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Rahu mahadasha and hardships

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Hi All,


I went abroad for further studies and have come back over a yr ago. I know a bit of astrology as a hobby and I have my computerized horoscope with me. Here is my horoscope:


Birth date=21st September, 1977

Time =20:40 pm

Place = Bhuj city (Gujarat state, India)


Ascendant : Aries (Mesh rashi)

Jupiter + Mars in the 3rd house (Mithun rashi)

Mercury + Saturn + Venus in the 5th house (Sinh rashi)

Sun + Rahu in the 6th house (Kanya rashi)

Moon in the 9th house (Dhan rashi)

Ketu in the 12th house (Min rashi)


I am running Rahu mahadasha since April 2006 and currently Rahu antardasha as well and Mars pratyanatardasha to be precise. So it is Rahu-Rahu-Mars. Rahu antardasha is to be over by December this year only and then Guru(Jupiter) antardasha will begin. Ever since Rahu mahadasha began in April 2006, I have been trying for a job in my

field and not been able to get one despite having a foreign degree, this effort has also been compounded by a long illness. Will I get any respite when the Guru antardasha under Rahu mahadasha begins in this December? I want to go abroad for job or settlement, will it be possible? I am extremely depressed and negative at the moment, when will all this stop? Please any one guide me. Thanks and regards.



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Hi All,


I went abroad for further studies and have come back over a yr ago. I know a bit of astrology as a hobby and I have my computerized horoscope with me. Here is my horoscope:


Birth date=21st September, 1977

Time =20:40 pm

Place = Bhuj city (Gujarat state, India)


Ascendant : Aries (Mesh rashi)

Jupiter + Mars in the 3rd house (Mithun rashi)

Mercury + Saturn + Venus in the 5th house (Sinh rashi)

Sun + Rahu in the 6th house (Kanya rashi)

Moon in the 9th house (Dhan rashi)

Ketu in the 12th house (Min rashi)


I am running Rahu mahadasha since April 2006 and currently Rahu antardasha as well and Mars pratyanatardasha to be precise. So it is Rahu-Rahu-Mars. Rahu antardasha is to be over by December this year only and then Guru(Jupiter) antardasha will begin. Ever since Rahu mahadasha began in April 2006, I have been trying for a job in my

field and not been able to get one despite having a foreign degree, this effort has also been compounded by a long illness. Will I get any respite when the Guru antardasha under Rahu mahadasha begins in this December? I want to go abroad for job or settlement, will it be possible? I am extremely depressed and negative at the moment, when will all this stop? Please any one guide me. Thanks and regards.






This is a very general view. I expect subperiod of Jupiter in Rahu to be much better than the present time period. There is a parivartana yoga between 5th and 6th lord (disease, enemies etc). Overall, the profession lord Saturn is involved by association, this may result in non friendly relationship at the job place from time to time and you may have to do something to overcome or neutralize this effect. Settling outside is not the problem, Moon in 9th (travel, luck etc) being aspected by its own lord but again with the association of 8th lord Mars (loss, death etc.) although it is a lagna lord might result in mixed results where ever you decide to stay. Rahu dasa usually may inclines someone towards drinking, drugs, non veg food, use of excessive medicine or wrong administration of medicine, food poisioning etc, you may have to avoid and stop these (if you have these habits) as Rahu in 6 th indicates illness as a result of use of such. Last suggestion, do not get depressed, do the best whatever you can with right way that is what is in your hand. This is Karmic game and every thing may not go as we wish and in time we all have to pay or get rewards. This is not just from few years of this life time but go beyond that. In Jupiter subperiod, worshiping lord Vishnu and Laxmi Ji (no flowers in pooja) may help you a lot.




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Dear Sir,


Thanks a lot for the reply.


Actually my parents want me to settle abroad for good. Last time when I went abroad I was running Mars-Saturn-Saturn as mahadasha, antardasha and pratyantardasha. As per my computerised birth chart, my Saturn is in the star (nakshtra) of Ketu which is in the 12th house in Pisces and I have read somewhere that for immigration or permanent settlement abroad one should be looking at the 12th house. Although I am just a learner and not an expert at all. So could you please tell me the time when I would be able to settle abroad for good through a job purpose or something else. Thanks a lot and pranam,



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This is a good chart for money through business. The house of income (2nd) and the house of business (7th) has the same lord Venus, and I feel that you will inherit your father's business, if he has one. It is also conjunct with Saturn (Gains, Profession). I feel that your father has a strong income stream, may be through business. Am I correct?


The chances of abroad settlement seems weak because of a medium strength 4th house. (Moon in 9th aspected by Jupiter). But you never know, I am not good enough to guarantee predictions.


Hope you do not find anything offensive....

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dear kingpin,

thanks a lot for the reply. i am not businessminded at all and my father is not a businessman as well. he has a steady job for many years. yes, you are right many people have told me that i should consider being a business person, but i am not inclined to it. i am happy that you have spared time for me. i am never offended by any one here as we are all parters in a good cause. thanks a lot my friend..


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In case, you want any information about USA; I will be happy to provide you. I have also undergone through the same life struggle and job issues.



Dear Amarji,


Thanks a lot for the reply and sorry that I am writing back to you after a long time. The reason is my illness and state of mind which are not in good shape at all and I have through this very forum rekindled my interest in astrolgy. it makes me happy helping other people here, but I am no expert. Please tell me when I will get out of this disease and get a job and go abroad for a job or permanent settlement, thanks a lot and please call me Ravi I am not that old....



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi! Ravi,


I am going through similar phase. I pray to God several times a day to show me the way. I also get depressed from time to time and then some positive thoughts elevate my mood. I have surrendered my life to GOD. I will suggest you to read some mind elevating books that will help you to cope better.


Like 'This too shall pass'. We are children of God, In times of adversity everyone may leave you but he wouldn't leave you. Depend on God for every help. God knows everything what we are going through and problems are an integral part of everyone's life.


Only God can give you final and definite answer and try to connect him to mentally as he will give you the peace. No one is without problems and everyone has to bear them. I talk to God as he is the only one that listens.


No problem is permanent, it will pass with the passage of time. This is what I can suggest. I also had rekindled my interest in astrology due to finding answers to my problems.


People and world show only good things and tend to hide the problems when one interacts with them. But, have hope things will improve.

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