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Nature - our first mother

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I am an aspiring devotee of Sri Krsna. Some of you may know last year I went to see Amritanandamayi Devi Maa.


I had not been to big cities and big crowds for years and had no money for the trip/accomodation. Within that week a surprise payment from the government came into my bank. But the hurdle was not over, I was nervous to go to the city. Very rarely go to cities on the last 15 years.


One night I felt Maa strongly impress in my mind, 'come I will guide your way'. It was a magic few days. I went to see Maa on the saturday and for the next days got to spend quality time in Iskcon Melbourne mangala arati programs. I thought I had landed in heaven. I did.


The following weeks were very special, and then very transparent. Still, helping me to see my shortcomings which are deep, and also helping to see how big is God's grace!


In the mail today I received my monthly Matruvani from Ammachi. I felt to share the opening message from Maa here. It is how I feel lately about life and what my hopes and dreams are for all of us. From all faith, I know we are one family and living conscious unity.


Only read on if you have interest. Forgive my typos as it is not a copy and paste. Also, please forgive my outburts at Audarya, with some grace I will learn to love more.



Nature - our first mother. Amma's Message


Nature is our first mother. She nurtures us throughout our lives.....Just as a child is obliged to his birth mother, we should also feel an obligation and responsibility toward Mother Nature. If we forget this responsibility, it is equal to forgetting our own self. If we forget Nature, we will cease to exist, for to do so is to walk toward death.


In, the old days, there was no specific need for environmental preservation becuase protecting Nature was a part of worshipping God and life itself. More than remebering God, the people used to love and serve Nature and society. They saw the Creator through the creation. They loved, worshipped and protected Nature as the visible form of God.


Let us try to reawaken this attitude. At present, the biggest threat to mankind is not a third world war, but the loss of Nature's harmony and our widening seperation from Nature....


Life becomes fulfilled when humankind and nature move together, hand in hand, in harmony. When melody and rhythm compliment each other, the music becomes beautiful and pleasing to the ear. Likewise, when people live in accordance with the laws of nature, life becomes like a beautiful song.


Nature is a huge flower garden. The animals, birds, trees, and plants and people are the gardens fully blossomed flowers of diverse colors. The beauty of this garden is complete only when all of these exist as a unity, thereby spreading the vibrations of love and oneness. May all our minds become one in love. Let us work together to prevent these diverse flowers from withering away, so that the garden may remain eternally beautiful.


***Amma would now like to share a few more points she feels are worth refelcting upon.


1. Imagine the human race was removed from the face of the earth. The planet would once again become lush with vegetation. The water and the air would become pure. All of nature would be filled with joy. Conversely, imagine there was no life on earth except human beings. We would be unable to survive. This earth created by God and the song arising from Nature are in perfect tune and rhythm. It is only human beings who bring in tones of dissonance.


2. The source of peace and harmony is love and compassion. Through love, the tender bud of our hearts will blossom. Then the beautiful fragrance of love will spread all around.


3. The bird of society has two wings: science and spirituality. These two must go hand in hand, as both are needed for the progress of society. If we hold onto spiritual values while moving forward, then science can become a tool to bring about world peace and harmony.


4. We must never lose our inner strength. Only weak minds see the dark side of everything and become confused. Those with optimism see the rays of God's grace in any darkness. The lamp of this faith is within us. Light this lamp; it will shower light to guide each and every step we make. Let us not remain stuck in the painfiul memories of the wars and conflicts of days gone past. Forget the dark history of hatred and rivalry and welcome a new era of faith, love, and unity. For this, we must all work together. No effort, no matter how small, will ever be wasted. Even if just one flower blossoms in the middle of a desert, at least it's something. This is the attitude to develop when performing actions. Our abilities may be limited, but if we row the boat of life with the paddles of self-effort, then the wind of God's grace will definately come to assist us.


5. We should be ready to change. Otherwise, we will be forced to change. If not change, then death - we have to choose one or the other.


6. The human race should understand that it's not the only species with a right to life. How many species have already become extinct! It is no enough to have kindness and compassion for human beings; we need to have such compassion toward all living beings.

7. We will not be able to escape from disease just by destroying populations of mosquitoes, chickens, and cows. The restoration of Nature's harmony should be our first priority.




If the source of war is in the mind of man, then the source of peace resides there also. If we want tp prevent war in the future, we need to start inculcating values in our childern at a young age. If we want to make yoghurt, all we need to do is add a small amount of yoghurt to some milk, stir it and allow it to sit for some time. Similarly, when parents set a good example, they impart positive values to their children. Then noble qualities spontaneoulsy arise in the children.......Let us stand together and show the world that compassion, love and concern, for our fellow beings have not completely vanished from the face of the earth. Let us build a new world of peace and harmony by remaining deeply rooted in the universal values that have nurtured humanity since time immemorial. Let us say goodbye to war and brutality forever, reducing them to thye stuff of fairy-tales. Let us be remembered in the future as the generation of peace.


om lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu (may all beings in all the worlds be happy).



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Science and spirituality must be unified. Together religion and science should provide the necessary knowledge and ideas to understand the relation between material nature, life, consciousness and spirituality. I envision the two ultimately merged into a single ideology that solves all our problems here on Earth. :)

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