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Demonic Spirits

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Lord Narsimha and you must hold no fear. Coz the "evil" spirit feeds of negative vibration. So do not show any fear. Also remember Lord Krsna's promise in Bhagavad Gita "My devotees are never vanquished"


The Lord protects all. Give off some positive vibrations and you will see how it drives the mischevious spirit away.


May Lord Narsimha protect you.


My way of chasing these negative beings is to chant the following mantra of purification from Garuda Puran.


Om Apa_vitro, Pavitro_va, Sarva vasto, Gatopi_va, Yashmaare, Pungari kaksa, Sevaya Abhyantara, Sruti Shri Vishnu, Shri Vishnu, Shri Vishnu.


Jay Narsimha


Jay Prabhupada

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How does one deal with demonic spirits?



Just read the story of Prahlada. The boy`s father was a demon. & yet Prahlada was a great devotee of Krsna. Just imagine living in a home all your life with a father who is a demon. How did Prahlada resolve this problem? By inviting regularly in his home a friend named Narada Muni. When Prahlada`s father couldn`t stand it anymore having Narada in his home, he drew his sword and was about to kill Prahlada. There and then from out of nowhere appeared Narasimha and killed Prahlada`s demonic father.

If you want to get rid of demonic spirits, just invite Narada Muni regularly into your life and you are assured these demonic spirits won`t bother you anymore.


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How does one deal with demonic spirits?


Often there appears to be fearsome looking deities outside of temples. You can see this in many traditions, from gargoyles on catholic cathedrals, to fearsome deities in buddhist traditions and hinduism. They are like gate keepers...


But inside the temple is a loving deity with a hand raised forward, beckoning the inward seeker...'please enter, you have nothing to fear.'


As we begin to 'draw closer' to the inner chamber of the heart, where the beatific visions lies, we are bound to come across the threshold of the door. The flaming swords of the garden of Eden, the cleansing fire, or whatever one may see...


Maybe the demons are really one's own mind, and sin nothing more than the inability to fully realize one's true potential.

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As we begin to 'draw closer' to the inner chamber of the heart, where the beatific visions lies, we are bound to come across the threshold of the door. The flaming swords of the garden of Eden, the cleansing fire, or whatever one may see...


Maybe the demons are really one's own mind, and sin nothing more than the inability to fully realize one's true potential.


beautifull !!! u are a bhava bhakta also !!!!!!!


ki jay

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Lord Narsimha and you must hold no fear. Coz the "evil" spirit feeds of negative vibration. So do not show any fear. Also remember Lord Krsna's promise in Bhagavad Gita "My devotees are never vanquished"






cetasā sarva-karmāṇi

mayi sannyasya mat-paraḥ

buddhi-yogam upāśritya

mac-cittaḥ satataṁ bhava



cetasā—by intelligence; sarva-karmāni—all kinds of activities; mayi—unto Me; sannyasya—giving up; mat-paraḥ—My protection; buddhi-yogam—devotional activities; upāśritya—taking shelter of; mat-cittaḥ—consciousness; satatam—twenty-four hours a day; bhava—just become.




In all activities just depend upon Me and work always under My protection. In such devotional service, be fully conscious of Me.


Dear Tirisilex,

mat-paraḥ—My protection; buddhi-yogam—devotional activities; upāśritya—taking shelter of;


mat-parah upasritya is very beautiful...I think of it like this: the shelter of a great tree is beautiful to sit under for cooling shade...the Lord's great tree of comfort for all birds and beasts of the field whose eyes are moist in the cooling shade...with great wisdom the animals of the field have an inner knowing (buddhi) that their greatest shelter is that gracious and kind tree.


So to is the inner knowledge of devotion to God (buddhi-yogam) for man...taking shelter underneath the supreme all pervasive truth, which infact lives in the heart.


As we journey deeper, toward that internal shakti that resides within, we will realize we are sheltered like a good drink within a well built cup...and that not one drop will be spilt or wasted.

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mac-cittaḥ sarva-durgāṇi

mat-prasādāt tariṣyasi

atha cet tvam ahaṅkārān

na śroṣyasi vinaṅkṣyasi



mat—My; cittaḥ—consciousness; sarva—all; durgāṇi—impediments; mat—My; prasādāt—My mercy; tariṣyasi—you will overcome; atha—therefore; cet—if; tvam—you; ahaṅkārāt—by false ego; na—not; śroṣyasi—do not hear; vinaṅkṣyasi—then lose yourself.




If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditional life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost.


A person in full Kṛṣṇa consciousness is not unduly anxious to execute the duties of his existence. The foolish cannot understand this great freedom from all anxiety. For one who acts in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, Lord Kṛṣṇa becomes the most intimate friend. He always looks after His friend’s comfort, and He gives Himself to His friend, who is so devotedly engaged working twenty-four hours a day to please the Lord. Therefore, no one should be carried away by the false ego of the bodily concept of life. One should not falsely think himself independant of the laws of material nature or free to act. He is already under strict material laws. But, as soon as he acts in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, he is liberated, free from the material perplexities. One should note very carefully that one who is not active in Kṛṣṇa consciousness is losing himself in the material whirlpool, in the ocean of birth and death. No conditioned soul actually knows what is to be done and what is not to be done, but a person who acts in Kṛṣṇa consciousness is free to act because everything is prompted by Kṛṣṇa from within and confirmed by the spiritual master.

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Often there appears to be fearsome looking deities outside of temples. You can see this in many traditions, from gargoyles on catholic cathedrals, to fearsome deities in buddhist traditions and hinduism. They are like gate keepers...


But inside the temple is a loving deity with a hand raised forward, beckoning the inward seeker...'please enter, you have nothing to fear.'


As we begin to 'draw closer' to the inner chamber of the heart, where the beatific visions lies, we are bound to come across the threshold of the door. The flaming swords of the garden of Eden, the cleansing fire, or whatever one may see...


Maybe the demons are really one's own mind, and sin nothing more than the inability to fully realize one's true potential.




I like this post. Inspiring approach to spirituality.

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In a way life has alot to do with death.


Life also can be a preparation for death - and preparation for death can be life, eternal.


It is definately interesting to see these approaches in all traditions (shamanic, vedic, yogic, tantra etc etc), and to see it at work in one's own being also - the esoteric. What to say of the obvious exoteric and external worlds. The materialistic view of society is at a loss if such is cast aside and considered pathology - due to its ethno-centric biases.


As you know Ancient, I have had an NDE before. Whether the NDE comes from some physical accident, some psychological strain, some spiritual sadhana, kundalini awakening, spiritual emergence crisis, or some entheogen...there is commonality and each has benefit if guidance is good.


One will know what to prepare for internally for the crossover - which can even happen while in the body. Never having to be limited again to a lower sphere of consciousness. Ofcourse saying that, what is known can always be travelled to again - consciousness is vast and pervading.


My special interest and study is spiritual emergence crisis and the transpersonal healing potential of such.


That is why I have replied to this post in relation to demonic activity and other archetypal realms of the mind/psyche. Apart from being a devotee of Krsna, I am also interested in further study of the works of Stanislav Grof in the future, incuding chemical free holotropic breath work to induce deeper self insight and healing potential. http://atpweb.org/mov/grof/





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As you know Ancient, I have had an NDE before. Whether the NDE comes from some physical accident, some psychological strain, some spiritual sadhana, kundalini awakening, spiritual emergence crisis, or some entheogen...there is commonality and each has benefit if guidance is good.






Surviving an attack of acute pancreatitis(sudden death during sleeping) is a near death experience. Your lucky if there`s someone beside you to wake you up. That`s why before I go to sleep, I say this prayer: " Angel of God, my guardian dear. To whom has love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side to light and guard to rule and guide. Amen". Then I chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare.



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In a way life has alot to do with death.


Life also can be a preparation for death - and preparation for death can be life, eternal.


It is definately interesting to see these approaches in all traditions (shamanic, vedic, yogic, tantra etc etc), and to see it at work in one's own being also - the esoteric. What to say of the obvious exoteric and external worlds. The materialistic view of society is at a loss if such is cast aside and considered pathology - due to its ethno-centric biases.


As you know Ancient, I have had an NDE before. Whether the NDE comes from some physical accident, some psychological strain, some spiritual sadhana, kundalini awakening, spiritual emergence crisis, or some entheogen...there is commonality and each has benefit if guidance is good.


One will know what to prepare for internally for the crossover - which can even happen while in the body. Never having to be limited again to a lower sphere of consciousness. Ofcourse saying that, what is known can always be travelled to again - consciousness is vast and pervading.


My special interest and study is spiritual emergence crisis and the transpersonal healing potential of such.


That is why I have replied to this post in relation to demonic activity and other archetypal realms of the mind/psyche. Apart from being a devotee of Krsna, I am also interested in further study of the works of Stanislav Grof in the future, incuding chemical free holotropic breath work to induce deeper self insight and healing potential. http://atpweb.org/mov/grof/








I haven't had a near death experience but I had a period in my life where I was so depressed that I was essentially a living dead person. There were times when I felt I was being attacked by demons. Never can tell if that stuff is real or if it is a projection of the psyche but when you are that depressed it seems real. Was a scary time in my life and the only reason I lived through it is because I kept praying to God to bring me peace and bring me back to life.

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