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The 'Jewish' Conspiracy is British Imperialism...

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The 'Jewish' Conspiracy Is British Imperialism

By Henry Makow


Conspiracy theorists like myself believe modern history reflects a long-term conspiracy by an international financial elite to enslave humanity.


Like blind men examining an elephant, we attribute this conspiracy to Jews, Illuminati, Vatican, Jesuits, Freemasons, Black Nobility, and Bildersbergs etc.


The real villains are at the heart of our economic and cultural life. They are the dynastic families who own the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve and associated cartels. They also control the World Bank and IMF. Their identity is kept secret but Rothschild is certainly one of them.


England is in fact a financial oligarchy run by the "Crown" which refers to the "City of London" not the Queen. The City is run by the Bank of England, a /private/ corporation. The City is a sovereign state located in the heart of greater London. Considered the "Vatican of the financial world," the City is /not/ subject to British law.


On the contrary, the Bank of England dictates to the British Parliament. In 1886, Andrew Carnegie wrote that, "six or seven men can plunge the nation into war without consulting Parliament at all." Vincent Vickers, a director of the Bank of England from 1910-1919, blamed the City for the wars of the world. ("Economic Tribulation" (1940) cited in /Knuth, The Empire of the City, 1943, p 60) /


The British Empire was an extension of bankers' financial interests. Indeed, all the non-white colonies (India, Hong Kong, Gibraltar) were "Crown Colonies." They belonged to the City and were not subject to British law although Englishmen were expected to conquer and pay for them.


The Bank of England assumed control of the United States during the T.R. Roosevelt administration (1901-1909) when its agent J.P. Morgan took over 25% of American business. http://www.savethemales.ca/000426.html


According to the "American Almanac," the bankers are part of a network called the "Club of the Isles" which is an informal association of European royalty including the Queen. The Club of the Isles commands an estimated $10 trillion in assets. It lords over such corporate giants as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials; and deploys these assets not merely in the pursuit of its geopolitical agenda.


Its goal: to reduce the human population from its current level of over 5 billion people to below 1 billion people within the next two to three generations; to literally ``cull the human herd'' in the interest of retaining their own global power and the feudal system upon which that power is based. http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/fallhous.htm


Historian Jeffrey Steinberg could be referring to the US, Canada and Australia when he writes, "England, Scotland, Wales, and, especially, Northern Ireland, are today little more than slave plantations and social engineering laboratories, serving the needs of ...the City of London...


These families constitute a financier oligarchy; they are the power behind the Windsor throne. They view themselves as the heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated and subverted England from the period 1509-1715, and established a new, more virulent, Anglo-Dutch-Swiss strain of the oligarchic system of imperial Babylon, Persia, Rome, and Byzantium....


The City of London dominates the world's speculative markets. A tightly interlocking group of corporations, involved in raw materials extraction, finance, insurance, transportation, and food production, controls the lion's share of the world market, and exerts virtual "choke point'' control over world industry." http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/largest.htm


Steinberg belongs to a group of historians associated with economist Lyndon Larouche. They have traced this scourge to the migration of the Venetian mercantile oligarchy to England more than 300 years ago. http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/venlowry.htm


Although the Larouche historians do not say so, it appears that many members of this oligarchy were Jews. Cecil Roth writes: "The trade of Venice was overwhelmingly concentrated in the hands of the Jews, the wealthiest of the mercantile class." (/The History of the Jews in Venice, 1930) /


The Jewish banking families made it a practice to marry their female offspring to spendthrift European aristocrats. In Jewish law, the mixed offspring of a Jewish mother is Jewish. (The male heirs always marry Jews.) The daughter of Jewish banker Ernest Cassel married Lord Louis Montbatten, who was related to Queen Victoria and Prince Philip.


If they aren't already Jewish by intermarriage, many European aristocrats consider themselves descendants of Biblical Hebrews. The Hapsburgs are related by marriage to the Merovingians who claim to be descendants of the Tribe of Benjamin.


In addition, many aristocrats belong to the "British Israel" Movement that believes the Anglo Saxon races are the lost tribes of Israel and Jesus was king of England.


According to Barbara Aho, Rosicrucians and Freemasons, who believe in British Israelism, have a plan to place one of their bloodline on the throne of the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. This positioning of a false messiah whom the world will worship as Christ has been carefully planned and executed over many centuries. http://watch.pair.com/brit-israel.html


According to Barry Chamish, "there would be no modern state of Israel without British Freemasonry. In the 1860s, the British-Israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. Its goal was to establish a Jewish-Masonic state in the Turkish province of Palestine...Initially, British Jewish Masonic families like the Rothschilds and Montefiores provided the capital to build the infrastructure for the anticipated wave of immigration. However, luring the Jews to Israel was proving difficult. They, simply, liked European life too much to abandon it. So Europe was to be turned into a nightmare for the Jews." http://www.rense.com/general28/brit.htm




I wasted much of my life getting a conventional education, so I feel I am beginning my education anew.


It appears that a vampire-like clique directs the world. This secretive cabal is represented by our dominant political, economic and cultural institutions. Western society has been subverted and western culture is bankrupt. Democracy is a form of social control and the mass media and education are forms of indoctrination.


Essentially the problem boils down to whether we believe man was made in God's image and has an obligation to lift himself to a higher level of truth, beauty and justice. Naturally monopolists have no use for this and want to define reality to suit their own interests. They have taught us that God is dead and man is defined by physical rather than spiritual appetites. Culture today tends to deny standards, ideals and goals of any kind. We are fed an endless diet of trivia and debauchery.


Certain Jews are an integral part of this elite neo feudal conspiracy. Throughout history they have had a symbiotic relationship with the aristocracy. But ordinary Jews like the serfs were manipulated and persecuted by their leaders. http://www.savethemales.ca/000258.html


True Judaism like Islam and Christianity affirms the supremacy of God as a moral force. A real Jew, like a true Christian or Muslim cannot perform an immoral act. It's time to reaffirm our belief in God.



Henry Makow Ph.D, is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of "A Long Way to Go for a Date." His articles exposing feminism and the new world order can be found at his web site www.savethemales.ca http://www.savethemales.ca/ He welcomes feedback at henryatsavethemales.ca Indicated if you do NOT want your message posted. (All posts are anonymous.)

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A couple of good points in a message salted with anti-Jew propaganda.

The points worth taking into consideration:


Modern history reflects a long-term conspiracy by an international financial elite to enslave humanity.


What we have here is a lack of qualified leaders. Anyone want the job?



True Judaism like Islam and Christianity affirms the supremacy of God as a moral force. A real Jew, like a true Christian or Muslim cannot perform an immoral act. It's time to reaffirm our belief in God.
Certain Jews are an integral part of this elite neo feudal conspiracy.
The problem with the last two comments is the self-defeating stance. The ideology of "True Jews" and the ideology of "Certain Jews" just don't belong together. If you've got a problem with Jews come out and say it. Stop trying to whitewash it with statements like these intertwined with one another. Consistency is key to any half-authoritative posit. Basically, as Bob Marley, Martin Luther King Jr., Haile Salassie and other modern day saints as well as saints of yore have affirmed:



Until the philosophy which hold one race superior

And another


Is finally

And permanently


And abandoned -

Everywhere is war -

Me say war.


That until there no longer

First class and second class citizens of any nation

Until the colour of a mans skin

Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes -

Me say war.


That until the basic human rights

Are equally guaranteed to all,

Without regard to race -

Dis a war.


That until that day

The dream of lasting peace,

World citizenship

Rule of international morality

Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued,

But never attained -

Now everywhere is war - war.


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A couple of good points in a message salted with anti-Jew propaganda.





You forgot to consider the author, Henry Makow, is Jewish, grandchild of Holocaust victims. You cannot say, this Henry Makow is an Anti-semite, indulging in anti-Jew propaganda, to say this is rather foolishness. Proof? Well, yes the real, bona fide Vaishnavas are always asking for proof.


Just open your purse, wallet, and see if you find any paper money. The whole world is ruled by interest-based, debt-based, currencies. What more proof do people need?


1. Causelessmercy - Garden Conversation - June 28, 1976, New Vrindaban

Because nowadays bad money, that paper money, is going on, that ... silver money, gold money or paper money? It was their duty. If ... have to accept this paper money. That s all. Don



2. Causelessmercy - Morning Walk - December 31, 1973, Los Angeles

They instituted paper money and they instituted it because it is a cheating process. But everyone is participating. So it is just going on and on. That is the real cause of



3. Causelessmercy - Morning Walk - October 16, 1975, Johannesburg

Just like instead of money, you are getting papers. Money means gold. Where is gold? You are ... worth one hundred cents, one rand of paper money. But one rand gold is worth about



4. Causelessmercy - Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.9.11 - Tokyo, April 27, 1972

Paper house, paper money, paper book, paper everything. Plastic, paper.Now intelligent person should be anxious that if Kṛṣṇa says, mad- dhāma gatvā punar janma na vidyate



5. Causelessmercy - Room Conversation - January 21, 1977, Bhubaneswar

Even a step beyond paper money is credit, no money, buying on no ... Vedic culture too much.Prabhupāda: There was never paper money.Hari-śauri: No. They used to Prabhupāda: That



6. Causelessmercy - Morning Walk at Villa Borghese - May 25, 1974, Rome

Now with paper money, any country can print any other country s money.Prabhupāda: Yes. That is going on. Therefore inflation. Suppose I am an enemy. I print dollars like that,



7. Causelessmercy - Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.5.3 - Vrndavana, October 25, 1976

Nowadays how much paper money he has got. Actually it ... no exchange. So long the paper money you can exchange, there is ... you will do with the paper money? So this paper currency is



8. Causelessmercy - Room Conversation - September 16, 1976, Vrndavana

Calcutta people, they are sitting on table and smoking and printing paper money and exploit. ... sign and paper money he s ... cheating them by paper money and they take



9. Causelessmercy - Letter to Russian - January 5, 1977, Bombay

We are getting paper now, government paper. Money is there. Now we have to print very intelligently, and even it is not immediately sold, we can keep stock. (pause) [break]



10. Causelessmercy - Room Conversation - October 2, 1977, Vrndavana

It is much simpler for them to go and work for eight hours a day in some office and get some bits of paper money and then buy from the grocery store.Brahmānanda: Or even if they


</small>11. Causelessmercy - Morning Walk - March 11, 1975, London

Paper money and plastic utensils. This is advancement.Brahmānanda: Do we consider ivory as something pure or impure?Prabhupāda: No, pure.Brahmānanda: It is pure.Prabhupāda:



12. Causelessmercy - Govardhana Puja Lecture - New York, November 4, 1966

There was no such bank, neither this paper money. They actually possessing the foodstuff and milk. And actually this is economic solution. If you have got sufficient milk, then


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You forgot to consider the author, Henry Makow, is Jewish,

Not anymore.This is what he wrote at http://www.savethemales.ca/270103.html


I am a non-observant, non-self-hating Canadian Jew who believes in God and Christ's gospel of love. My grandparents all died in the holocaust; my parents narrowly survived by passing as non-Jews. I lived in Israel in 1972-3 but left because Israelis seemed as materialistic as Canadians. Israel also struck me as a country that devoured its own people.



Clear is it not.It is a waste of time discussing freaks like Henry makow.The world is full of self hating(they wont admit it,though) ,paranoid people(he hates assertive women).

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Not anymore.This is what he wrote at http://www.savethemales.ca/270103.html


I am a non-observant, non-self-hating Canadian Jew who believes in God and Christ's gospel of love. My grandparents all died in the holocaust; my parents narrowly survived by passing as non-Jews. I lived in Israel in 1972-3 but left because Israelis seemed as materialistic as Canadians. Israel also struck me as a country that devoured its own people.



Clear is it not.It is a waste of time discussing freaks like Henry makow.The world is full of self hating(they wont admit it,though) ,paranoid people(he hates assertive women).

:deal:What he said
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How did he stop being Jewish? By seeing faults in Israel? Or because he hates assertive women?


You guys crack me up...


He is an ethnic Jew by birth. That is why he will be Jewish until he leaves this body.


Makow is a very intelligent guy. I don't always agree with him or buy his theories but he most definitely knows what he is talking about when it comes to Jews and Israel.

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Just like the earth’s weather, human society is a global 'chaotic system'. The dynamics of a growing population and resulting political conflicts and wars, intimately coupled with economic mechanisms such as global trade and industry, can be shown to behave chaotically. Both economic – and meteorological models share a fundamental limit to their predictive power: chaos. Good theorizing about such systems is all about avoiding assumptions. A minute change in what is posited, may greatly affect the ultimate conclusion of your theory.


In general, conspiracy theories seem to rely on assumptions that are solely based on observed concurrences of specific events, or observed patterned sequences of events. There isn’t any fundament of proven relevant facts, and the conclusions are (of course) always speculative, i.e., not purely based on proven knowledge. In the context of chaos this means that the conclusions can be very wrong.


Moreover, any chaotic system displays a characteristic autonomous intrinsic order, which can be perceived by us in principle. In the case of chaotic human society, such regular systematic behavior can easily be misinterpreted as 'a global conspiracy’.

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How did he stop being Jewish?By seeing faults in Israel? Or because he hates assertive women?


You guys crack me up...


He is an ethnic Jew by birth. That is why he will be Jewish until he leaves this body.



did you read what i posted above?


I am a non-observant, non-self-hating Canadian Jew who believes in God and Christ's gospel of love.

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He is an ethnic Jew by birth. That is why he will be Jewish until he leaves this body.
There were/are many Jews who were/are opposed to the idea of Israel. The paradox of being a Jew while being a Christian or Muslim is indeed a tricky subject. Jews of both faith and bloodline, regardless of whether or not they shared both, have been persecuted based solely on their relationship with Jews. However, one would venture to have more faith in the presentation of a Jewish perspective if that person were to be both Jewish by blood and faith as there is no risk in an apologetic view. A Christian converted from Judaism may share the bloodline, but invariable either carries an apologetic attitude regarding their history or does not fully associate themselves with the Jewish people and will not be able to fully portray the general Jewish psychology. This is really basic logic.
You guys crack me up...
I'm sure we are all glad to fulfill that aspect of your good self.:D:smash:
but he most definitely knows what he is talking about when it comes to Jews and Israel.
....says you. With all due respect, your vouching for him carries about as much weight as me vouching for Jabotinskyites;).


On another note...

<table class="MsoNormalTable" style="width: 100%;" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr style=""> <td style="padding: 0in; width: 99%;" width="99%">

Young's Literal Translation

</td> <td style="padding: 0in; width: 1%;" valign="top" width="1%">

</td> </tr> </tbody></table>



<hr style="color: rgb(221, 238, 255);" size="1" width="100%" align="center" noshade="noshade">


1 And I saw, and lo, a Lamb having stood upon the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty-four thousands, having the name of his Father written upon their foreheads; 2 and I heard a voice out of the heaven, as a voice of many waters, and as a voice of great thunder, and a voice I heard of harpers harping with their harps, 3 and they sing, as it were, a new song before the throne, and before the four living creatures, and the elders, and no one was able to learn the song except the hundred forty-four thousands, who have been bought from the earth; 4 these are they who with women were not defiled, for they are virgin; these are they who are following the Lamb whithersoever he may go; these were bought from among men -- a first-fruit to God and to the Lamb -- 5 and in their mouth there was not found guile, for unblemished are they before the throne of God.

Do you think this might be Mahaprabhu's Mission?
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Not anymore.This is what he wrote at http://www.savethemales.ca/270103.html


I am a non-observant, non-self-hating Canadian Jew who believes in God and Christ's gospel of love. My grandparents all died in the holocaust; my parents narrowly survived by passing as non-Jews. I lived in Israel in 1972-3 but left because Israelis seemed as materialistic as Canadians. Israel also struck me as a country that devoured its own people.



Clear is it not.It is a waste of time discussing freaks like Henry makow.The world is full of self hating(they wont admit it,though) ,paranoid people(he hates assertive women).



You say it is a waste of time to discuss freaks like Henry Makow but here you are discussing this man and using your usual tactics of indulging in excessive ad hominem attacks instead of discussing why and where you disagree with his views. You just indulge in all sorts of wild attacks on him as a person just because he presents a view that causes you a knee-jerk reaction.

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Simply prove it.



I do not know if you can prove exactly who it is but there is a wealth of information that points to the possibility of these conspiracy theories being true. For me the book The Creature From Jekyll Island combined with the banking bailout this fall and the continuing banking bailouts exactly as G. Edward Griffin had predicted years before was when it occurred to me that this stuff is more than conspiracy theories and there really is a shadow government.


I should have been able to pick up on this stuff much earlier but I hated the Clintons and all of his apologists so much after what their lawyers did to Juanita Broderick that I was blindly supporting the idiot Republicans and fell victim to this left/right paradigm. Many people told me 9/11 was an inside job back when it happened but I thought they were crazy. Now I believe there is a real possibility that 9/11 was an inside job and the war in Iraq was engineered. When you figure out how the debt based currency works it becomes necessary for the government to drum up these wars to keep people's focus off the criminality of the government.


But like I said before, I am just posting the information that I believe to be true or have truth to it, you are free to draw your own conclusions. I appreciate when the responses are at least semi-intelligent attempts at discussion rather than just emotional knee-jerk ad hominem laced reactions. We all do that from time to time so I don't mean that judgementally.

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No, I think the guy had a shamanic vision, possibly while stoned cold ;)



Yes, probably what happened but I don't take the shamanic visions of any society or people lightly especially when they become part of the collective consciousness because the supersoul was acting back then as it is now and who am I to say what the supersoul was communicating to a fairly primitive man. I also do not rule out the possibilty that world leaders are intentionally creating things to make them look like revelations or that the supersoul is playing with humanity and making things look like revelations.

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Hahaha. Oops! Just throw out the anti-Jewish propaganda claims and don't even bother to notice that the author of the article is Jewish. :) Classic :) Then when he finds out he is Jewish just label him as self-hating. :) Nevermind that Henry Makow in essence in the article is actually defending the majority of Jews who have been exploited and sold out by a few aristocrats according to Makow. It looks to me some people posting in here have Stockholm Syndrome or something.




You forgot to consider the author, Henry Makow, is Jewish, grandchild of Holocaust victims. You cannot say, this Henry Makow is an Anti-semite, indulging in anti-Jew propaganda, to say this is rather foolishness. Proof? Well, yes the real, bona fide Vaishnavas are always asking for proof.


Just open your purse, wallet, and see if you find any paper money. The whole world is ruled by interest-based, debt-based, currencies. What more proof do people need?


1. Causelessmercy - Garden Conversation - June 28, 1976, New Vrindaban

Because nowadays bad money, that paper money, is going on, that ... silver money, gold money or paper money? It was their duty. If ... have to accept this paper money. That s all. Don



2. Causelessmercy - Morning Walk - December 31, 1973, Los Angeles

They instituted paper money and they instituted it because it is a cheating process. But everyone is participating. So it is just going on and on. That is the real cause of



3. Causelessmercy - Morning Walk - October 16, 1975, Johannesburg

Just like instead of money, you are getting papers. Money means gold. Where is gold? You are ... worth one hundred cents, one rand of paper money. But one rand gold is worth about



4. Causelessmercy - Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.9.11 - Tokyo, April 27, 1972

Paper house, paper money, paper book, paper everything. Plastic, paper.Now intelligent person should be anxious that if Kṛṣṇa says, mad- dhāma gatvā punar janma na vidyate



5. Causelessmercy - Room Conversation - January 21, 1977, Bhubaneswar

Even a step beyond paper money is credit, no money, buying on no ... Vedic culture too much.Prabhupāda: There was never paper money.Hari-śauri: No. They used to Prabhupāda: That



6. Causelessmercy - Morning Walk at Villa Borghese - May 25, 1974, Rome

Now with paper money, any country can print any other country s money.Prabhupāda: Yes. That is going on. Therefore inflation. Suppose I am an enemy. I print dollars like that,



7. Causelessmercy - Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.5.3 - Vrndavana, October 25, 1976

Nowadays how much paper money he has got. Actually it ... no exchange. So long the paper money you can exchange, there is ... you will do with the paper money? So this paper currency is



8. Causelessmercy - Room Conversation - September 16, 1976, Vrndavana

Calcutta people, they are sitting on table and smoking and printing paper money and exploit. ... sign and paper money he s ... cheating them by paper money and they take



9. Causelessmercy - Letter to Russian - January 5, 1977, Bombay

We are getting paper now, government paper. Money is there. Now we have to print very intelligently, and even it is not immediately sold, we can keep stock. (pause) [break]



10. Causelessmercy - Room Conversation - October 2, 1977, Vrndavana

It is much simpler for them to go and work for eight hours a day in some office and get some bits of paper money and then buy from the grocery store.Brahmānanda: Or even if they


</SMALL>11. Causelessmercy - Morning Walk - March 11, 1975, London

Paper money and plastic utensils. This is advancement.Brahmānanda: Do we consider ivory as something pure or impure?Prabhupāda: No, pure.Brahmānanda: It is pure.Prabhupāda:



12. Causelessmercy - Govardhana Puja Lecture - New York, November 4, 1966

There was no such bank, neither this paper money. They actually possessing the foodstuff and milk. And actually this is economic solution. If you have got sufficient milk, then


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Just throw out the anti-Jewish propaganda claims and don't even bother to notice that the author of the article is Jewish


yawn...yawn.. how many times i have to repeat henry's statement that he is no longer a jew..




I am a non-observant, non-self-hating Canadian Jew who believes in God and Christ's gospel of love.

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You say it is a waste of time to discuss freaks like Henry Makow but here you are discussing this man


Yes, i said it is a waste of time discussing freaks to save the forum members from future posts based on some paranoid freak's views.


No need to discuss/dissect the views of some wacko who has no proof but base his views on some conjectures and heresay.




and using your usual tactics of indulging in excessive ad hominem attacks instead of discussing why and where you disagree with his views. You just indulge in all sorts of wild attacks on him as a person just because he presents a view that causes you a knee-jerk reaction.


adhominem and wild attacks??? :crazy2:

.I said the person is a paranoid freak based on his own statements.For example, this person said israel is devouring it's own citizens.



He is an obvious jew and israel hater because he has nothing substantive to say on HAMAs and their views on destruction of israel.

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Here is an interesting response to one of Makow's articles:



Gene said (February 27, 2008):


Thanks for lending truth to causes behind what happened to the Jews in WWII and for asking the right questions about the future. You appear to

be dead on target.

Yes, the normal Jew is being set up again to take the brunt for their financial elites and religious leaders for which they have blind

allegiance. They have proven themselves to be excellent patsy's over the past few hundred years. The Illuminati will sacrifice them again

since nothing has changed in the normal Jew's mindset. Why would the Illuminati not use what has always worked in the past?

Your comparison between Germany and the United States in relation to the Jewish influence is right on. The reason they are perceived as

undermining Christian and American interests, is because they are. Just like Germany in WWII, the normal Jew will get saddled with the blame for

what their financial elite and religious leaders have been doing and, again, they will have no where to run. They will not be able to run to

Israel because it will be one of the first places to be eliminated in WWIII. After all, Israel was created to ferment WWIII. Please notice

that, as far as I can tell, none of the Illuminati banking cartel king-pins live in Israel. That has to be a clue.

The Jews should not feel lonely in their upcoming elimination, Christians and Muslims are in the same boat for basically the same reasons. Christians have sold their faith and their souls for the bankers usury game and offer blind allegiance to their religious leaders

that are spreading the doctrine of hate toward their fellow man. The Muslims are not far behind the Christians in this exercise. The hate

engine is being put into high gear so that the nastiest of wars, a religious war, can get going where everyone is fighting for God so all

actions are fair. To make sure that WWIII last long enough to eliminate the vast majority of Christians and Muslims, the world's manufacturing

center had to be moved to a religiously neutral country like China. If America were to have maintained their past manufacturing superiority,

WWIII would be too short to accomplish the desired effect of significant world population reduction.

The bottom line is that the Christians, Jews, and Muslims all have the same enemy and will pay with their lives for not having the sense to

recognize it or do anything about it. The solution is simple and free.

If enough (only God knows how many is enough but certainly not a majority) Christians, Jews, and Muslims were to return to their true faith, the Illuminati would arrange a war and nobody would show up to fight. The Illuminati would then be powerless.

Keep writing Henry, the truth is important



This was Response to article below...

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Are Jews Being Set Up for Another Holocaust?


February 27, 2008

perl.jpgby Henry Makow Ph.D.


In 1938-39, just before Europe erupted in an inferno for Jews, all the exits were sealed shut. The Nazis had no problem allowing Jews to leave. The problem was that no country allowed them to enter.


In May 1939, the passenger liner "St. Louis" carrying 900 German Jewish refugees was turned away from Havana. The passengers' costly tourist visas had been revoked by Cuban authorities. The liner lingered near the coast of Florida but FDR refused to let it dock. Reluctantly, the ship returned to Europe where the refugees were divided among four Allied countries, of which three soon were overrun.


The image of unwanted Jews was seared into the collective Jewish psyche. It argued the necessity of a homeland in Israel as insurance against anti-Semitism. Millions of Jews devoted their money and lives to wresting Israel from its rightful owners and building a Jewish sanctuary there. Millions of non-Jews were recruited to this cause. World peace has hung in the balance ever since.


FDR famously said nothing in history happens by accident. The possibility that this gruesome spectacle was staged to manipulate Jews, and give them a kind of moral impunity, is repugnant to consider.


However, a book, "The Holocaust Conspiracy" (1989) shows how Allied and neutral governments ensured that most Jews would remain in Europe and would burn. The author William R. Perl argues that a parallel Nuremberg Trial is necessary for "those leading figures in the Allied and neutral camps" who "knowingly and willingly co-operated in the German annihilation scheme." (34)


William Perl (1906-1998) was not some armchair conspiracy theorist like me. He was a lawyer in Vienna in the 1930's who helped organize illegal transits to Palestine for the Revisionist Zionists. He negotiated with Adolf Eichmann face-to-face; and after the war, he prosecuted Nazi war criminals.


In this book, Perl argues that the Jewish holocaust was part of an international conspiracy. But of course, he didn't understand that the perpetrators were "the Illuminati," the highest rung of Freemasonry empowered by the world central banking cartel. Their goal is to create a world government tyranny dedicated to Lucifer with its capital in Jerusalem.


Holocaust means "burned offering." By what logic can we call this genocide a "sacrifice"? By Illuminati logic of course! They sacrificed Jews to hoodwink the world into establishing a Masonic state in Israel. The design of the Israeli Supreme Court is proof that this is exactly what has transpired. Modern Israel was Masonic from its conception.


This begs the question: If the Jewish holocaust was contrived by the people who run the world, would they do it again? I'll address this question at the end.




William Perl states that there were "deliberate, concerted steps to thwart rescue actions...not only by individuals in power but by governments." He says this failure to rescue was more than a simple lack of action but a "deliberate set of actions bound to ensure the success of the German annihilation plans." While this seems "unbelievable," he says the documents available make this conclusion "not only logical but inescapable." (16)


For example, Morgenthau's Treasury Dept. investigated the State Department and identified a half dozen top officials it described as "an American underground to let the Jews be killed." The report was especially critical of John J. McCloy, assistant Secretary of War, who later became the Rockefeller's lawyer, the President of the World Bank and a member of the Warren Commission. Yes children, he was Illuminati.


Perl says that next to the Nazis, the British "carry the heaviest guilt" for the Jewish holocaust because they fought tooth and nail to block the escape route to Palestine. In fact, the first person killed by the British in WW2 was a Jewish refugee on the vessel "Tiger Hill."


Now you ask, if the Rothschilds control England, and wanted to set up a national home for Jews, why wouldn't England let all these Jews go to Israel? The answer is that this action would demonstrate to Jews that they didn't need a state and didn't need to become the lethal weapon they have become in the hands of the Rothschilds.


The Soviets were supposed to be a Jewish front. But Perl also blames the USSR. Information was tightly controlled in Russia and the Soviets did nothing to warn the Jews of what they could expect from the Nazis. (In his biography of Hitler, John Toland describes Jews in the Ukraine greeting the Nazis as saviors.)


Just to illustrate the transnational nature of the Illuminati, in Feb 1942, a Soviet submarine torpedoed the "Struma" a disabled cattle boat crammed with 760 Romanian Jewish refugees. There was one survivor. Why this gratuitous murder of Jews? More souls sacrificed for the Luciferian New World Order capital.


The Allies also blocked Nazi attempts to ransom Jews and calls to bomb the concentration camps, although factories five miles from Auschwitz were demolished in 1944. In all this, the Allies were supported by the Zionist establishment, which is directed by the Illuminati.





History teaches that the Illuminati consists of Satan-loving Jews and non-Jews; and exploits and kills anyone who doesn't fit into its plan for a Luciferian NWO. At first glance, Israel would be a prime candidate for a repeat of the Jewish holocaust as most Israelis probably don't see themselves in Masonic NWO terms.


Fellow Winnipegger Barry Chamish is the leading exponent of the view that the Illuminati, through its CFR arm, controls Israel and intends to spare Jerusalem, but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssxFqXdQfJkto its ultimate goal. A selection of his work can be found here.


His scenario is plausible given Master Mason Albert Pike's prescription for three world wars, the last resulting in the destruction of political Zionism and Islam.


In America, the Jewish role bears a remarkable resemblance to their position in the Weimar Republic. Their role in government, culture and the economy is well out of proportion to their numbers. As witting and unwitting tools of the Illuminati, they are seen by many as undermining Christian and American interests.


Pastor Chuck Baldwin this week made the comparison with Jesus and the "moneychangers."


"It is too bad that today's pastors and Christians do not share Jesus' disdain for the current generation of moneychangers, because it is the moneychangers who are in the process of destroying these United States of America--and our pastors and Christians either do not see it, or, if they do see it, do not seem to care."


Some Jews are beginning to sense the danger. Zionists are nervous about Barrack Obama's anti-war stance and growing anti-Zionism in America.

Americans, like the Germans before them, are not anti Semitic by nature. The economic situation in Germany had to deteriorate before Hitler could come to power. The real question is, does the Illuminati have anything to gain from an attack on Jews?


In the short term, as long as they need Zionists to control America, no. But as the New World Order becomes more onerous, and the position of Americans more perilous, the Illuminati may be happy to use Jews as their scapegoats once again. After all, pawns are made to be sacrificed.




Note: If you are a holocaust minimizer, do not write to me. I am not interested in rehashing this debate. Here is my position.


Moreover I believe Hitler was created by the Illuminati.

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First will be Jews. Then Hindus, then Buddhist.


After that, when all others have fallen, Christians and Muslims will fight among themselves and destroy everything and the Planet itself.


Assuming of course that there is no God to stop them. :)



The way things are going I wouldn't be surprised. The only question seems to be what is the time frame going to be and like you say will God intervene in any way.

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The way things are going I wouldn't be surprised. The only question seems to be what is the time frame going to be and like you say will God intervene in any way.


Don't expect God to say those who does not save themselves.


Right now, Hindus should work harder in trying to save themselves and their way of life from Adharmic people. But I see a lot of ppl failing to do that.


Even now in Malaysia, Muslims have started to destroy temples and get away with it, by stating that Malaysia belongs to Muslims (as if ANYTHING in the World actually belongs to one person or one race).


Not enough, many Hindu youngsters - many of them who are well educated in Degrees - behaving like ruffians in the streets during the New Year celebrations. One look at it, and I wish I could slap the parents of this ruffians. :mad:


In short ... IF Hindus do not show themselves to be worthy of been saved, DO NOT EXPECT TO BE SAVED.

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I believe Sephiroth that the basic teaching that was transmitted from generation to generation is nearly coming to an end.

Each generation pass on the values to the next... but each time when that process takes place.. some elements are missed.

Today.. everything is missed.. since no element is left to pass.

But I hope and I have that feeling that.. restoration of this great culture will surely take place...

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