acarya in order to avoid the hard trial of taking his orders which are poison in the beginning, but nectar in the end.


Thus into the arms of someone who fits his taste for sahajisym.


Not that this is a bad thing or a crime mind you. Until that person publicly derides and criticizes his ex-Acarya as being a mistake laden person.



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No thanks. My Acarya told me that anything I needed to understand about the absolute vs. relative conceptions of any truth/tattva were in HIS teachings to me.


Good for you. Now be happy with it and let others pursue knowledge and inspiration according to their own heart's inclination.

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Good for you. Now be happy with it and let others pursue knowledge and inspiration according to their own heart's inclination.

No, this is the whole material world doing already. Therefore we're here in the material world, to engage in one's own heart's inclination. Unfortunately this doesn't lead us out of the material world.


Without recognizing who's Krishna's real ambassador we simply end up like someone using just any box to deposit his letter. Wrong, only the authorized mailbox does the job. You might put your letter in any box and wait for years, still nothing happens.


As soon you're using the authorized mailbox things work properly. So it is the duty of any sober person to inform you, sir, you put your letter into the wrong box, nothing will happen there.


Similiarly, Krishna empowers a dear devotee to be the current link to Krishna's parampara system. This is by default, we cannot chose, let me try this or that to my own heart's inclination.

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Without recognizing who's Krishna's real ambassador we simply end up like someone using just any box to deposit his letter.


Of course there is only one such a deposit box in the world, and it happens to be to one you are using... :rolleyes: Every sect in the world is fishing with that line... and they will not rest until they control the entire world :eek4:




My letters are getting delivered to Krsna just fine...

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Of course there is only one such a deposit box in the world, and it happens to be to one you are using... :rolleyes: Every sect in the world is fishing with that line... and they will not rest until they control the entire world :eek4:




My letters are getting delivered to Krsna just fine...

Fully agree what you say, I'm not your enemy, thing is how Krsna sees all this. When it came to the most bestial war of all wars at Kuruksetra, Krishna insisted, no, no this or that, I want it like that, no to their own heart's inclination.


As a last attempt at peace, Krishna Himself travelled to Hastinapur to persuade the Kauravas for peace. This is of philosophical importance as it shows that the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself tried to avoid war at all costs. This aspect is sometimes ignored by those who claim Krishna coaxed Arjuna into violence in the war. At Hastinapur, Krishna took His meals and stayed at the house of the Prime Minister, Vidura, who was a religious person and a devotee of Krishna. Duryodhana hence felt insulted that Krishna turned down his invitation to eat with him and stay in his royal palace. Determined to ensure that the peace mission failed, Duryodhana plotted to arrest Krishna.


At the formal presentation of the peace proposal by Krishna at the court of Hastinapur, Krishna's peace proposals were ignored, and Duryodhana publically ordered his soldiers to arrest Krishna. Krishna laughed at his mortal attempts, and displayed his divine form, blinding the soldiers and everyone in court with his radiating light. The beautiful divine form of the Lord could be perceived only by those pure in heart, Bhishma, Drona, and Vidura. With His peace mission rejected by Duryodhana, Krishna returned to Upaplavya to inform the Pandavas that there was now no alternative to war for the upholding of the principles of virtue and righteousness.

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In this and other instances, association would mean to express what points that we agree on. But as Kulapavana pointed out, Fundamentalists have no such agenda, such as the Islamic Jihadis. It sounds like an extreme comparison but there is a continuum. There were certain risks that Srila Prabhupada took in his preaching work, that there would be such an outcome amongst, let's face it, the majority of his 'aspiring followers' (aspiring for what, becomes the question?) If we keep up this kind of behavior in public, then the result will be that those looking for material relief will turn towards monism. So this cacophony of 'As it Isers' will do the anti-preaching and drive people away from Krsna Consciousness as a result. Sounds like a dark era for the preaching work in general. Sounds just as bad as the era when Sahajiya Vaisnavas had the upper hand at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.:crying2:

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In this and other instances, association would mean to express what points that we agree on. But as Kulapavana pointed out, Fundamentalists have no such agenda, such as the Islamic Jihadis. It sounds like an extreme comparison but there is a continuum. There were certain risks that Srila Prabhupada took in his preaching work, that there would be such an outcome amongst, let's face it, the majority of his 'aspiring followers' (aspiring for what, becomes the question?) was that exact risk. If we keep up this kind of behavior in public, then the result will be that those looking for material relief will turn towards monism. So this cacophony of 'As it Isers' will do the anti-preaching and drive people away from Krsna Consciousness as a result. Sounds like a dark era for the preaching work in general. Sounds just as bad as the era when Sahajiya Vaisnavas had the upper hand at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.:crying2:


Once the prime factor in an equation is off, the outcome is certain.


One cannot serve two masters. One may pretend. There are others out there who will buy it, because that is what their heart is inclined to. Fence sitting Sahajyism. So be it.


Overlooking the Prime Factor which they cannot agree on, the Sahajiyas form a mutual pat me on the back club and call it good association. Good for them that is.


They rail against those who commit the "Crime" of preaching to the faithless, aka themselves and their swooning soon to be victims, derailed from that pure process they aren't interested in anyway.


They rail against those "Criminals" who disturb their "peace". Whose "fundamentalism" is antithesis to their go along to get along, "you are turning people off with your strictness" club.


They forget a fundamental instruction given by a recent Acarya, that a compassionate devotee approaches the faithless. That devotee speaks out against those who reject the Acarya, and would mislead countless faithless people. If only to save one.


Having forgone the Fundamental Prime factor, the choosing of ONE MASTER (Guru) and being chaste to the instructions He gives, they claim "I see Guru everywhere, after all that it what scripture says!" Yet not being actual advanced realizers of that concept, what their actions say is "Guru is anyone who gives me an instruction that appeals to my heart (read emotions) at any given time."


If they would only keep to themselves and not publicly criticize Bhaktivedanta Swami and his mission, they would have alot "easier" time of things that is for sure.


But some of them just can't. That is a fundamental truth.

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As a last attempt at peace, Krishna Himself travelled to Hastinapur to persuade the Kauravas for peace. This is of philosophical importance as it shows that the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself tried to avoid war at all costs. This aspect is sometimes ignored by those who claim Krishna coaxed Arjuna into violence in the war. At Hastinapur, Krishna took His meals and stayed at the house of the Prime Minister, Vidura, who was a religious person and a devotee of Krishna. Duryodhana hence felt insulted that Krishna turned down his invitation to eat with him and stay in his royal palace. Determined to ensure that the peace mission failed, Duryodhana plotted to arrest Krishna.


At the formal presentation of the peace proposal by Krishna at the court of Hastinapur, Krishna's peace proposals were ignored, and Duryodhana publically ordered his soldiers to arrest Krishna. Krishna laughed at his mortal attempts, and displayed his divine form, blinding the soldiers and everyone in court with his radiating light. The beautiful divine form of the Lord could be perceived only by those pure in heart, Bhishma, Drona, and Vidura. With His peace mission rejected by Duryodhana, Krishna returned to Upaplavya to inform the Pandavas that there was now no alternative to war for the upholding of the principles of virtue and righteousness.


Suchandra-ji, altough we sometimes spar over various issues I actually have a deep appreciation for you and consider you my superior in both material and spiritual sense. Posts like the one above show that you are a deep thinker and a high class devotee. Apologies for all my irreverent posts.

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So this cacophony of 'As it Isers' will do the anti-preaching and drive people away from Krsna Consciousness as a result. Sounds like a dark era for the preaching work in general.


I see many newcomers to Krsna consciousness and they are all rejecting this fundamentalist mentality. I think Mahaprabhu is smashing us precisely because our movement has turned that way: we went from being inclusive and reformist to being exclusive and ultra-orthodox, in the span of just one generation.

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Having forgone the Fundamental Prime factor, the choosing of ONE MASTER (Guru) and being chaste to the instructions He gives, they claim "I see Guru everywhere, after all that it what scripture says!" Yet not being actual advanced realizers of that concept, what their actions say is "Guru is anyone who gives me an instruction that appeals to my heart (read emotions) at any given time."


This is another totally bogus concept, extrapolated for their political use by the Isk-CON artists :rolleyes:



<CENTER>Vande ham sri guroh sri-yuta-pada-kamalam sri-gurun vaisnavams ca sri-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana-raghunathanvitam tam sa-jivam sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam krsna-caitanya-devam sri-radha-krsna-padan saha-gana-lalita-sri-visakhanvitams ca</CENTER><CENTER> </CENTER>Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja prays, "First I offer my respects unto the lotus feet of my initiating spiritual masters and the recruiting spiritual masters and advanced Vaisnavas. Next I offer my obeisances to my sastra gurus, Srila Rupa Goswami, his elder brother, Srila Sanatana Goswami, Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswami, and Jiva Goswami. On a higher platform I offer my respects unto Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who came with his paraphernalia and associates, along with those great personalities Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Advaita Acharyya. And in the highest stage, I offer my obeisances unto the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha and Govinda, and all of the gopis, headed by Lalita and Visakha devi."

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In this and other instances, association would mean to express what points that we agree on. But as Kulapavana pointed out, Fundamentalists have no such agenda, such as the Islamic Jihadis. It sounds like an extreme comparison but there is a continuum. There were certain risks that Srila Prabhupada took in his preaching work, that there would be such an outcome amongst, let's face it, the majority of his 'aspiring followers' (aspiring for what, becomes the question?) If we keep up this kind of behavior in public, then the result will be that those looking for material relief will turn towards monism. So this cacophony of 'As it Isers' will do the anti-preaching and drive people away from Krsna Consciousness as a result. Sounds like a dark era for the preaching work in general. Sounds just as bad as the era when Sahajiya Vaisnavas had the upper hand at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.:crying2:

This is not Gaudiya philosophy that the Vaishnavas are the cause of action, Vaishnavas just do one thing only to worship Krsna always. Whenever things happen it is Krsna who does it. We cannot do anything. Only Krsna can manage things to happen. This is not our Vaishnava philosophy to say, I'm the cause of this to happen, no, it is all happening by Krisna's arrangement. We can only watch what Krsna is doing and perform our devotional service. What did we do? Krsna brought down false gurus, not the ritviks. Remember, the whole thing actually started around 1998 that people in large scale wondered if Prabhupada really ordered anyone to be the next acarya. So why blame the Prabhupadanugas for all that happened?

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Overlooking the Prime Factor which they cannot agree on, the Sahajiyas form a mutual pat me on the back club and call it good association. Good for them that is.


Spiritual life (bhakti yoga) is a razors edge. This means that you can fall off to the right or the left, towards karma or towards jnana. There are so many permutations of karmic and jnanic deviations from pure devotional service to Krsna that it is practically unlimited. Anytime we take one or a number of these various karmic and jnanic deviations as the real thing, then we take a stand in the realm of imitation bhakti. We can be too dry and in our heads or too 'wet' and materially sentimental about Krsna Consciousness. Sometimes we know in our heart of hearts and sometimes we are just covered or don't even want to know. At that time we need approach an expert spiritual physician for advice. The problem for the Ten Thousand Year Rtvik Society and their fellow travellers is that they think the physician is only in a book, video or mp3 etc. Therefore he cannot talk back and give his diagnosis and prescriptive advice for their individual case. So despite all the denials, they have taken Srila Prabhupada as sastra guru, and that's fantastic for a first step. But for most, they are really their own guru.

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This is another totally bogus concept, extrapolated for their political use by the Isk-CON artists :rolleyes:



<center>Vande ham sri guroh sri-yuta-pada-kamalam sri-gurun vaisnavams ca sri-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana-raghunathanvitam tam sa-jivam sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam krsna-caitanya-devam sri-radha-krsna-padan saha-gana-lalita-sri-visakhanvitams ca</center><center> </center>Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja prays, "First I offer my respects unto the lotus feet of my initiating spiritual masters and the recruiting spiritual masters and advanced Vaisnavas. Next I offer my obeisances to my sastra gurus, Srila Rupa Goswami, his elder brother, Srila Sanatana Goswami, Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswami, and Jiva Goswami. On a higher platform I offer my respects unto Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who came with his paraphernalia and associates, along with those great personalities Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Advaita Acharyya. And in the highest stage, I offer my obeisances unto the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha and Govinda, and all of the gopis, headed by Lalita and Visakha devi."



This is the EXACT scenario I mentioned in my previous post.


An attempt by a NEOPHYTE VAISNAVA to disregard the necessity for chastity to his one chosen Acarya, and justify this by reproducing the prayers of a HIGHLY ADVANCED VAISNAVA and using that to indicate the option of seeing Guru or master everywhere, of being able to recognize and take relevant Siksa from multiple advanced devotees, before ever completing the requisite processes for the beginner or neophyte.


When you become as advanced as Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja let us know.

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When you become as advanced as Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja let us know.


KK wrote that prayer for all of us, so that we will not forget what are the techings and devotional mood of our sampradaya, and so that we will not be led astray by ignorant and fanatical disciples of a particular guru.

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Duh! What you missed in their 'whining' is that IT DID NOT HAVE TO BE THIS HARD OR THAT CROOKED. Sankirtan was austere enough without all these extra idiocies imposed by most Iskcon misleaders.


If the sankirtan and fundraising methods were PROPER we would have avoided burning out both the public and the book distributors. If Gurukripa was treating soldiers in Vietnam the same way he was treating his sankirtan men he would have been shot by his own men, plain and simple. That happened many times to guys like him over there.



Yes, we need to blame the simple minded and naive rank and file devotees like Suresh for trusting Iskcon leaders appointed by Prabhupada and for beieving the garbage these people fed them.:rolleyes:


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