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dear devotees these moments in time that are unraveling , who has eyes to see ears to hear , we are all wrapped up in this great drama , the demons are banging on the door of god ,along with all the suffering , there need for compassion is ever increasing , this age of kali speeding up ever faster , all in time to be consumed , if you desire to be a devotee, now is your chance to prove your love of god ,this great work will only be given to the sincere and fearless, according to ability , it is far better to clean the toilet with devotion and love , than to assume some other duty without love or capacity , each and every sincere person must now pray for clarity as to how they are best placed to serve , dedicate your minds to this service , so that this mind is fixed and unwavering , we do not need to speculate , prabhupada explained everything so nicely , so why do we constantly rattle around the track of verse, get of this mental platform , perform your duty as prabhupada ,no hasitation ,this is true devotee life , chaitanyas message set free, if you lie stop , if you cheat stop , surrender now ,do not waste this beutiful oppertunity to serve prabhupada , take off your masks and reveal your souls , to fake is to die , why die when this mellow of love awaits ,do the work and success is garanteed , do and see taste and hear prabhupadas mercy

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dear devotees these moments in time that are unraveling , who has eyes to see ears to hear , we are all wrapped up in this great drama , the demons are banging on the door of god ,along with all the suffering , there need for compassion is ever increasing , this age of kali speeding up ever faster , all in time to be consumed , if you desire to be a devotee, now is your chance to prove your love of god ,this great work will only be given to the sincere and fearless, according to ability , it is far better to clean the toilet with devotion and love , than to assume some other duty without love or capacity , each and every sincere person must now pray for clarity as to how they are best placed to serve , dedicate your minds to this service , so that this mind is fixed and unwavering , we do not need to speculate , prabhupada explained everything so nicely , so why do we constantly rattle around the track of verse, get of this mental platform , perform your duty as prabhupada ,no hasitation ,this is true devotee life , chaitanyas message set free, if you lie stop , if you cheat stop , surrender now ,do not waste this beutiful oppertunity to serve prabhupada , take off your masks and reveal your souls , to fake is to die , why die when this mellow of love awaits ,do the work and success is garanteed , do and see taste and hear prabhupadas mercy


What really happend?

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what really , take a look prabhu , what spurs us to action, blah blah , if you wish ,then respond to content , with reason , food for life is a good place to start ,now that people are hungry,devotees must become very personnel with there words , not this impersonal dead end version of verse , engage your heart when you write ,and then we will get result ,compassion love intelligence,

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dear devotees these moments in time that are unraveling , who has eyes to see ears to hear , we are all wrapped up in this great drama , the demons are banging on the door of god ,along with all the suffering , there need for compassion is ever increasing , this age of kali speeding up ever faster , all in time to be consumed , if you desire to be a devotee, now is your chance to prove your love of god ,this great work will only be given to the sincere and fearless, according to ability , it is far better to clean the toilet with devotion and love , than to assume some other duty without love or capacity , each and every sincere person must now pray for clarity as to how they are best placed to serve , dedicate your minds to this service , so that this mind is fixed and unwavering , we do not need to speculate , prabhupada explained everything so nicely , so why do we constantly rattle around the track of verse, get of this mental platform , perform your duty as prabhupada ,no hasitation ,this is true devotee life , chaitanyas message set free, if you lie stop , if you cheat stop , surrender now ,do not waste this beutiful oppertunity to serve prabhupada , take off your masks and reveal your souls , to fake is to die , why die when this mellow of love awaits ,do the work and success is garanteed , do and see taste and hear prabhupadas mercy


Lot of truth here. Srila Prabhupada spread Krishna consciousness in the spirit of a fireman battling a blazing fire that was consuming lives. There is a vision where one sees the material situation as being in a constant state of emergency and feels compelled to save as many as possible without any other consideration.


It's hard for us to maintain this mood because we are still one of those that needs saving from our strong attachments to matter and our separate plans for personal enjoyment.


We become religionists instead trying to see how we can work KC into our material lives. In this state the devotee becomes what Christ called lukewarm, "I would that you were hot or cold but being lukewarm I shall spew thee forth from my mouth."


This is the state I have lived all but maybe two months of my life all total. It's a selfish and uninspired condition.

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Smarana Smarana Smarana.


Yena Kena Prakarena Manah Krsnah Niveshayet-- Gauranga Mahaprabhu.


By any means,the mind should get attached to Sri Krsna.Chanting 16 rounds everday,365 days has not affected anything.

Maybe a little smaranam is in order.


Manera Smaran Praan- Sri Gauranga.


Kirtan is NOT independent sadhana.Smaran is the LIFE of any type of sadhana.


Smarana! Smarana ! smarana!



The lack thereof thus leads to this "selfish and unispired condition''

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No !

Not just 'attentive chanting'.!




Do Rupa dhyan.

Remember the lord's/Radha's/guru's form.

You might commit offenses when remembering your guru...for you do not even know what is the form of your guru's siddha deha/body.

That's why only Sri Hari's/Radha's rupa dhyan is considered.


Srila Rupa Gosvami says that Smaranam is the most importanat in raganuga bhakti.


Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu has divided Sadhana Bhakti into


Anasanga bhakti(Only with senses)

Sasanga bhakti(Mind's involement is central).


He further accepted sasanga bhakti to be superior.


"Bahu janma yadi kare shravan kirtan,tabhu naahi paaye krsna pade prema dhon"


Smaranam is the most important.

Mind has to purified first.Automatically senses get purified since mind controls senses.


Conclusion: Don't stop kirtan.In fact envigorate it with Smaran.Only then will we cry humbly.Crying in front of the lord is a must.


"Become meaner than a straw on the street".


Remember the lord,His name,His qualities,His forms(Shyamasundara,etc),His abodes and His parikar(your own guru/Radha/Laita/Vishakha etc).

The mind should remain in above enumerated things ONLY.

Hari and HArijan.

Guru and Gauranga.That's it.


There is a technique of sadhana.You've to first CONCOCT(for we can never know with our material mind) a divya/spiritual body that is yourself.With this body now you have to serve the Spiritual lord and the Spritual master(not advised).


Only if you remember the Lord,will you cry for His mercy.Only if you feel again and again in your mind that,"Oh,Bhagavan/His Dhama alone can give me unlimited happiness.Oh! He is spiritual.Oh He's so kind.Oh! He loves His devotees.Oh! Smelling His feet will throw me in a sea of bliss.Oh! I want to have His sweet vision".


Such yearning alone can attach your mind to Sri Krsna.

And Unless you remember His from(rupa dhyan) you'll never get such yearning.

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dear prabhu what to say , i am a practical man , a builder most of the time , i pray to hold prabhupadas hand as i fight these demons , my inner battle near over , but my heart is heavy as i look at the world , food for life is not a joke , when peoples minds are so disturbed it is kindness that they respond to , as the fire fighter mentioned , let us begin to serve all this bhakti , not as folls but as glorious warriors of love placing our selves as the lowest of the low so that we can pick everyone up to the lord ,food for life , this mercy felt , and then these sweet words of verse opon a beasts heart sung to all ,, this jiva stirred ,this memory real , this atma felt , feed them sing to them , attract there souls , verse is not a hammer to brake heads open , verse is love spoke from heart to heart , verse in action is bhakti born prasad for all , now urgent no more slumber no more luke warm , but a firery storm under the pot so all can eat this mercy jai prabhupada jai rahda

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dear prabhu there is a way , like all organizations , some good left some good stayed , but if you sincerely accept prabhupada he will never leave you , in this time remember your god brothers and sisters of old ,and rekindle your affections ,seek out and inquire after them , great courage comes from this , this good this bad , seen anew , link up with view of duty to do , this prasad for life , only takes a few in your town as mine , small steps to reengage us all,if you attend a temple take more offerings simple fruit ,if you do not attend make your own , and invite all , start this work now, kindness shows and everyone knows, jai prabhupada jai rahda

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Sorry,but i didn't mean to be your guru...and i never wrote any such thing in my post.



If you feel so greatly offended,i'm sorry.



I wasn't greatly offended or even offended at all. A shortcoming of this mode of communication is the emotional content of our words rarely come through. I should have taken more time to try to explain and instead posted a very short message. And in doing so now I see I have caused you some distress and for that I do apologize.



We all post here with some desire to be guru to others. And there is nothing wrong in that aslong as we know which kind of guru we are referring to. There is a type of siksa guru that simply points the way ahead even though he himself has not finalized his own journey on the path.



That is absolutely necessary for the spreading of Krishna consciousness to others.



My real motive is that I don't really trust your Guru as you know, sorry but we have been over this before.



No hard fellings I hope. I love the fact that you take on the impersonalists with such expertise and vigor and hope you ever continue to do so.



Please aceept my respects.

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dear devotees , this great strain that has been experienced by all in different ways , mental emotional physical and then soul scape , the wounds of mind and body are different and same at the same time , but to cognate and release deep seated pain is hard work , no other can judge , your experience is entirely individual ,just as your soul one and different simultaneous , to smile at krishna in your mind is to smile at life , to smile at pain takes a very strong mind , not mention a conscious death ,this smile is the greatest gift for human , prabhupada revealed the process , but we must follow our individual soul process, not all manifestation are same , even the mellow of rasa is eternal for all , trust prabhupada , his teachings are personal to each and every seed of soul as to how to overcome illusion for its self, krishna smiles and these seeds of soul know when they are healed , this good this bad known true all revealed , no more doubt , because the felling is so strong , and grounded so , mind body sense as one free from agitation , just take one look now , and smile at this human form whatever its condition , we all know pain , and some soon to die , do not lament ,this great rush of life and death,smile at those who suffer with souls love , this courage all must learn , to do otherwise anchors us again to this realm ,this realm without love is unberable ,krishnas love is supreme , prabhupadas love devine , follow and serve know and do as you , not as another or you fail ,do not give up , no, rise up , bhakti for all , dear godsisters and brothers open your hearts to all especialy to each other, devotees are special do not dishonour them ,embrace them all , commpasion love inteliegence , jai prabhupada jai rahda

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dear devotees,my work in london is yielding gifts , i work with the homless and broken people, but the magic is they are speaking with self knowledge , unlike they were before , there is a mood growing for new , 9to1 tips out its spoils. golden age , at the bottom of the pit a seed of soul singing hari hari,some are born clean, others aflicted and clean, now awaiting for union , this great learning soon to be revealed, any god sister or brother, that you abandoned because you judged , now give this up , and if you feel or think that you gave up , now give this up, all are fallen here , all as sudra , but with devine origin , krishna is so infectious , that to here his name once , is to stir atmas rest ,you can not resist , in other words too late mate , even a demon always thinking that he will kill krishna , krishna takes his head, his soul released,some now will know his jest , just like the beast on the street , to the highest kings , atma speaks , now listen again to all as new , commpassion love intelegence , confusion gone for good , mercy mercy mercy jai prabhupada jai rahda

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