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Chart interpretation ..please can any one .

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Respected Sir,

I am Sandilya from Hyderabad. I have completed my Engineering in 2003 and since then , its better to say that I haven't being doing anything. I tried so many thing , But everything was a failure.

And I am really afraid to start anything ( first I don't have any opportunities ), coz i feel that i already know the result--- > another failure.


Sir, is it possible for anyone to interpret my chart , tell me what exactly I am going through and how long this is going to continue.

Please I need suggestion from you all.


Details :

Name : Sandilya


DOB : 14 December 1981


Time : 01 : 55 am (IST) ( i.e 13th late night or 14th early morning)


Place : Karimnagar , Andhra Pradesh.

Latitude: 18° 28' N

Longitude : 79° 06' E



Questions :


1) Job ( Period and Field)

2) Financial Status

3) Marriage.









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om gurubhyo namah


dear shri.sandilya


i suspected an influence of rahu over moon when I saw your nick name as "blackcobra". when I cast your chart, i was not surprised to see rahu and moon sitting together, that too, very close. rahu is amatyakara, having assumed the role of advisor , no wonder you have chosen the name cobra.

rahu is a planet of deceit. over a period of time, you see that things have not gone the way you want.


lagna is the seat of intelligence. intelligence is 'know-how' of anything. the more you are knowledgeble, the more comfortable you will be. A sense of awareness makes you learn more and the intelligence widens.


two kroora planets, saturn and mars, are sitting in lagna. saturn gives you dukha and mars makes you angry , adament and quick in taking decisions.

your lagna lord is aspected ( looked ) by saturn and rahu. the karaka for lagna, sun , is also aspected by saturn and rahu.


lagna, lagna lord and karaka are damaged.


unless you change the advisor who is sitting within you, you may not be able to move forward. Hence go ahead and choose a real elderly wise man who will guide you. i have suggested an 'elder' person because they alone have experienced life. Experience is one thing which you can never by or learn in advance. unless you go 'through' and experience, you cannot learn anything fully. keep talking to him about your problems and seek solutions. but be sure you implement what he says. Because of the influence of kroora planets on your intelligence part, you will tend to avoid his advice. take care that you listen to him fully.


chant gayatri mantra and lakshmi ashtotara regularly. slowly you will be on

the right track.


once you have job, other things like financial status and marriage will

automatically follow.


may mother bless all





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Sir,Thanks a lot for the quick reply.


i suspected an influence of rahu over moon when I saw your nick name as "blackcobra". when I cast your chart, i was not surprised to see rahu and moon sitting together, that too, very close. rahu is amatyakara, having assumed the role of advisor , no wonder you have chosen the name cobra.

rahu is a planet of deceit. over a period of time, you see that things have not gone the way you want.

I am interested in History, On Egyptian kings 'kiritam' they have symbol of snake ( Black 'Cobra') indicating power and royalty.

Ultimately it turned out to because of rahu.. :)



lagna is the seat of intelligence. intelligence is 'know-how' of anything. the more you are knowledgeble, the more comfortable you will be. A sense of awareness makes you learn more and the intelligence widens
While I was studying my engineering , my Professors used to say " U have great overall knowledge , u can talk something about virtually anything in this world. That is good sign"

But of the late I was feeling that , I need narrow down my knowledge levels ,So that I can concentrate on few things.



chant gayatri mantra and lakshmi ashtotara regularly. slowly you will be on

the right track.


Gayatri mantram I have been chanting since 1992, I have to start lakshmi ashtotara from tomorrow.


Sir, What would be the time period for things to change, Job and filed of Job. When can I expect things to favoring me. I have left everything to that God and you all. :pray:


Thought of doing something,turned out to be something and right now doing nothing:(



Sir , one of our family friend a retired bank official , he is interested in Astrology and my family members have been taking his advice from quite long time( may be around from 10-15 years). And except in my case , what ever he said was true to fullest extent ( may be he was wrong in 1 of 100 predictions).

1)He said that I would be Engineering (I did not believe him , coz I was interested in Medicine)

2)He anticipitated that i would fail in my 1st year Engineering exam , So he made me to ware Emerald.I failed in one of the examination , and he was puzzled to hear that. But, I lost the ring in my preperation holidays.He emmediatly made me to wear Emerald , I passed my eximimination in Revaluation.

3)in August 2000 he warned me that i have to be careful with my left Eye, in december 2000 while playing cricket , I nearly lost my left eye.


these 3 were the only predictions which were correct in my case( not in others casethough).


Last year I had chat with , I will present you eith the conversation,





I have got a doubt about the birth time of Mr.Sandilya since my predictions are missing only in respect of him. Did he born at the early hours of 14th December or 15th December i.e. the running date after the morning of his birth.

In other respects His Mercury is placed in his own Star jyesta, which is really a boon but combust with Sun with not even degrees but few minutes. Ancient texts say that there is no combustion in respect of Sun and Mercury

So please let me know as any ploanet in the last leg of any star is highly powerful but not yielding results is some what confusing.

Please enlighten me.





" M.Sandilya"


If that be correct, and the subsequent day being 14th His horoscope appears to be correct. The Stars ruled by jupiter being Punarvasu, Vishaka, and Poorvabhadra, and Stars ruled by Mercury are Aushlesha, Jyesta and Revathi,

These stars are known as "Satwika" as per Nadi Grantha's and any planet on these stars irrespective of their nature should confer good and jupiter and mercury will never be helpful on the remaining 21 stars. So even Sun being in Jyesta alongwith Mercury, should confer good and only good


You are aware that Mr.Sandilya is runing Mercury Dasa who is on his own star alongwith Sun both should do good.


For the present I recommend Adhithya Hrudayam alongwith Vishnu Sahasranamam (if not atleast going to Venkateswara temple on Saturdays and Wednesdays are highly recommended). Sun the 12th lord indicate only foreign journey and nothing else, since he is placed in Jyesta Star and that too 3rd house for Sun is not Bad he being natural malefic and also functional malefic because of his 12th Lordship but they cannot deprive his progress. Since Rahu is in the 10th house, he may get his chance before November, 2008, as he energises Rahu. Let us wait and see.






" M.Sandilya"


If that be correct, and the subsequent day being 14th His horoscope appears to be correct. The Stars ruled by jupiter being Punarvasu, Vishaka, and Poorvabhadra, and Stars ruled by Mercury are Aushlesha, Jyesta and Revathi,

These stars are known as "Satwika" as per Nadi Grantha's and any planet on these stars irrespective of their nature should confer good and jupiter and mercury will never be helpful on the remaining 21 stars. So even Sun being in Jyesta alongwith Mercury, should confer good and only good


You are aware that Mr.Sandilya is runing Mercury Dasa who is on his own star alongwith Sun both should do good.


For the present I recommend Adhithya Hrudayam alongwith Vishnu Sahasranamam (if not atleast going to Venkateswara temple on Saturdays and Wednesdays are highly recommended). Sun the 12th lord indicate only foreign journey and nothing else, since he is placed in Jyesta Star and that too 3rd house for Sun is not Bad he being natural malefic and also functional malefic because of his 12th Lordship but they cannot deprive his progress. Since Rahu is in the 10th house, he may get his chance before November, 2008, as he energises Rahu. Let us wait and see.



Sir, by presenting this conversation , I do not want to undermine you all , but one thing I couldn't understand was , Was he trying to please me and my father, was he hiding something which he did not want to tell us.


Sir, please if possible can you present a more in sight of my chart.

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om gurubhyo namah


Dear sow.deepa.bhandari., thanks for the comments. The knowledge is from

Lordess . Saraswati.


Dear shri.sandilya


people practicing astrology should come forward, to exchange their understanding

without any ego. hence i would not mind you taking my writeup to him for comments.

i dont think that you are trying to undermine anybody for that matter. knowledge

is for sharing and scrutiny.


Mercury, the atmakaraka as well as lord of lagna has exchanged house with

mars. Mercury being natural vaani pratayaka and mars being the third lord and

planet influencing logic gives natural flair for communication. but can

you be construed to be a very good communicator ? it is for you to asses

without any bias. This would give you a hint how strong the exchange is.

this exchange would have occured in the chart of many people born between

nov26 to dec 15.. with kanya lagna.. will all of them be good

communicators? i doubt. There are many other factors which control the

strength of a planet. That is why, we see even twins differ.


In your case, mercury is in gandanta !. a bad placement for a lagna lord and

also atmakaraka. mecury is neecha in navamsa and placed in eigth. you have

to be careful in all mercury related matters. mercury is your tenth lord , ruling

profession generally.


i am at loss to think how your astrologer friend assumed mercury to be

comfortable with all the negatives i cited above. many people practicing

astrology go by what is known as " vimsottari lordship' of the planets.

sage .Parasara, apart from the regular vimsottari dasa, has explained other

conditional dasas , where the lordship of planets totally differ. mercury

does not rule the jyeshta in strict astrological parlance.


Indra is the deity of jyeshta , in which your atma karaka is placed. That is

also one of the reason you went after the 'cobra' which is on the head of

egyptian kings . indra is a king.


regarding the aug- 2000 period, i think he has said it based on the pratyantra

of mars in sat/jupier. mars causes injury.


if your birth time is very accurate, jupiter placed in dasamsa lagna can

give a job (a contractual one ). the dasa running now is that of merc/moon

/jupiter. this ends in feb 2009. mars bhukti in mercury dasa can give setback

during dec 2009 to dec 2010.


can you pl give details about the following if you dont mind .........

when did you finish college ? how many job attempts you made ? what

was your earnings after you fininsed college ? where do you stand now?


may mother bless all





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hence i would not mind you taking my writeup to him for comments.

I tried contacting him several times after that 2007 , but in vain.


i dont think that you are trying to undermine anybody for that matter. knowledge is for sharing and scrutiny.
Sir, I am really glad by this statement.:)


Mercury being natural vaani pratayaka and mars being the third lord and planet influencing logic gives natural flair for communication. but can

you be construed to be a very good communicator ? it is for you to asses

without any bias

In my caliber ,yes Sir, I was considered as a good communicator, in school and in college I was called up ,for all speaking and writing related events. But, again that was 5.5 years ago.



In your case, mercury is in gandanta !. a bad placement for a lagna lord and also atmakaraka. mecury is neecha in navamsa and placed in eigth. you have to be careful in all mercury related matters. mercury is your tenth lord , ruling profession generally.
Is that really bad, can things change at some point of time?



if your birth time is very accurate, jupiter placed in dasamsa lagna can give a job (a contractual one ).
through out my life do I have to work as a contractual employee or is it just for a period?And my filed of occupation would be?



The dasa running now is that of merc/moon/jupiter. this ends in feb 2009.

Is it a bad period? ( Please excuse me of my ignorance, coz I am poor in astrological terms)

I am planning to move to Pune ( currenty in Hyderabad) on Jan 1 2009, is it going to fetch something for me?



mars bhukti in mercury dasa can give setback during dec 2009 to dec 2010.
Is it 2009-10 or 2008-09?


I have tried Visa for U.S.A 2 times

1)21st December 2006 at 3:00 Pm , got rejected. ( H1B--> work visa)

2)17th Jan 2008 at 8:30 Am , got rejected ( F1-- Student Visa).


In MAY of this year ,I have applied for U.S.A H1B ( work visa ) got selected in the lottery System, and have to go for Visa interview , may be in end of January or 1st or 2nd week of February2009. ( I feel another failure awaits me there, but I have to make trials :(.)



can you pl give details about the following if you dont mind

I feel you like my guru , and there is no question of hiding anything from you Sir.


when did you finish college ?
June 2003 i.e August 1999-June 2003 ( 4 years of Engineering)


how many job attempts you made ?
How many, I dont remember the NO of trials , but I can say many ( may be around 50-60.



what was your earnings after you fininsed college ?

Absolutly Zero.

In fact I Owe.....around 3-4 laks to others. So, that was the reason I asked you for my financial status.( I don't have any bad habits ( drinking,smoking,lingering around girls... nothing of that sort) , except for passion for books).



where do you stand now?
Stand now, no where . Being overlooked and burden to society.

What I was 9-10 years, I am still the same , physically,mentally etc etc, except for bit of change in thinking and additions of bits of knowledge.


And coming to chances , recently got selected in State Bank of India ( SBI ) prelims and have given the Main's examination on Nov 30th 2008 , awaiting for results and nothing else.




Sir, I am really in shambles ,I don't know how long this is going to continue.

Sir, is there any hope of light in near future.

But, I am thankful to my parents, 2 elder sisters and Brother-in-laws for standing by my side all these years.





Indra is the deity of jyeshta , in which your atma karaka is placed. That is also one of the reason you went after the 'cobra' which is on the head of egyptian kings . indra is a king.
Every idea is a dream for me right now.


Sir, how do u rate my Chart on scale of ( 0-10----- 0 least)

I feel it as not more than 2 :(


Sir, Any remedies to follow so that I can get out of the situation as soon as possible,I was suggested to wear

Diamond on my left ring finger(in Gold) and Topaz on my right index finger in gold.

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dear shri.sandilya


i am really at loss to imagine how and why fifty attempts for job failed in

the past five years. Did you turn down any of the job because of a poor salary ?


mercury/moon/jupiter can give you a contractual job. this period influenced

by jupiter ends by feb 2009. hence you are likely to get a job before the

end of feb 2009. strenghten your prayers and be at it.


mercury with all its negatives can give you a difficult career. what we

people practicing astrology do is to bring the planetary effects on a two

dimensional chart whereas the planets are moving in a three dimensional

space and controlled by the SUPREME whose dimensions are unknown.

look at the shortcomings of this subject . hence i can say only what

appears to me and if god wants you to give good things, he would certainly

do so. we just caution you not to take things for granted.


i would advise you to take up the job as it comes however difficult it may be.

you just give it a start . if you cant get a job here, i doubt how you

will get in US? . i am not discouraging.


rating of charts is too difficult. sages who have taught us have not given

any guidance to give 60 or 80 percent to a chart.


start worshipping lord subramanya as well as lordess durga.


may mother bless all





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Why did you not get jobs in so many years. Is it because of something like status ? or salary ?


I completed my engineering in 20003 , and planned fro my MBA there after and have given CAT that year i.e 2003 December ( which was postponed to march 2004) and got 92.4 %.

But,Something pi***ed off my , and did not join any college ( in spite of getting through Symbiosis), hoping to do my MBA from IIM's.

Till September 2004, I did not apply for any job ( I wanted to continue my studies),and my awful days started after September 2004, though I was sincere at my answer in interview about my 1.3 -1.4 years Gap , no one was ready to accept the reason. For 6 months tried ,I could not get it.Then , I decided to put up experience certificate and try my luck ( even worst days were a head), few companies rejected based on background check.When I had a genuine fake , companies started asking my PF number , my tax returns etc etc which definitely cannot be produced.( I know people have done without all these things , but luck did not favour me in this regard .I know all these seems stupid and wrong , even I do not like this and even i wanted and want to be sincere , but I had no other option)


I got through all leading software companies and have appointment letters (which I discarded recently) , but couldn't join because of the reason.


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as y ou are doubt with your birth time it is very difficult to know your planet positions. so you can meet a nadi astrologer who can guide you. because they dont require your birth date or time. for details search nadi palm in google






Respected Sir,

I am Sandilya from Hyderabad. I have completed my Engineering in 2003 and since then , its better to say that I haven't being doing anything. I tried so many thing , But everything was a failure.

And I am really afraid to start anything ( first I don't have any opportunities ), coz i feel that i already know the result--- > another failure.


Sir, is it possible for anyone to interpret my chart , tell me what exactly I am going through and how long this is going to continue.

Please I need suggestion from you all.


Details :

Name : Sandilya


DOB : 14 December 1981


Time : 01 : 55 am (IST) ( i.e 13th late night or 14th early morning)


Place : Karimnagar , Andhra Pradesh.

Latitude: 18° 28' N

Longitude : 79° 06' E



Questions :


1) Job ( Period and Field)

2) Financial Status

3) Marriage.









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as y ou are doubt with your birth time it is very difficult to know your planet positions. so you can meet a nadi astrologer who can guide you. because they dont require your birth date or time. for details search nadi palm in google


I am quite sure that my time of birth is perfect..



Time : 01 : 55 am (IST) ( i.e 13th late night or 14th early morning)

U might be thinking why have i provided the info .i.e. 13th late night or 14th early morning....

i thought people might get confused with early morning time


nadi astrologer who can guide you. because they dont require your birth date or time. for details search nadi palm in google

I heard that there are hell lot of fakes in the market and to find a genuine one is difficult ..:( ist it ?

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Hi Sandilya,


You are an exceptional case. Did engineering then prepared for the CAT as many people do, got 92% then why did not you do MBA?


I can understand that you did not apply for any jobs until Sep 2004 because you were interested in studying further. Nothing wrong with that. I have spent 5-6 years abroad and returned last year after not been able to find a job overseas. I worked as a waiter, dish-washer and all other types of dirty jobs there. I waited for 2 yrs after the graduation and tried for jobs but could not get it worked as volunteer for some charities and then got depressed, my health suffered so much. Now back in India and recovering. I have lost 2-3 years of time. I can understand what you are going through.


I have many friends in US, UK, Austrlia, Canada. They all have gone through a waste of 1-2 years after MBA, MCA, Phd, MS etc. Most of them are back in India and working without lying in the interview for good companies. I know you are a good boy. First 2 years are difficult and then you will get calls from Naukri.com etc. Now many of my friends who returned have also gone back to USA, UK etc. for jobs. So there is hope for you as well. You are younger to me, born in 81, I was born in 77.


The only thing that disappoints me is that after the CAT attempt, since Sep 2004, you have not been able to find a job in India? That is almost impossible to believe, but I trust you. Tell me honestly what was the reason that you did not go for MBA even after 92%?


I can give you a few e-mail ids that you can talk to directly and tell your situation honestly then see what happens. Pune is great.


Last but not the least, without correct birth time nobody will be able to help you in terms of astrological help. We are trying our best on this forum but you know what we need to carry on the birth time that too accurate.


Send me a private message ASAP. I will call some people up today in H'bad and Pune and see what I can do for you.





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Please do not lie at all in the interviews. Companies in India particualrly MNCs have shared databases maintained by 3rd parties for background info check. They do it very professionally and seriously. You must tell them the truth as to what you did after Sep 04 till now. Do not worry you will have a great future. Many people migrate to US etc. with their kids in school and do dirty jobs there just to survive, you are lucky that you are not doing so. You are bright young man with 92% CAT score, who says you are useless. You are smart and you will get a job soon.


In astrology the mind ie Moon needs to be controlled so that everything else can be taken care of later on. Be +ve, be firm and say to yourself in the mirror daily that you are still young and ambitious. Send me a private message ASAP.




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You are an exceptional case. Did engineering then prepared for the CAT as many people do, got 92% then why did not you do MBA?


as Sasisekaran garu pointed out



unless you change the advisor who is sitting within you, you may not be able to move forward. Hence go ahead and choose a real elderly wise man who will guide you. i have suggested an 'elder' person because they alone have experienced life

I thought , masters would be last of my education and let me do it from the best .

And as u pointed out


In astrology the mind ie Moon needs to be controlled so that everything else can be taken care of later on
All I can say is :(
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